Exemplo n.º 1
def _scale(coord, scale=1.0, to_pixel=True):
    """Convert pixel cordinates to scaled co-ordinates or visa versa.

        coord(int,float or iterable): Coordinates to be scaled

    Keyword Arguments:
        scale(float): Microns per Pixel scale of image
        to_pixel(bool): Force the conversion to be to pixels

        scaled co-ordinates.
    if isinstance(coord, int):
        if not to_pixel:
            coord = float(coord) * scale
    elif isinstance(coord, float):
        if to_pixel:
            coord = int(round(coord / scale))
    elif isIterable(coord):
        coord = tuple([_scale(c, scale, to_pixel) for c in coord])
        raise ValueError(
            "coord should be an integer or a float or an iterable of integers and floats"
    return coord
Exemplo n.º 2
        def _extractor(group, trail, metadata):

            results = group.type()
            results.metadata = group[0].metadata
            headers = []

            ok_data = list()
            for m in metadata:  # Sanity check the metadata to include
                    test = results[m]
                    if not isIterable(test) or isinstance(test, string_types):
                        test = array([test])
                        test = array(test)
                except (IndexError, KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
                    headers.extend([m] * len(test))

            for d in group:
                row = array([])
                for m in ok_data:
                    row = append(row, array(d[m]))
                results += row
            results.column_headers = headers

            return results
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __getattr__(self, name):
     """Get a column using the setas attribute."""
     # Overrides __getattr__ to allow access as row.x etc.
     col_check = {
         "x": "xcol",
         "d": "xerr",
         "y": "ycol",
         "e": "yerr",
         "z": "zcol",
         "f": "zerr",
         "u": "ucol",
         "v": "vcol",
         "w": "wcol",
     if name in self.setas.cols:
         return self.setas.__getattr__(name)
     if name not in col_check:
         return super(DataArray, self).__getattribute__(name)
     indexer = [slice(0, dim, 1) for ix, dim in enumerate(self.shape)]
     col = col_check[name]
     if col.startswith("x"):
         if self._setas.cols[col] is not None:
             indexer[-1] = self._setas.cols[col]
             ret = self[tuple(indexer)]
             if ret.ndim > 0:
                 ret.column_headers = self.column_headers[
             ret = None
         if isIterable(
                 self._setas.cols[col]) and len(self._setas.cols[col]) > 0:
             indexer[-1] = self._setas.cols[col][0]
         elif isIterable(self._setas.cols[col]):
             indexer[-1] = self._setas.cols[col]
             return None
         ret = self[tuple(indexer)]
         if ret.ndim > 0:
             ret.column_headers = self.column_headers[indexer[-1]]
     if ret is None:
         raise StonerSetasError(
             "Tried accessing a {} column, but setas is not defined.".
     return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
 def pattern(self, value):
     """Sets the filename searching pattern[s] for the :py:class:`Stoner.Core.metadataObject`s."""
     if isinstance(value, string_types):
         self._pattern = (value, )
     elif isinstance(value, _pattern_type):
         self._pattern = (value, )
     elif isIterable(value):
         self._pattern = [x for x in value]
         raise ValueError(
             "pattern should be a string, regular expression or iterable object not a {}"
Exemplo n.º 5
    def std(self, column=None, sigma=None, bounds=None):
        """Find standard deviation value of col_a data column.

            column (index):
                Column to look for the maximum in

        Keyword Arguments:
            sigma (column index or array):
                The uncertainity noted for each value in the mean
            bounds (callable):
                col_a callable function that takes col_a single argument list of
                numbers representing one row, and returns True for all rows to search in.

                The standard deviation of the data.

            If column is not defined (or is None) the :py:attr:`DataFile.setas` column
            assignments are used.

        .. todo::
            Fix the row index when the bounds function is used - see note of :py:meth:`AnalysisMixin.max`
        _ = self._col_args(scalar=True, ycol=column, yerr=sigma)

        if bounds is not None:
            self._set_mask(bounds, True, _.ycol)

        if isIterable(sigma) and len(sigma) == len(self) and all_type(sigma, float):
            sigma = np.array(sigma)
        elif _.yerr:
            sigma = self.data[:, _.yerr]
            sigma = np.ones(len(self))

        ydata = self.data[:, _.ycol]

        sigma = np.abs(sigma) / np.nanmax(np.abs(sigma))
        sigma = np.where(sigma < 1e-8, 1e-8, sigma)
        weights = 1 / sigma ** 2
        weights[np.isnan(weights)] = 0.0

        result = np.sqrt(np.cov(ydata, aweights=weights))

        if bounds is not None:
        return result
Exemplo n.º 6
 def i(self, value):
     if self.ndim == 0:
     elif self.ndim == 1 and self.isrow:
         if isIterable(value) and value:
             self._ibase = np.array([min(value)])
             self._ibase = np.array([value])
     elif self.ndim >= 1:
         r = self.shape[0]
         if isIterable(value) and len(
         ) == r:  # Iterable and the correct length - assing straight
             self._ibase = np.array(value)
         elif isIterable(value) and len(
         ) > 0:  # Iterable but not the correct length - count from min of value
             self._ibase = np.arange(min(value), min(value) + r)
         elif (
                 isIterable(value) and len(value) == 0
         ):  # Iterable but not the correct length - count from min of value
             self._ibase = np.arange(0, r, r)
         else:  # No iterable
             self._ibase = np.arange(value, value + r)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def mean(self, column=None, sigma=None, bounds=None):
        """Find mean value of col_a data column.

            column (index):
                Column to look for the maximum in

        Keyword Arguments:
            sigma (column index or array):
                The uncertainity noted for each value in the mean
            bounds (callable):
                col_a callable function that takes col_a single argument list of
                numbers representing one row, and returns True for all rows to search in.

                The mean of the data.

            If column is not defined (or is None) the :py:attr:`DataFile.setas` column
            assignments are used.

