Exemplo n.º 1
class ControlScript:
    STATE_INVALID = "Invalid"
    def __init__( self, config, logger, 
        playerPos3d, playerCompass = None, 
        playerDepthSensor = None, playerSonar = None, 
        playerFrontCamera = None, playerBottomCamera = None ):
        self.logger = logger
        self.playerPos3d = playerPos3d
        self.playerCompass = playerCompass
        self.playerDepthSensor = playerDepthSensor
        self.playerSonar = playerSonar
        self.playerFrontCamera = playerFrontCamera
        self.playerBottomCamera = playerBottomCamera
        self.config = config
        self.state = self.STATE_INVALID
        self.sonarLocator = SonarLocator( logger, 
            playerCompass, playerSonar, config=config )
        self.sonarLocator.setActive( False )    # Turn off by default
    def setSonarLocatorActive( self, active ):
        self.sonarLocator.setActive( active )
    def setState( self, state ):
        action = "Entering state - " + state
        self.logger.logMsg( action )
        self.logAction( action )
        self.state = state
    def logAction( self, action ):
        pos = self.sonarLocator.cornerPos
        if pos == None:
            x = -1.0
            y = -1.0
            x = pos.x
            y = pos.y
        z = self.playerDepthSensor.pos
        self.logger.logAction( x, y, z, action )
    # Override and then call this function in the control script
    def update( self ):
Exemplo n.º 2
class MainWindow:
    def __init__( self, config = SubControllerConfig() ):
        self.config = config
        self.logger = Logger( self.config, logToFile=False )
        self.sonarPixBuf = None
        self.lastSonarFrameTime = 0.0

        self.sonarLocator = SonarLocator( logger, self.playerCompass, self.playerSonar, config )
        # Setup the GUI
        builder = gtk.Builder()
        builder.add_from_file( os.path.dirname( __file__ ) 
            + "/SonarLocatorTest.glade" )
        self.window = builder.get_object( "winMain" )
        self.dwgDisplay = builder.get_object( "dwgDisplay" )
        self.textentry = builder.get_object( "entry1")        
        builder.connect_signals( self )

        updateLoop = self.update()
        gobject.idle_add( updateLoop.next )

        # Slightly crappy way to start up the joystick...
        #subJoyWindow = SubJoy.MainWindow( config )
    def connectToPlayer( self ):
            # Create a client object to connect to Player
            self.playerClient = playerc_client( None, 
                self.config.playerServerAddress, self.config.playerServerPort )
            # Connect it
            if self.playerClient.connect() != 0:
                raise Exception( playerc_error_str() )
            # Create a proxy for the compass
            self.playerCompass = playerc_imu( self.playerClient, 0 )
            if self.playerCompass.subscribe( PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE ) != 0:
                raise Exception( playerc_error_str() )
            # And for the sonar
            self.playerSonar = playerc_micronsonar( self.playerClient, 0 )
            if self.playerSonar.subscribe( PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE ) != 0:
                raise Exception( playerc_error_str() )

            if self.playerClient.datamode( PLAYERC_DATAMODE_PULL ) != 0:
                raise Exception( playerc_error_str() )
            if self.playerClient.set_replace_rule( -1, -1, PLAYER_MSGTYPE_DATA, -1, 1 ) != 0:
                raise Exception( playerc_error_str() )
        except Exception as e:
            self.ShowErrorMessage( "Exception when connecting to Player - " + str( e ) )
            sys.exit( -1 )
        print "Connected to Player!"

    def onMainWinDestroy( self, widget, data = None ):  
    def main( self ):
        # All PyGTK applications must have a gtk.main(). Control ends here
        # and waits for an event to occur (like a key press or mouse event).
    def ShowErrorMessage( self, msg ):

        dialog = gtk.MessageDialog( parent=None, 
            flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
            message_format=msg )
        dialog.set_title( "Error" )

    def onBtnTestClicked( self, widget, data = None ):
        self.playerSpeech.say( self.textentry.get_text() )

