Exemplo n.º 1
 def initPointForceVelocityArrays(self, Dom):
     Method to initialize the memory for lists of points, tangent 
     vectors and lambdas for the fiber collection
     Input: Dom = Domain object 
     # Establish large lists that will be used for the non-local computations
     self._totnum = self._Nfib*self._Npf; 
     self._totnumDirect = self._Nfib*self._Ndirect;                      
     self._alphas = np.zeros((2*self._nPolys+3)*self._Nfib);
     self._velocities = np.zeros(self._Npf*self._Nfib*3);         
     # Initialize the spatial database objects
     self._SpatialCheb = ckDSpatial(self._ptsCheb,Dom);
     self._SpatialDirectQuad = ckDSpatial(np.zeros((self._totnumDirect,3)),Dom);
     self._SpatialUni = CellLinkedList(np.zeros((self._Nunifpf*self._Nfib,3)),Dom,nThr=self._nThreads);
 def initPointForceVelocityArrays(self, Dom):
     Method to initialize the memory for lists of points, tangent 
     vectors and lambdas for the fiber collection
     Input: Dom = Domain object 
     # Establish large lists that will be used for the non-local computations
     self._totnum = self._RowStartBySpecies[self._nSpecies]
     self._ptsCheb = np.zeros((self._totnum, 3))
     self._sCheb = np.zeros(self._totnum)
     self._wtsCheb = np.zeros(self._totnum)
     self._tanvecs = np.zeros((self._totnum, 3))
     self._lambdas = np.zeros((self._totnum * 3))
     self._totalphas = self._AlphaStartBySpecies[self._nSpecies]
     # Initialize the spatial database objects
     self._SpatialCheb = ckDSpatial(self._ptsCheb, Dom)
     self._totnumDirect = self._DirectQuadStartBySpecies[self._nSpecies]
     self._allUpsampledWts = np.zeros((self._totnumDirect, 1))
     for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
         fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
         first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
         last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
         firstDir = self._DirectQuadStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
         lastDir = self._DirectQuadStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
         self._allUpsampledWts[firstDir:lastDir] = np.reshape(
             np.tile(fibCol._fiberDisc.getwDirect(), fibCol._Nfib),
             (fibCol._Ndirect * fibCol._Nfib, 1))
         self._sCheb[first:last] = np.tile(fibCol._fiberDisc.gets(),
         self._wtsCheb[first:last] = np.tile(fibCol._fiberDisc.getw(),
     self._SpatialDirectQuad = CellLinkedList(
         np.zeros((self._totnumDirect, 3)), Dom)
     self._totnumUniform = self._UniformPointStartBySpecies[self._nSpecies]
     self._SpatialUni = CellLinkedList(np.zeros((self._totnumUniform, 3)),
Exemplo n.º 3
class fiberCollection(object):

    This is a class that operates on a list of fibers together. Its main role
    is to compute the nonlocal hydrodynamics between fibers. 

