Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, num_lanes, path, level, speed):
        self.num_lanes = num_lanes
        self.score = 0
        self.speed = float(speed)
        self.rate = Rate(self.speed)
        self.grid = [['background']*num_lanes for h in range(self.height)] # The coming notes (last line included even if it will overwritten by the bottom bar)
        self.bar = ['idle']*num_lanes # The bottom bar, idle = not pressed, hit = pressed during a note, pressed = pressed outside a note

        # Threads creation and starting
        self.renderer = Renderer(self.model, self.grid, self.bar, self.height, num_lanes, self.width)
        self.reader = SongReader(path, num_lanes, level, speed)
        self.sound = SoundManager(path)
        self.hits = UserHits(self.num_lanes)
Exemplo n.º 2
class LightsHero(Arbapp):
    def __init__(self, num_lanes, path, level, speed):
        self.num_lanes = num_lanes
        self.score = 0
        self.speed = float(speed)
        self.rate = Rate(self.speed)
        self.grid = [['background']*num_lanes for h in range(self.height)] # The coming notes (last line included even if it will overwritten by the bottom bar)
        self.bar = ['idle']*num_lanes # The bottom bar, idle = not pressed, hit = pressed during a note, pressed = pressed outside a note

        # Threads creation and starting
        self.renderer = Renderer(self.model, self.grid, self.bar, self.height, num_lanes, self.width)
        self.reader = SongReader(path, num_lanes, level, speed)
        self.sound = SoundManager(path)
        self.hits = UserHits(self.num_lanes)

    def next_line(self):
        # Delete the last line leaving the grid
        # Note : The bottom bar will overwrite the last line but the latter needs to be kept to draw the bottom bar
        for l in range(self.height-1, 0, -1):
            for w in range(self.num_lanes):
                self.grid[l][w] = self.grid[l-1][w]

        # Ask for a new line to the song reader and fill the top of the grid with it
        new_line = self.reader.read()
        for lane in range(self.num_lanes):
            self.grid[0][lane] = new_line[lane]

    def process_user_hits(self):
        Read user inputs, update the bottom bar with key states and warn the UserHits class to update the score
        for lane in range(self.num_lanes):
            must_press = self.grid[self.height-1][lane] == 'active' or self.grid[self.height-1][lane] == 'bump'
            pressed = self.hits.get_pressed_keys()[lane]
            if must_press and pressed:
                status = 'hit'
            elif pressed:
                status = 'pressed'
                status = 'idle'
            self.bar[lane] = status

            # warn the user hits class whether the note has to be played
            self.hits.set_note(lane, self.grid[self.height-1][lane] in ['bump', 'active'])

    def display_score(self):
        levels = [15, 40, 60, 80, 90, 101]
        sentences = ["did you really play?", "you need to practice...", "I'm pretty sure you can do better...",
                    "that's a fair score!", "awesome, you're a master!", "incredible, did you cheat?"]
        colors = ['darkred', 'orange', 'gold', 'yellowgreen', 'green', 'white']
        score = int((100.*self.hits.score)/self.hits.max_score)

        for i, level in enumerate(levels):
            if score<level:
                sentence = sentences[i]
                color = colors[i]

        print "You scored", score, '% with', self.hits.score, 'hits over', self.hits.max_score

        if self.hits.score>0:
            self.model.write("You scored {}%, {}".format(score, sentence), color)

    def run(self):
        countdown = self.height # Countdown triggered after Midi's EOF
        start = time()

        # We loop while the end countdown is not timed out
        # it starts decreasing only when EOF is returned by the song reader
        while countdown>0:

            if self.reader.eof:
                countdown -= 1

            # delayed sound playing while the first notes are reaching the bottom bar
            if not self.sound.started and time()-start > (self.height-2)/self.speed:

Exemplo n.º 3
class LightsHero(Arbapp):
    def __init__(self, num_lanes, path, level, speed):
        self.num_lanes = num_lanes
        self.score = 0
        self.speed = float(speed)
        self.rate = Rate(self.speed)
        self.grid = [['background']*num_lanes for h in range(self.height)] # The coming notes (last line included even if it will overwritten by the bottom bar)
        self.bar = ['idle']*num_lanes # The bottom bar, idle = not pressed, hit = pressed during a note, pressed = pressed outside a note

        # Threads creation and starting
        self.renderer = Renderer(self.model, self.grid, self.bar, self.height, num_lanes, self.width)
        self.reader = SongReader(path, num_lanes, level, speed)
        self.sound = SoundManager(path)
        self.hits = UserHits(self.num_lanes)

    def next_line(self):
        # Delete the last line leaving the grid
        # Note : The bottom bar will overwrite the last line but the latter needs to be kept to draw the bottom bar
        for l in range(self.height-1, 0, -1):
            for w in range(self.num_lanes):
                self.grid[l][w] = self.grid[l-1][w]

        # Ask for a new line to the song reader and fill the top of the grid with it
        new_line = self.reader.read()
        for lane in range(self.num_lanes):
            self.grid[0][lane] = new_line[lane]

    def process_user_hits(self):
        Read user inputs, update the bottom bar with key states and warn the UserHits class to update the score
        for lane in range(self.num_lanes):
            must_press = self.grid[self.height-1][lane] == 'active' or self.grid[self.height-1][lane] == 'bump'
            pressed = self.hits.get_pressed_keys()[lane]
            if must_press and pressed:
                status = 'hit'
            elif pressed:
                status = 'pressed'
                status = 'idle'
            self.bar[lane] = status

            # warn the user hits class whether the note has to be played
            self.hits.set_note(lane, self.grid[self.height-1][lane] in ['bump', 'active'])

    def run(self):
        countdown = self.height # Countdown triggered after Midi's EOF
        start = time()

        # We loop while the end countdown is not timed out
        # it starts decreasing only when EOF is returned by the song reader
        while countdown>0:

            if self.reader.eof:
                countdown -= 1

            # delayed sound playing while the first notes are reaching the bottom bar
            if not self.sound.started and time()-start > (self.height-2)/self.speed:


        print "You scored", int((100.*self.hits.score)/self.hits.max_score), '% with', self.hits.score, 'hits over', self.hits.max_score