Exemplo n.º 1
class Checklist(Form):
    '''this form eats a list of items to build a checklistbox
       access to the list of Enabled items via the getValid method (return a simple list)
    def __init__(self, itemlist):

        height = len(itemlist) * 17
        self.Text = "Select the categories to export"
        self.Size = Size(300, height + 80)

        self.check = CheckedListBox()
        self.check.Parent = self
        self.check.Location = Point(5, 5)
        self.check.Size = Size(270, height)

        # load the list of relevant categories found in the project
        list_items = List[Object](itemlist)
        self.check.CheckOnClick = True

        # set checked by default
        for i in range(len(itemlist)):
            self.check.SetItemChecked(i, True)

        okay = Button()
        okay.Parent = self
        okay.Text = 'OK'
        okay.Location = Point(50, height + 10)
        okay.Width = 140
        okay.Click += self.onValidate

        cancel = Button()
        cancel.Parent = self
        cancel.Text = 'Cancel'
        cancel.Location = Point(okay.Right, height + 10)
        cancel.Click += self.onCancel


    def getValid(self):
        checked = self.check.CheckedItems
        return [checked[i] for i in range(checked.Count)]

    def onValidate(self, sender, event):
        self.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK

    def onCancel(self, sender, event):
        self.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
Exemplo n.º 2
class CheckedBoxListSelector(_Form):
    """Checked Box List Selector"""
    def __init__(self, inputList):
        self.Icon = _Icon(r"%s\extra\icon.ico" % ipath)
        self.Size = _Size(290, 435)
        self.Text = "Quasar"
        self.class1Result = []

        # fonts
        self.gsmt_11r = _Font("Georgia", 10)
        self.gsmt_10r = _Font("Georgia", 9)

        # label
        self.label = Label()
        self.label.Text = "Select Items:"
        self.label.Font = self.gsmt_11r
        self.label.Location = _Point(30, 10)
        self.label.Size = _Size(220, 28)

        # checklist box
        self.lstbox = CheckedListBox()
        self.lstbox.Font = self.gsmt_10r
        # padding
        self.lstbox.Padding = Padding(30)
        # select one click
        self.lstbox.CheckOnClick = True

        self.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog
        self.MaximizeBox = False
        self.ManimizeBox = False
        self.lstbox.Location = _Point(30, 40)
        self.lstbox.Size = _Size(210, 280)

        # auto horizontal scrollbar
        self.lstbox.HorizontalScrollbar = True

        # select all btn
        self.btn_all = Button()
        self.btn_all.Text = "Select All"
        self.btn_all.Font = self.gsmt_10r
        self.btn_all.Size = _Size(95, 25)
        self.btn_all.Location = _Point(30, 315)

        # select none btn
        self.btn_none = Button()
        self.btn_none.Text = "Select None"
        self.btn_none.Font = self.gsmt_10r
        self.btn_none.Size = _Size(95, 25)
        self.btn_none.Location = _Point(145, 315)

        # ok btn
        self.btn = Button()
        self.btn.Text = "OK"
        self.btn.Font = self.gsmt_10r
        self.btn.Size = _Size(80, 25)
        self.btn.Location = _Point(95, 350)

        # events
        self.btn_all.Click += self.click_all
        self.btn_none.Click += self.click_none
        self.btn.Click += self.click_ok

        # pop up from center

    def click_ok(self, sender, event):
        #global res
        if len(self.lstbox.Items) < 1:
        if len(self.lstbox.CheckedItems) < 1:
            return MessageBox.Show("No element selected!", "Quasar Info Box",

        self.class1Result = self.lstbox.CheckedItems

        return self.Close()

    def click_all(self, sender, event):
        for i in range(len(self.lstbox.Items)):
            self.lstbox.SetItemChecked(i, True)

    def click_none(self, sender, event):
        for i in range(len(self.lstbox.Items)):
            self.lstbox.SetItemChecked(i, False)
Exemplo n.º 3
class ComboCheckboxListSelector(_Form):
    """Checked Box List Selector"""
    def __init__(self, title, items):