        .. todo::
            Fix the row index when the bounds function is used - see note of :py:meth:`AnalysisMixin.max`
        _ = self._col_args(scalar=True, ycol=column, yerr=sigma)

        if bounds is not None:
            self._set_mask(bounds, True, _.ycol)

        if isIterable(sigma) and len(sigma) == len(self) and all_type(sigma, float):
            sigma = np.array(sigma)
            _["has_yerr"] = True
        elif _.has_yerr:
            sigma = self.data[:, _.yerr]

        if not _.has_yerr:
            result = self.data[:, _.ycol].mean()
            ydata = self.data[:, _.ycol]
            w = 1 / (sigma ** 2 + 1e-8)
            norm = w.sum(axis=0)
            error = np.sqrt((sigma ** 2).sum(axis=0)) / len(sigma)
            result = (ydata * w).mean(axis=0) / norm, error
        if bounds is not None:
        return result
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        """Setting the attrbute on .each sets it on all instantiated objects and in _object_attrs.

            name(str): Attribute to set
            value (any): Value to set

            If *name* is not present on the empty member instance, then the first member of the folder is checked as
            well. This allows the attributes of a :py:class:`Stoner.Data` object that derive from the
            Lpy:attr:`Stoner.Data.setas` attribute (such as *.x*, *.y* or *.e* etc) can be accessed.

            If *value* is iterable and the same length as the folder, then each element in the folder is loaded and
            the corresponding element of *value* is assigned to the attribute of the member.
        if hasattr(self.__class__, name) or name.startswith(
                "_"):  # Handle setting our own attributes
            super(item, self).__setattr__(name, value)
        elif name in dir(
                self._folder.instance) or (len(self._folder) and hasattr(
                    self._folder[0], name)):  # This is an instance attribute
            if isIterable(value) and len(value) == len(self._folder):
                force_load = True
                force_load = False
                    name] = value  # Add to attributes to be set on load
                value = [value] * len(self._folder)
            for d, v in zip(self._folder.__names__(),
                            value):  # And set on all instantiated objects
                if force_load or isinstance(
                        self._folder.__getter__(d, instantiate=False),
                    d = self._folder.__getter__(d)
                    setattr(d, name, v)
            raise AttributeError("Unknown attribute {}".format(name))
Exemplo n.º 9
def _slice_keys(args, possible=None):
    """Work through the arguments to slice() and construct a list of keys."""
    keys = []
    for k in args:
        if isinstance(k, string_types):
            if k not in possible:
                sub_k = fnmatch.filter(possible, k)
                if len(sub_k) > 0:
                    keys.extend(_slice_keys(sub_k, possible))
                    raise KeyError(f"No matching keys for {sub_k} in metadata")
        elif isinstance(k, type) and issubclass(k, Model):
            model = k.__name__
            for name in k().param_names:
                for sub_k in [f"{model}:{name}", f"{model}:{name} err"]:
                    if sub_k not in possible:
                        raise KeyError(
                            f"No matching keys for {sub_k} in metadata")
        elif isinstance(k, Model):
            model = k.__class__.__name__
            for name in k.param_names:
                for sub_k in [f"{model}:{name}", f"{model}:{name} err"]:
                    if sub_k not in possible:
                        raise KeyError(
                            f"No matching keys for {sub_k} in metadata")
        elif isIterable(k):
            keys.extend(_slice_keys(k, possible))
            raise KeyError(
                "{} cannot be used as a key name or set of key names".format(
    return keys
Exemplo n.º 10
    def peaks(self, **kargs):
        """Locates peaks and/or troughs in a column of data by using SG-differentiation.

            ycol (index):
                the column name or index of the data in which to search for peaks
            width (int or float):
                the expected minium halalf-width of a peak in terms of the number of data points (int) or distance
                in x (float). This is used in the differnetiation code to find local maxima. Bigger equals less
                sensitive to experimental noise, smaller means better eable to see sharp peaks
            poly (int):
                the order of polynomial to use when differentiating the data to locate a peak. Must >=2, higher numbers
                will find sharper peaks more accurately but at the risk of finding more false positives.

        Keyword Arguments:
            significance (float):
                used to decide whether a local maxmima is a significant peak. Essentially just the curvature
                of the data. Bigger means less sensistive, smaller means more likely to detect noise. Default is the
                maximum curvature/(2*width)
            xcol (index or None):
                name or index of data column that p[rovides the x-coordinate (default None)
            peaks (bool):
                select whether to measure peaks in data (default True)
            troughs (bool):
                select whether to measure troughs in data (default False)
            sort (bool):
                Sor the results by significance of peak
            modify (book):
                If true, then the returned object is a copy of self with only the peaks/troughs left in the data.
            full_data (bool):
                If True (default) then all columns of the data at which peaks in the *ycol* column are found.
                *modify* true implies *full_data* is also true. If *full_data* is False, then only the x-column
                values of the peaks are returned.

                If *modify* is true, then returns a the AnalysisMixin with the data set to just the peaks/troughs.
                If *modify* is false (default), then the return value depends on *ycol* and *xcol*. If *ycol* is
                not None and *xcol* is None, then returns conplete rows of data corresponding to the found
                peaks/troughs. If *xcol* is not None, or *ycol* is None and *xcol* is None, then returns a 1D array
                of the x positions of the peaks/troughs.

        See Also:
            User guide section :ref:`peak_finding`
        width = kargs.pop("width", int(len(self) / 20))
        peaks = kargs.pop("peaks", True)
        troughs = kargs.pop("troughs", False)
        poly = kargs.pop("poly", 2)
            poly >= 2,
            "poly must be at least 2nd order in peaks for checking for significance of peak or trough"

        sort = kargs.pop("sort", False)
        modify = kargs.pop("modify", False)
        full_data = kargs.pop("full_data", True)
        _ = self._col_args(scalar=False,
                           xcol=kargs.pop("xcol", None),
                           ycol=kargs.pop("ycol", None))
        xcol, ycol = _.xcol, _.ycol
        if isIterable(ycol):
            ycol = ycol[0]
        if isinstance(
                float):  # Convert a floating point width unto an integer.
            xmin, xmax = self.span(xcol)
            width = int(len(self) * width / (xmax - xmin))
        width = max(width, poly + 1)
        setas = self.setas.clone  # pylint: disable=E0203
        self.setas = ""
        d1 = self.SG_Filter(ycol, xcol=xcol, points=width, poly=poly,
        d2 = self.SG_Filter(
            ycol, xcol=xcol, points=2 * width, poly=poly,
            order=2).ravel()  # 2nd differential requires more smoothing