    ## ====================================================
    ## ====================================================
    def __init__(self,nFibs,turnovertime, fibDisc,nonLocal,mu,omega,gam0,Dom, nThreads=1):
        Constructor for the fiberCollection class. 
        Inputs: Nfibs = number of fibers, turnover time = mean time for each fiber to turnover,
        fibDisc = discretization object that each fiber will get a copy of, 
        nonLocal = are we doing nonlocal hydro? (0 = local drag, 1 = full hydrodynamics, 
        2 = hydrodynamics without finite part, 3 = hydrodynamics without special quad, 4 = 
        hydrodynamics without other fibers (only finite part))
        mu = fluid viscosity,omega = frequency of background flow oscillations, 
        gam0 = base strain rate of the background flow, Dom = Domain object to initialize the SpatialDatabase objects, 
        nThreads = number of OMP threads for parallel calculations
        self._Nfib = nFibs;
        self._fiberDisc = fibDisc;
        self._fiberDisc.initRigidFiberMobilityMatrixConstants(nonLocal > 0)
        self._Npf = self._fiberDisc.getN();
        self._Nunifpf = self._fiberDisc.getNumUniform();
        self._Ndirect = self._fiberDisc.getNumDirect();
        self._nonLocal = nonLocal;
        self._mu = mu;
        self._omega = omega;
        self._gam0 = gam0;
        self._epsilon, self._Lf = self._fiberDisc.getepsilonL();
        self._nThreads = nThreads;
        self._deathrate = 1/turnovertime; # 1/s
        self._nPolys = fibDisc.getnPolys();
        print('Number of Cheb polys %d' %self._nPolys)
        if (self._nonLocal==1 and not (self._Ndirect==self._Npf)):
            raise ValueError('Doing correction quad, Ndirect must = N chebyshev');
        DLens = Dom.getPeriodicLens();
        for iD in range(len(DLens)):
            if (DLens[iD] is None):
                DLens[iD] = 1e99;
        # Initialize C++ class 
        r = self._epsilon*self._Lf;
        self._FibColCpp = FiberCollection(mu,DLens,self._epsilon, self._Lf,aRPYFac,self._Nfib,self._Npf,self._Nunifpf,\
        dstarCL = dstarCenterLine*self._epsilon*self._Lf;
        dstarInt = dstarInterpolate*self._epsilon*self._Lf;
        dstar2 = dstar2panels*self._epsilon*self._Lf
        self._FibColCpp.initNodesandWeights(fibDisc.gets(), fibDisc.getw(),fibDisc.getSpecialQuadNodes(),fibDisc.getUpsampledWeights(),\
        self._FibColCpp.initResamplingMatrices(fibDisc.getUpsamplingMatrix(), fibDisc.get2PanelUpsamplingMatrix(),\
        self._FibColCpp.init_FinitePartMatrix(fibDisc.getFPMatrix(), fibDisc.getDiffMat());
        self._FibColCpp.initMatricesForPreconditioner(fibDisc._MatfromNto2N, fibDisc._UpsampledChebPolys.T, fibDisc._LeastSquaresDownsampler,\
            fibDisc._Dpinv2N,fibDisc._WeightedUpsamplingMat, fibDisc._D4BC,fibDisc._leadordercs);
    def initFibList(self,fibListIn, Dom,pointsfileName=None,tanvecfileName=None):
        Initialize the list of fibers. This is done by giving each fiber
        a copy of the discretization object, and then initializing positions
        and tangent vectors.
        Inputs: list of Discretized fiber objects (typically empty), Domain object,
        file names for the points and tangents vectors if we are initializing from file
        The file names can be either file names or the actual point/tanvec locations.
        self._fibList = fibListIn;
        self._DomLens = Dom.getLens();
        if (tanvecfileName is None): # initialize straight fibers
            for jFib in range(self._Nfib):
                if self._fibList[jFib] is None:
                    # Initialize memory
                    self._fibList[jFib] = DiscretizedFiber(self._fiberDisc);
                    # Initialize straight fiber positions at t=0
        elif (pointsfileName is None): # Read initial tangent vectors from file
            AllXs = np.loadtxt(tanvecfileName)
            for jFib in range(self._Nfib): 
                self._fibList[jFib] = DiscretizedFiber(self._fiberDisc);
                XsThis = AllXs[self.getRowInds(jFib),:];
        else: # read both locations and tangent vectors from file 
                AllX = np.loadtxt(pointsfileName)
                AllXs = np.loadtxt(tanvecfileName)
            except: # locations are passed instead of a file name
                AllX = pointsfileName;
                AllXs = tanvecfileName;
            for jFib in range(self._Nfib): 
                self._fibList[jFib] = DiscretizedFiber(self._fiberDisc);
                XsThis = AllXs[self.getRowInds(jFib),:];
                XThis = AllX[self.getRowInds(jFib),:];
    def initPointForceVelocityArrays(self, Dom):
        Method to initialize the memory for lists of points, tangent 
        vectors and lambdas for the fiber collection
        Input: Dom = Domain object 
        # Establish large lists that will be used for the non-local computations
        self._totnum = self._Nfib*self._Npf; 
        self._totnumDirect = self._Nfib*self._Ndirect;                      
        self._alphas = np.zeros((2*self._nPolys+3)*self._Nfib);
        self._velocities = np.zeros(self._Npf*self._Nfib*3);         
        # Initialize the spatial database objects
        self._SpatialCheb = ckDSpatial(self._ptsCheb,Dom);
        self._SpatialDirectQuad = ckDSpatial(np.zeros((self._totnumDirect,3)),Dom);
        self._SpatialUni = CellLinkedList(np.zeros((self._Nunifpf*self._Nfib,3)),Dom,nThr=self._nThreads);
    def fillPointArrays(self):
        Copy the X and Xs arguments from self._fibList (list of fiber
        objects) into large (tot#pts x 3) arrays that are stored in memory
        print('Calling fill point arrays')
        for iFib in range(self._Nfib):
            rowinds = self.getRowInds(iFib);
            fib = self._fibList[iFib];
            X, Xs = fib.getXandXs();
            self._ptsCheb[rowinds,:] = X;
            self._tanvecs[rowinds,:] = Xs;
    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        cls = self.__class__
        result = cls.__new__(cls)
        memo[id(self)] = result
        for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
            if (k=='_ptsCheb' or k=='_tanvecs' or k=='_lambdas' or k=='_alphas' or k=='_velocities'):
                setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo))
        return result 
    ## ====================================================
    ## ====================================================   
    def formBlockDiagRHS(self, X_nonLoc,Xs_nonLoc,t,exForceDen,lamstar,Dom,RPYEval,FPimplicit=0,returnForce=False):
        RHS for the block diagonal GMRES system. 
        Inputs: X_nonLoc = Npts * 3 array of Chebyshev point locations, Xs_nonLoc = Npts * 3 array of 
        tangent vectors, t = system time, exForceDen = external force density (treated explicitly), 
        lamstar = lambdas for the nonlocal calculation, Dom = Domain object, RPYEval = RPY velocity
        evaluator for the nonlocal terms, FPimplicit = whether to do the finite part integral implicitly,
        returnForce = whether we need the force (we do if this collection is part of a collection of species and 
        the hydro for the species collection is still outstanding) 
        The block diagonal RHS is 
        [M^Local*(F*X^n+f^ext) + M^NonLocal * (F*X^(n+1/2,*)+lambda*+f^ext)+u_0; 0]
        #print('Strain val %f' %Dom._g)
        fnBend = self.evalBendForceDensity(self._ptsCheb);
        Local = self.calcLocalVelocities(np.reshape(Xs_nonLoc,self._totnum*3),exForceDen+fnBend);
        U0 = self.evalU0(X_nonLoc,t);
        fNLBend = self.evalBendForceDensity(X_nonLoc);
        totForce = lamstar+exForceDen+fNLBend;
        # Compute upsampled points once and for all iterations
        if (self._nonLocal == 3):
            self._Xupsampled = self.getPointsForUpsampledQuad(X_nonLoc);
        nonLocal = self.nonLocalVelocity(X_nonLoc,Xs_nonLoc,totForce,Dom,RPYEval,1-FPimplicit);
        if (FPimplicit==1 and self._nonLocal > 0): # do the finite part separetely if it's to be treated implicitly
            nonLocal+= self._FibColCpp.FinitePartVelocity(X_nonLoc, fnBend, Xs_nonLoc)
            print('Doing FP separate, it''s being treated implicitly')
        if (returnForce):
            return np.concatenate((Local+nonLocal+U0,np.zeros((2*self._nPolys+3)*self._Nfib))),totForce  
        return np.concatenate((Local+nonLocal+U0,np.zeros((2*self._nPolys+3)*self._Nfib)));
    def calcNewRHS(self,BlockDiagAnswer,X_nonLoc,Xs_nonLoc,dtimpco,lamstar, Dom, RPYEval,FPimplicit=0,returnForce=False):
        New RHS (after block diag solve). This is the residual form of the system that gets 
        passed to GMRES. 
        Inputs: BlockDiagAnswer = the answer for lambda and alpha from the block diagonal solver, 
        X_nonLoc = Npts * 3 array of Chebyshev point locations, Xs_nonLoc = Npts * 3 array of 
        tangent vectors, dtimpco = delta t * implicit coefficient,
        lamstar = lambdas for the nonlocal calculation, Dom = Domain object, RPYEval = RPY velocity
        evaluator for the nonlocal terms, FPimplicit = whether to do the finite part integral implicitly.
        The RHS for the residual system is  
        [M^NonLocal*(F*(X^n+dt*impco*K*alpha-X^(n+1/2,*)+lambda - lambda^*)); 0], where by lambda and alpha
        we mean the results from the block diagonal solver 
        lambdas = BlockDiagAnswer[:3*self._Nfib*self._Npf];
        alphas = BlockDiagAnswer[3*self._Nfib*self._Npf:];
        Kalph, Kstlam = self.KProductsAllFibers(Xs_nonLoc,alphas,lambdas);
        fbendCorrection = self.evalBendForceDensity(self._ptsCheb- X_nonLoc+np.reshape(dtimpco*Kalph,(self._Nfib*self._Npf,3)));
        lamCorrection = lambdas-lamstar;
        totForceD = fbendCorrection+lamCorrection;
        nonLocal = self.nonLocalVelocity(X_nonLoc,Xs_nonLoc,totForceD,Dom,RPYEval,1-FPimplicit);
        if (returnForce):
            return np.concatenate((nonLocal,np.zeros((2*self._nPolys+3)*self._Nfib))), totForceD;
        return np.concatenate((nonLocal,np.zeros((2*self._nPolys+3)*self._Nfib)));
    def Mobility(self,lamalph,impcodt,X_nonLoc,Xs_nonLoc,Dom,RPYEval,returnForce=False):
        Mobility calculation for GMRES
        Inputs: lamalph = the input lambdas and alphas impcodt = delta t * implicit coefficient,
        X_nonLoc = Npts * 3 array of Chebyshev point locations, Xs_nonLoc = Npts * 3 array of 
        tangent vectors,Dom = Domain object, RPYEval = RPY velocity evaluator for the nonlocal terms, 
        returnForce = whether we need the force (we do if this collection is part of a collection 
        of species and  the hydro for the species collection is still outstanding) 
        The calculation is 
        [-(M^Local+M^NonLocal)*(impco*dt*F*K*alpha +lambda); K*lambda ]
        lamalph = np.reshape(lamalph,len(lamalph))
        lambdas = lamalph[:3*self._Nfib*self._Npf];
        alphas = lamalph[3*self._Nfib*self._Npf:];
        Kalph, Ktlam = self.KProductsAllFibers(Xs_nonLoc,alphas,lambdas);
        XnLForBend = np.reshape(impcodt*Kalph,(self._Nfib*self._Npf,3)); # dt/2*K*alpha       
        forceDs = self.evalBendForceDensity(XnLForBend) +lambdas;
        Local = self.calcLocalVelocities(np.reshape(Xs_nonLoc,self._totnum*3),forceDs);
        nonLocal = self.nonLocalVelocity(X_nonLoc,Xs_nonLoc,forceDs,Dom,RPYEval);
        FirstBlock = -(Local+nonLocal)+Kalph; # zero if lambda, alpha = 0
        SecondBlock = Ktlam;
        if (returnForce):
            return np.concatenate((FirstBlock,SecondBlock)), forceDs;    
        return np.concatenate((FirstBlock,SecondBlock));
    def BlockDiagPrecond(self,b,Xs_nonLoc,dt,implic_coeff,X_nonLoc,doFP=0):
        Block diagonal preconditioner for GMRES. 
        b = RHS vector. Xs_nonLoc = tangent vectors as an Npts x 3 array. 
        dt = timestep, implic_coeff = implicit coefficient, X_nonLoc = fiber positions as 
        an Npts x 3 array, doFP = whether to do finite part implicitly. 
        The preconditioner is 
        [-M^Local K-impco*dt*M^Local*F*K; K^* 0]
        XsAll = np.reshape(Xs_nonLoc,self._Npf*self._Nfib*3);
        fD = self._fiberDisc;
        b1D = np.reshape(b,len(b));
        return self._FibColCpp.applyPreconditioner(Xs_nonLoc,b1D,implic_coeff*dt);
        # Numba version
        lamalph = NumbaColloc.linSolveAllFibersForGM(self._Nfib,self._nPolys,self._Npf,b1D, Xs_nonLoc,XsAll,dt*implic_coeff, \
            fD._leadordercs, self._mu, fD._MatfromNto2N, fD._UpsampledChebPolys, fD._WeightedUpsamplingMat,fD._LeastSquaresDownsampler, fD._Dpinv2N, \
        return lamalph;
    def BrownianUpdate(self,dt,kbT,Randoms):
        # Compute the average X and Xs
        wRs = np.reshape(self._fiberDisc._w,(self._Npf,1));
        self._ptsCheb, self._tanvecs= NumbaColloc.BrownianVelocities(self._ptsCheb,self._tanvecs,wRs,\
    def nonLocalVelocity(self,X_nonLoc,Xs_nonLoc,forceDs, Dom, RPYEval,doFinitePart=1):
        Compute the non-local velocity due to the fibers.
        Inputs: Arguments X_nonLoc, Xs_nonLoc = fiber positions and tangent vectors as Npts x 3 arrays, 
        forceDs = force densities as an 3*npts 1D numpy array
        Dom = Domain object the computation happens on,  
        RPYEval = EwaldSplitter (RPYVelocityEvaluator) to compute velocities, doFinitePart = whether to 
        include the finite part integral in the calculation (no if it's being done implicitly)
        Outputs: nonlocal velocity as a tot#ofpts*3 one-dimensional array.
        # If not doing nonlocal hydro, return nothing
        doFinitePart = 1;
        if (self._nonLocal==0):
            return np.zeros(self._totnum*3);
        elif (self._nonLocal==2):
            #print('Finite part off')
        forceDs = np.reshape(forceDs,(self._totnum,3));       
        # Calculate finite part velocity
        finitePart = self._FibColCpp.FinitePartVelocity(X_nonLoc, forceDs, Xs_nonLoc);
        if (verbose>=0):
            print('Time to eval finite part %f' %(time.time()-thist));
        if (self._nonLocal==4):
            return finitePart;
        # Ewald w/ special quadrature corrections
        if (self._nonLocal==1 or self._nonLocal==2):
            # Update the spatial objects for Chebyshev and uniform
            # Multiply by the weights to get force from force density. 
            forces = forceDs*np.reshape(np.tile(self._fiberDisc.getw(),self._Nfib),(self._totnum,1));
            RPYVelocity = RPYEval.calcBlobTotalVel(X_nonLoc,forces,Dom,self._SpatialCheb,self._nThreads);
            if (verbose>=0):
                print('Ewald time %f' %(time.time()-thist));
            SelfTerms = self._FibColCpp.SubtractAllRPY(X_nonLoc,forceDs,self._fiberDisc.getw());
            RPYVelocity-= SelfTerms;
        else: # Direct quad upsampled
            fupsampled = self.getPointsForUpsampledQuad(forceDs);
            forcesUp = fupsampled*np.reshape(np.tile(self._fiberDisc.getwDirect(),self._Nfib),(self._Ndirect*self._Nfib,1));
            if (verbose>=0):
                print('Upsampling time %f' %(time.time()-thist));
            RPYVelocityUp = RPYEval.calcBlobTotalVel(self._Xupsampled,forcesUp,Dom,self._SpatialDirectQuad,self._nThreads);
            if (verbose>=0):
                print('Upsampled Ewald time %f' %(time.time()-thist));
            SelfTerms = self.GPUSubtractSelfTerms(self._Ndirect,self._Xupsampled,forcesUp);
            #SelfTerms2 = self._FibColCpp.SubtractAllRPY(self._Xupsampled,fupsampled,self._fiberDisc.getwDirect());
            #print('Difference bw Raul and me %f' %(np.amax(np.abs(SelfTerms-SelfTerms2))))
            if (verbose>=0):
                print('Self time %f' %(time.time()-thist));
            RPYVelocityUp -= SelfTerms;
            RPYVelocity = self.getValuesfromDirectQuad(RPYVelocityUp);
            if (verbose>=0):
                print('Downsampling time %f' %(time.time()-thist));
            if (np.any(np.isnan(RPYVelocity))):
                raise ValueError('Velocity is nan - stability issue!') 
            return np.reshape(RPYVelocity,self._totnum*3)+doFinitePart*finitePart;