        # icon
        self.Icon = _Icon(r"%s\extra\icon.ico" % ipath)
        self.Size = _Size(360, 430)
        self.Text = "Quasar"
        self.class2Result = []

        self.title = title
        self.items = items
        # fonts
        self.gsmt_11r = _Font("Georgia", 10)
        self.gsmt_10r = _Font("Georgia", 9)

        # combo box
        self.cbox = ComboBox()
        self.cbox.Font = self.gsmt_11r
        self.cbox.Location = _Point(30, 10)
        self.cbox.Size = _Size(280, 28)
        self.cbox.SelectedIndex = 0

        # checklist box
        self.lstbox = CheckedListBox()
        self.lstbox.Font = self.gsmt_10r
        # padding
        self.lstbox.Padding = Padding(30)
        # select one click
        self.lstbox.CheckOnClick = True

        self.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog
        self.MaximizeBox = False
        self.ManimizeBox = False
        self.lstbox.Location = _Point(30, 45)
        self.lstbox.Size = _Size(280, 300)

        # auto horizontal scrollbar
        self.lstbox.HorizontalScrollbar = True

        # select all btn
        self.btn_all = Button()
        self.btn_all.Text = "Select All"
        self.btn_all.Font = self.gsmt_10r
        self.btn_all.Size = _Size(95, 25)
        self.btn_all.Location = _Point(30, 340)

        # select none btn
        self.btn_none = Button()
        self.btn_none.Text = "Select None"
        self.btn_none.Font = self.gsmt_10r
        self.btn_none.Size = _Size(95, 25)
        self.btn_none.Location = _Point(215, 340)

        # ok btn
        self.btn = Button()
        self.btn.Text = "OK"
        self.btn.Font = self.gsmt_10r
        self.btn.Size = _Size(80, 25)
        self.btn.Location = _Point(130, 340)

        # events
        self.btn_all.Click += self.click_all
        self.btn_none.Click += self.click_none
        self.btn.Click += self.click_ok
        self.cbox.SelectedValueChanged += self.on_class_change

        # pop up from center

    def click_ok(self, sender, event):

        if len(self.lstbox.CheckedItems) < 1:
            return MessageBox.Show("No element selected!", "Quasar Info Box",

        self.class2Result = self.lstbox.CheckedItems

        return self.Close()

    def click_all(self, sender, event):
        for i in range(len(self.lstbox.Items)):
            self.lstbox.SetItemChecked(i, True)

    def click_none(self, sender, event):
        for i in range(len(self.lstbox.Items)):
            self.lstbox.SetItemChecked(i, False)

    def on_class_change(self, sender, event):
class ConfigForm(CVForm):
   This class is a popup, modal dialog that displays all of the configurable
   options available to the user.   The user can change any of the options, 
   and then click OK or Cancel to quit the dialog and contine the normal 
   execution of the program.   Clicking Cancel will discard any configuration
   changes that were made; clicking OK will save them permanently.

    # ==========================================================================
    def __init__(self, owner):
      Initializes this form.
      owner -> this form's owner window/dialog

        # these are the strings that the user sees for each checkbox; they can
        # also be used to reference each checkbox inside the checkboxlist
        ConfigForm.__SERIES_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormSeriesCB")
        ConfigForm.__NUMBER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormNumberCB")
        ConfigForm.__PUBLISHED_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormPublishedCB")
        ConfigForm.__RELEASED_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormReleasedCB")
        ConfigForm.__TITLE_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormTitleCB")
        ConfigForm.__CROSSOVERS_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormCrossoversCB")
        ConfigForm.__WRITER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormWriterCB")
        ConfigForm.__PENCILLER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormPencillerCB")
        ConfigForm.__INKER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormInkerCB")
        ConfigForm.__COVER_ARTIST_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormCoverCB")
        ConfigForm.__COLORIST_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormColoristCB")
        ConfigForm.__LETTERER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormLettererCB")
        ConfigForm.__EDITOR_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormEditorCB")
        ConfigForm.__SUMMARY_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormSummaryCB")
        ConfigForm.__IMPRINT_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormImprintCB")
        ConfigForm.__PUBLISHER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormPublisherCB")
        ConfigForm.__VOLUME_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormVolumeCB")
        ConfigForm.__CHARACTERS_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormCharactersCB")
        ConfigForm.__TEAMS_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormTeamsCB")
        ConfigForm.__LOCATIONS_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormLocationsCB")
        ConfigForm.__WEBPAGE_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormWebCB")

