Exemplo n.º 1
import ROOT
import numpy, sys
from math import *

from StopsDilepton.tools.helpers import getChain, getObjDict, getEList, getVarValue, genmatching, latexmaker_2, piemaker, getWeight
from StopsDilepton.tools.objectSelection import getLeptons, looseMuID, looseEleID, getJets, getGenParts
from StopsDilepton.tools.localInfo import *
from StopsDilepton.tools.mt2Calculator import mt2Calculator
mt2Calc = mt2Calculator()

#                 load all the samples                #
from StopsDilepton.samples.cmgTuples_Spring15_50ns_postProcessed import *

def main():
  if sys.argv[1]=='425' : cutflow(SMS_T2tt_2J_mStop425_mLSP325)
  if sys.argv[1]=='500' : cutflow(SMS_T2tt_2J_mStop500_mLSP325)
  if sys.argv[1]=='650' : cutflow(SMS_T2tt_2J_mStop650_mLSP325)
  if sys.argv[1]=='850' : cutflow(SMS_T2tt_2J_mStop850_mLSP100)

def cutflow(sig):
  #        SELECT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO HERE              #
  reduceStat = 100 #recude the statistics, i.e. 10 is ten times less samples to look at

Exemplo n.º 2
import copy
import random
import subprocess
import datetime
import shutil

from math import sqrt, atan2, sin, cos

# RootTools
from RootTools.core.standard import *

# User specific
import StopsDilepton.tools.user as user

from StopsDilepton.tools.mt2Calculator import mt2Calculator
mt2Calc = mt2Calculator()  #smth smarter possible?
from StopsDilepton.tools.objectSelection import getGenPartsAll
from StopsDilepton.tools.getGenBoson import getGenZ, getGenPhoton

# central configuration
targetLumi = 1000 #pb-1 Which lumi to normalize to

def get_parser():
    ''' Argument parser for post-processing module.
    import argparse
    argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Argument parser for cmgPostProcessing")

Exemplo n.º 3
import ROOT

from math import *
import array, operator
from StopsDilepton.tools.localInfo import plotDir
from StopsDilepton.tools.helpers import getChain, getObjDict, getEList, getVarValue, deltaR, getObjFromFile
from StopsDilepton.tools.objectSelection import getGenPartsAll, getGoodLeptons, getLeptons, looseMuID, looseEleID, getJets, leptonVars, jetVars, getGoodTaus
from StopsDilepton.tools.genParticleTools import getDaughters, descendDecay, decaysTo, printDecay
from StopsDilepton.tools.mt2Calculator import mt2Calculator
from StopsDilepton.tools.pdgToName import pdgToName
mt2Calc = mt2Calculator()
from StopsDilepton.tools.localInfo import *

reduceStat = 1
lumiScale = 10.
lepPdgs = [11, 13, 15]
nuPdgs = [12, 14, 16]

#load all the samples
from StopsDilepton.samples.cmgTuples_Spring15_mAODv2_25ns_1l_postProcessed import *
small = False
maxN = 3 if small else -1
ttjets = TTJets_Lep
ttjets['name'] = "TTLep_1l2l"
ttjets['chain'] = getChain(ttjets, histname="", maxN=maxN)
prefix = "mAODv2"
#others={'name':'ST/VV/TTX', 'chain':getChain([WJetsToLNu,DY,singleTop,TTX,diBoson], histname="")}

samples = [TTJets_Lep]
Exemplo n.º 4
import copy
import random
import subprocess
import datetime
import shutil

from math import sqrt, atan2, sin, cos

# RootTools
from RootTools.core.standard import *

# User specific
import StopsDilepton.tools.user as user

from StopsDilepton.tools.mt2Calculator import mt2Calculator
mt2Calc = mt2Calculator()  #smth smarter possible?
from StopsDilepton.tools.objectSelection import getGenPartsAll
from StopsDilepton.tools.getGenBoson import getGenZ, getGenPhoton

# central configuration
targetLumi = 1000  #pb-1 Which lumi to normalize to

def get_parser():
    ''' Argument parser for post-processing module.
    import argparse
    argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Argument parser for cmgPostProcessing")