        # Corrections
        self._uniPoints = self.getUniformPoints(X_nonLoc);
        alltargets,numTbyFib = self.determineQuadLists(X_nonLoc,self._uniPoints,Dom);
        if (verbose>=0):
            print('Determine quad corrections time %f' %(time.time()-thist));
        corVels = self._FibColCpp.CorrectNonLocalVelocity(X_nonLoc,self._uniPoints,forceDs,finitePart,Dom.getg(),numTbyFib,alltargets)
        if (verbose>=0):
            print('Correction quadrature time %f' %(time.time()-thist));
            print('Maximum correction velocity %f' %np.amax(np.abs(corVels)));

        if (np.any(np.isnan(RPYVelocity))):
            raise ValueError('Velocity is nan - stability issue!') 
        # Return the velocity due to the other fibers + the finite part integral velocity
        return np.reshape(RPYVelocity,self._totnum*3)+doFinitePart*finitePart;
    def updateLambdaAlpha(self,lamalph,Xsarg):
        Update the lambda and alphas after the solve is complete
        self._lambdas = lamalph[:3*self._Nfib*self._Npf];
        self._alphas = lamalph[3*self._Nfib*self._Npf:];
        fD = self._fiberDisc;
        self._velocities = NumbaColloc.calcKAlphas(self._Nfib,self._Npf,self._nPolys,Xsarg,fD._MatfromNto2N, fD._UpsampledChebPolys, \
            fD._LeastSquaresDownsampler, fD._Dpinv2N, fD._I,self._alphas);
    def updateAllFibers(self,dt,XsforNL,exactinex=1):
        Update the fiber configurations, assuming self._alphas has been computed above. 
        Inputs: dt = timestep, XsforNL = the tangent vectors we use to compute the 
        Rodriguez rotation, exactinex = whether to preserve exact inextensibility
        if (exactinex==0): # not exact inextensibility. Just update by K*alpha
            for iFib in range(self._Nfib):
                stackinds = self.getStackInds(iFib);
                rowinds = self.getRowInds(iFib);
                fib = self._fibList[iFib];
                XsforOmega = np.reshape(XsforNL[rowinds,:],self._Npf*3);
                alphaInds = range(iFib*(2*self._nPolys+3),(iFib+1)*(2*self._nPolys+3));
        else: # exact inextensibility with Rodriguez rotation. Compute omega, then rotate
            CppXsX = self._FibColCpp.RodriguesRotations(self._ptsCheb,self._tanvecs,XsforNL,self._velocities,dt);            
            self._tanvecs = CppXsX[:self._Nfib*self._Npf,:];
            self._ptsCheb = CppXsX[self._Nfib*self._Npf:,:];
        return np.amax(self._ptsCheb);
    def getX(self):
        return self._ptsCheb;