        # We're going to ignore the start and end of the arrays
        index_offset = int(width / 2)
        d1 = d1[index_offset:-index_offset]
        d2 = d2[index_offset:-index_offset]

        # Pad the ends of d2 with the mean value
        pad = np.mean(d2[index_offset:-index_offset])
        d2[:index_offset] = pad
        d2[-index_offset:] = pad

        # Set the significance from the 2nd ifferential if not already set
        significance = kargs.pop(
            np.max(np.abs(d2)) /
            (2 * width))  # Base an apriori significance on max d2y/dx2 / 20
        if isinstance(significance,
                      int):  # integer significance is inverse to floating
            significance = np.max(
            ) / significance  # Base an apriori significance on max d2y/dx2 / 20

        d2_interp = interp1d(np.arange(len(d2)), d2, kind="cubic")
        # Ensure we have some X-data
        if xcol is None:
            xdata = np.arange(len(self))
            xdata = self.column(xcol)
        xdata = interp1d(np.arange(len(self)), xdata, kind="cubic")

        possible_peaks = np.array(
            threshold(0, d1, rising=troughs, falling=peaks))
        curvature = np.abs(d2_interp(possible_peaks))

        # Filter just the significant peaks
        possible_peaks = np.array([
            p for ix, p in enumerate(possible_peaks)
            if abs(curvature[ix]) > significance
        # Sort in order of significance
        if sort:
            possible_peaks = np.take(
                possible_peaks, np.argsort(np.abs(d2_interp(possible_peaks))))

        xdat = xdata(possible_peaks + index_offset)

        if modify:
            self.data = self.interpolate(xdat, xcol=xcol, kind="cubic")
            ret = self
        elif full_data:
            ret = self.interpolate(xdat, kind="cubic", xcol=False)
            ret = xdat
        self.setas = setas
        # Return - but remembering to add back on the offset that we took off due to differentials not working at
        # start and end
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 11
    def threshold(self, threshold, **kargs):
        """Finds partial indices where the data in column passes the threshold, rising or falling.

            threshold (float):
                Value to look for in column col

        Keyword Arguments:
            col (index):
                Column index to look for data in
            rising (bool):
                look for case where the data is increasing in value (defaukt True)
            falling (bool):
                look for case where data is fallinh in value (default False)
            xcol (index, bool or None):
                rather than returning a fractional row index, return the
                interpolated value in column xcol. If xcol is False, then return a complete row
                all_vals (bool): return all crossing points of the threshold or just the first. (default False)
            transpose (bbool):
                Swap the x and y columns around - this is most useful when the column assignments
                have been done via the setas attribute
            all_vals (bool):
                Return all values that match the criteria, or just the first in the file.

                Either a sing;le fractional row index, or an in terpolated x value

            If you don't sepcify a col value or set it to None, then the assigned columns via the
            :py:attr:`DataFile.setas` attribute will be used.

            There has been an API change. Versions prior to 0.1.9 placed the column before the threshold in the
            positional argument list. In order to support the use of assigned columns, this has been swapped to the
            present order.
        DataArray = self.data.__class__
        col = kargs.pop("col", None)
        if col is None:
            col = self.setas._get_cols("ycol")
            xcol = kargs.pop("xcol", self.setas._get_cols("xcol"))
            xcol = kargs.pop("xcol", None)

        rising = kargs.pop("rising", True)
        falling = kargs.pop("falling", False)
        all_vals = kargs.pop("all_vals", False)

        current = self.column(col)

        # Recursively call if we've got an iterable threshold
        if isIterable(threshold):
            if isinstance(xcol, bool) and not xcol:
                ret = np.zeros((len(threshold), self.shape[1]))
                ret = np.zeros_like(threshold).view(type=DataArray)
            for ix, th in enumerate(threshold):
                ret[ix] = self.threshold(th,
            # Now we have to clean up the  retujrn list into a DataArray
            if isinstance(
                    xcol, bool
            ) and not xcol:  # if xcol was False we got a complete row back
                ch = self.column_headers
                ret.setas = self.setas.clone
                ret.column_headers = ch
                ret.i = ret[0].i
            else:  # Either xcol was None so we got indices or we got a specified column back
                if xcol is not None:  # Specific column
                    ret = np.atleast_2d(ret)
                    ret.column_headers = [
                    ret.i = [r.i for r in ret]
                    ret.setas = "x"
                    ret.isrow = False
                    ret.column_headers = ["Index"]
                    ret.isrow = False
            return ret
        ret = _threshold(threshold, current, rising=rising, falling=falling)
        if not all_vals:
            ret = [ret[0]] if np.any(ret) else []

        if isinstance(xcol, bool) and not xcol:
            retval = self.interpolate(ret, xcol=False)
            retval.setas = self.setas.clone
            retval.setas.shape = retval.shape
            retval.i = ret
            ret = retval
        elif xcol is not None:
            retval = self.interpolate(ret, xcol=False)[:, self.find_col(xcol)]
            # if retval.ndim>0:   #not sure what this bit does but it's throwing errors for a simple threshold
            # retval.setas=self.setas.clone
            # retval.setas.shape=retval.shape
            # retval.i=ret
            ret = retval
            ret = DataArray(ret)
        if not all_vals:
            if ret.size == 1:
            elif ret.size > 1:
                ret = ret[0]
                ret = []
        if isinstance(ret, DataArray):
            ret.isrow = True
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 12
    def stitch(self,
        r"""Apply a scaling to this data set to make it stich to another dataset.

            other (DataFile):
                Another data set that is used as the base to stitch this one on to
            xcol,ycol (index or None):
                The x and y data columns. If left as None then the current setas attribute is used.