        # the TabControl that contains all our TabPages
        self.__tabcontrol = None

        # the ok button for this dialog
        self.__ok_button = None

        # the cancel button for this dialog
        self.__cancel_button = None

        # the restore defaults button for this dialog
        self.__restore_button = None

        # "options" checkboxes
        self.__ow_existing_cb = None
        self.__ignore_blanks_cb = None
        self.__autochoose_series_cb = None
        self.__confirm_issue_cb = None
        self.__convert_imprints_cb = None
        self.__summary_dialog_cb = None
        self.__download_thumbs_cb = None
        self.__preserve_thumbs_cb = None
        self.__fast_rescrape_cb = None
        self.__rescrape_tags_cb = None
        self.__rescrape_notes_cb = None

        # "api key" textbox
        self.__api_key_tbox = None

        # "advanced settings" textbox
        self.__advanced_tbox = None

        # "data" checkbox list
        self.__update_checklist = None

        CVForm.__init__(self, owner, "configformLocation")

    # ==========================================================================
    def __build_gui(self):
        ''' Constructs and initializes the gui for this form. '''

        # 1. --- build each gui component
        self.__ok_button = self.__build_okbutton()
        self.__cancel_button = self.__build_cancel_button()
        self.__restore_button = self.__build_restore_button()
        self.__tabcontrol = self.__build_tabcontrol()

        # 2. -- configure this form, and add all the gui components to it
        self.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font
        self.ClientSize = Size(416, 375)
        self.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormTitle")


        # 3. -- define the keyboard focus tab traversal ordering
        self.__ok_button.TabIndex = 0
        self.__cancel_button.TabIndex = 1
        self.__restore_button.TabIndex = 2
        self.__tabcontrol.TabIndex = 3


    # ==========================================================================
    def __build_okbutton(self):
        ''' builds and returns the ok button for this form '''

        button = Button()
        button.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
        button.Location = Point(228, 343)
        button.Size = Size(80, 23)
        button.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormOK")
        return button

    # ==========================================================================
    def __build_restore_button(self):
        ''' builds and returns the restore button for this form '''

        button = Button()
        button.Click += self.__fired_restore_defaults
        button.Location = Point(10, 343)
        button.Size = Size(170, 23)
        button.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormRestore")
        return button

    # ==========================================================================
    def __build_cancel_button(self):
        ''' builds and returns the cancel button for this form '''

        button = Button()
        button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
        button.Location = Point(315, 343)
        button.Size = Size(90, 23)
        button.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormCancel")
        return button

    # ==========================================================================
    def __build_tabcontrol(self):
        ''' builds and returns the TabControl for this dialog '''

        tabcontrol = TabControl()
        tabcontrol.Location = Point(10, 15)
        tabcontrol.Size = Size(395, 302)


        return tabcontrol

    # ==========================================================================
    def __build_comicvinetab(self):
        ''' builds and returns the "ComicVine" Tab for the TabControl '''

        tabpage = TabPage()
        tabpage.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormComicVineTab")
        tabpage.Name = "comicvine"

        # 1. --- a description label for this tabpage
        label = Label()
        label.UseMnemonic = False
        label.AutoSize = False
        label.Location = Point(34, 80)
        label.Size = Size(315, 54)
        label.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormComicVineText")

        # 2. --- the API key text box
        fired_update_gui = self.__fired_update_gui

        class ApiKeyTextBox(TextBox):
            def OnTextChanged(self, args):

        self.__api_key_tbox = ApiKeyTextBox()
        tbox = self.__api_key_tbox
        tbox.Location = Point(34, 135)
        tbox.Size = Size(315, 1)

        menu = ContextMenu()
        items = menu.MenuItems
        items.Add(MenuItem(i18n.get("TextCut"), lambda s, ea: tbox.Cut()))
        items.Add(MenuItem(i18n.get("TextCopy"), lambda s, ea: tbox.Copy()))
        items.Add(MenuItem(i18n.get("TextPaste"), lambda s, ea: tbox.Paste()))
        tbox.ContextMenu = menu