    def getXs(self):
        return self._tanvecs;
    def getLambdas(self):
        return self._lambdas; 
    def FiberStress(self,XforNL,Lambdas,Dom):
        return NumbaColloc.FiberStressNumba(XforNL,self.evalBendForceDensity(XforNL),Lambdas,\
    def uniformForce(self,strengths):
        A uniform force density on all fibers with strength strength 
        return np.tile(strengths,self._Nfib*self._Npf);
    def FiberIndexUniformPoints(self):
        Nuni x Nfib array, where the first Nuni values are 0, the second 1, etc.
        The idea is to map uniform sites to fiber numbers
        return np.repeat(np.arange(self._Nfib,dtype=np.int64),self._Nunifpf);
    def getUniformPoints(self,chebpts):
        Obtain uniform points from a set of Chebyshev points. 
        Inputs: chebpts as a (tot#ofpts x 3) array
        Outputs: uniform points as a (nPtsUniform*Nfib x 3) array.
        return NumbaColloc.getUniformPointsNumba(chebpts,self._Nfib,self._Npf,self._Nunifpf,self._fiberDisc._MatfromNtoUniform);
    def getPointsForUpsampledQuad(self,chebpts):
        Obtain upsampled points from a set of Chebyshev points. 
        Inputs: chebpts as a (tot#ofpts x 3) array
        Outputs: upsampled points as a (nPtsUpsample*Nfib x 3) array.
        return NumbaColloc.useNumbatoUpsample(chebpts,self._Nfib,self._Npf,self._Ndirect,self._fiberDisc._MatfromNtoDirectN);
        b= self._FibColCpp.upsampleForDirectQuad(chebpts);
    def getValuesfromDirectQuad(self,upsampledVals):
        Obtain values at Chebyshev nodes from upsampled 
        Inputs: upsampled values as a (nPtsUpsample*Nfib x 3) array.
        Outputs: vals at cheb pts as a (tot#ofpts x 3) array
        return NumbaColloc.useNumbatoDownsample(upsampledVals,self._Nfib,self._Npf,self._Ndirect,self._fiberDisc._MatfromDirectNtoN);
        b = self._FibColCpp.downsampleFromDirectQuad(upsampledVals);
    def getg(self,t):
        Get the value of the strain g according to what the background flow dictates.
        Input: time t
        Output: non-dimensional strain g
        if (self._omega > 0):
            g = 1.0*self._gam0/self._omega*np.sin(self._omega*t);
            g = self._gam0*t;
        return g;
    def getUniformSpatialData(self):
        return self._SpatialUni;
    def getFiberDisc(self):
        return self._fiberDisc;
    def getaRPY(self):
        return aRPYFac;
    def averageTangentVectors(self):
        nFib array, where each entry is the average 1/L*integral_0^L X_s(s) ds
        for each fiber
        avgfibTans = np.zeros((self._Nfib,3));
        wts = np.reshape(self._fiberDisc._w,(self._Npf,1));
        for iFib in range(self._Nfib):
            fiberTans = self._tanvecs[self.getRowInds(iFib),:];
        return avgfibTans;
    def getSysDimension(self):
        Dimension of (lambda,alpha) sysyem for GMRES
        return self._Nfib*(self._Npf*3+2*self._nPolys+3);
    def updateFiberObjects(self):
        for iFib in range(self._Nfib): # pass to fiber object
            fib = self._fibList[iFib];
            rowinds = self.getRowInds(iFib);
    def initializeLambdaForNewFibers(self,newfibs,exForceDen,t,dt,implic_coeff,other=None):
        Solve local problem to initialize values of lambda on the fibers
        Inputs: newfibs = list of replaced fiber indicies, 
        exForceDen = external (gravity/CL) force density on those fibers, 
        t = system time, dt = time step, implic_coeff = implicit coefficient (usually 1/2), 
        other = the other (previous time step) fiber collection
        fD = self._fiberDisc;
        for iFib in newfibs:
            rowinds = self.getRowInds(iFib);
            stackinds = self.getStackInds(iFib);
            X = np.reshape(self._ptsCheb[rowinds,:],3*self._Npf);
            Xs = np.reshape(self._tanvecs[rowinds,:],3*self._Npf);
            fnBend = fD.calcfE(X);
            fEx = exForceDen[stackinds];
            #print('Max CL force on new fiber %f' %np.amax(np.abs(fEx)))
            Local = NumbaColloc.calcLocalVelocities(Xs,fnBend+fEx,self._fiberDisc._leadordercs,self._mu,self._Npf,1);
            U0 = self.evalU0(self._ptsCheb[rowinds,:],t);
            RHS = np.concatenate((Local+U0,np.zeros(2*self._nPolys+3)));
            lamalph =  NumbaColloc.linSolveAllFibersForGM(1,self._nPolys,self._Npf,RHS, self._tanvecs[rowinds,:],Xs,dt*implic_coeff, \
                fD._leadordercs, self._mu, fD._MatfromNto2N, fD._UpsampledChebPolys, fD._WeightedUpsamplingMat,fD._LeastSquaresDownsampler, \
                fD._Dpinv2N, fD._D4BC,fD._I,fD._wIt,self._ptsCheb[rowinds,:],fD.getFPMatrix(),fD._Dmat,fD._s,0);
            self._lambdas[stackinds] = lamalph[:3*self._Npf];
            if other is not None:
                other._lambdas[stackinds] = lamalph[:3*self._Npf];    
    def FiberBirthAndDeath(self,tstep,other=None):
        Turnover filaments. tstep = time step,
        other = the previous time step fiber collection (for Crank-Nicolson)
        if (tstep==0):
            return [];
        rateDeath = self._deathrate*self._Nfib;
        systime = -np.log(1-np.random.rand())/rateDeath;
        while (systime < tstep):
            iFib = int(np.random.rand()*self._Nfib); # randomly choose one
            print('Turning over fiber in position %d ' %iFib);
            self._fibList[iFib] = DiscretizedFiber(self._fiberDisc);
            # Initialize straight fiber positions at t=0
            rowinds = self.getRowInds(iFib);
            stackinds = self.getStackInds(iFib);
            X, Xs = self._fibList[iFib].getXandXs();
            self._ptsCheb[rowinds,:] = X;
            self._tanvecs[rowinds,:] = Xs;
            self._lambdas[stackinds] = 0;
            self._alphas[(2*self._nPolys+3)*(iFib-1):(2*self._nPolys+3)*iFib] = 0;
            self._velocities[stackinds] = 0;
            if (other is not None): # if previous fibCollection is supplied reset
                other._ptsCheb[rowinds,:] = X;
                other._tanvecs[rowinds,:] = Xs;
                other._lambdas[stackinds] = 0;
                other._alphas[(2*self._nPolys+3)*(iFib-1):(2*self._nPolys+3)*iFib] = 0;
                other._velocities[stackinds] = 0; 
            # Update time of turnover
            systime += -np.log(1-np.random.rand())/rateDeath;
        return list(set(bornFibs));  
    def writeFiberLocations(self,of):
        Write the locations of all fibers to a file
        object named of.
        for fib in self._fibList:
    def writeFiberTangentVectors(self,of):
        Write the locations of all fibers to a file
        object named of.
        for fib in self._fibList:
    ## ====================================================
    ## ====================================================
    def GPUSubtractSelfTerms(self,Ndir,Xupsampled,fupsampled):
        Subtract the self RPY integrals on each fiber
        Inputs: Ndir = number of points for direct quad,
        Xupsampled = upsampled positions, fupsampled = upsampled forces
        Return thr direct RPY velocities
        hydrodynamicRadius = aRPYFac*self._epsilon*self._Lf;
        selfMobility= 1.0/(6*pi*self._mu*hydrodynamicRadius);
        precision = np.float64;
        fupsampledg = np.array(fupsampled,precision);
        Xupsampledg = np.array(Xupsampled,precision);
        #It is really important that the result array has the same floating precision as the compiled module, otherwise
        # python will just silently pass by copy and the results will be lost
        MF=np.zeros(self._Nfib*3*Ndir, precision);
        gpurpy.computeMdot(np.reshape(Xupsampledg,self._Nfib*3*Ndir), np.reshape(fupsampledg,self._Nfib*3*Ndir), MF,
                       self._Nfib, Ndir,selfMobility, hydrodynamicRadius)
        return np.reshape(MF,(self._Nfib*Ndir,3));
    def calcLocalVelocities(self,Xs,forceDsAll):
        Compute the LOCAL velocity on each fiber. 
        Inputs: Xs = tangent vectors as a (tot#ofpts*3) 1D array
        forceDsAll = the force densities respectively on the fibers as a 1D array
        Outputs: the velocity M_loc*f on all fibers as a 1D array
        return self._FibColCpp.evalLocalVelocities(Xs,forceDsAll)
        # Numba
        Num= NumbaColloc.calcLocalVelocities(Xs,forceDsAll,self._fiberDisc._leadordercs,self._mu,self._Npf,self._Nfib);
    def determineQuadLists(self, XnonLoc, Xuniform, Dom):
        Determine which (target, fiber) pairs are close to each other 
        This method uses the uniform points to determine if a fiber is close to a target via
        looking at the uniform points which are neighbors of the Chebyshev points. 
        Inputs: XnonLoc, Xuniform = tot#ofpts x 3 arrays of Chebyshev and uniform points on 
        all the fibers, Dom = domain object we are doing computation on.
        Outputs: two numpy arrays. alltargets = sequential list of targets that need correcting
        numByFib = number of targets that need correction for each fiber. This is enough 
        information to match target-fiber pairs
        qUpsamplecut = upsampneeded*self._Lf; # cutoff for needed to correct Ewald
        # Get the neighbors from the SpatialDatabase
        t = time.time();
        # Determine which Chebyshev points are neighbors of the uniform points (fibers)
        neighborList = self._SpatialUni.otherNeighborsList(self._SpatialCheb, qUpsamplecut);
        if (verbose>=0):
            print('Neighbor search uniform-Cheb time %f' %(time.time()-t))
        t = time.time();
        numByFib = np.zeros(self._Nfib,dtype=int);
        for iFib in range(self._Nfib):
            # For each fiber, obtain the targets that are nearby and not on this fiber
            # Loop through neighbor list Nunifpf points at a time and find the unique targets that 
            # are close to this fiber 
            fibTargets=list(set([iT for sublist in neighborList[iFib*self._Nunifpf:(iFib+1)*self._Nunifpf] \
                for iT in sublist if iT//self._Npf!=iFib]));
            alltargets.extend(fibTargets); # all the targets for each uniform point
        if (verbose>=0):
            print('Organize targets & fibers time %f' %(time.time()-t))
        return alltargets, numByFib;
    def KProductsAllFibers(self,Xsarg,alphas,lambdas):
        Compute the products K*alpha and K^T*lambda.
        Inputs: Xsarg = tangent vectors as a totnum x 3 array, 
        alphas as a 1D array, lambdas as a 1D array
        Outputs: products Kalpha, K^*lambda
        fD = self._fiberDisc;
        Kalphs2, Kstlam2 = NumbaColloc.calcKAlphasAndKstarLambda(self._Nfib,self._Npf,self._nPolys,Xsarg, fD._MatfromNto2N, fD._UpsampledChebPolys,\
            fD._LeastSquaresDownsampler,fD._WeightedUpsamplingMat, fD._Dpinv2N, fD._I, fD._wIt,alphas,lambdas)
        return Kalphs2, Kstlam2;
    def getRowInds(self,iFib):
        Method to get the row indices in any (Nfib x Nperfib) x 3 2D arrays
        for fiber number iFib. This method could easily be modified to allow
        for a bunch of fibers with different numbers of points. 
        return range(iFib*self._Npf,(iFib+1)*self._Npf);
    def getStackInds(self,iFib):
        Method to get the row indices in any (Nfib*Nperfib*3) long 1D arrays
        for fiber number iFib. This method could easily be modified to allow
        for a bunch of fibers with different numbers of points. 
        return range(iFib*3*self._Npf,(iFib+1)*3*self._Npf);
    def evalU0(self,Xin,t):
        Compute the background flow on input array Xin at time t.
        Xin is assumed to be an N x 3 array with each column being
        the x, y, and z locations. 
        This method returns the background flow as a 3N 1d numpy array.
        U0 = np.zeros(Xin.shape);
        return np.reshape(U0,3*len(Xin[:,0]));
    def evalBendForceDensity(self,X_nonLoc):
        Evaluate the bending force density for a given X (given the 
        known fiber discretization of this class.
        Inputs: X to evaluate -EX_ssss at, as a (tot#ofpts) x 3 array
        Outputs: the forceDensities -EX_ssss also as a (tot#ofpts) x 3 array
        return self._FibColCpp.evalBendForces(X_nonLoc);
        Num= NumbaColloc.EvalAllBendForces(self._Npf,self._Nfib,np.reshape(X_nonLoc,self._Npf*self._Nfib*3),FEMatrix);
    def calcCurvatures(self,X):
        Evaluate fiber curvatures on fibers with locations X. 
        Returns an Nfib array of the mean L^2 curvature by fiber 
        for iFib in range(self._Nfib):
            rowinds = self.getRowInds(iFib);
            Curvatures[iFib] = self._fiberDisc.calcFibCurvature(X[rowinds,:]);
        return Curvatures;
Exemplo n.º 4
AllNeighbors = np.reshape(neighbors,(len(neighbors)//2,2));
print('GPU sort time %f' %(time.time()-thist))

