def __str__(self):
     print '**Entering __str__ Book method**'
     '''This method prints out all the information about the book, including the __str__
     method from the StockItem superclass. The date is reformatted to make it more readable.'''
     day = str(self.dateReleased[0:2])
     month = str(self.dateReleased[2:4])
     year = str(self.dateReleased[4:8])
     '''I call the __str__ method from superclass here. As I have overwritten the Calculate Storage Cost
     method of the super-class, with the special calcualteStorageCost method for books, it is the special 
     storage costs of books that is printed out.'''
     print StockItem.__str__(self)
     print 'The book title is "%s"' %(self.title)
     print 'The author is %s' %(
     print 'The genre is %s' %(self.genre)
     if month == '01':
         month = 'January'
     elif month == '02':
         month = 'February'
     elif month == '03':
         month = 'March'
     elif month == '04':
         month = 'April'
     elif month == '05':
         month = 'May'
     elif month == '06':
         month = 'June'
     elif month == '07':
         month = 'July'
     elif month == '08':
         month = 'August'
     elif month == '09':
         month = 'September' 
     elif month == '10':
         month = 'October'
     elif month == '11':
         month = 'November'
     elif month == '12':
         month = 'December'
     return 'The release date is %s/%s/%s' %(day, month, year)
 def __str__(self):
     print '**Entering __str__ CD method**'
     '''This method prints out all the information about the CD, including the __str__
     method from the StockItem superclass. The date is reformatted to make it more readable.'''
     day = str(self.dateReleased[0:2])
     month = str(self.dateReleased[2:4])
     year = str(self.dateReleased[4:8])
     print StockItem.__str__(self)
     print 'The CD title is "%s"' %(self.title)
     print 'The artist is %s' %(self.artist)
     print 'The genre is %s' %(self.genre)
     if month == '01':
         month = 'January'
     elif month == '02':
         month = 'February'
     elif month == '03':
         month = 'March'
     elif month == '04':
         month = 'April'
     elif month == '05':
         month = 'May'
     elif month == '06':
         month = 'June'
     elif month == '07':
         month = 'July'
     elif month == '08':
         month = 'August'
     elif month == '09':
         month = 'September' 
     elif month == '10':
         month = 'October'
     elif month == '11':
         month = 'November'
     elif month == '12':
         month = 'December'
     return 'The release date is %s/%s/%s' %(day, month, year)