Exemplo n.º 1
def validate_comment(comment):
    # Decides whether or not to reply to a given comment.
    #    - Must contain command
    #    - Must not have already replied
    #    - Must not reply to self
    if command in comment.body.lower():
        queue = pickle.load(open(file, "rb"))
        if not queue:
            queue = Queue()
        data = pickle.load(open('RSRData.p', 'rb'))
        if queue.contains(comment.id) or comment.id in [x[0] for x in data]:
            return False
        if comment.author.name is "RedditSilverRobot":
            _register_comment(comment, "Cannot respond to self.")
            return False
        if get_receiver(comment) == '[deleted]':
            _register_comment(comment, "Parent comment was deleted!")
            return False
        for child_comment in comment.replies:
            if child_comment.author.name == "RedditSilverRobot":
                _register_comment(comment, "Already replied to this comment. Will not do it again.")
                return False
        return True
    return False
Exemplo n.º 2
def validate_comment(comment):
    # Decides whether or not to reply to a given comment.
    #    - Must contain command
    #    - Must not have already replied
    #    - Must not reply to self
    if command in comment.body.lower():
        queue = pickle.load(open(file, "rb"))
        if not queue:
            queue = Queue()
        data = pickle.load(open('RSRData.p', 'rb'))
        # Already in the queue, don't add.
        if queue.contains(comment.id) or comment.id in [x[0] for x in data]:
            return False
        # We wrote the comment, don't loop.
        if comment.author.name is "garlicbot":
            _register_comment(comment, "Cannot respond to self.")
            return False
        # Parent comment was deleted, don't respond.
        if get_receiver(comment) == '[deleted]':
            _register_comment(comment, "Parent comment was deleted!")
            return False
        # We've blacklisted this sub, don't respond.
        if comment.subreddit.display_name.lower() in banned_subs:
            _register_comment(comment, "Subreddit is blacklisted!")
            return False

        for child_comment in comment.replies:
            if child_comment.author.name == "garlicbot":
                    "Already replied to this comment. Will not do it again.")
                return False
        return True
    return False
Exemplo n.º 3
def validate_comment(message):
#    print(message)
    if 'reactions' in message:
        if msg_reaction in message['reactions']:
 #           poster = message['reactions'][msg_reaction]['usernames']
 #           msg_text = message['msg']
 #           print("Message ID %s had the emoji %s on the following message: %s" % (message['_id'], message['reactions'], message['msg']))
            queue = pickle.load(open(file, "rb"))
            if not queue:
               queue = Queue()
            data = pickle.load(open('RSRData.p', 'rb'))
            # Already in the queue, don't add.
            if queue.contains(message['_id']) or message['_id'] in [x[0] for x in data]:
                return False
            if message['reactions'][msg_reaction]['usernames'][0] == get_receiver(message):
                _register_comment(message, "Cannot respond to self.")
                return False
            return True
        return False
    return False
Exemplo n.º 4
def valid_comment(comment):
    if(command in comment.body.lower()):
        #unpack data
        queue = pickle.load(open(queueFile, 'rb'))
        #create if empty
        if not queueFile:
            queue = Queue()

        data = pickle.load(open('FridgeData.p', 'rb'))

        #comment already in queue, or already processed
        if(queue.contains(comment.id) or comment.id in [entry[0] for entry in data]):
            return False

        for child in comment.replies:
            if child.author.name == 'summon-bot':
                #this comment has already been replied to, but it passed our
                #queue for some reason. need to store
        return True
    return False