def calcPos(self, mjd, config): """Calculate the moon's ecliptic lon/lat and geocentric RA/Dec, for the given MJD(s).""" self.mjd = numpy.copy(mjd) self.ra = numpy.zeros(len(mjd), 'float') self.dec = numpy.zeros(len(mjd), 'float') for i in range(len(mjd)): # Calculate moon's position. ra_RAD, dec_RAD, diam = slalib.sla_rdplan(mjd[i], 3, config['longitude']*_deg2rad, config['latitude']*_deg2rad) self.ra[i] = ra_RAD * _rad2deg self.dec[i] = dec_RAD * _rad2deg # Calculate the lunar phase. eclon = numpy.zeros(len(mjd), 'float') eclat = numpy.zeros(len(mjd), 'float') for i in range(len(mjd)): eclon[i], eclat[i] = slalib.sla_eqecl(self.ra[i]*_deg2rad, self.dec[i]*_deg2rad, self.mjd[i]) # Calculate the solar longitude. sun = Sun() lon_sun = sun.getLon(self.mjd)*_deg2rad # Calculate the solar elongation of the Moon. solarelong = numpy.arccos(numpy.cos((lon_sun - eclon)) * numpy.cos(eclat)) # Calculate the phase of the moon. This is the 0-180 degrees phase. self.phase = 180.0 - solarelong*_rad2deg # Calculate the illumination of the Moon. This is between 0 - 100, and is what Opsim calls 'moonPhase'. self.illum = ( 1 + numpy.cos(self.phase*_deg2rad) )/2.0 * 100.0 return
def calcPos(self, mjd, config): """Calculate the moon's ecliptic lon/lat and geocentric RA/Dec, for the given MJD(s).""" self.mjd = numpy.copy(mjd) self.ra = numpy.zeros(len(mjd), 'float') self.dec = numpy.zeros(len(mjd), 'float') for i in range(len(mjd)): # Calculate moon's position. ra_RAD, dec_RAD, diam = slalib.sla_rdplan( mjd[i], 3, config['longitude'] * _deg2rad, config['latitude'] * _deg2rad) self.ra[i] = ra_RAD * _rad2deg self.dec[i] = dec_RAD * _rad2deg # Calculate the lunar phase. eclon = numpy.zeros(len(mjd), 'float') eclat = numpy.zeros(len(mjd), 'float') for i in range(len(mjd)): eclon[i], eclat[i] = slalib.sla_eqecl(self.ra[i] * _deg2rad, self.dec[i] * _deg2rad, self.mjd[i]) # Calculate the solar longitude. sun = Sun() lon_sun = sun.getLon(self.mjd) * _deg2rad # Calculate the solar elongation of the Moon. solarelong = numpy.arccos( numpy.cos((lon_sun - eclon)) * numpy.cos(eclat)) # Calculate the phase of the moon. This is the 0-180 degrees phase. self.phase = 180.0 - solarelong * _rad2deg # Calculate the illumination of the Moon. This is between 0 - 100, and is what Opsim calls 'moonPhase'. self.illum = (1 + numpy.cos(self.phase * _deg2rad)) / 2.0 * 100.0 return
def __init__(self): = SurroundingSky() sun = Sun((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) earth = Earth(sun.offset(79262956, -128906582, -13927363), (24.85, 15.34, 2.499)) # Some interesting values: # Distant orbit #self.userSpaceship = UserSpaceship(earth.offset(0, 0, 19999), earth.relativeVelocity(-4.4667, 0, 0)) # Roughly as high as the ISS self.userSpaceship = UserSpaceship(earth.offset(0, 0, earth.radius + 340), earth.relativeVelocity(-7.73, 0, 0)) # GEO # self.userSpaceship = UserSpaceship(earth.offset(0, 0, 42164), earth.relativeVelocity(-3.07, 0, 0)) # Here's a good resource for finding velocity for a circular orbit at a given altitude, # though you need to remember that it's altitude and not distance from the centre of the # Earth: <> spaceStation = SpaceStation(earth.offset(1, 1, earth.radius + 335), earth.relativeVelocity(-7.73, 0, 0)) self.objects = [] self.objects.append(sun) self.objects.append(earth) self.objects.append(self.userSpaceship) self.objects.append(spaceStation) self.initialDashboardRelativeTo = earth
def midDay(scene): sun = Sun(pos=Vec3(40, 100, 30)) # orient sun sun.lookAt(Vec3(0, 0, 0)) # Add sun to scene scene.addLight(sun) # Create sky sky = Sky() # Add sky to scene scene.addLight(sky)
def dusk(scene): sun = Sun(pos=Vec3(40, 20, 0), colour=Vec3(0.4, 0.2, 0.4)) # orient sun sun.lookAt(Vec3(0, 0, 0)) # Add sun to scene scene.addLight(sun) # Create sky sky = Sky() # Add sky to scene scene.addLight(sky)
def get_sunset_time(): global sunset_today sun = Sun() sunset = sun.getSunsetTime(coords) sunset_time = str(sunset['hr']) + ':' + str(int(sunset['min'])) + ' UTC' sunset_time_local = parser.parse(sunset_time).astimezone(timezone) sunset_today = { 'hr': int(sunset_time_local.strftime('%H')), 'min': int(sunset_time_local.strftime('%M')) } return sunset_today
def get(self): obj = {'notes':'Returns info about the sunrise/sunset for a location. All values are in UTC hours', 'credits':'Uses the Python port of sunsetrise.c: Host set up by Jeff Easter ('} arguments = self.request.arguments if 'lat' in arguments and 'lon' in arguments: lat = float(self.get_argument('lat')) lon = float(self.get_argument('lon')) obj["lat"] = lat obj["lon"] = lon extended = True if 'extended' in arguments else False obj["extended"] = extended now = year = int(self.get_argument('year')) if 'year' in arguments else now.year month = int(self.get_argument('month')) if 'month' in arguments else now.month day = int(self.get_argument('day')) if 'day' in arguments else obj["year"] = year obj["month"] = month obj["day"] = day dt = datetime.datetime(year, month, day) day_seconds = time.mktime(dt.timetuple()) obj["day_seconds"] = day_seconds obj["sunrise"], obj["sunset"] = Sun.sunRiseSet(year, month, day, lon, lat) obj["sunrise_seconds"] = int(obj["sunrise"] * HOUR + day_seconds) obj["sunRiseSet"] = Sun.sunRiseSet(year, month, day, lon, lat) obj["sunset_seconds"] = int(obj["sunset"] * HOUR + day_seconds) obj["dayLength"] = Sun.dayLength(year, month, day, lon, lat) obj["dayLength_seconds"] = int(obj["dayLength"] * HOUR) if extended is True: obj["aviationTime"] = Sun.aviationTime(year, month, day, lon, lat) obj["civilTwilight"] = Sun.civilTwilight(year, month, day, lon, lat) obj["dayCivilTwilightLength"] = Sun.dayCivilTwilightLength(year, month, day, lon, lat) obj["nauticalTwilight"] = Sun.nauticalTwilight(year, month, day, lon, lat) obj["dayNauticalTwilightLength"] = Sun.dayNauticalTwilightLength(year, month, day, lon, lat) obj["astronomicalTwilight"] = Sun.astronomicalTwilight(year, month, day, lon, lat) obj["dayAstronomicalTwilightLength"] = Sun.dayAstronomicalTwilightLength(year, month, day, lon, lat) self.write(json.dumps(obj)) else: obj['status'] = 'error' obj['message'] = 'missing lat or lon' obj['arguments required'] = 'lat, lon' obj['arguments optional'] = 'extended, year, month, day' self.write(json.dumps(obj))
def main(): running = True index = 0 while running: if index >= 130: index = 0 clock.tick(20) #2s产生一个太阳花 if index % 40 == 0: sun = Sun(sunflower.rect) sunList.append(sun) screen.blit(bg_img_obj, (0, 0)) screen.blit(sunbank_img_obj, (250, 0)) screen.blit(sun_num_surface, (300, 5)) screen.blit(peashooter.images[index % 13], peashooter.rect) screen.blit(sunflower.images[index % 13], sunflower.rect) screen.blit(wallnut.images[index % 13], wallnut.rect) for sun in sunList: screen.blit(sun.images[index % 17], sun.rect) index += 1 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False pygame.display.update()