        # 3. --- add a clickable link to send the user to ComicVine
        linklabel = LinkLabel()
        linklabel.UseMnemonic = False
        linklabel.AutoSize = False
        linklabel.Location = Point(34, 170)
        linklabel.Size = Size(315, 34)
        linklabel.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormComicVineClickHere")
        linklabel.LinkClicked += self.__fired_linkclicked

        # 4. --- add 'em all to this tabpage

        return tabpage

    # ==========================================================================
    def __build_detailstab(self):
        ''' builds and returns the "Details" Tab for the TabControl '''

        tabpage = TabPage()
        tabpage.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormDetailsTab")
        tabpage.Name = "details"

        # 1. --- a description label for this tabpage
        label = Label()
        label.UseMnemonic = False
        label.AutoSize = True
        label.Location = Point(14, 35)
        label.Size = Size(299, 17)
        label.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormDetailsText")

        # 2. --- the 'select all' button
        checkall_button = Button()
        checkall_button.Click += self.__fired_checkall
        checkall_button.Location = Point(280, 107)
        checkall_button.Size = Size(100, 23)
        checkall_button.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormDetailsAll")

        # 3. --- the 'deselect all' button
        uncheckall_button = Button()
        uncheckall_button.Click += self.__fired_uncheckall
        uncheckall_button.Location = Point(280, 138)
        uncheckall_button.Size = Size(100, 23)
        uncheckall_button.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormDetailsNone")

        # 4. --- build the update checklist (contains all the 'data' checkboxes)
        self.__update_checklist = CheckedListBox()
        self.__update_checklist.CheckOnClick = True
        self.__update_checklist.ColumnWidth = 125
        self.__update_checklist.ThreeDCheckBoxes = True
        self.__update_checklist.Location = Point(15, 65)
        self.__update_checklist.MultiColumn = True
        self.__update_checklist.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.One
        self.__update_checklist.Size = Size(260, 170)
        self.__update_checklist.ItemCheck += self.__fired_update_gui


        # 5. --- add 'em all to this tabpage

        return tabpage

    # ==========================================================================
    def __build_behaviourtab(self):
        ''' builds and returns the "Behaviour" Tab for the TabControl '''

        tabpage = TabPage()
        tabpage.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormBehaviourTab")

        # 1. --- build the 'When scraping for the first time' label
        first_scrape_label = Label()
        first_scrape_label.AutoSize = False
        first_scrape_label.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System
        first_scrape_label.Location = Point(52, 27)
        first_scrape_label.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormFirstScrapeLabel")
        first_scrape_label.Size = Size(300, 17)

        # 1. --- build the 'autochoose series' checkbox
        self.__autochoose_series_cb = CheckBox()
        self.__autochoose_series_cb.AutoSize = False
        self.__autochoose_series_cb.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System
        self.__autochoose_series_cb.Location = Point(82, 45)
        self.__autochoose_series_cb.Size = Size(300, 34)
        self.__autochoose_series_cb.Text = i18n.get(
        self.__autochoose_series_cb.CheckedChanged += self.__fired_update_gui

        # 2. --- build the 'confirm issue' checkbox
        self.__confirm_issue_cb = CheckBox()
        self.__confirm_issue_cb.AutoSize = False
        self.__confirm_issue_cb.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System
        self.__confirm_issue_cb.Location = Point(82, 75)
        self.__confirm_issue_cb.Size = Size(300, 34)
        self.__confirm_issue_cb.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormConfirmIssueCB")
        self.__confirm_issue_cb.CheckedChanged += self.__fired_update_gui

        # 3. -- build the 'use fast rescrape' checkbox
        self.__fast_rescrape_cb = CheckBox()
        self.__fast_rescrape_cb.AutoSize = False
        self.__fast_rescrape_cb.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System
        self.__fast_rescrape_cb.Location = Point(52, 116)
        self.__fast_rescrape_cb.Size = Size(300, 34)
        self.__fast_rescrape_cb.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormRescrapeCB")
        self.__fast_rescrape_cb.CheckedChanged += self.__fired_update_gui

