Exemplo n.º 1

import time, webbrowser
from operator import add
from SimpleCV import Color, ColorCurve, Kinect, Image, pg, np
from SimpleCV.Display import Display

d = Display()
#create video streams

cam = Kinect()
#initialize the camera

compositeframe = Image((640, 480))
#populate the compositeframe

offtime = 5.0
laststroke = time.time()

while not d.isDone():
    img = cam.getImage()
    imgscene = img.copy()

    depth = cam.getDepth()
    mindepth = np.min(depth.getNumpy())

    if mindepth < 180:
        depthbin = depth.binarize(np.min(depth.getNumpy()) + np.std(depth.getNumpy()) / 4).erode(3)
        #take the front 1/4 stdev of the depth map

        img = img.crop(0,25, 605, 455).scale(640,480)
Exemplo n.º 2
from SimpleCV import Kinect

# Initialize the Kinect
kin = Kinect()
# Initialize the display
display = kin.getDepth().show()
# Run in a continuous loop forever
while (True):
    # Snaps a picture, and returns the grayscale depth map
    depth = kin.getDepth()
    # Show the actual image on the screen