Exemplo n.º 1
    def AddWorksheet(user, year, month, workbook):
        # Get all timesheets for the user
        timesheets = Context.SelectWithParams({
            "From T In Timesheet Where T.UserDetail.Username = @Username And :Year(T.BeginTime) = @YearFilter And :Month(T.BeginTime) = @MonthFilter Order By T.BeginTime Select T",
            "@Username": user.Username,
            "@YearFilter": Decimal(year),
            "@MonthFilter": Decimal(month)

        # Get holidays for the corresponding month
        holidays = Context.SelectWithParams({
            "From H In LegalHoliday Where :Year(H.LegalHolidayDate) = @YearFilter And :Month(H.LegalHolidayDate) = @MonthFilter Order By H.LegalHolidayDate Select H",
            "@YearFilter": Decimal(year),
            "@MonthFilter": Decimal(month)

        # Add sheet for user
        ws = workbook.Worksheets[1]
        ws.Name = user.Lastname + ", " + user.Firstname

        rowIndex = 2
        totalWorkingHours = 0
        hoursPerDay = user.WeeklyHoursOfWork / 5
        prevDay = 0

        # Loop over all days of the month
        for currentDay in range(
                DateTime(year, month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1).Day + 1):
            currentDayDate = DateTime(year, month, currentDay)
            dailyTimesheets = Enumerable.Where(
                timesheets, lambda t: t.BeginTime.Day == currentDay)

            if Enumerable.Count(dailyTimesheets) > 0:
                # There are timesheets for this day
                for timesheet in dailyTimesheets:
                    # Add row for timesheet
                    HandleRowColor(currentDayDate, ws.Cells[rowIndex, 1],
                    if prevDay != timesheet.BeginTime.Day:
                        # Don't repeat day index for mulitple rows of the same day
                        ws.Cells[rowIndex, 1].Value2 = timesheet.BeginTime.Day
                    ws.Cells[rowIndex, 2].Value2 = timesheet.BeginTime
                    ws.Cells[rowIndex, 3].Value2 = timesheet.EndTime
                             4].Value2 = timesheet.DurationInHours / 24
                    ws.Cells[rowIndex, 5].Value2 = timesheet.Description
                    totalWorkingHours = totalWorkingHours + timesheet.DurationInHours
                    prevDay = timesheet.BeginTime.Day
                    rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
                # There are no timesheets for this day
                HandleRowColor(currentDayDate, ws.Cells[rowIndex, 1], holidays)
                ws.Cells[rowIndex, 1].Value2 = currentDay
                rowIndex = rowIndex + 1

        # Add sums
        ws.Cells[rowIndex, 2].Value2 = 'Gesamt:'
        ws.Cells[rowIndex, 4].Value2 = (totalWorkingHours) / 24
        rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
Exemplo n.º 2
 def IsDayOff(day, holidays):
     return day.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday or day.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday \
       or Enumerable.Count(holidays, lambda h: h.LegalHolidayDate.Day == day.Day) > 0