        # 4. -- build the 'add rescrape hints to notes' checkbox
        self.__rescrape_notes_cb = CheckBox()
        self.__rescrape_notes_cb.AutoSize = False
        self.__rescrape_notes_cb.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System
        self.__rescrape_notes_cb.Location = Point(82, 151)
        self.__rescrape_notes_cb.Size = Size(270, 17)
        self.__rescrape_notes_cb.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormRescrapeNotesCB")
        self.__rescrape_notes_cb.CheckedChanged += self.__fired_update_gui

        # 5. -- build the 'add rescrape hints to tags' checkbox
        self.__rescrape_tags_cb = CheckBox()
        self.__rescrape_tags_cb.AutoSize = False
        self.__rescrape_tags_cb.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System
        self.__rescrape_tags_cb.Location = Point(82, 181)
        self.__rescrape_tags_cb.Size = Size(270, 17)
        self.__rescrape_tags_cb.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormRescrapeTagsCB")
        self.__rescrape_tags_cb.CheckedChanged += self.__fired_update_gui

        # 6. --- build the 'specify series name' checkbox
        self.__summary_dialog_cb = CheckBox()
        self.__summary_dialog_cb.AutoSize = False
        self.__summary_dialog_cb.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System
        self.__summary_dialog_cb.Location = Point(52, 214)
        self.__summary_dialog_cb.Size = Size(300, 34)
        self.__summary_dialog_cb.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormShowSummaryCB")
        self.__summary_dialog_cb.CheckedChanged += self.__fired_update_gui

        # 7. --- add 'em all to the tabpage

        return tabpage

    # ==========================================================================
    def __build_datatab(self):
        ''' builds and returns the "Data" Tab for the TabControl '''

        tabpage = TabPage()
        tabpage.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormDataTab")

        # 1. --- build the 'convert imprints checkbox'
        self.__convert_imprints_cb = CheckBox()
        self.__convert_imprints_cb.AutoSize = False
        self.__convert_imprints_cb.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System
        self.__convert_imprints_cb.Location = Point(52, 35)
        self.__convert_imprints_cb.Size = Size(300, 34)
        self.__convert_imprints_cb.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormImprintsCB")
        self.__convert_imprints_cb.CheckedChanged += self.__fired_update_gui

        # 2. -- build the 'overwrite existing' checkbox
        self.__ow_existing_cb = CheckBox()
        self.__ow_existing_cb.AutoSize = False
        self.__ow_existing_cb.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System
        self.__ow_existing_cb.Location = Point(52, 85)
        self.__ow_existing_cb.Size = Size(310, 34)
        self.__ow_existing_cb.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormOverwriteCB")
        self.__ow_existing_cb.CheckedChanged += self.__fired_update_gui

        # 3. --- build the 'ignore blanks' checkbox
        self.__ignore_blanks_cb = CheckBox()
        self.__ignore_blanks_cb.AutoSize = False
        self.__ignore_blanks_cb.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System
        self.__ignore_blanks_cb.Location = Point(82, 125)
        self.__ignore_blanks_cb.Size = Size(270, 34)
        self.__ignore_blanks_cb.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft
        self.__ignore_blanks_cb.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormOverwriteEmptyCB")
        self.__ignore_blanks_cb.CheckedChanged += self.__fired_update_gui

        # 4. --- build the 'download thumbnails' checkbox
        self.__download_thumbs_cb = CheckBox()
        self.__download_thumbs_cb.AutoSize = False
        self.__download_thumbs_cb.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System
        self.__download_thumbs_cb.Location = Point(52, 165)
        self.__download_thumbs_cb.Size = Size(300, 34)
        self.__download_thumbs_cb.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormFilelessCB")
        self.__download_thumbs_cb.CheckedChanged += self.__fired_update_gui

        # 5. --- build the 'preserve thumbnails' checkbox
        self.__preserve_thumbs_cb = CheckBox()
        self.__preserve_thumbs_cb.AutoSize = False
        self.__preserve_thumbs_cb.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System
        self.__preserve_thumbs_cb.Location = Point(82, 205)
        self.__preserve_thumbs_cb.Size = Size(270, 34)
        self.__preserve_thumbs_cb.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft
        self.__preserve_thumbs_cb.Text = i18n.get(
        self.__preserve_thumbs_cb.CheckedChanged += self.__fired_update_gui