    def onDwgDisplayExposeEvent( self, widget, event ):
        if self.sonarPixBuf != None:
            imgRect = self.getImageRectangleInWidget( widget,
                self.sonarPixBuf.get_width(), self.sonarPixBuf.get_height() )
            imgOffsetX = imgRect.x
            imgOffsetY = imgRect.y
            # Get the total area that needs to be redrawn
            imgRect = imgRect.intersect( event.area )
            srcX = imgRect.x - imgOffsetX
            srcY = imgRect.y - imgOffsetY
            widget.window.draw_pixbuf( widget.get_style().fg_gc[ gtk.STATE_NORMAL ],
                self.sonarPixBuf, srcX, srcY, 
                imgRect.x, imgRect.y, imgRect.width, imgRect.height )
            # Draw any detected features
            graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc()
            self.drawLines( imgRect, widget.window, 
                graphicsContext, self.sonarLocator.detectedLines )
            #drawFilledArc = True
            #graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc()
            cornerPos = self.sonarLocator.cornerPos
            if cornerPos != None:
                arcX = int( imgRect.x + cornerPos[ 0 ] - 5 )
                arcY = int( imgRect.y + cornerPos[ 1 ] - 5 )
                arcWidth = arcHeight = 10
                drawFilledArc = True
                graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 0, 65535, 0 ) )

                widget.window.draw_arc( graphicsContext, 
                    drawFilledArc, arcX, arcY, arcWidth, arcHeight, 0, 360 * 64 )

    def drawLines( self, imgRect, drawable, graphicsContext, lines ):
        graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 65535, 0, 0 ) )
        #lines = [(100.0, 45.0*math.pi/180.0)]
        if lines != None:
            for line in lines:
                print line
                distance = line[ 0 ]
                theta = line[ 1 ]
                centreX = distance*math.cos( theta )
                centreY = distance*math.sin( theta )
                dirX = math.sin( theta )
                dirY = -math.cos( theta )
                x1 = int( centreX - 2000*dirX )
                y1 = int( centreY - 2000*dirY )
                x2 = int( centreX + 2000*dirX )
                y2 = int( centreY + 2000*dirY )
                drawable.draw_line( graphicsContext, x1, y1, x2, y2 )            
    def getImageRectangleInWidget( self, widget, imageWidth, imageHeight ):
        # Centre the image inside the widget
        widgetX, widgetY, widgetWidth, widgetHeight = widget.get_allocation()
        imgRect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle( 0, 0, widgetWidth, widgetHeight )
        if widgetWidth > imageWidth:
            imgRect.x = (widgetWidth - imageWidth) / 2
            imgRect.width = imageWidth
        if widgetHeight > imageHeight:
            imgRect.y = (widgetHeight - imageHeight) / 2
            imgRect.height = imageHeight
        return imgRect

    def isNewSonarFrameAvailable( self ):
        if self.playerSonar == None:
            return False
            return self.lastSonarFrameTime != self.playerSonar.info.datatime

    def update( self ):
        while 1:
            if self.playerClient.peek( 0 ):
            if self.isNewSonarFrameAvailable():
                sonarFrameTime = self.playerSonar.info.datatime

                # Give the image to OpenCV as a very inefficient way to
                # convert to RGB
                grayImage = cv.CreateImageHeader( ( self.playerSonar.width, self.playerSonar.height ), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 )       
                cv.SetData( grayImage, self.playerSonar.image[:self.playerSonar.image_count], self.playerSonar.width )
                rgbImage = cv.CreateImage( ( self.playerSonar.width, self.playerSonar.height ), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 )
                cv.CvtColor( grayImage, rgbImage, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB )

                #zoom = self.spinZoom.get_value()
                #if zoom != 1.0:
                #    scaledImage = cv.CreateImage( 
                #        ( int( rgbImage.width*zoom ), 
                #         int ( rgbImage.height*zoom ) ), 
                #        rgbImage.depth, rgbImage.nChannels )
                #    cv.Resize( rgbImage, scaledImage )
                #    rgbImage = scaledImage
                # Display the image
                self.sonarPixBuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data( 
                    rgbImage.width*rgbImage.nChannels )

                # Resize the drawing area if necessary
                if self.dwgDisplay.get_size_request() != ( rgbImage.width, rgbImage.height ):
                    self.dwgDisplay.set_size_request( rgbImage.width, rgbImage.height )

                self.lastSonarFrameTime = sonarFrameTime
            yield True
        yield False