        Keyword Arguments:
            overlap (tuple of (lower,higher) or None):
                The band of x values that are used in both data sets to match,
                if left as None, thenthe common overlap of the x data is used.
            min_overlap (float):
                If you know that overlap must be bigger than a certain amount, the bounds between the two
                data sets needs to be adjusted. In this case min_overlap shifts the boundary of the overlap
                on this DataFile.
            mode (str):
                Unless *func* is specified, controls which parameters are actually variable, defaults to all of them.
            func (callable):
                a stitching function that transforms :math:`(x,y)\rightarrow(x',y')`. Default is to use
                functions defined by *mode*
            p0 (iterable):
                if func is not None then p0 should be the starting values for the stitching function parameters

                A copy of the current :py:class:`AnalysisMixin` with the x and y data columns adjusted to stitch

        To stitch the data together, the x and y data in the current data file is transforms so that
        :math:`x'=x+A` and :math:`y'=By+C` where :math:`A,B,C` are constants and :math:`(x',y')` are close matches
        to the :math:`(x,y)` data in *other*. The algorithm assumes that the overlap region contains equal
        numbers of :math:`(x,y)` points *mode* controls whether A,B, and C are fixed or adjustable

            - "All" - all three parameters adjustable
            - "Scale y, shift x" - C is fixed at 0.0
            - "Scale and shift y" A is fixed at 0.0
            - "Scale y" - only B is adjustable
            - "Shift y" - Only c is adjsutable
            - "Shift x" - Only A is adjustable
            - "Shift both" - B is fixed at 1.0

        See Also:
            User Guide section :ref:`stitch_guide`
        _ = self._col_args(xcol=xcol, ycol=ycol, scalar=True)
        points = self.column([_.xcol, _.ycol])
        points = points[points[:, 0].argsort(), :]
        points[:, 0] += min_overlap
        otherpoints = other.column([_.xcol, _.ycol])
        otherpoints = otherpoints[otherpoints[:, 0].argsort(), :]
        self_second = np.max(points[:, 0]) > np.max(otherpoints[:, 0])
        if overlap is None:  # Calculate the overlap
            lower = max(np.min(points[:, 0]), np.min(otherpoints[:, 0]))
            upper = min(np.max(points[:, 0]), np.max(otherpoints[:, 0]))
        elif isinstance(overlap, int) and overlap > 0:
            if self_second:
                lower = points[0, 0]
                upper = points[0, overlap]
                lower = points[0, -overlap - 1]
                upper = points[0, -1]
        elif (isinstance(overlap, tuple) and len(overlap) == 2 and isinstance(
                overlap[0], float and isinstance(overlap[1], float))):
            lower = min(overlap)
            upper = max(overlap)
        inrange = np.logical_and(points[:, 0] >= lower, points[:, 0] <= upper)
        points = points[inrange]
        num_pts = points.shape[0]
        if self_second:
            otherpoints = otherpoints[-num_pts - 1:-1]
            otherpoints = otherpoints[0:num_pts]
        x = points[:, 0]
        y = points[:, 1]
        xp = otherpoints[:, 0]
        yp = otherpoints[:, 1]
        if func is None:
            opts = {
                "all": (lambda x, y, A, B, C: (x + A, y * B + C)),
                "scale y and shift x": (lambda x, y, A, B: (x + A, B * y)),
                "scale and shift y": (lambda x, y, B, C: (x, y * B + C)),
                "scale y": (lambda x, y, B: (x, y * B)),
                "shift y": (lambda x, y, C: (x, y + C)),
                "shift both": (lambda x, y, A, C: (x + A, y + C)),
            defaults = {
                "all": [1, 2, 3],
                "scale y,shift x": [1, 2],
                "scale and shift y": [2, 3],
                "scale y": [2],
                "shift y": [3],
                "shift both": [1, 3],
            A0 = np.mean(xp) - np.mean(x)
            C0 = np.mean(yp) - np.mean(y)
            B0 = (np.max(yp) - np.min(yp)) / (np.max(y) - np.min(y))
            p = np.array([0, A0, B0, C0])
                isinstance(mode, string_types),
                "mode keyword should be a string if func is not defined")
            mode = mode.lower()
            assertion(mode in opts,
                      "mode keyword should be one of {}".format(opts.keys))
            func = opts[mode]
            p0 = p[defaults[mode]]
                      "Keyword func should be callable if given")
            args = getfullargspec(func)[0]  # pylint: disable=W1505
                "Keyword parameter p0 shoiuld be iterable if keyword func is given"
                len(p0) == len(args) - 2,
                "Keyword p0 should be the same length as the optional arguments to func"
        # This is a bit of a hack, we turn (x,y) points into a 1D array of x and then y data
        set1 = np.append(x, y)
        set2 = np.append(xp, yp)
            len(set1) == len(set2),
            "The number of points in the overlap are different in the two data sets"

        def transform(set1, *p):
            """Wrapper function to fit for transform."""
            m = int(len(set1) / 2)
            x = set1[:m]
            y = set1[m:]
            tmp = func(x, y, *p)
            out = np.append(tmp[0], tmp[1])
            return out

        popt, pcov = curve_fit(transform, set1, set2,
                               p0=p0)  # Curve fit for optimal A,B,C
        perr = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov))
        self.data[:, _.xcol], self.data[:,
                                        _.ycol] = func(self.data[:, _.xcol],
                                                       self.data[:, _.ycol],
        self["Stitching Coefficients"] = list(popt)
        self["Stitching Coeffient Errors"] = list(perr)
        self["Stitching overlap"] = (lower, upper)
        self["Stitching Window"] = num_pts

        return self
Exemplo n.º 13
    def apply(self, func, col=None, replace=True, header=None, **kargs):
        """Applies the given function to each row in the data set and adds to the data set.

            func (callable):
                The function to apply to each row of the data.
            col (index):
                The column in which to place the result of the function

        Keyword Arguments:
            replace (bool):
                Either replace the existing column/complete data or create a new column or data file.
            header (string or None):
                The new column header(s) (defaults to the name of the function func

            If any extra keyword arguments are supplied then these are passed to the function directly. If
            you need to pass any arguments that overlap with the keyword arguments to :py:math:`AnalysisMixin.apply`
            then these can be supplied in a dictionary argument *_extra*.

            The callable *func* should have a signature::

                def func(row,**kargs):

            and should return either a single float, in which case it will be used to repalce the specified column,
            or an array, in which case it is used to completely replace the row of data.