        # 6. --- add 'em all to the tabpage

        return tabpage

    # ==========================================================================
    def __build_advancedtab(self):
        ''' builds and returns the "Advanced" Tab for the TabControl '''

        tabpage = TabPage()
        tabpage.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormAdvancedTab")

        # 1. --- a description label for this tabpage
        label = Label()
        label.UseMnemonic = False
        label.AutoSize = True
        label.Location = Point(14, 25)
        label.Size = Size(299, 17)
        label.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormAdvancedText")

        # 2. --- build the update checklist (contains all the 'data' checkboxes)
        tbox = RichTextBox()
        tbox.Multiline = True
        tbox.MaxLength = 65536
        tbox.WordWrap = True
        tbox.Location = Point(15, 50)
        tbox.Size = Size(355, 200)

        menu = ContextMenu()
        items = menu.MenuItems
        items.Add(MenuItem(i18n.get("TextCut"), lambda s, ea: tbox.Cut()))
        items.Add(MenuItem(i18n.get("TextCopy"), lambda s, ea: tbox.Copy()))
        items.Add(MenuItem(i18n.get("TextPaste"), lambda s, ea: tbox.Paste()))
        tbox.ContextMenu = menu
        self.__advanced_tbox = tbox

        # 3. --- add 'em all to the tabpage

        return tabpage

    # ==========================================================================
    def show_form(self):
      Displays this form, blocking until the user closes it.  When it is closed,
      this method will return a Configuration object containing the settings 
      that this dialog was displaying when it was closed (these settings were
      also just saved on the filesystem, so they are also the settings that 
      this dialog will display the next time it is opened.)
      If the user clicks 'Cancel' then this method will simply return null. 

        log.debug("opened the settings dialog.")
        defaults = Configuration()
        dialogAnswer = self.ShowDialog()  # blocks
        if dialogAnswer == DialogResult.OK:
            config = self.__get_configuration()
            log.debug("closed the settings dialog.")
            config = None
            log.debug("cancelled the settings dialog.")
        return config

    # ==========================================================================
    def __switch_to_best_tab(self):
        ''' Chooses the best tab to be displayed, and switch to it. '''
        have_api_key = self.__api_key_tbox.Text.strip()
        if have_api_key:
            for tab in self.__tabcontrol.Controls.Find("details", False):
                self.__tabcontrol.SelectedTab = tab
            for tab in self.__tabcontrol.Controls.Find("comicvine", False):
                self.__tabcontrol.SelectedTab = tab

    # ==========================================================================
    def __get_configuration(self):
      Returns a Configuration object the describes the current state of all the
      gui components on this ConfigForm.
        def is_checked(checkbox):
            return self.__update_checklist.GetItemChecked( \
               self.__update_checklist.Items.IndexOf(checkbox) )

        config = Configuration()

        # 1. --- first get the parts from the checklist box (data tab)
        config.update_series_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__SERIES_CB)
        config.update_number_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__NUMBER_CB)
        config.update_published_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__PUBLISHED_CB)
        config.update_released_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__RELEASED_CB)
        config.update_title_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__TITLE_CB)
        config.update_crossovers_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__CROSSOVERS_CB)
        config.update_writer_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__WRITER_CB)
        config.update_penciller_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__PENCILLER_CB)
        config.update_inker_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__INKER_CB)
        config.update_cover_artist_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__COVER_ARTIST_CB)
        config.update_colorist_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__COLORIST_CB)
        config.update_letterer_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__LETTERER_CB)
        config.update_editor_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__EDITOR_CB)
        config.update_summary_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__SUMMARY_CB)
        config.update_imprint_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__IMPRINT_CB)
        config.update_publisher_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__PUBLISHER_CB)
        config.update_volume_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__VOLUME_CB)
        config.update_characters_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__CHARACTERS_CB)
        config.update_teams_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__TEAMS_CB)
        config.update_locations_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__LOCATIONS_CB)
        config.update_webpage_b = is_checked(ConfigForm.__WEBPAGE_CB)