# Check with ckd tree
Dom = PeriodicShearedDomain(lx, ly, lz)
SpatialChk = ckDSpatial(positions, Dom)
thist = time.time()
SpatialChk.updateSpatialStructures(positions, Dom)
AllNeighbors2 = SpatialChk.selfNeighborList(rcut * 1.1)
print('CPU Update list time %f' % (time.time() - thist))
Neighbs2 = np.savetxt('N2.txt', AllNeighbors2)

# Check with linked list class
Dom = PeriodicShearedDomain(lx, ly, lz)
SpatialChk = CellLinkedList(positions, Dom, nThr=nThr)
thist = time.time()
SpatialChk.updateSpatialStructures(positions, Dom)
AllNeighbors2 = SpatialChk.selfNeighborList(rcut)
print('Class LL Update list time %f' % (time.time() - thist))
SpatialChk.updateSpatialStructures(positions, Dom)
thist = time.time()
AllNeighbors2 = SpatialChk.selfNeighborList(rcut * 1.1)
print('Class LL 2nd Update list time %f' % (time.time() - thist))
Neighbs2 = np.savetxt('N3.txt', AllNeighbors2)
class FiberSpeciesCollection(object):
    This is a class that operates on collections of fiber collections, where 
    each fiber collection (species) has a unique discretization.
    This class is basically a bunch of for loops that do things for each species, 
    the only exception being nonlocal hydrodynamic calculations. 