            If the function returns a complete row of data, then the *replace* parameter will cause the return
            value to be a new datafile, leaving the original unchanged. The *headers* parameter can give the complete
            column headers for the new data file.

                The newly modified Data object.
        if col is None:
            col = self.setas.get("y", [0])[0]
        col = self.find_col(col)
        kargs.update(kargs.pop("_extra", dict()))
        # Check the dimension of the output
        ret = func(next(self.rows()), **kargs)
        except (RuntimeError, StopIteration):
        if isIterable(ret):
            nc = np.zeros((len(self), len(ret)))
            nc = np.zeros(len(self))
        # Evaluate the data row by row
        for ix, r in enumerate(self.rows()):
            ret = func(r, **kargs)
            if isIterable(ret) and not isinstance(ret, np.ndarray):
                ret = np.ma.MaskedArray(ret)
            nc[ix] = ret
        # Work out how to handle the result
        if nc.ndim == 1:
            if header is None:
                header = func.__name__
            self = self.add_column(nc,
            ret = self
            if not replace:
                ret = self.clone
                ret = self
            ret.data = nc
            if header is not None:
                ret.column_headers = header
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 14
    def smooth(self,
        """Smooth data by convoluting with a window.

            window (string or tuple):
                Defines the window type to use by passing to :py:func:`scipy.signal.get_window`.

        Keyword Arguments:
            xcol(column index or None):
                Data to use as x data if needed to define a window. If None, use :py:attr:`Stoner.Core.DataFile.setas`
            ycvol (column index or None):
                Data to be smoothed
            size (int or float):
                If int, then the number of points to use in the smoothing window. If float, then the size in x-data
                to be used.
            result (bool or column index):
                Whether to add the smoothed data to the dataset and if so where.
            replace (bool):
                Replace the exiting data or insert as a new column.
            header (string):
                New column header for the new data.

            (self or array):
                If result is False, then the return value will be a copy of the smoothed data, otherwise the return
                value is a copy of the AnalysisMixin object with the smoothed data added,

            If size is float, then it is necessary to map the X-data to a number of rows and to ensure that the data
            is evenly spaced in x. To do this, the number of rows in the window is found by dividing the span in x
            by the size and multiplying by the total lenfth. Then the data is interpolated to a new set of evenly
            space X over the same range, smoothed and then interpoalted back to the original x values.
        _ = self._col_args(xcol=xcol, ycol=ycol)
        replace = kargs.pop("replace", True)
        result = kargs.pop("result", True)  # overwirte existing y column data
        header = kargs.pop("header", self.column_headers[_.ycol])

        # Sort out window size
        if isinstance(size, float):
            interp_data = True
            xl, xh = self.span(_.xcol)
            size = int(np.ceil((size / (xh - xl)) * len(self)))
            nx = np.linspace(xl, xh, len(self))
            data = self.interpolate(nx,
            self["Smoothing window size"] = size
        elif isinstance(size, int_types):
            data = copy(self.data)
            interp_data = False
            raise ValueError(
                "size should either be a float or integer, not a {}".format(

        window = get_window(window, size)
        # Handle multiple or single y columns
        if not isIterable(_.ycol):
            _.ycol = [_.ycol]

        # Do the convolution itself
        for yc in _.ycol:
            data[:, yc] = convolve(data[:, yc], window, mode="same") / size

        # Reinterpolate the smoothed data back if necessary
        if interp_data:
            nx = self.data[:, _.xcol]
            tmp = self.clone
            tmp.data = data
            data = tmp.interpolate(nx,

        # Fix return value
        if isinstance(result, bool) and not result:
            return data[:, _.ycol]
        for yc in _.ycol:
            self.add_column(data[:, yc],
        return self
Exemplo n.º 15
    def extract(self, *metadata, **kargs):
        """Extracts metadata from each of the files in the terminal group.

        Walks through the terminal group and gets the listed metadata from each file and constructsa replacement

            *metadata (str):
                One or more metadata indices that should be used to construct the new data file.

        Ketyword Arguments:
            copy (bool):
                Take a copy of the :py:class:`DataFolder` before starting the extract (default is True)

            An instance of a metadataObject like object.
        copy = kargs.pop("copy", True)

        args = []
        for m in metadata:
            if isinstance(m, string_types):
            elif isIterable(m):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Metadata values should be strings, or lists of strings, not {}"
        metadata = args

        def _extractor(group, trail, metadata):

            results = group.type()
            results.metadata = group[0].metadata
            headers = []

            ok_data = list()
            for m in metadata:  # Sanity check the metadata to include
                    test = results[m]
                    if not isIterable(test) or isinstance(test, string_types):
                        test = array([test])
                        test = array(test)
                except (IndexError, KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
                    headers.extend([m] * len(test))

            for d in group:
                row = array([])
                for m in ok_data:
                    row = append(row, array(d[m]))
                results += row
            results.column_headers = headers

            return results

        if copy:
            ret = self.clone
            ret = self

        return ret.walk_groups(_extractor,
                               walker_args={"metadata": metadata})
Exemplo n.º 16
    def find_peaks(self, **kargs):
        """Interface to :py:func:`scipy.signal.find_peaks` for loacating peaks in data.

            ycol (index):
                the column name or index of the data in which to search for peaks