        # 2. --- then get the parts from the other checkboxes (options tab)
        config.ow_existing_b = self.__ow_existing_cb.Checked
        config.convert_imprints_b = self.__convert_imprints_cb.Checked
        config.autochoose_series_b = self.__autochoose_series_cb.Checked
        config.confirm_issue_b = self.__confirm_issue_cb.Checked
        config.ignore_blanks_b = self.__ignore_blanks_cb.Checked
        config.download_thumbs_b = self.__download_thumbs_cb.Checked
        config.preserve_thumbs_b = self.__preserve_thumbs_cb.Checked
        config.fast_rescrape_b = self.__fast_rescrape_cb.Checked
        config.rescrape_notes_b = self.__rescrape_notes_cb.Checked
        config.rescrape_tags_b = self.__rescrape_tags_cb.Checked
        config.summary_dialog_b = self.__summary_dialog_cb.Checked

        # 3. --- then get the string out of the advanced settings textbox
        config.advanced_settings_s = self.__advanced_tbox.Text
        config.api_key_s = self.__api_key_tbox.Text.strip()

        return config

    # ==========================================================================
    def __set_configuration(self, config):
      Sets the state of all the gui components on this ConfigForm to match the 
      contents of the given Configuration object.
        def set_checked(checkbox, checked):
            self.__update_checklist.SetItemChecked( \
               self.__update_checklist.Items.IndexOf(checkbox), checked )

        # 1. --- set get the parts in the checklist box (data tab)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__SERIES_CB, config.update_series_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__NUMBER_CB, config.update_number_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__PUBLISHED_CB, config.update_published_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__RELEASED_CB, config.update_released_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__TITLE_CB, config.update_title_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__CROSSOVERS_CB, config.update_crossovers_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__WRITER_CB, config.update_writer_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__PENCILLER_CB, config.update_penciller_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__INKER_CB, config.update_inker_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__COVER_ARTIST_CB, config.update_cover_artist_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__COLORIST_CB, config.update_colorist_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__LETTERER_CB, config.update_letterer_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__EDITOR_CB, config.update_editor_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__SUMMARY_CB, config.update_summary_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__IMPRINT_CB, config.update_imprint_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__PUBLISHER_CB, config.update_publisher_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__VOLUME_CB, config.update_volume_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__CHARACTERS_CB, config.update_characters_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__TEAMS_CB, config.update_teams_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__LOCATIONS_CB, config.update_locations_b)
        set_checked(ConfigForm.__WEBPAGE_CB, config.update_webpage_b)

        # 2. --- then get the parts in the other checkboxes (options tab)
        self.__ow_existing_cb.Checked = config.ow_existing_b
        self.__convert_imprints_cb.Checked = config.convert_imprints_b
        self.__autochoose_series_cb.Checked = config.autochoose_series_b
        self.__confirm_issue_cb.Checked = config.confirm_issue_b
        self.__ignore_blanks_cb.Checked = config.ignore_blanks_b
        self.__download_thumbs_cb.Checked = config.download_thumbs_b
        self.__preserve_thumbs_cb.Checked = config.preserve_thumbs_b
        self.__fast_rescrape_cb.Checked = config.fast_rescrape_b
        self.__rescrape_notes_cb.Checked = config.rescrape_notes_b
        self.__rescrape_tags_cb.Checked = config.rescrape_tags_b
        self.__summary_dialog_cb.Checked = config.summary_dialog_b

        # 3. --- finally, set the contents in the textboxes
        self.__advanced_tbox.Text = config.advanced_settings_s
        self.__api_key_tbox.Text = config.api_key_s.strip()


    # ==========================================================================
    def __fired_restore_defaults(self, sender, args):
        ''' called when the user clicks the "restore defaults"  button '''

        api_key_s = self.__api_key_tbox.Text  # preserve API key
        self.__api_key_tbox.Text = api_key_s
        log.debug("all settings were restored to their default values")