    ## ====================================================
    ## ====================================================
    def __init__(self, nSpecies, fiberCollectionList, Dom, nonLocal):
        Inputs: nSpecies = integer number of species, fiberCollectionList = list of 
        fiberCollection objects that contains all the information about each species. 
        Dom = Domain object, nonLocal = what kind of nonlocal hydrodynamics to do, 
        (0 = local drag, 1 = nonlocal with special quadrature (not implemented yet for
        species collections), 2 = nonlocal without finite part, 3 = upsampled nonlocal,
        4 = local + finite part only)
        self._nSpecies = nSpecies
        self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies = fiberCollectionList
        self._RowStartBySpecies = np.zeros(nSpecies + 1, dtype=np.int64)
        self._AlphaStartBySpecies = np.zeros(nSpecies + 1, dtype=np.int64)
        self._DirectQuadStartBySpecies = np.zeros(nSpecies + 1, dtype=np.int64)
        self._UniformPointStartBySpecies = np.zeros(nSpecies + 1,
        self._nUniformBySpecies = np.zeros(nSpecies, dtype=np.int64)
        self._nChebBySpecies = np.zeros(nSpecies, dtype=np.int64)
        self._LengthBySpecies = np.zeros(nSpecies)
        self._NFibersBySpecies = np.zeros(nSpecies, dtype=np.int64)
        self._nonLocal = nonLocal
        if (nonLocal == 1):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Special quadrature not supported for different fiber lengths, \
                set nonLocal = 3 to do upsampling instead')
        if (nonLocal == 2):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'This will do nonlocal without finite part, but with upsampling, \
                which will not match implementation for single fiberCollection (uses special quad)'
        for iSpecies in range(nSpecies):
            fibCol = fiberCollectionList[iSpecies]
            if (self._nonLocal == 3 or self._nonLocal == 2):
                fibCol._nonLocal = 4
                # it will do the finite part only
                    'Multiple species - nonlocal calculations will be done in the FiberSpeciesCollection class'
                    'Will overwrite the nonlocal variable in each individual fiberCollection to do local drag + FP only'
                iSpecies +
                1] = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies] + fibCol._totnum
                iSpecies +
                1] = self._AlphaStartBySpecies[iSpecies] + len(fibCol._alphas)
                iSpecies + 1] = self._DirectQuadStartBySpecies[
                    iSpecies] + fibCol._Ndirect * fibCol._Nfib
                iSpecies + 1] = self._UniformPointStartBySpecies[
                    iSpecies] + fibCol._Nunifpf * fibCol._Nfib
            self._nUniformBySpecies[iSpecies] = fibCol._Nunifpf
            self._nChebBySpecies[iSpecies] = fibCol._Npf
            self._NFibersBySpecies[iSpecies] = fibCol._Nfib
            self._LengthBySpecies[iSpecies] = fibCol._Lf
        if (np.amin(self._NFibersBySpecies) < 1):
            raise ValueError(
                'You have a species with 0 or negative fibers in it!')
        self._UniformPointIndexToFiberIndex = np.zeros(
            self._UniformPointStartBySpecies[nSpecies], dtype=np.int64)
        fibstartIndex = 0
        for iSpecies in range(nSpecies):
            fibCol = fiberCollectionList[iSpecies]
            self._UniformPointIndexToFiberIndex[self._UniformPointStartBySpecies[iSpecies]:self._UniformPointStartBySpecies[iSpecies+1]] = \
            fibstartIndex += fibCol._Nfib
        self._Nfib = fibstartIndex

    def initPointForceVelocityArrays(self, Dom):
        Method to initialize the memory for lists of points, tangent 
        vectors and lambdas for the fiber collection
        Input: Dom = Domain object 
        # Establish large lists that will be used for the non-local computations
        self._totnum = self._RowStartBySpecies[self._nSpecies]
        self._ptsCheb = np.zeros((self._totnum, 3))
        self._sCheb = np.zeros(self._totnum)
        self._wtsCheb = np.zeros(self._totnum)
        self._tanvecs = np.zeros((self._totnum, 3))
        self._lambdas = np.zeros((self._totnum * 3))
        self._totalphas = self._AlphaStartBySpecies[self._nSpecies]
        # Initialize the spatial database objects
        self._SpatialCheb = ckDSpatial(self._ptsCheb, Dom)
        self._totnumDirect = self._DirectQuadStartBySpecies[self._nSpecies]
        self._allUpsampledWts = np.zeros((self._totnumDirect, 1))
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            firstDir = self._DirectQuadStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            lastDir = self._DirectQuadStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            self._allUpsampledWts[firstDir:lastDir] = np.reshape(
                np.tile(fibCol._fiberDisc.getwDirect(), fibCol._Nfib),
                (fibCol._Ndirect * fibCol._Nfib, 1))
            self._sCheb[first:last] = np.tile(fibCol._fiberDisc.gets(),
            self._wtsCheb[first:last] = np.tile(fibCol._fiberDisc.getw(),
        self._SpatialDirectQuad = CellLinkedList(
            np.zeros((self._totnumDirect, 3)), Dom)
        self._totnumUniform = self._UniformPointStartBySpecies[self._nSpecies]
        self._SpatialUni = CellLinkedList(np.zeros((self._totnumUniform, 3)),

    def initFibers(self, Dom, pointsfileName=None, tanvecfileName=None):
        fibLists = [None] * self._nSpecies
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibLists[iSpecies] = [None] * self._NFibersBySpecies[iSpecies]
        if (pointsfileName is None and tanvecfileName is None):
            for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
                fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
                fibCol.initFibList(fibLists[iSpecies], Dom)
        elif (pointsfileName is not None and tanvecfileName is not None):
            AllX = np.loadtxt(pointsfileName)
            AllXs = np.loadtxt(tanvecfileName)
            for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
                fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
                first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
                last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
                fibCol.initFibList(fibLists[iSpecies], Dom,
                                   AllX[first:last, :], AllXs[first:last, :])
            raise ValueError('Must specify both X and Xs file or neither')

    def updateLargeListsFromEachSpecies(self):
        Copy the X and Xs arguments from self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies 
        (list of fiber objects) into large (tot#pts x 3) arrays 
        that are stored in memory
        #print('Calling fill point arrays')
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            self._ptsCheb[first:last, :] = fibCol._ptsCheb
            self._tanvecs[first:last, :] = fibCol._tanvecs
            self._lambdas[3 * first:3 * last] = fibCol._lambdas

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        cls = self.__class__
        result = cls.__new__(cls)
        memo[id(self)] = result
        for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
            if not (k == '_SpatialCheb' or k == '_SpatialDirectQuad'
                    or k == '_SpatialUni'):
                setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo))
        return result