        Keyword Arguments:
            xcol (index):
                the column name or index of the x data that the peaks correspond to.
            height : number or ndarray or sequence, optional
                Required height of peaks. Either a number, ``None``, an array matching
                `ycol` or a 2-element sequence of the former. The first element is
                always interpreted as the  minimal and the second, if supplied, as the
                maximal required height.
            threshold : number or ndarray or sequence, optional
                Required threshold of peaks, the vertical distance to its neighbouring
                samples. Either a number, ``None``, an array matching `ycol` or a
                2-element sequence of the former. The first element is always
                interpreted as the  minimal and the second, if supplied, as the maximal
                required threshold.
            distance : number, optional
                Required minimal horizontal distance (>= 1) in samples between
                neighbouring peaks. Smaller peaks are removed first until the condition
                is fulfilled for all remaining peaks. If this is a *float* and *xcol* is set, then
                the units are in terms of the x-data, otherwise in rwo indices.
            prominence : number or ndarray or sequence, optional
                Required prominence of peaks. Either a number, ``None``, an array
                matching `ycol` or a 2-element sequence of the former. The first
                element is always interpreted as the  minimal and the second, if
                supplied, as the maximal required prominence.
            width : number or ndarray or sequence, optional
                Required width of peaks in samples. Either a number, ``None``, an array
                matching `ycol` or a 2-element sequence of the former. The first
                element is always interpreted as the  minimal and the second, if
                supplied, as the maximal required width. If this is a *float* and *xcol* is set, then
                the units are in terms of the x-data, otherwise in rwo indices.
            wlen : int, optional
                Used for calculation of the peaks prominences, thus it is only used if
                one of the arguments `prominence` or `width` is given. See argument
                `wlen` in `peak_prominences` for a full description of its effects.
            rel_height : float, optional
                Used for calculation of the peaks width, thus it is only used if `width`
                is given. See argument  `rel_height` in `peak_widths` for a full
                description of its effects.
            plateau_size : number or ndarray or sequence, optional
                Required size of the flat top of peaks in samples. Either a number,
                ``None``, an array matching `ycol` or a 2-element sequence of the former.
                The first element is always interpreted as the minimal and the second,
                if supplied as the maximal required plateau size. If this is a *float* and *xcol* is set, then
                the units are in terms of the x-data, otherwise in rwo indices.
            prefix (str):
                If et, then the metadata keys that return information about the peaks is returned with the given prefix.
                Default is None - no prefix.
            sort (bool):
                Sor the results by prominence of peak
            modify (book):
                If true, then the returned object is a copy of self with only the peaks left in the data.
            full_data (bool):
                If True (default) then all columns of the data at which peaks in the *ycol* column are found.
                *modify* true implies *full_data* is also true. If *full_data* is False, then only the x-column
                values of the peaks are returned.

                If *modify* is true, then returns a the AnalysisMixin with the data set to just the peaks/troughs.
                If *modify* is false (default), then the return value depends on *ycol* and *xcol*. If *ycol* is
                not None and *xcol* is None, then returns conplete rows of data corresponding to the found
                peaks/troughs. If *xcol* is not None, or *ycol* is None and *xcol* is None, then returns a 1D array
                of the x positions of the peaks/troughs.

        See Also:
            User guide section :ref:`peak_finding`
        distance = kargs.pop("distance", None)
        width = kargs.pop("width", None)
        plateau_size = kargs.pop("plateau_size", None)
        sort = kargs.pop("sort", False)
        modify = kargs.pop("modify", False)
        bounds = kargs.pop("bounds", lambda x, y: True)
        prefix = kargs.pop("prefix", None)
        full_data = kargs.pop("full_data", True)
        _ = self._col_args(scalar=False,
                           xcol=kargs.pop("xcol", None),
                           ycol=kargs.pop("ycol", None))
        xcol, ycol = _.xcol, _.ycol
        if isIterable(ycol):
            ycol = ycol[0]

        if isinstance(
                float):  # Convert a floating point width unto an integer.
            xmin, xmax = self.span(xcol)
            width = int(len(self) * width / (xmax - xmin))
        elif isTuple(width, float, float):
            xmin, xmax = self.span(xcol)
            width = int(len(self) * width[0] / (xmax - xmin)), int(
                len(self) * width[1] / (xmax - xmin))
        if width is not None:
            kargs["width"] = width

        if isinstance(
                float):  # Convert a floating point width unto an integer.
            xmin, xmax = self.span(xcol)
            distance = int(np.ceil(len(self) * distance / (xmax - xmin)))
        if distance is not None:
            kargs["distance"] = distance

        if isinstance(
                plateau_size, float
        ):  # Convert a floating point plateau_size unto an integer.
            xmin, xmax = self.span(xcol)
            plateau_size = int(len(self) * plateau_size / (xmax - xmin))
        elif isTuple(plateau_size, float, float):
            xmin, xmax = self.span(xcol)
            plateau_size = (
                int(len(self) * plateau_size[0] / (xmax - xmin)),
                int(len(self) * plateau_size[1] / (xmax - xmin)),
        if plateau_size is not None:
            kargs["plateau_size"] = plateau_size

        seek = self.search(xcol, bounds)
        peaks, data = find_peaks(seek[:, ycol], **kargs)
        peaks = self.data.i[seek.i[
            peaks]]  # de-reference frombounded data back to main dataset

        for sort_key in ["prominences", "peak_heights", "widths"]:
            if sort_key in data:
            sort_key = None
        if sort and sort_key:
            idx = np.sort(np.array(
                list(zip(data[sort_key], np.arange(peaks.size)))),
                          axis=0)[:, 1].astype(int)
            peaks = peaks[idx]
            for k in data:
                data[k] = data[k][idx]
        xmin, xmax = self.span(_.xcol)
        xconv = len(self) / (xmax - xmin)
        for k, v in data.items():
            if k.startswith("left") or k.startswith("right") or k == "widths":
                data[k] = v / xconv + (xmin if k != "widths" else 0)
        peak_data = self.data[peaks, :]
        for k, v in data.items():
            if prefix is None:
                self[k] = v
                self[f"{prefix}:{k}"] = v
        if modify:
            self.data = peak_data
            return self
        if full_data:
            return peak_data, data
        return peak_data[_.xcol], peak_data[_.yxol], data
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _col_args(
        """Utility method that creates an object which has keys  based either on arguments or setas attribute."""
        cols = {
            "xcol": xcol,
            "ycol": ycol,
            "zcol": zcol,
            "ucol": ucol,
            "vcol": vcol,
            "wcol": wcol,
            "xerr": xerr,
            "yerr": yerr,
            "zerr": zerr,
        no_guess = True
        for i in cols.values():
            if not i is None:  # User specification wins out
        else:  # User didn't set any values, setas will win
            no_guess = False
        ret = AttributeStore(self.setas._get_cols(no_guess=no_guess))
        for c in list(cols.keys()):
            if isNone(cols[c]):  # Not defined, fallback on setas
                del cols[c]
            elif isinstance(
                    bool) and not cols[c]:  # False, delete column altogether
                del cols[c]
                if c in ret:
                    del ret[c]
            elif c in ret and isinstance(ret[c], list):
                if isinstance(cols[c],
                              float) or (isinstance(cols[c], np.ndarray)
                                         and cols[c].size == len(self)):
            elif isinstance(cols[c], float):
            cols[c] = self.setas.find_col(cols[c])
        if scalar:
            for c in ret:
                if isinstance(ret[c], list):
                    if ret[c]:
                        ret[c] = ret[c][0]
                        ret[c] = None
        elif isinstance(scalar, bool) and not scalar:
            for c in ret:
                if c.startswith("x") or c.startswith("has_"):
                if not isIterable(ret[c]) and ret[c] is not None:
                    ret[c] = list([ret[c]])
                elif ret[c] is None:
                    ret[c] = []
        for n in [
                "xcol", "xerr", "ycol", "yerr", "zcol", "zerr", "ucol", "vcol",
                "wcol", "axes"
            ret[f"has_{n}"] = n in ret and not (ret[n] is None or
                                                (isinstance(ret[n], list)
                                                 and not ret[n]))