    # ==========================================================================
    def __fired_update_gui(self, sender=None, args=None):
        ''' called anytime the gui for this form should be updated '''
        self.__ignore_blanks_cb.Enabled = self.__ow_existing_cb.Checked
        self.__preserve_thumbs_cb.Enabled = self.__download_thumbs_cb.Checked
        if self.__confirm_issue_cb.Checked:
            self.__autochoose_series_cb.Checked = False
        if self.__autochoose_series_cb.Checked:
            self.__confirm_issue_cb.Checked = False
        self.__confirm_issue_cb.Enabled = not self.__autochoose_series_cb.Checked
        self.__autochoose_series_cb.Enabled = not self.__confirm_issue_cb.Checked

        # ok button is disabled if we have no API key
        self.__ok_button.Enabled = self.__api_key_tbox.Text.strip()

    # ==========================================================================
    def __fired_linkclicked(self, sender, args):
        ''' called when the user clicks the api key linklabel '''

    # ==========================================================================
    def __fired_checkall(self, sender, args):
        ''' called when the user clicks the "select all" button '''
        for i in range(self.__update_checklist.Items.Count):

            self.__update_checklist.SetItemChecked(i, True)

    # ==========================================================================
    def __fired_uncheckall(self, sender, args):
        ''' called when the user clicks the "select none" button '''
        for i in range(self.__update_checklist.Items.Count):
            self.__update_checklist.SetItemChecked(i, False)
Exemplo n.º 5
class LinkSelection(_Form):
	"""Checked Box List Selector"""

	def __init__(self):

		self.linkInstances = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(RevitLinkInstance).ToElements();
		self.linkName = [i.Name.split(" : ")[0] for i in self.linkInstances];
		self.linkDict = {i.Name.split(" : ")[0] : i for i in self.linkInstances}

		self.Icon = _Icon(r"%s\extra\icon.ico" %ipath)
		self.Size = _Size(290,435)
		self.Text = "Quasar"
		self.class1Result = "Done!"

		# fonts
		self.gsmt_11r = _Font("Georgia", 10)
		self.gsmt_10r = _Font("Georgia",9)

		# label
		self.label = Label()
		self.label.Text = "Select Links:"
		self.label.Font = self.gsmt_11r
		self.label.Location = _Point(30,10)
		self.label.Size = _Size(220,28)

		# checklist box
		self.lstbox = CheckedListBox()
		self.lstbox.Font = self.gsmt_10r
		# padding
		self.lstbox.Padding = Padding(30)
		# select one click
		self.lstbox.CheckOnClick = True

		self.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog
		self.MaximizeBox = False;
		self.ManimizeBox = False;
		self.lstbox.Location = _Point(30,40)
		self.lstbox.Size = _Size(210,280)

		# auto horizontal scrollbar
		self.lstbox.HorizontalScrollbar = True

		# select all btn
		self.btn_all = Button()
		self.btn_all.Text = "Select All"
		self.btn_all.Font = self.gsmt_10r
		self.btn_all.Size = _Size(95,25)
		self.btn_all.Location = _Point(30,315)

		# select none btn
		self.btn_none = Button()
		self.btn_none.Text = "Select None"
		self.btn_none.Font = self.gsmt_10r
		self.btn_none.Size = _Size(95,25)
		self.btn_none.Location = _Point(145,315)

		# ok btn
		self.btn = Button()
		self.btn.Text = "OK"
		self.btn.Font = self.gsmt_10r
		self.btn.Size = _Size(80,25)
		self.btn.Location = _Point(95,350)

		# events
		self.btn_all.Click += self.click_all
		self.btn_none.Click += self.click_none
		self.btn.Click += self.click_ok 

		# pop up from center

	def click_ok(self, sender, event):
		if len(self.lstbox.Items) < 1:
		if len(self.lstbox.CheckedItems) < 1:
			return MessageBox.Show("No element selected!", "Quasar Info Box", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk)	
		for i in self.lstbox.CheckedItems:
			i = self.linkDict[i];
			linkType  = doc.GetElement(i.GetTypeId());
			filepath = linkType.GetExternalFileReference().GetAbsolutePath();
		self.class1Result = self.lstbox.CheckedItems;
		return self.Close();
	def click_all(self, sender, event):
		for i in range(len(self.lstbox.Items)):

	def click_none(self, sender, event):
		for i in range(len(self.lstbox.Items)):