def createAndAnimate(): ss = SolarSystem(2, 2) sun = Sun("SUN", 10) ss.addSun(sun) m = Planet("Mercury", 1000, 0.2, 1, 0, 2, "orange") ss.addPlanet(m) e = Planet("Earth", 5000, 0.3, 1.3, 0, 2, "blue") ss.addPlanet(e) ma = Planet("Mars", 9000, 0.5, 1.2, 0, 1.63, "red") ss.addPlanet(ma) p = Planet("Pluto", 500, 0.9, .5, 0, .5, "gray") ss.addPlanet(p) # a = Planet("Asteroid", 500, 1.0, 0, .75, "cyan") # ss.addPlanet(a) numCycles = 10000 for i in range(numCycles): ss.movePlanets() # while True: # ss.movePlanets() # # You can add functionality to break away from the loop given some condition # # use the keyword break # break ss.freeze()
def mjdRADec2skyBright(mjd, ra, dec): dtObj = convert.mjd2datetime(mjd) moon = Moon(dtObj) moonRA, moonDec = moon.ra, moon.dec sun = Sun(dtObj) sunRA, sunDec = sun.ra, sun.dec # alpha moonSunAngle = geometry.subtends(sunRA, sunDec, moonRA, moonDec, units="DEGREES") # rho moonObjectAngle = geometry.subtends(moonRA, moonDec, ra, dec, units="DEGREES") moonAlt, moonAz = convert.raDec2AltAz(moonRA, moonDec, APOLAT, APOLONG, dtObj) objAlt, objAz = convert.raDec2AltAz(ra, dec, APOLAT, APOLONG, dtObj) if moonAlt > 0 and objAlt > 0: bright = lunskybright(moonSunAngle.degrees, moonObjectAngle.degrees, moonAlt, objAlt) else: bright = 0 return bright
def main(): running = True index = 0 while running: if index >= 130: index = 0 clock.tick(20) #2s产生一个太阳花 if index % 40 == 0: sun = Sun(sunflower.rect) spriteGroup.add(sun) screen.blit(bg_img_obj,(0,0)) screen.blit(sunbank_img_obj,(250,0)) screen.blit(sun_num_surface,(300,5)) spriteGroup.update(index) spriteGroup.draw(screen) index+=1 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False pygame.display.update()
def isSunRise(coords): """ Check if Sun has risen for the specified Coordinates """ sun = Sun() SunRiseTime = sun.getSunriseTime(coords) now = SunRiseTimeDT = datetime(now.year, now.month,, SunRiseTime['hr'], int(SunRiseTime['min']), 00) if now > SunRiseTimeDT + timedelta(minutes=30): print "Sun is risen" print "Now", now, "SunRise", SunRiseTimeDT return True else: return False
def main(): serverAddress = 'localhost' serverPort = 10000 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "i:p:vh", ["ip=","port=","verbose","help"]) for o,a in opts: if o in ["-h","--help"]: usage() sys.exit(0); elif o in ["-i","--ip"]: serverAddress = a elif o in ["-p","--port"]: serverPort = int(a) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print(err) usage() sys.exit(2) sun = Sun() coords = {'longitude' : -2.6, 'latitude' : 53.6 } # Create a TCP/IP socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Bind the socket to the port server = (serverAddress, serverPort) print ("Start on " + serverAddress + " port %d" % serverPort ) # print('starting up on {} port {}'.format(*serverAddress)) sock.bind(server) # Listen for incoming connections sock.listen(1) while True: # Wait for a connection print('waiting for a connection') connection, clientAddress = sock.accept() try: print('connection from', clientAddress) hoursSr=int(sun.getSunriseTime( coords )['hr']) minsSr=int(sun.getSunriseTime( coords )['min']) hoursSs=int(sun.getSunsetTime( coords )['hr']) minsSs=int(sun.getSunsetTime( coords )['min']) sr = sun.getSunriseTime( coords )['decimal'] ss = sun.getSunsetTime( coords )['decimal'] out = '{ "sunrise": "%d:%d","sunset": "%d:%d" }\n' % ( hoursSr,minsSr, hoursSs, minsSs) # out = '{ "sunrise": "%s","sunset": "%s" }\n' % ( sun.toHMS(sr), sun.toHMS(ss)) connection.sendall(bytes(out,'utf-8')) finally: # Clean up the connection connection.close()
def timingloop(): coords = {'latitude': 41, 'longitude': -72} sun = Sun() didsunset = False didsunrise = False while True: sunrise = sun.getSunriseTime(coords) sunset = sun.getSunsetTime(coords) now = hourdec = now.hour + now.minute / 60 sr = (hourdec + SUNRISE_DELAY) % 24 > sunrise['decimal'] if sr and not didsunrise: for light in lights.keys(): setoff(light) ss = hourdec > (sunset['decimal'] + SUNSET_DELAY) % 24 if ss and not didsunset: for light in lights.keys(): seton(light) didsunset, didsunrise = ss, sr time.sleep(10)
def main(): pprint("asdasdsadasdasd") user_obj = User() sun_obj = Sun() trump_obj = TrumpRavings() for i in range(len(user_obj.users)): age = int(user_obj.users[i]['Age']) pprint("Welcome {name}!".format(name=user_obj.users[i]['Name'])) pprint("""Here is your current location: {location} Sun Movement Information: {sun_info} According to your age, a silly Donald Trump tweet to have fun: {trump}""".format(location=user_obj.users[i]['City'], sun_info=sun_obj.results[i], trump=trump_obj.quotes[age]))
def __init__(self, logLevel, overwriteTelldus): self.schemas = [] self.devices = [] self.executedDates = {} self.executedDates['start'] = [] self.executedDates['end'] = [] self.sunDates = [] self.logLevel = logLevel self.overwriteTelldus = overwriteTelldus self.telldus = Telldus(logLevel) self.deviceParser = Devices(logLevel) self.schemaParser = Schemas(logLevel) self.dataSourceParser = DataSources(logLevel) self.sun = Sun() self.webServer = None self.webThread = None # logging logging.basicConfig(level=logLevel) fileLog = logging.FileHandler(Settings.loggingPath) self.logger = logging.getLogger('engine') self.logger.addHandler(fileLog)
class Engine: VERSION = '0.0.5' running = True def __init__(self, logLevel, overwriteTelldus): self.schemas = [] self.devices = [] self.executedDates = {} self.executedDates['start'] = [] self.executedDates['end'] = [] self.sunDates = [] self.logLevel = logLevel self.overwriteTelldus = overwriteTelldus self.telldus = Telldus(logLevel) self.deviceParser = Devices(logLevel) self.schemaParser = Schemas(logLevel) self.dataSourceParser = DataSources(logLevel) self.sun = Sun() self.webServer = None self.webThread = None # logging logging.basicConfig(level=logLevel) fileLog = logging.FileHandler(Settings.loggingPath) self.logger = logging.getLogger('engine') self.logger.addHandler(fileLog) def load(self): # load schemas'loading schemas') self.schemas = self.schemaParser.load() # load devices'loading devices') self.devices = self.deviceParser.load(self.telldus) # load datasources'loading datasources') self.datasources = self.dataSourceParser.load() # starting web service'starting web service on port 8080') self.webThread = threading.Thread(target = self.startWebService) self.webThread.start() if len(self.devices) != self.telldus.getNumberOfDevices(): if not overwriteTelldus:'number of devices in lightswitch differs from telldus. run with -o to overwrite telldus.') #self.telldus.close() #exit(1) else:'replacing devices in telldus with devices from lightswitch.') self.updateTelldusWithDevices() if Settings.enableExperimenal:' ')' ')' RUNNING EXPERIMENTAL FEATURES')' ')' ') self.startUp() def run(self):'running on %s platform', platform.system())'running application version ' + self.VERSION) # lightswitch main loop try: while self.running: now =, microsecond=0) weekday = if Settings.enableExperimenal: for device in self.devices: if device.getSunrise() == 'on' and now not in self.sunDates and now == self.sun.sunrise():'turning off device %s because of sunrise', device.getName()) self.telldus.turnOff(device.getTelldusId()) device.setStatus('Off') self.sunDates.append(now) elif device.getSunset() == 'on' and now not in self.sunDates and now == self.sun.sunset():'turning on device %s because of sunset', device.getName()) self.telldus.turnOn(device.getTelldusId()) device.setStatus('On') self.sunDates.append(now) for schema in self.schemas: startDate = self.schemaParser.getStartDate(schema) # check if its a start of a schedule if (startDate is not None and\ now == startDate and\ weekday in schema.getDays() and\ now not in self.executedDates['start'] and\ self.schemaParser.tryCondition(self.dataSourceParser, schema)\ ) or (\ startDate is None and self.schemaParser.tryCondition(self.dataSourceParser, schema) and\ now not in self.executedDates['start']):'executing schema %s', schema.getName()) self.execute(schema) if 'start' in self.executedDates.keys(): self.executedDates['start'].append(now) else: self.executedDates['start'] = [now] if len(self.executedDates) > 100: self.executedDates = {} if len(self.sunDates) > 100: self.sunDates = [] time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass #self.webThread.join() self.webThread._Thread__stop() self.telldus.close() sys.exit(3) def startWebService(self): self.webServer = Web(self, self.deviceParser, self.schemaParser) def startUp(self): power = {} self.logger.debug('synchronizing devices') for schema in self.schemas: startDate = self.schemaParser.getStartDate(schema) now =, microsecond=0) weekday = if startDate is not None and\ startDate < now and\ weekday in schema.getDays() and\ self.schemaParser.tryCondition(self.dataSourceParser, schema):'adding schema %s to execution', schema.getName()) for device in schema.getDevices().split(','): if schema.getPower() == 'dim': power[int(device)] = schema.getPower() + ":" + str(schema.getLevel()) else: power[int(device)] = schema.getPower() for device in power.keys(): dev = self.deviceParser.findDevice(device) if dev is None:'no device with id %d was found', device) continue if power[device] == 'on':'turning on device') self.telldus.turnOn(dev.getTelldusId()) self.telldus.turnOn(dev.getTelldusId()) dev.setStatus('On') elif power[device] == 'off':'turning off device') self.telldus.turnOff(dev.getTelldusId()) dev.setStatus('Off') elif power[device][0:3] == 'dim':'dimming device to level %d', int(power[device][4:])) self.telldus.dim(dev.getTelldusId(), int(power[device][4:])) dev.setStatus('Dimmed') #dev.setStatus('On') #self.telldus.dim(dev.getTelldusId(), int((float(power[device][4:]) / float(100)) * float(254))) def execute(self, schema): for id in schema.getDevices().split(','): self.logger.debug('looking for device with id %d', int(id)) device = self.deviceParser.findDevice(int(id)) if device is None: return self.logger.debug('device found') if schema.getPower() == 'on':'turning on device') self.telldus.turnOn(device.getTelldusId()) time.sleep(1) self.telldus.turnOn(device.getTelldusId()) device.setStatus('On') elif schema.getPower() == 'dim':'dimming device to level %d', schema.getProcentualLevel()) self.telldus.dim(device.getTelldusId(), schema.getLevel()) device.setStatus('Dimmed ' + schema.getProcentualLevel() + '%') else:'turning off device') self.telldus.turnOff(device.getTelldusId()) self.telldus.turnOff(device.getTelldusId()) device.setStatus('Off') #time.sleep(1) def updateTelldusWithDevices(self): self.logger.debug('removing devices from telldus') for i in range(self.telldus.getNumberOfDevices()): self.telldus.removeDevice(self.telldus.getDeviceId(i)) for device in self.devices: self.logger.debug('adding device %s to telldus', device.getName()) tdevice = self.telldus.addDevice(len(self.devices)) tdevice.setName(device.getName()) tdevice.setProtocol(device.getProtocol()) tdevice.setModel(device.getModel()) tdevice.setParameter('house', device.getHouse()) tdevice.setParameter('unit', device.getUnit())
GPIO.cleanup() sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sign_handler) # Taster Rauf und Runter GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(PIN_SWITCH_UP,GPIO.IN)# pin 7 -> Rauf GPIO.setup(PIN_SWITCH_DOWN,GPIO.IN)# Pin 29 zum runterfahren # Relais Schaltungen GPIO.setup(PIN_RELAIS_UP, GPIO.OUT) # pin 3 -> rauf GPIO.setup(PIN_RELAIS_DOWN, GPIO.OUT) # pin 5 -> runter GPIO.output(PIN_RELAIS_UP, RELAISOFF) # Relaises auschalten GPIO.output(PIN_RELAIS_DOWN , RELAISOFF) #Use GPS Coordinats for morning open and evening close COORDS = {'longitude' : 11.581981, 'latitude' : 48.135125} SUN = Sun() lastUpDay = -1 # fur die sonnenstandAbfrage lastDownDay = -1 hochfahren = 0 runterfahren = 0 buttonPressedUp = False buttonPressedDown = False buttonsLocked = False alterStatusHochfahren = False alterStatusRunterfahren = False alterStatusStop = False StartzeitBewegung = 0.0 StartzeitSwitchUp = 0.0 StartzeitSwitchDown = 0.0 stop = False mynow = 0.0
class Shading_System_Controller(): def __init__(self, name, season, latitude, longitude): = name self.sun = Sun(latitude, longitude) self.season = season self.rooms = [] self.dweet = 'ICTBUILDINGPUTINASHADE' def set_season(self, season): self.season = season def add_room(self, room_name, area, length, width, height): new_room = Room(room_name, area, length, width, height) self.rooms.append(new_room) def compute_statistics(self, window): if (self.sun.elevation > 0 and window.window_azimuth - 90 < self.sun.azimuth < window.window_azimuth + 90): w = compute_w_projection(window.device_width,\ window.window_azimuth,\ self.sun.azimuth,\ window.angle) print('Each device covers: ' + str(w)) print('Number of devices: ' + str(window.device_number)) print ('Covering in total:' \ + str((window.device_number * w * window.height)\ /(window.length*window.height)*100) + '%' ) else: print('No need to Shade window with ' + str(window.window_azimuth) + ' degree in azimuth') def check_status(self, timestamp): # self.set_season(get_season( self.set_season(get_season( self.sun.compute_elevation_azimuth(timestamp) self.sun.print_elevation_azimuth() for i in range(len(self.rooms)): for window in self.rooms[i].windows: if (window.window_azimuth - 90 < self.sun.azimuth < window.window_azimuth + 90): self.compute_device_orientation(window) else: window.set_angle(0) # self.compute_statistics(window) #print (window.window_azimuth) def compute_device_orientation(self, window): if self.season == 'Summer': if self.sun.elevation < 0: window.set_angle(0) else: angle = self.compute_summer_device_orientation(window) print('set angle in summer to: ' + str(angle)) window.set_angle(angle) elif self.season == 'Winter': if self.sun.elevation < 0: window.set_angle(0) else: angle = int(self.compute_winter_device_orientation(window)) print('set angle in winter to: ' + str(angle)) window.set_angle(angle) else: print('No Season recognized!') def compute_winter_device_orientation(self, window): # if (-90 < self.sun.azimuth - window.window_azimuth < 90): # angle = self.sun.azimuth - window.window_azimuth # else: # angle = 0 # return angle return self.sun.azimuth - window.window_azimuth def compute_summer_device_orientation(self, window): w = compute_w_projection(window.device_width, \ window.window_azimuth, \ self.sun.azimuth, \ window.angle) angle = window.angle if (window.window_azimuth > self.sun.azimuth): # while ((w < window.device_width) and angle < 79): # # angle += 5 # # w = compute_w_projection(window.device_width, \ # # window.window_azimuth, \ # # self.sun.azimuth, \ # # angle) # # print ('increasing angle to: '\ # # + str(angle) + 'and obtaining w: ' + str(w)) angles = [] for angle in range(0, 80, 5): angles.append(compute_w_projection(window.device_width, \ window.window_azimuth, \ self.sun.azimuth, \ angle)) return angles.index(max(angles)) * 5 else: # angle = 0 # while ( w < window.device_width and angle > -79): # angle -= 5 # w = compute_w_projection(window.device_width, \ # window.window_azimuth, \ # self.sun.azimuth, \ # abs(angle)) # print ('decreasing angle to: ' \ # + str(angle) + 'and obtaining w: ' + str(w)) angles = [] for angle in range(-80, 0, 5): angles.append(compute_w_projection(window.device_width, \ window.window_azimuth, \ self.sun.azimuth, \ abs(angle))) return angles.index(min(angles)) * (-5) def parse_shade_message(self, msg): if (msg['type'] == 'ACK'): print(dweepy.dweet_for(self.dweet, msg)) else: pass
class SolarHeating: """ Computes whether the differential solar heating can occur as used in section 3.1.2 "Telescope Surface Observing Efficiency" of DS Project Note 5.2. """ def __init__(self): self.sun = Sun() self.day_offset = timedelta(hours=2) self.night_offset = timedelta(hours=3) self.cache = dict() def isDayTime(self, dt): value = self.cache.get(dt) if value is None: value = self.computeDayTime(dt) self.cache[dt] = value return value def computeDayTime(self, dt): long = TimeAgent.GBTLONG lat = TimeAgent.rad2deg(TimeAgent.GBTLAT) rise, set = self.sun.sunRiseSet(dt.year, dt.month,, long, lat) if rise >= 24.0: rise -= 24.0 rise_delta = timedelta(days=1) else: rise_delta = timedelta() rise_hour = int(rise) rise_minute = int(60*(rise - rise_hour)) today = datetime(dt.year, dt.month,, rise_hour, rise_minute) + \ self.day_offset + rise_delta if set >= 24.0: set -= 24.0 set_delta = timedelta(days=1) else: set_delta = timedelta() set_hour = int(set) set_minute = int(60*(set - set_hour)) tonight = datetime(dt.year, dt.month,, set_hour, set_minute) + \ self.night_offset + set_delta yesterday = dt - timedelta(days = 1) _, set = self.sun.sunRiseSet(yesterday.year, yesterday.month,, long, lat) if set >= 24.0: set -= 24.0 set_delta = timedelta(days=1) else: set_delta = timedelta() set_hour = int(set) set_minute = int(60*(set - set_hour)) lastnight = datetime(yesterday.year, yesterday.month,, set_hour, set_minute) + \ self.night_offset + set_delta if dt < lastnight: return True elif dt < today: return False elif dt < tonight: return True else: return False def getSunRiseSet(self, dt): "Returns the physical sun rise & set times" long = TimeAgent.GBTLONG lat = TimeAgent.rad2deg(TimeAgent.GBTLAT) rise, set = self.sun.sunRiseSet(dt.year, dt.month,, long, lat) return (rise, set)
def getloc(year,month,day,sunrise,sunset,altitude=0): if sunrise>sunset: #Handle sunrise from day before not being negative, as #it really should be. sunrise=sunrise-24.0 tester=Sun() daylen=sunset-sunrise darc=cosd(7.5*daylen) #diurnal arc #Latitude, round I days=tester.daysSince2000Jan0(year,month,day) + 0.5 rasc,dec,radius=tester.sunRADec(days) #right ascension,declination,radius of sun. alt=-35.0/60.0-0.2666/radius #Account for altitude. alt-=acosd(6378.0/(6378.0+altitude)) #Precalculated sines b=sind(alt) c=sind(dec) #Cribs crib1=darc*darc*c*c-darc*darc crib2=c*c-crib1 crib3=2*b*c #Calculation uroot=crib3**2-4*(b*b+crib1)*crib2 if uroot<0: uroot=-uroot uroot=math.sqrt(uroot)/(2*crib2) rest=crib3/(2*crib2) #Choose best of the 2 possible solutions try: lat_i=asind(rest-uroot) i=abs(diff(tester.sunRiseSet(year,month,day,0,lat_i))-daylen) except ValueError: i=1000 try: lat_ii=asind(rest+uroot) ii=abs(diff(tester.sunRiseSet(year,month,day,0,lat_ii))-daylen) except ValueError: ii=1000 if i<ii: lat=lat_i else: lat=lat_ii #Find longitude midday=(sunset+sunrise)/2 gmmid=av(tester.sunRiseSet(year,month,day,0,lat)) lon=-(midday-gmmid)*15 #Latitude, round II (using longitude) d=tester.daysSince2000Jan0(year,month,day) + 0.5 - lon/360.0 RA__,dec,radius=tester.sunRADec(d) alt=-35.0/60.0-0.2666/radius #Account for altitude. alt-=acosd(6378.0/(6378.0+altitude)) #Precalculated sines b=sind(alt) c=sind(dec) #Cribs crib1=darc*darc*c*c-darc*darc crib2=c*c-crib1 crib3=2*b*c #Calculation uroot=crib3**2-4*(b*b+crib1)*crib2 if uroot<0: uroot=-uroot uroot=math.sqrt(uroot)/(2*crib2) rest=crib3/(2*crib2) #Choose best of the 2 possible solutions try: lat_i=asind(rest-uroot) i=abs(diff(tester.sunRiseSet(year,month,day,0,lat_i))-daylen) except ValueError: i=1000 try: lat_ii=asind(rest+uroot) ii=abs(diff(tester.sunRiseSet(year,month,day,0,lat_ii))-daylen) except ValueError: ii=1000 if i<ii: lat=lat_i else: lat=lat_ii #Return tuple in similar fashion to Sun.sunRiseSet return (lon,lat)
def calculate_sun_angle(latitude, longitude, local_time_unix_format, time_offset, *args): """ This function calculates the Sun actual angle in the sky based on latitude, longitude and local time Args: latitude: Integer. the latitude of the given location longitude: Integer. the longitude of the given location local_time_unix_format: Integer. time_offset: Integer. Returns: sun_angle: Integer. The sun actual angle in the sky. Raises: Exception: Raises an exception. """ sun_max_angle = calculate_sun_max_angle(latitude) time_offset_hours = time_offset / 3600 sun = Sun() sunrise_hour = math.floor( sun.get_sunrise_time(latitude, longitude)['decimal'] + time_offset_hours) sunrise_minutes = 60 * (sun.get_sunrise_time( latitude, longitude)['decimal'] + time_offset_hours - sunrise_hour)'Sunrise value: {sunrise_hour}:{sunrise_minutes}') sunset_hour = math.floor( sun.get_sunset_time(latitude, longitude)['decimal'] + time_offset_hours) sunset_minutes = 60 * (sun.get_sunset_time(latitude, longitude)['decimal'] + time_offset_hours - sunset_hour)'Sunset value: {sunset_hour}:{sunset_minutes}') daylength = sun.get_sunset_time( latitude, longitude)['decimal'] - sun.get_sunrise_time( latitude, longitude)['decimal'] daylength_in_minutes = daylength * 60'Calculated day length: {daylength} hours') local_time_in_minutes = extract_minutes_from_timestamp( get_local_time(latitude, longitude)[0], True)'Calculated local_time_in_minutes: {local_time_in_minutes}') sunrise_in_minutes = sunrise_hour * 60 + sunrise_minutes'Calculated sunrise_in_minutes: {sunrise_in_minutes}') sunset_in_minutes = sunset_hour * 60 + sunset_minutes'Calculated sunrise_in_minutes: {sunset_in_minutes}') if local_time_in_minutes < sunrise_in_minutes: sun_angle = 0'local_time_in_minutes < sunrise_in_minutes. It is night') elif local_time_in_minutes > sunset_in_minutes: sun_angle = 0'local_time_in_minutes > sunset_in_minutes. It is night') else: m = (local_time_in_minutes - sunrise_in_minutes) / (daylength_in_minutes / 2) if m <= 1: sun_angle = sun_max_angle * m else: n = (local_time_in_minutes - sunrise_in_minutes) - (daylength_in_minutes / 2) a = (daylength_in_minutes / 2) - n b = a / (daylength_in_minutes / 2) sun_angle = sun_max_angle * b'Calculated sun angle is: {sun_angle}') return sun_angle