        return ret
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __getitem__(self, ix):
        """Indexing function for DataArray.

            ix (various):
                Index to find.

            An indexed part of the DataArray object with extra attributes.

            This tries to support all of the indexing operations of a regular numpy array,
            plus the special operations where one columns are named.

            Teh code almost certainly makes some assumptiuons that DataArray is one or 2D and
            may blow up with 3D arrays ! On the other hand it has a special case exception for where
            you give a string as the first index element and assumes that you've forgotten that we're
            row major and tries to do the right thing.
        # Is this goign to be a single row ?
        single_row = isinstance(
            ix, int_types) or (isinstance(ix, tuple) and len(ix) > 0
                               and isinstance(ix[0], int_types))
        # If the index is a single string type, then build a column accessing index
        if isinstance(ix, string_types):
            if self.ndim > 1:
                ix = (slice(None, None, None), self._setas.find_col(ix))
                ix = (self._setas.find_col(ix), )
        if isinstance(ix, (int_types, slice)):
            ix = (ix, )
        elif isinstance(ix, tuple) and ix and isinstance(
                ix[-1], string_types):  # index still has a string type in it
            ix = list(ix)
            ix[-1] = self._setas.find_col(ix[-1])
            ix = tuple(ix)
        elif (isinstance(ix, tuple) and ix and isinstance(ix[-1], np.ndarray)
              and self.ndim == 1):  # Indexing with a numpy array
            if len(ix) == 1:
                ix = ix[0]
        elif isinstance(ix, tuple) and ix and isIterable(
                ix[-1]):  # indexing with a list of columns
            ix = list(ix)
            if all_type(ix[-1], bool):
                ix[-1] = np.arange(len(ix[-1]))[ix[-1]]
            ix[-1] = [self._setas.find_col(c) for c in ix[-1]]
            ix = tuple(ix)
        elif isinstance(ix, tuple) and ix and isinstance(
                ix[0], string_types):  # oops! backwards indexing
            c = ix[0]
            ix = list(ix[1:])
            ix = tuple(ix)
            # Now can index with our constructed multidimesnional indexer
        ret = super(DataArray, self).__getitem__(ix)
        if ret.ndim == 0 or isinstance(ret, np.ndarray) and ret.size == 1:
            if isinstance(ret, ma.core.MaskedConstant):
                if ret.mask:
                    return self.fill_value
            if isinstance(ret, ma.MaskedArray):
                ret = ma.filled(ret)
            return ret.dtype.type(ret)
        if not isinstance(ret, np.ndarray):  # bugout for scalar resturns
            return ret
        if ret.ndim >= 2:  # Potentially 2D array here
            if ix[-1] is None:  # Special case for increasing an array dimension
                if self.ndim == 1:  # Going from 1 D to 2D
                    ret.setas = self.setas.clone
                    ret.i = self.i
                    ret.name = getattr(self, "name", "Column")
                return ret
            ret.isrow = single_row
            ret.setas = self.setas.clone
            ret.column_headers = copy.copy(self.column_headers)
            if len(ix) > 0 and isIterable(ix[-1]):  # pylint: disable=len-as-condition
                ret.column_headers = list(np.array(ret.column_headers)[ix[-1]])
            # Sort out whether we need an array of row labels
            if isinstance(self.i, np.ndarray) and len(ix) > 0:  # pylint: disable=len-as-condition
                if isIterable(ix[0]) or isinstance(ix[0], int_types):
                    ret.i = self.i[ix[0]]
                    ret.i = 0
                ret.i = self.i
        elif ret.ndim == 1:  # Potentially a single row or single column
            ret.isrow = single_row
            if len(ix) == len(self.setas):
                tmp = np.array(self.setas)[ix[-1]]
                tmpcol = np.array(self.column_headers)[ix[-1]]
                ret.column_headers = tmpcol
                ret.setas = self.setas.clone
                ret.column_headers = copy.copy(self.column_headers)
            # Sort out whether we need an array of row labels
            if single_row and isinstance(self.i, np.ndarray):
                ret.i = self.i[ix[0]]
            else:  # This is a single element?
                ret.i = self.i
            if not single_row:
                ret.name = self.column_headers
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 19
def align(im, ref, method="scharr", **kargs):
    """Use one of a variety of algroithms to align two images.

        im (ndarray) image to align
        ref (ndarray) reference array

    Keyword Args:
        method (str or None):
            If given specifies which module to try and use.
            Options: 'scharr', 'chi2_shift', 'imreg_dft', 'cv2'
        box (integer, float, tuple of images or floats):
            Used with ImageArray.crop to select a subset of the image to use for the aligning process.
        oversample (int):
            Rescale the image and reference image by constant factor before finding the translation vector.
        **kargs (various): All other keyword arguments are passed to the specific algorithm.