    ## ====================================================
    ## ====================================================
    def formBlockDiagRHS(self, X_nonLoc, Xs_nonLoc, t, exForceDen, lamstar,
                         Dom, RPYEval):
        RHS for the block diagonal GMRES system. 
        Inputs: X_nonLoc = Npts * 3 array of Chebyshev point locations, Xs_nonLoc = Npts * 3 array of 
        tangent vectors, t = system time, exForceDen = external force density (treated explicitly), 
        lamstar = lambdas for the nonlocal calculation, Dom = Domain object, RPYEval = RPY velocity
        evaluator for the nonlocal terms, FPimplicit = whether to do the finite part integral implicitly. 
        The block diagonal RHS is 
        [M^Local*(F*X^n+f^ext) + M^NonLocal * (F*X^(n+1/2,*)+lambda*+f^ext)+u_0; 0], and is constructed 
        in the individual fiberCollection classes.
        AllSpeciesRHS = np.zeros(3 * self._totnum + self._totalphas)
        AllForceDs = np.zeros(3 * self._totnum)
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            This_RHS, AllForceDs[3*first:3*last] = fibCol.formBlockDiagRHS(X_nonLoc[first:last,:],Xs_nonLoc[first:last],\
                t,exForceDen[3*first:3*last],lamstar[3*first:3*last], Dom, RPYEval,returnForce=True)
            AllSpeciesRHS[3 * first:3 * last] = This_RHS[:3 * (last - first)]
        # Still need to account for the inter-fiber hydro here
        if (self._nonLocal == 2 or self._nonLocal == 3):
            AllSpeciesRHS[:3 * self._totnum] += self.interFiberVelocity(
                X_nonLoc, Xs_nonLoc, AllForceDs, Dom, RPYEval)
        return AllSpeciesRHS

    def calcNewRHS(self,
        New RHS (after block diag solve). This is the residual form of the system that gets 
        passed to GMRES. 
        Inputs: BlockDiagAnswer = the answer for lambda and alpha from the block diagonal solver, 
        X_nonLoc = Npts * 3 array of Chebyshev point locations, Xs_nonLoc = Npts * 3 array of 
        tangent vectors, dtimpco = delta t * implicit coefficient  (usually dt/2),
        lamstar = lambdas for the nonlocal calculation, Dom = Domain object, RPYEval = RPY velocity
        evaluator for the nonlocal terms, FPimplicit = whether to do the finite part integral implicitly.
        The RHS for the residual system is  
        [M^NonLocal*(F*(X^n+dt*impco*K*alpha-X^(n+1/2,*)+lambda - lambda^*)); 0], where by lambda and alpha
        we mean the results from the block diagonal solver 
        AllSpeciesNewRHS = np.zeros(3 * self._totnum + self._totalphas)
        AllForceDs = np.zeros(3 * self._totnum)
        numLams = 3 * self._totnum
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            alphafirst = self._AlphaStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            alphalast = self._AlphaStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            this_lamalph = np.zeros(3 * (last - first) + alphalast -
            this_lamalph[:3 * (last - first)] = BlockDiagAnswer[3 * first:3 *
            this_lamalph[3 * (last -
                              first):] = BlockDiagAnswer[numLams +
                                                         alphafirst:numLams +
            This_RHS, AllForceDs[3*first:3*last] = fibCol.calcNewRHS(this_lamalph,X_nonLoc[first:last],Xs_nonLoc[first:last],\
                dtimpco,lamstar[3*first:3*last], Dom, RPYEval,returnForce=True)
            AllSpeciesNewRHS[3 * first:3 * last] = This_RHS[:3 *
                                                            (last - first)]
        # Still need to account for the inter-fiber hydro here
        if (self._nonLocal == 2 or self._nonLocal == 3):
            AllSpeciesNewRHS[:numLams] += self.interFiberVelocity(
                X_nonLoc, Xs_nonLoc, AllForceDs, Dom, RPYEval)
        return AllSpeciesNewRHS

    def Mobility(self, lamalph, impcodt, X_nonLoc, Xs_nonLoc, Dom, RPYEval):
        Mobility calculation for GMRES
        Inputs: lamalph = the input lambdas and alphas, impcodt = delta t * implicit coefficient,
        X_nonLoc = Npts * 3 array of Chebyshev point locations, Xs_nonLoc = Npts * 3 array of 
        tangent vectors, Dom = Domain object, RPYEval = RPY velocity evaluator for the nonlocal terms, 
        The calculation is [-(M^Local+M^NonLocal)*(impco*dt*F*K*alpha +lambda); K*lambda ]
        lamalph = np.reshape(lamalph, len(lamalph))
        numLams = 3 * self._totnum
        AllForceDs = np.zeros(3 * self._totnum)
        Mf = np.zeros(numLams + self._totalphas)
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            alphafirst = self._AlphaStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            alphalast = self._AlphaStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            this_lamalph = np.zeros(3 * (last - first) + alphalast -
            this_lamalph[:3 * (last - first)] = lamalph[3 * first:3 * last]
            this_lamalph[3 * (last - first):] = lamalph[numLams +
                                                        alphafirst:numLams +
            this_Mf, AllForceDs[3*first:3*last] = fibCol.Mobility(this_lamalph,impcodt,X_nonLoc[first:last,:],\
            Mf[3 * first:3 * last] = this_Mf[:3 * (last - first)]
            Mf[numLams + alphafirst:numLams +
               alphalast] = this_Mf[3 * (last - first):]
        # Still need to account for the inter-fiber hydro here
        if (self._nonLocal == 2 or self._nonLocal == 3):
            Mf[:numLams] -= self.interFiberVelocity(
                X_nonLoc, Xs_nonLoc, AllForceDs, Dom,
                RPYEval)  # mobility has - sign!
        return Mf

    def BlockDiagPrecond(self,
        Block diagonal preconditioner for GMRES. 
        b = RHS vector. Xs_nonLoc = tangent vectors as an Npts x 3 array. 
        dt = timestep, implic_coeff = implicit coefficient, X_nonLoc = fiber positions as 
        an Npts x 3 array, doFP = whether the finite part is treated implicitly and included
        in the matrix. The preconditioner matrix is 
        P = [-M^Local K-impco*dt*M^Local*F*K; K^* 0]
        b1D = np.reshape(b, len(b))
        numLams = 3 * self._totnum
        lamalph = np.zeros(numLams + self._totalphas)
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            alphafirst = self._AlphaStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            alphalast = self._AlphaStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            this_b = np.zeros(3 * (last - first) + alphalast - alphafirst)
            this_b[:3 * (last - first)] = b1D[3 * first:3 * last]
            this_b[3 * (last - first):] = b1D[numLams + alphafirst:numLams +
            this_lamalph = fibCol.BlockDiagPrecond(this_b,
                                                   Xs_nonLoc[first:last, :],
                                                   dt, implic_coeff,
                                                   X_nonLoc[first:last, :],
            lamalph[3 * first:3 * last] = this_lamalph[:3 * (last - first)]
            lamalph[numLams + alphafirst:numLams +
                    alphalast] = this_lamalph[3 * (last - first):]
        return lamalph

    def interFiberVelocity(self, X_nonLoc, Xs_nonLoc, forceDs, Dom, RPYEval):
        Compute the nonlocal velocity due to the fibers.
        Inputs: Arguments X_nonLoc, Xs_nonLoc = fiber positions and tangent vectors as Npts x 3 arrays, 
        forceDs = force densities as an 3*npts 1D numpy array
        Dom = Domain object the computation happens on,  
        RPYEval = EwaldSplitter (RPYVelocityEvaluator) to compute velocities
        Outputs: nonlocal velocity as a tot#ofpts*3 one-dimensional array.
        # If not doing nonlocal hydro, return nothing
        if (self._nonLocal == 0):
            return np.zeros(self._totnum * 3)

        forceDs = np.reshape(forceDs, (self._totnum, 3))

