Exemplo n.º 1
    def asFile( self, dataframe, row_headers, col_headers, title ):
        '''save the table as HTML file.

        Multiple files of the same Renderer/Tracker combination are distinguished 
        by the title.
        self.debug("%s: saving %i x %i table as file'"% (id(self), 
        lines = []
        lines.append("`%i x %i table <#$html %s$#>`__" %\
                         (len(row_headers), len(col_headers),
                          title) )

        r = ResultBlock( "\n".join(lines) + "\n", title = title)

        out = StringIO.StringIO()
        dataframe.to_csv( out )
        lines = out.getvalue().split("\n")            

        # create an html table
        data = ["<table>"]
        data.append( "<tr><th></th><th>%s</th></tr>" % "</th><th>".join( map(str,lines[0].split(","))) )
        data.extend( ["<tr><td>%s</td></tr>" % \
                          ("</td><td>".join(x.split(","))) for x in lines[1:]] )
        data.append( "</table>\n" )

        # substitute links
        data = [ re.sub("`(.*?(?:\".+\"|\'.+\')?.*?)\s<(.*?(?:\".+\"|\'.+\')?.*?)>`_", r'<a href="\2">\1</a>', x) \
                     for x in data ]

        r.html = "\n".join( data )

        return r
Exemplo n.º 2
    def asFile( self, matrix, row_headers, col_headers, title ):
        '''save the table as HTML file.

        Multiple files of the same Renderer/Tracker combination are distinguished 
        by the title.

        self.debug("%s: saving %i x %i table as file'"% (id(self), 
        lines = []
        lines.append("`%i x %i table <#$html %s$#>`__" %\
                     (len(row_headers), len(col_headers),
                      title) )

        r = ResultBlock( "\n".join(lines), title = title)
        # create an html table
        data = ["<table>"]
        data.append( "<tr><th></th><th>%s</th></tr>" % "</th><th>".join( map(str,col_headers)) )
        for h, row in zip( row_headers, matrix):
            data.append( "<tr><th>%s</th><td>%s</td></tr>" % (h, "</td><td>".join(map(str,row)) ))
        data.append( "</table>\n" )
        r.html = "\n".join( data )

        return ResultBlocks( r )