        (ImageArray or ndarray) aligned image

        Currently three algorithms are supported:
            - image_registration module's chi^2 shift: This uses a dft with an automatic
              up-sampling of the fourier transform for sub-pixel alignment. The metadata
              key *chi2_shift* contains the translation vector and errors.
            - imreg_dft module's similarity function. This implements a full scale, rotation, translation
              algorithm (by default cosntrained for just translation). It's unclear how much sub-pixel translation
              is accomodated.
            - cv2 module based affine transform on a gray scale image.
              from: http://www.learnopencv.com/image-alignment-ecc-in-opencv-c-python/
    # To be consistent with x-y co-ordinate systems
    align_methods = {
        "scharr": (_align_scharr, imreg_dft),
        "chi2_shift": (_align_chi2_shift, chi2_shift),
        "imreg_dft": (_align_imreg_dft, imreg_dft),
        "cv2": (_align_cv2, cv2),
    for meth in list(align_methods.keys()):
        mod = align_methods[meth][1]
        if mod is None:
            del align_methods[meth]
    method = method.lower()
    new_type = im.dtype
    if not len(align_methods):
        raise ImportError(
            "align requires one of imreg_dft, chi2_shift or cv2 modules to be available."
    if method not in align_methods:
        raise ValueError(
            f"{method} is not available either because it is not recognised or there is a missing module"

    if "box" in kargs:
        box = kargs.pop("box")
        if not isIterable(box):
            box = [box]
        working = im.crop(*box, copy=True)
        if ref.shape != working.shape:
            ref = ref.view(ImageArray).crop(*box, copy=True)
        working = im

    scale = kargs.pop("scale", None)

    if scale:
        working = working.rescale(scale, order=3)
        ref = transform.rescale(ref, scale, order=3)

    prefilter = kargs.pop("prefilter", True)

    tvec, data = align_methods[method][0](working, ref, **kargs)

    if scale:
        tvec /= scale
    new_im = im.shift((tvec[1], tvec[0]), prefilter=prefilter).astype(new_type)
    for k, v in data.items():
        new_im[k] = v
    new_im["tvec"] = tuple(tvec)
    new_im["translation_limits"] = new_im.translate_limits("tvec")
    return new_im
Exemplo n.º 20
    def extrapolate(self,
        """Extrapolate data based on local fit to x,y data.

            new_x (float or array):
                New values of x data.

        Keyword Arguments:
            xcol (column index, None):
                column containing x-data or None to use setas attribute
            ycol (column index(es) or None):
                column(s) containing the y-data or None to use setas attribute.
            yerr (column index(es) or None):
                y error data column or None to use setas attribute
            overlap (float or int):
                range of x-data used for the local fit for extrapolating. If int then overlap number of
                points is used, if float then that range x-axis space is used.
            kind (str or callable):
                Determines local fitting function. If string should be "linear", "quadratic" or "cubic" if
                callable, then represents a function to be fitted to the data.

                Extrapolated values.

            If the new_x values lie outside the span of the x-data, then the nearest *overlap* portion of the data
            is used to estimate the values. If the new_x values are within the span of the x-data then the portion
            of the data centred about the point and overlap points long will be used to interpolate a value.

            If *kind* is callable, it should take x values in the first parameter and free fitting parameters as
            the other parameters (i.e. as with :py:meth:`AnalysisMixin.curve_fit`).
        _ = self._col_args(xcol=xcol, ycol=ycol, yerr=yerr, scalar=False)
        kinds = {
            "linear": lambda x, m, c: m * x + c,
            "quadratic": lambda x, a, b, c: a * x**2 + b * x + c,
            "cubic": lambda x, a, b, c, d: a * x**3 + b * x**2 + c * x + d,
        errs = {
            lambda x, me, ce: np.sqrt((me * x)**2 + ce**2),
            lambda x, ae, be, ce: np.sqrt((2 * x**2 * ae)**2 +
                                          (x * be)**2 + ce**2),
            lambda x, ae, be, ce, de: np.sqrt(
                (3 * ae * x**3)**2 + (2 * x**2 * be)**2 + (x * ce)**2 + de**2),

        if callable(kind):
        elif kind in kinds:
            kindf = kinds[kind]
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Failed to recognise extrpolation function '{}'".format(kind))
        scalar_x = not isIterable(new_x)
        if scalar_x:
            new_x = [new_x]
        if isinstance(new_x, ma.MaskedArray):
            new_x = new_x.compressed
        results = np.zeros((len(new_x), 2 * len(_.ycol)))
        work = self.clone
        for ix, x in enumerate(new_x):
            r = self.closest(x, xcol=_.xcol)
            if isinstance(overlap, int):
                if (r.i - overlap / 2) < 0:
                    ll = 0
                    hl = min(len(self), overlap)
                elif (r.i + overlap / 2) > len(self):
                    hl = len(self)
                    ll = max(hl - overlap, 0)
                    ll = r.i - overlap / 2
                    hl = r.i + overlap / 2
                bounds = {"_i__between": (ll, hl)}
                mid_x = (self[ll, _.xcol] + self[hl - 1, _.xcol]) / 2.0
            elif isinstance(overlap, float):
                if (r[_.xcol] - overlap / 2) < self.min(_.xcol)[0]:
                    ll = self.min(_.xcol)[0]
                    hl = ll + overlap
                elif (r[_.xcol] + overlap / 2) > self.max(_.xcol)[0]:
                    hl = self.max(_.xcol)[0]
                    ll = hl - overlap
                    ll = r[_.xcol] - overlap / 2
                    hl = r[_.xcol] + overlap / 2
                bounds = {
                    "{}__between".format(self.column_headers[_.xcol]): (ll, hl)
                mid_x = (ll + hl) / 2.0
            pointdata = work.select(**bounds)
            pointdata.data[:, _.xcol] = pointdata.column(_.xcol) - mid_x
            ret = pointdata.curve_fit(kindf,
            if isinstance(ret, tuple):
                ret = [ret]
            for iy, rt in enumerate(ret):
                popt, pcov = rt
                perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
                results[ix, 2 * iy] = kindf(x - mid_x, *popt)
                results[ix, 2 * iy + 1] = errs[kind](x - mid_x, *perr)
        if scalar_x:
            results = results[0]
        return results