        # Finite part has already been calculated in individual fiberCollection objects
        # We are only going to support direct quad with fixed upsampling ratio
        Xupsampled = self.getPointsForUpsampledQuad(X_nonLoc)
        self._SpatialDirectQuad.updateSpatialStructures(Xupsampled, Dom)
        fupsampled = self.getPointsForUpsampledQuad(forceDs)
        forcesUp = fupsampled * self._allUpsampledWts

        if (verbose >= 0):
            print('Upsampling time %f' % (time.time() - thist))
            thist = time.time()
        RPYVelocityUp = RPYEval.calcBlobTotalVel(Xupsampled,forcesUp,Dom,self._SpatialDirectQuad,\
        if (verbose >= 0):
            print('Upsampled Ewald time %f' % (time.time() - thist))
            thist = time.time()
        # Subtract self terms species by species
        SelfTerms = np.zeros((self._totnumDirect, 3))
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            firstDir = self._DirectQuadStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            lastDir = self._DirectQuadStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            SelfTerms[firstDir:lastDir, :] = fibCol.GPUSubtractSelfTerms(
                fibCol._Ndirect, Xupsampled[firstDir:lastDir, :],
                forcesUp[firstDir:lastDir, :])
        if (verbose >= 0):
            print('Self time %f' % (time.time() - thist))
            thist = time.time()
        RPYVelocityUp -= SelfTerms
        RPYVelocity = self.getValuesfromDirectQuad(RPYVelocityUp)
        if (verbose >= 0):
            print('Downsampling time %f' % (time.time() - thist))
        if (np.any(np.isnan(RPYVelocity))):
            raise ValueError('Velocity is nan - stability issue!')
        return np.reshape(RPYVelocity, self._totnum * 3)

    def updateLambdaAlpha(self, lamalph, Xsarg):
        Update the lambda and alphas after the solve is complete. 
        Inputs: lamalph = answer for lambda and alpha. Xsarg = tangent vectors for nonlocal
        # Update master lambda
        numLams = 3 * self._totnum
        self._lambdas = lamalph[:numLams]
        # Set lambda and alpha in each fiber collection
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            alphafirst = self._AlphaStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            alphalast = self._AlphaStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            this_lamalph = np.zeros(3 * (last - first) + alphalast -
            this_lamalph[:3 * (last - first)] = lamalph[3 * first:3 * last]
            this_lamalph[3 * (last - first):] = lamalph[numLams +
                                                        alphafirst:numLams +
            fibCol.updateLambdaAlpha(this_lamalph, Xsarg[first:last, :])

    def updateAllFibers(self, dt, XsforNL, exactinex=1):
        Update the fiber configurations, assuming self._alphas has been computed above. 
        Inputs: dt = timestep, XsforNL = the tangent vectors we use to compute the 
        Rodriguez rotation, exactinex = whether to preserve exact inextensibility
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            fibCol.updateAllFibers(dt, XsforNL[first:last, :], exactinex)
        # Copy back to me
        return np.amax(self._ptsCheb)

    def initializeLambdaForNewFibers(self,
        Solve local problem to initialize values of lambda on the fibers.
        Inputs: newfibs = nSpecies list, where each element of the list has the new fibers 
        for that species, exForceDen = external (gravity/CL) force density on those fibers, 
        t = system time, dt = time step, implic_coeff = implicit coefficient (usually 1/2), 
        other = the other (previous time step) fiber collection
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            otherFibCol = None
            if (other is not None):
                otherFibCol = other._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
                                                exForceDen[3 * first:3 * last],
                                                t, dt, implic_coeff,
            self._lambdas[3 * first:3 * last] = fibCol._lambdas
            if other is not None:
                other._lambdas[3 * first:3 * last] = otherFibCol._lambdas

    def FiberBirthAndDeath(self, tstep, other=None):
        Turnover filaments. tstep = time step,
        other = the previous time step fiber collection (for Crank-Nicolson)
        if (tstep == 0):
            return []
        AllBornFibs = []
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            otherFibCol = None
            if (other is not None):
                otherFibCol = other._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            AllBornFibs.append(fibCol.FiberBirthAndDeath(tstep, otherFibCol))
        # Replace my X and Xs
        if (other is not None):
        return AllBornFibs

    def writeFiberLocations(self, of):
        Write the locations of all fibers to a file
        object named of.
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):

    def writeFiberTangentVectors(self, of):
        Write the locations of all fibers to a file
        object named of.
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):

    def getg(self, t):
        return self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[0].getg(t)

    def getX(self):
        return self._ptsCheb

    def getXs(self):
        return self._tanvecs

    def getUniformSpatialData(self):
        return self._SpatialUni

    def nChebByFib(self):
        return np.repeat(self._nChebBySpecies, self._NFibersBySpecies)

    def nUniByFib(self):
        return np.repeat(self._nUniformBySpecies, self._NFibersBySpecies)

    def calcCurvatures(self, X):
        Evaluate fiber curvatures on fibers with locations X. 
        Returns an Nfib array of the mean L^2 curvature by fiber 
        Curvatures = np.zeros(self._Nfib)
        fibstartIndex = 0
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            Curvatures[fibstartIndex:fibstartIndex +
                       fibCol._Nfib] = fibCol.calcCurvatures(X[first:last, :])
            fibstartIndex += fibCol._Nfib
        return Curvatures

    def getUniformPoints(self, chebpts):
        UniformPts = np.zeros(
            (self._UniformPointStartBySpecies[self._nSpecies], 3))
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            firstUni = self._UniformPointStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            lastUni = self._UniformPointStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            UniformPts[firstUni:lastUni, :] = fibCol.getUniformPoints(
                chebpts[first:last, :])
        return UniformPts

    def FiberStress(self, XforNL, Lambdas, Dom):
        TotLam = 0.0
        TotEl = 0.0
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            lamstr, elstr = fibCol.FiberStress(XforNL[first:last, :],
                                               Lambdas[3 * first:3 * last],
            TotLam += lamstr
            TotEl += elstr
        return TotLam, TotEl

    def getLambdas(self):
        return self._lambdas

    def uniformForce(self, strengths):
        A uniform force density on all fibers with strength strength 
        return np.tile(strengths, self._totnum)

    def getSysDimension(self):
        Dimension of (lambda,alpha) sysyem for GMRES
        return 3 * self._totnum + self._totalphas

    def getPointsForUpsampledQuad(self, chebpts):
        AllUpsampledPts = np.zeros((self._totnumDirect, 3))
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            firstDir = self._DirectQuadStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            lastDir = self._DirectQuadStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
                firstDir:lastDir, :] = fibCol.getPointsForUpsampledQuad(
                    chebpts[first:last, :])
        return AllUpsampledPts

    def getValuesfromDirectQuad(self, upsampledVals):
        Downsample the upsampled (velocities) to get the values on the original cheb pts
        AllDownsampledPts = np.zeros((self._totnum, 3))
        for iSpecies in range(self._nSpecies):
            fibCol = self._fiberCollectionsBySpecies[iSpecies]
            first = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            last = self._RowStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            firstDir = self._DirectQuadStartBySpecies[iSpecies]
            lastDir = self._DirectQuadStartBySpecies[iSpecies + 1]
            AllDownsampledPts[first:last, :] = fibCol.getValuesfromDirectQuad(
                upsampledVals[firstDir:lastDir, :])
        return AllDownsampledPts