from Vector3 import Vec3 from Camera import Camera from Scene import Scene from Sun import Sun from Sky import Sky from timeit import default_timer as timer from Octree import Braunch # turn on tree useTree = False # Create new scene scene = Scene() # Load Model and materials scene.loadModel("models/pyramid.obj", "models/pyramid.mtl") # Create Sun sun = Sun(pos=Vec3(80, 50, 50)) sun.lookAt(Vec3(0, 0, 0)) scene.addLight(sun) # Create sky sky = Sky() scene.addLight(sky) # Create Camera cam = Camera(Vec3(8, 4, 8), int(200), int(200), Fov=1.4, Samples=2) cam.lookAt(Vec3(0, 3, 0)) # Render scene ts = timer() if useTree: tree = Braunch() tree.fromScene(scene) cam.render(tree, "pyramid.png") else:
def test_Sun(self): sun = Sun() now = sun.sunIsDown() sun.sunIsUp() sun.UpdateDb() assert sun.adjustAngle(-180) == 180 assert sun.adjustAngle(540) == 180 assert sun.adjustTime(-12) == 12 assert sun.adjustTime(36) == 12 sun.sunrise(now, 57.7007, 11.9682) sun.sunset(now, 57.7007, 11.9682) sun.SQLQuery("INSERT INTO ha_data (DataId, DataName, DataText, DataStatus, DataLastUpdated) VALUES (9999, 'Test', 'Test', 200, NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE DataText = VALUES(DataText), DataStatus = VALUES(DataStatus), DataLastUpdated = VALUES(DataLastUpdated)")
def __init__(self): self.sun = Sun() self.day_offset = timedelta(hours=2) self.night_offset = timedelta(hours=3) self.cache = dict()
from Octree import Braunch from Scene import Scene from Vector3 import Vec3 from timeit import default_timer as timer from Sun import Sun from Sky import Sky from Camera import Camera # Create new scene scene = Scene() # Load Model and materials scene.loadModel("untitled.obj", "untitled.mtl") sun = Sun(pos=Vec3(-20, 30, 30)) sun.lookAt(Vec3(0, 0, 0)) scene.addLight(sun) sun.size = 3 # Create sky sky = Sky(colour=Vec3(0.3, 0.2, 0.3)) scene.addLight(sky) # Create Camera cam = Camera(Vec3(-4, 3, -5), 256, 256, Fov=1, Samples=7) cam.lookAt(Vec3(0, 0, 0)) tree = Braunch() tree.fromScene(scene) tree.display() # Render scene ts = timer() cam.render(tree) treeTime = timer() - ts # print("Render time: {}".format(timer()-ts))
def getopsimouts(inputobs_file , override_config_file=None, outfile=None, verbose=False): """ Obtains the output of opsimObs for interesting quantities based on the input file. This function is used in creating the ouputs converted into the simlib file. TODO: Actually this function should go into makelsstsims rather than here. """ config = setDefaultConfigs(override_config_file) # Set up a skypos object to hold site information and provide ra/dec -> alt/az/airmass translations. skypos = SkyPos() skypos.setSite(lat=config['latitude'], lon=config['longitude'], height=config['height'], pressure=config['pressure'], temperature=config['temperature'], relativeHumidity=config['relativeHumidity'], lapseRate=config['lapseRate']) # Set up a Weather object to read the site weather data. t = time.time() weather = Weather() weather.readWeather(config) dt, t = dtime(t) if verbose: print '# Reading weather required %.2f seconds' %(dt) # Set up a Downtime object to read the downtime data. downtime = Downtime() downtime.readDowntime(config) dt, t = dtime(t) if verbose: print '# Reading downtime required %.2f seconds' %(dt) # Read observations. obs = ObsFields() obs.readInputObs(inputobs_file, config) nobs = len(obs.ra) dt, t = dtime(t) if verbose: print '# Reading %d input observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) # Check timing of input observations. if config['check_observations']: obs.checkInputObs(config) dt, t = dtime(t) if verbose: print '# Checking %d input observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) print '# Did not check input observations for minimum required timing separation!' # Calculate alt/az/airmass for all fields. obs.getAltAzAirmass(skypos) dt, t = dtime(t) if verbose: print '# Calculating alt/az/airmass for %d input observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) # Calculate weather (cloud/seeing) for all fields. dt, t = dtime(t) obs.getObsWeather(weather, config) dt, t = dtime(t) if verbose: print '# Getting weather information for %d observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) # Check downtime status for these observations obs.getDowntime(downtime, config) # Calculate position of sun at the times of these observations. sun = Sun() dt, t = dtime(t) sun.calcPos(obs.mjd) sun.getAltAz(skypos) dt, t = dtime(t) if verbose: print '# Calculating sun position at %d times required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) # Calculate the position, phase and altitude of the Moon. moon = Moon() moon.calcPos(obs.mjd, config) moon.getAltAz(skypos) dt, t = dtime(t) if verbose: print '# Calculating moon position at %d times required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) # Will clean this up and put into classes as time is available. # Calculate the sky brightness. skybright = SkyBright(model='Perry', solar_phase='ave') sky = numpy.zeros(len(obs.mjd), 'float') filterlist = numpy.unique(obs.filter) for f in filterlist: condition = (obs.filter == f) skybright.setSkyBright(obs.alt[condition],[condition], moon.alt[condition],[condition], moon.phase[condition], bandpass = f) sky[condition] = skybright.getSkyBright() """ for i in range(len(obs.mjd)): # Calculate sky brightness for each observation. skybright.setSkyBright(obs.alt[i],[i], moon.alt[i],[i], moon.phase[i], bandpass=obs.filter[i]) sky[i] = skybright.getSkyBright() """ # Add modification to match 'skybrightness_modified' (which is brighter in twilight) sky = numpy.where(sun.alt > -18, 17, sky) dt, t = dtime(t) if verbose: print '# Calculating the sky brightness for %d observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) # Calculate the 5-sigma limiting magnitudes. maglimit = numpy.zeros(len(obs.mjd), 'float') m5 = m5calculations() # Read the throughput curves for LSST (needed to determine zeropoints). m5.setup_Throughputs(verbose=False) # Swap 'y4' for 'y' (or other default y value). tmp_filters = m5.check_filter(obs.filter) # Determine the unique exposure times, as have to set up dark current, etc. based on this for telescope ZP's. exptimes = numpy.unique(obs.exptime) for expT in exptimes: condition = [obs.exptime == expT] # Calculate telescope zeropoints. # Calculate actual open-sky time, after accounting for readout time, number of exposures per visit, shutter time, etc. opentime = ((expT - config['readout_time']*config['nexp_visit'] - config['nexp_visit']* config['add_shutter']*config['shutter_time']) / float(config['nexp_visit'])) print "# Calculating depth for %d exposures of %.2f open shutter time" %(config['nexp_visit'], opentime) m5.setup_values(expTime=opentime, nexp=config['nexp_visit']) # Calculate 5sigma limiting magnitudes. maglimit[condition] = m5.calc_maglimit(obs.seeing[condition], sky[condition], tmp_filters[condition], obs.airmass[condition], snr=5.0) dt, t = dtime(t) if verbose: print '# Calculating the m5 limit for %d observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) # Print out interesting values. obs.printObs(sun, moon, sky, maglimit, config, outfile)
def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger('cr-smart-home') self.log = Log() self.sun = Sun()
def __init__(self, name, season, latitude, longitude): = name self.sun = Sun(latitude, longitude) self.season = season self.rooms = [] self.dweet = 'ICTBUILDINGPUTINASHADE'
def main(): global text global sun_num_surface running = True index = 0 while running: # if index >= 130: # index = 0 clock.tick(20) #2s产生一个太阳花 # if index % 40 == 0: # sun = Sun(sunflower.rect) # sunList.add(sun) #3s产生一个子弹 if index % 30 == 0: bullet = Bullet(peashooter.rect, backgd_size) spriteGroup.add(bullet) screen.blit(bg_img_obj,(0,0)) screen.blit(sunbackImg,(250,0)) screen.blit(sun_num_surface,(270,60)) screen.blit(flower_seed, (330, 10)) screen.blit(wallNut_seed, (380, 10)) screen.blit(peashooter_seed, (430, 10)) spriteGroup.update(index) spriteGroup.draw(screen) sunList.update(index) sunList.draw(screen) index+=1 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == GEN_SUN_EVENT: sun = Sun(sunflower.rect) sunList.add(sun) if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: pressed_key = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() print(pressed_key) if pressed_key[0] == 1: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() print(pos) x,y = pos if 330<=x<=380 and 10<=y<=80 and int(text) >= 50: print('点中了太阳花卡片') choose = 1 elif 380<x<=430 and 10<=y<=80 and int(text) >= 50: print('点中了坚果卡片') choose = 2 elif 430 < x <= 480 and 10 <= y <= 80 and int(text) >= 100: print('点中了豌豆射手卡片') choose = 3 elif 250 < x < 1200 and 70<y<600: print('#########') print(x,y) pass else: pass for sun in sunList: if sun.rect.collidepoint(pos): sunList.remove(sun) text = str(int(text)+50) sun_font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 25) sun_num_surface = sun_font.render(text, True, (0, 0, 0)) pygame.display.update()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Dec 1 12:05:33 2020 @author: dpetrovykh """ from Node import Limb from Sun import Sun from Tree import Tree import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sun = Sun(5, 0) node_A = Limb(0, 0) node_B = Limb(-1, 2) node_C = Limb(2, 1) node_A.add_child(node_B) node_A.add_child(node_C) node_B.gen_child(-0.5, 0.5) node_B.gen_child(0.5, 0.5) node_C.gen_child(-0.5, 0.5) node_C.gen_child(0.5, 0.5) for node in [*node_B.children, *node_C.children]: node.gen_leaf(-0.2, 0.2) node.gen_leaf(0.2, 0.2) tree = Tree(node_A) for tstep in range(0, 100):
elif (len(sys.argv) == 3): annee = int(sys.argv[2].split('/')[2]) mois = int(sys.argv[2].split('/')[1]) jour_mois = int(sys.argv[2].split('/')[0]) jour_semaine = datetime.datetime(annee, mois, jour_mois, 0, 0, 0).weekday() #Lundi 0 .... Dimanche 6 minute_journee = plage_proche( now.tm_hour * 60 + now.tm_min, plage) #Commence une minute avant un plage existante site_alpha.actualisation_heure_jour_machine_foyer( ) #Calcul des horaires pour les différentes machines # ---------- AJOUTER LATITUDE ET LONGITUDE DE LA VILLE OU VOUS ETES ---------- # coords = {'longitude': 2.3522, 'latitude': 48.8566} sun = Sun() # ---------- AJOUTER LE DECALAGE HORAIRE PAR RAPPORT AU MERIDIEN DE GREENWICH ----------# decalage_horaire = 1.0 #consommation globale du site consommation_total = 0 #Gestion de l'affichage pygame.init() #Ouverture de la fenêtre Pygame fenetre = pygame.display.set_mode((largeur_fenetre, longueur_fenetre)) etat_affichage = "menu" #Stockage stockage_val = 0 stockage_max = 100000000
# print(time.time()) clock.tick(15) # 启动消息队列,获取消息并处理 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == GENERATOR_SUN_EVENT: # 当前是否有太阳花对象,有几个太阳花对象,就生成几个太阳 if len(sunFlowerList) > 0: timeNow = time.time() for sunFlower in sunFlowerList: if timeNow - sunFlower.lasttime >= 5: sunFlower.lasttime = timeNow sun = Sun(sunFlower.rect) sunList.add(sun) if event.type == GENERATOR_PEASHOOTER_EVENT: # 当前是否有太阳花对象,有几个太阳花对象,就生成几个太阳 if len(peashooterList) > 0: for peashooter in peashooterList: bullet = Bullet(peashooter.rect, size) bulletList.add(bullet) if event.type == GENERATOR_ZOMBIE_EVENT: randomIndex = random.randrange(0, len(nameList)) nameOfZombie = nameList[randomIndex] zombie = Zombie(nameOfZombie) zombieList.add(zombie)
def run(inputobs_file, config): # Set up a skypos object to hold site information and provide ra/dec -> alt/az/airmass translations. skypos = SkyPos() skypos.setSite(lat=config['latitude'], lon=config['longitude'], height=config['height'], pressure=config['pressure'], temperature=config['temperature'], relativeHumidity=config['relativeHumidity'], lapseRate=config['lapseRate']) # Set up a Weather object to read the site weather data. t = time.time() weather = Weather() weather.readWeather(config) dt, t = dtime(t) print '# Reading weather required %.2f seconds' %(dt) # Set up a Downtime object to read the downtime data. downtime = Downtime() downtime.readDowntime(config) dt, t = dtime(t) print '# Reading downtime required %.2f seconds' %(dt) # Read observations. obs = ObsFields() obs.readInputObs(inputobs_file, config) nobs = len(obs.ra) dt, t = dtime(t) print '# Reading %d input observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) # Check timing of input observations. if config['check_observations']: obs.checkInputObs(config) dt, t = dtime(t) print '# Checking %d input observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) else: print '# Did not check input observations for minimum required timing separation!' # Calculate alt/az/airmass for all fields. obs.getAltAzAirmass(skypos) dt, t = dtime(t) print '# Calculating alt/az/airmass for %d input observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) # Calculate weather (cloud/seeing) for all fields. dt, t = dtime(t) obs.getObsWeather(weather, config) dt, t = dtime(t) print '# Getting weather information for %d observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) # Check downtime status for these observations obs.getDowntime(downtime, config) # Calculate position of sun at the times of these observations. sun = Sun() dt, t = dtime(t) sun.calcPos(obs.mjd) sun.getAltAz(skypos) dt, t = dtime(t) print '# Calculating sun position at %d times required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) # Calculate the position, phase and altitude of the Moon. moon = Moon() moon.calcPos(obs.mjd, config) moon.getAltAz(skypos) dt, t = dtime(t) print '# Calculating moon position at %d times required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) # Will clean this up and put into classes as time is available. # Calculate the sky brightness. skybright = SkyBright(model='Perry', solar_phase='ave') sky = numpy.zeros(len(obs.mjd), 'float') filterlist = numpy.unique(obs.filter) for f in filterlist: condition = (obs.filter == f) skybright.setSkyBright(obs.alt[condition],[condition], moon.alt[condition],[condition], moon.phase[condition], bandpass = f) sky[condition] = skybright.getSkyBright() # Add modification to match 'skybrightness_modified' (which is brighter in twilight) sky = numpy.where(sun.alt > -18, 17, sky) dt, t = dtime(t) print '# Calculating the sky brightness for %d observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) # Calculate the 5-sigma limiting magnitudes. maglimit = numpy.zeros(len(obs.mjd), 'float') m5 = m5calculations() # Read the throughput curves for LSST (needed to determine zeropoints). m5.setup_Throughputs(verbose=False) # Swap 'y4' for 'y' (or other default y value). tmp_filters = m5.check_filter(obs.filter) # Determine the unique exposure times, as have to set up dark current, etc. based on this for telescope ZP's. exptimes = numpy.unique(obs.exptime) for expT in exptimes: condition = [obs.exptime == expT] # Calculate telescope zeropoints. # Calculate actual open-sky time, after accounting for readout time, number of exposures per visit, shutter time, etc. opentime = ((expT - config['readout_time']*config['nexp_visit'] - config['nexp_visit']* config['add_shutter']*config['shutter_time']) / float(config['nexp_visit'])) print "# Calculating depth for %d exposures of %.2f open shutter time" %(config['nexp_visit'], opentime) m5.setup_values(expTime=opentime, nexp=config['nexp_visit']) # Calculate 5sigma limiting magnitudes. maglimit[condition] = m5.calc_maglimit(obs.seeing[condition], sky[condition], tmp_filters[condition], obs.airmass[condition], snr=5.0) dt, t = dtime(t) print '# Calculating the m5 limit for %d observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt) # Print out interesting values. obs.printObs(sun, moon, sky, maglimit, config)
def main(): global text,choose global sun_num_surface running = True index = 0 while running: # if index >= 130: # index = 0 clock.tick(20) #2s产生一个太阳花 # if index % 40 == 0: # sun = Sun(sunflower.rect) # sunList.add(sun) #3s产生一个子弹 # if index % 30 == 0: # for sprite in spriteGroup: # if isinstance(sprite, Peashooter): # bullet = Bullet(sprite.rect, backgd_size) # spriteGroup.add(bullet) screen.blit(bg_img_obj,(0,0)) screen.blit(sunbackImg,(250,0)) screen.blit(sun_num_surface,(270,60)) screen.blit(flower_seed, (330, 10)) screen.blit(wallNut_seed, (380, 10)) screen.blit(peashooter_seed, (430, 10)) spriteGroup.update(index) spriteGroup.draw(screen) sunList.update(index) sunList.draw(screen) (x,y) = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if choose == 1: screen.blit(sunFlowerImg,(x,y)) elif choose == 2: screen.blit(wallnutImg, (x, y)) elif choose == 3: screen.blit(peashooterImg, (x, y)) index+=1 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == GEN_SUN_EVENT: for sprite in spriteGroup: if isinstance(sprite,SunFlower): now = time.time() if now - sprite.lasttime >= 5: sun = Sun(sprite.rect) sunList.add(sun) sprite.lasttime = now if event.type == GEN_BULLET_EVENT: for sprite in spriteGroup: if isinstance(sprite, Peashooter): bullet = Bullet(sprite.rect, backgd_size) spriteGroup.add(bullet) if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: pressed_key = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() print(pressed_key) if pressed_key[0] == 1: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() print(pos) x,y = pos if 330<=x<=380 and 10<=y<=80 and int(text) >= 50: print('点中了太阳花卡片') choose = 1 elif 380<x<=430 and 10<=y<=80 and int(text) >= 50: print('点中了坚果卡片') choose = 2 elif 430 < x <= 480 and 10 <= y <= 80 and int(text) >= 100: print('点中了豌豆射手卡片') choose = 3 elif 250 < x < 1200 and 70<y<600: #种植植物 if choose == 1: current_time = time.time() sunFlower = SunFlower(current_time) = y sunFlower.rect.left = x spriteGroup.add(sunFlower) choose = 0 #扣除分数 text = int(text) text -= 50 myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('arial',20) sun_num_surface = myfont.render(str(text),True,(0,0,0)) elif choose == 2: wallNut = WallNut() = y wallNut.rect.left = x spriteGroup.add(wallNut) choose = 0 # 扣除分数 text = int(text) text -= 50 myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 20) sun_num_surface = myfont.render(str(text), True, (0, 0, 0)) elif choose == 3: peashooter = Peashooter() = y peashooter.rect.left = x spriteGroup.add(peashooter) choose = 0 # 扣除分数 text = int(text) text -= 50 myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 20) sun_num_surface = myfont.render(str(text), True, (0, 0, 0)) print('#########') print(x,y) pass else: pass for sun in sunList: if sun.rect.collidepoint(pos): sunList.remove(sun) text = str(int(text)+50) sun_font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 20) sun_num_surface = sun_font.render(text, True, (0, 0, 0)) pygame.display.update()
def main(): global text,choose global sun_num_surface running = True # index必须初始化为0,否则第一张图片进不去屏幕 index = 0 while running: # if index >= 130: # index = 0 clock.tick(20) # if not # #2s产生一个太阳花 # if index % 40 == 0: # sun = Sun(sunflower.rect) # sunList.add(sun) #3s产生一个子弹 # if index % 30 == 0: # for sprite in spriteGroup: # if isinstance(sprite, Peashooter): # bullet = Bullet(sprite.rect, backgd_size) # spriteGroup.add(bullet) for bullet in bulletGroup: for zombie in zombieGroup: # 直接使用下列函数实现碰撞检测, # 这个函数接收两个精灵作为参数,返回值是一个bool变量。 if pygame.sprite.collide_mask(bullet,zombie): -= 1 bulletGroup.remove(bullet) for wallNut in wallNutGroup: # 只要僵尸与植物接触就是zombie.isMeetWallNut = True # 接触之后将其放入精灵建立的set函数产生的无序列表中 for zombie in zombieGroup: if pygame.sprite.collide_mask(wallNut, zombie): zombie.isMeetWallNut = True wallNut.zombies.add(zombie) for peaShooter in peaShooterGroup: for zombie in zombieGroup: if pygame.sprite.collide_mask(peaShooter, zombie): zombie.isMeetWallNut = True peaShooter.zombies.add(zombie) for sunFlower in sunFlowerGroup: for zombie in zombieGroup: if pygame.sprite.collide_mask(sunFlower, zombie): zombie.isMeetWallNut = True sunFlower.zombies.add(zombie) # 图片绘制 screen.blit(bg_img_obj,(0,0)) screen.blit(sunbackImg,(250,0)) # 这个是放植物的框图 screen.blit(sun_num_surface,(270,60)) # 绘制种子图片在框框里面 screen.blit(flower_seed, (330, 10)) screen.blit(wallNut_seed, (380, 10)) screen.blit(peashooter_seed, (430, 10)) # spriteGroup.update(index) # spriteGroup.draw(screen) bulletGroup.update(index) bulletGroup.draw(screen) zombieGroup.update(index) zombieGroup.draw(screen) wallNutGroup.update(index) wallNutGroup.draw(screen) peaShooterGroup.update(index) peaShooterGroup.draw(screen) sunFlowerGroup.update(index) sunFlowerGroup.draw(screen) sunList.update(index) sunList.draw(screen) # 确定鼠标点击的横纵坐标 (x,y) = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # if choose == 1: # screen.blit(sunFlowerImg,(x,y)) # elif choose == 2: # screen.blit(wallnutImg, (x, y)) # elif choose == 3: # screen.blit(peashooterImg, (x, y)) # 确定好三种植物后绘制图像位置,一般都在鼠标点击点在图片的正中心 if choose == 1: screen.blit(sunFlowerImg, (x - sunFlowerImg.get_rect().width // 2, y - sunFlowerImg.get_rect().height // 2)) if choose == 2: screen.blit(wallnutImg, (x - wallnutImg.get_rect().width // 2, y - wallnutImg.get_rect().height // 2)) if choose == 3: screen.blit(peashooterImg, (x - peashooterImg.get_rect().width // 2, y - peashooterImg.get_rect().height // 2)) # index控制确定的次数和机会,点了一次,index加一对应刷新一次屏幕 index+=1 # 精灵调用以及添加精灵组 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == GEN_FLAGZOMBIE_EVENT: zombie = FlagZombie() zombieGroup.add(zombie) if event.type == GEN_ZOMBIE_EVENT: zombie = Zombie() zombieGroup.add(zombie) if event.type == GEN_SUN_EVENT: for sprite in sunFlowerGroup: # 返回当前时间的时间戳,控制太阳出现的时间 now = time.time() if now - sprite.lasttime >= 5: sun = Sun(sprite.rect) sunList.add(sun) sprite.lasttime = now if event.type == GEN_BULLET_EVENT: for sprite in peaShooterGroup: bullet = Bullet(sprite.rect, backgd_size) bulletGroup.add(bullet) if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: pressed_key = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() print(pressed_key) if pressed_key[0] == 1: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() print(pos) x,y = pos if 330<=x<=380 and 10<=y<=80 and int(text) >= 50: print('点中了太阳花卡片') choose = 1 elif 380<x<=430 and 10<=y<=80 and int(text) >= 50: print('点中了坚果卡片') choose = 2 elif 430 < x <= 480 and 10 <= y <= 80 and int(text) >= 100: print('点中了豌豆射手卡片') choose = 3 elif 250 < x < 1200 and 70<y<600: #种植植物 if choose == 1: current_time = time.time() sunFlower = SunFlower(current_time) = y sunFlower.rect.left = x sunFlowerGroup.add(sunFlower) choose = 0 #扣除分数 text = int(text) text -= 50 myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('arial',20) sun_num_surface = myfont.render(str(text),True,(0,0,0)) elif choose == 2: wallNut = WallNut() = y wallNut.rect.left = x wallNutGroup.add(wallNut) choose = 0 # 扣除分数 text = int(text) text -= 50 myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 20) sun_num_surface = myfont.render(str(text), True, (0, 0, 0)) elif choose == 3: peashooter = Peashooter() = y peashooter.rect.left = x peaShooterGroup.add(peashooter) choose = 0 # 扣除分数 text = int(text) text -= 50 myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 20) sun_num_surface = myfont.render(str(text), True, (0, 0, 0)) print('#########') print(x,y) pass else: pass for sun in sunList: if sun.rect.collidepoint(pos): sunList.remove(sun) text = str(int(text)+50) # 分数变化后循环渲染字体 sun_font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 20) sun_num_surface = sun_font.render(text, True, (0, 0, 0)) pygame.display.update()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from Sun import Sun import time coords = {'longitude' : -2.6, 'latitude' : 53.6 } # coords = {'longitude' : 53, 'latitude' : -2.6 } sun = Sun() # Sunrise time UTC (decimal, 24 hour format) now = time.gmtime() print(" ", time.strftime("%H:%m:%S",now)) sr = sun.getSunriseTime( coords )['decimal'] print("Sunrise " , sr) print(" " + sun.toHMS( sr )) # Sunset time UTC (decimal, 24 hour format) ss = sun.getSunsetTime( coords )['decimal'] print("Sunset " , ss ) print(" " + sun.toHMS( ss ))
clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: if index > 100: index = 0 clock.tick(15) # 启动消息队列,获取消息并处理 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() screen.blit(backgroundImg, (0, 0)) screen.blit(sunbackImg, (250, 30)) screen.blit(txtImg, (300, 33)) screen.blit(peashooter.images[index % 13], peashooter.rect) screen.blit(sunFlower.images[index % 13], sunFlower.rect) screen.blit(wallNut.images[index % 13], wallNut.rect) if index % 30 == 0: sun = Sun(sunFlower.rect) sunList.append(sun) for sun in sunList: screen.blit(sun.images[index % 17], sun.rect) index += 1 pygame.display.update()
def _set_position(self): """ ~ a few arcminutes accuracy """ l0 = 318.351648 # mean longitude P0 = 36.340410 # mean longitude of perigee N0 = 318.510107 # mean longitude of node ii = 5.145396 # inclination ee = 0.054900 # eccentricity aa = 384401 # km, semi-major axis or moon's orbit theta0 = 0.5181 # degrees, semiangular size at distance a pi0 = 0.9507 # parallax at distance a sun = Sun(self.datetimeObj) jdJan0 = convert.datetime2jd( datetime.datetime(self.datetimeObj.year, 1, 1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0)) jd = convert.datetime2jd(self.datetimeObj) d = jd - jdJan0 D = (self.datetimeObj.year - 1990) * 365.0 + (self.datetimeObj.year - 1992) / 4 + d + 2 l = (13.1763966 * D + l0) % 360.0 C = l - sun.longitude moonMeanAnomaly = (l - 0.1114041 * D - P0) % 360.0 N = (N0 - 0.0529539 * D) % 360.0 Ev = 1.2739 * math.sin(math.radians(2 * C - moonMeanAnomaly)) Ae = 0.1858 * math.sin(math.radians(sun.meanAnomaly)) A3 = 0.37 * math.sin(math.radians(sun.meanAnomaly)) corrected_moonMeanAnomaly = moonMeanAnomaly + Ev - Ae - A3 Ec = 6.2886 * math.sin(math.radians(corrected_moonMeanAnomaly)) A4 = 0.214 * math.sin(math.radians(2.0 * corrected_moonMeanAnomaly)) lprime = l + Ev + Ec - Ae + A4 V = 0.6583 * math.sin(math.radians(2.0 * (lprime - sun.longitude))) lprimeprime = lprime + V Nprime = N - 0.16 * math.sin(math.radians(sun.meanAnomaly)) y = math.sin(math.radians(lprimeprime - Nprime)) * math.cos( math.radians(ii)) x = math.cos(math.radians(lprimeprime - Nprime)) arcTan = math.degrees(math.atan(y / x)) if y > 0 and x > 0: arcTan = arcTan % 90.0 elif y > 0 and x < 0: arcTan = (arcTan % 90.0) + 90.0 elif y < 0 and x < 0: arcTan = (arcTan % 90.0) + 180.0 elif y < 0 and x > 0: arcTan = (arcTan % 90.0) + 270.0 moonLongitude = arcTan + Nprime moonBeta = math.degrees( math.asin( math.sin(math.radians(lprimeprime - Nprime)) * math.sin(math.radians(ii)))) ra, dec = convert.eclipticLatLon2RADec(moonLongitude, moonBeta) self.ra = ra self.dec = dec
from Sun import Sun coords = {'longitude': 145, 'latitude': -38} sun = Sun() # Sunrise time UTC (decimal, 24 hour format) print sun.getSunriseTime(coords)['decimal'] # Sunset time UTC (decimal, 24 hour format) print sun.getSunsetTime(coords)['decimal']