def handle(self): Debug("Realmlist thread started") while True: self.db.QueryOne("""DELETE FROM ip_banned WHERE unbandate<>bandate AND unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP()""") self.db.QueryOne("""UPDATE account_banned SET active = 0 WHERE active = 1 AND unbandate<>bandate AND unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP()""") res = self.db.QueryAll("""select id, name, address, port, icon, color, timezone, allowedsecuritylevel, population, gamebuild from realmlist""") if res == None: Debug("No realms") continue tmp = [] for r in res: tmp.append({ 'id': int(r[0]), 'name': r[1], 'address': r[2] + ':' + str(r[3]), 'icon': int(r[4]), 'color': int(r[5]), 'timezone': int(r[6]), 'security': int(r[7]), 'population': r[8], 'build': int(r[9]) }) self.server.realms = tmp time.sleep(TCAuthSettings.REALMLIST_UPDATE_DELAY) Debug("Realmlist thread quit")
def handleRealmList(self): Debug("->handleRealmList") if not self.authed: return False if len(self.sock.recv(4)) != 4: return False data = '' cnt = 0 realms = deepcopy(self.server.realms) for r in realms: if r['build'] != self.gamebuild: continue if r['security'] > continue data += pack('<BBB', r['icon'], 0, r['color']) data += r['name'] + chr(0) + r['address'] + chr(0) data += pack('<fBBB', r['population'], 0, r['timezone'], 0x2C) cnt = cnt + 1 data += pack('<BB', 0x10, 0) res = pack('<BHIH', 16, 6 + len(data), 0, cnt) res += data self.sock.sendall(res) return True
def handleReconnectProof(self): Debug("->handleReconnectProof") t1 = TCBigNumber() R2 = TCBigNumber() tmp = self.sock.recv(16) if len(tmp) != 16: return False t1.SetBytes(tmp) tmp = self.sock.recv(20) if len(tmp) != 20: return False R2.SetBytes(tmp) if len(self.sock.recv(21)) != 21: return False sha = hashlib.sha1() sha.update(self.login) sha.update(t1.GetBytes()) sha.update(self.crypt_reconnectProof.GetBytes()) sha.update(self.crypt_K.GetBytes()) res = TCBigNumber() res.SetBytes(sha.digest()) if res.GetInt() == R2.GetInt(): self.authed = True self.sock.sendall(pack('<BBH', 3, 0, 0)) return True return False
def RecalculateVS(self, pwhash): Debug("->RecalculateVS") self.crypt_s.SetRand(32) I = TCBigNumber() I.SetHex(pwhash) sha = hashlib.sha1() sha.update(self.crypt_s.GetBytes()) sha.update(I.GetBytes(20, True)) x = TCBigNumber() x.SetBytes(sha.digest()) self.crypt_v = self.crypt_g.ModExp(x.GetInt(), self.crypt_N.GetInt()) self.db.QueryOne("""UPDATE account SET v=%s, s=%s WHERE username=%s""", (self.crypt_v.GetHex(), self.crypt_s.GetHex(), self.login))
def handleReconnectChallenge(self): Debug("->handleReconnectChallenge") header = self.sock.recv(3) if len(header) != 3: return False error, length = unpack('<BH', header) data = self.sock.recv(30) if len(data) != 30: return False gamename, version1, version2, version3, self.gamebuild, platform, self.os,, timezone, ip, login_len = unpack('<IBBBHIIIIIB', data) self.login = self.sock.recv(login_len) if len(self.login) != login_len: return False accinfo = self.db.QueryOne("""select, acc.sessionkey, max(aca.gmlevel) from account acc left join account_access aca on and aca.RealmID=-1 where acc.username=%s""", (self.login,)) if accinfo == None or accinfo[0] == None: return False = accinfo[2] if == None: = 0 self.crypt_K.SetHex(accinfo[1]) self.crypt_reconnectProof.SetRand(16) response = pack('<BB', 2, 0) response += self.crypt_reconnectProof.GetBytes(16) response += pack('<IIII', 0, 0, 0, 0) self.sock.sendall(response) return True
def handleAuthLogonChallenge(self): Debug("->handleAuthLogonChallenge") result = 0 header = self.sock.recv(3) if len(header) != 3: return False error, length = unpack('<BH', header) data = self.sock.recv(30) if len(data) != 30: return False gamename, version1, version2, version3, self.gamebuild, platform, self.os,, timezone, ip, login_len = unpack('<IBBBHIIIIIB', data) self.login = self.sock.recv(login_len) if len(self.login) != login_len: return False Log("Account trying to log in [AccName: {}] [IP: {}]".format(self.login, self.address[0])) if TCAuthSettings.ALLOWED_BUILDS.count(self.gamebuild) == 0: result = 0x08 else: ban = self.db.QueryOne("""select bandate, unbandate from ip_banned where ip=%s union all select bandate, unbandate from account_banned b join account a on and a.username=%s and limit 1""", (self.address[0], self.login)) if ban != None: if ban[0] == ban[1]: result = 0x03 # Permanent ban else: result = 0x0C # Temporary ban else: accinfo = self.db.QueryOne("""select, acc.sha_pass_hash, acc.v, acc.s, acc.locked, acc.last_ip, max(aca.gmlevel), aau.authentificator from account acc left join account_access aca on and aca.RealmID=-1 left join account_authentificator aau on where acc.username=%s""", (self.login,)) if accinfo == None or accinfo[0] == None: result = 0x04 # Wrong username elif accinfo[4] != 0 and accinfo[5] != self.address[0]: result = 0x0C # Account locked to different IP else: db_v = accinfo[2] db_s = accinfo[3] if db_v == None or db_s == None: db_v = '' db_s = '' self.authenticator = accinfo[7] = accinfo[6] if == None: = 0 if len(db_v) != 64 or len(db_s) != 64: self.RecalculateVS(accinfo[1]) else: self.crypt_s.SetHex(db_s) self.crypt_v.SetHex(db_v) self.crypt_b.SetInt(random.randrange(0, 19 * 8)) gmod = self.crypt_g.ModExp(self.crypt_b.GetInt(), self.crypt_N.GetInt()) self.crypt_B.SetInt(((self.crypt_v.GetInt() * 3) + gmod.GetInt()) % self.crypt_N.GetInt()) unk3 = TCBigNumber() unk3.SetInt(random.randrange(0, 16 * 8)) response = pack('<BH', 0, 0) response += self.crypt_B.GetBytes(32) response += pack('<B', 1) response += self.crypt_g.GetBytes(1) response += pack('<B', 32) response += self.crypt_N.GetBytes(32) response += self.crypt_s.GetBytes(32) response += unk3.GetBytes(16) if self.authenticator: response += pack('<BB', 4, 1) else: response += pack('<B', 0) Log("Account passed LogonChallenge [AccName: {}] [IP: {}]".format(self.login, self.address[0])) self.sock.sendall(response) return True Log("Account failed LogonChallenge [AccName: {}] [IP: {}] [Error: {}]".format(self.login, self.address[0], result)) self.sock.sendall(pack('<HB', 0, result)) return False
def handleAuthLogonProof(self): Debug("->handleAuthLogonProof") tmp = self.sock.recv(32) if len(tmp) != 32: return False A = TCBigNumber() A.SetBytes(tmp) if A.GetInt() == 0: return False tmp = self.sock.recv(20) if len(tmp) != 20: return False m1 = TCBigNumber() m1.SetBytes(tmp) tmp = self.sock.recv(20) if len(tmp) != 20: return False crc = TCBigNumber() crc.SetBytes(tmp) if len(self.sock.recv(2)) != 2: return False sha = hashlib.sha1() sha.update(A.GetBytes()) sha.update(self.crypt_B.GetBytes()) u = TCBigNumber() u.SetBytes(sha.digest()) S = TCBigNumber() S.SetInt(A.GetInt() * self.crypt_v.ModExp(u.GetInt(), self.crypt_N.GetInt()).GetInt()) S = S.ModExp(self.crypt_b.GetInt(), self.crypt_N.GetInt()) t = S.GetBytes(32) t1 = '' for i in range(16): t1 += t[i * 2] bytefix = TCBigNumber() sha = hashlib.sha1() sha.update(t1) bytefix.SetBytes(sha.digest()) t1 = bytefix.GetBytes(20) t2 = '' for i in range(16): t2 += t[i * 2 + 1] sha = hashlib.sha1() sha.update(t2) bytefix.SetBytes(sha.digest()) t2 = bytefix.GetBytes(20) vK = '' for i in range(20): vK += t1[i] vK += t2[i] self.crypt_K.SetBytes(vK) sha = hashlib.sha1() sha.update(self.crypt_N.GetBytes()) bytefix.SetBytes(sha.digest()) tmp = bytefix.GetBytes(20) sha = hashlib.sha1() sha.update(self.crypt_g.GetBytes()) bytefix.SetBytes(sha.digest()) hsh = '' for i in range(20): h1 = int(tmp[i].encode('hex'), 16) h2 = int(bytefix.GetBytes(20)[i].encode('hex'), 16) hsh += chr(h1 ^ h2) t3 = TCBigNumber() t3.SetBytes(hsh) sha = hashlib.sha1() sha.update(self.login) t4 = TCBigNumber() t4.SetBytes(sha.digest()) sha = hashlib.sha1() sha.update(t3.GetBytes(20)) sha.update(t4.GetBytes(20)) sha.update(self.crypt_s.GetBytes()) sha.update(A.GetBytes()) sha.update(self.crypt_B.GetBytes()) sha.update(self.crypt_K.GetBytes()) M = TCBigNumber() M.SetBytes(sha.digest()) if M.GetInt() == m1.GetInt(): if self.authenticator: passed = False tmp = self.sock.recv(1) if len(tmp) == 1: tmp = unpack('<B', tmp)[0] key = self.sock.recv(tmp) if len(key) == tmp: try: key = int(key) print key if ATGoogleAuth(self.authenticator, key): passed = True except ValueError: passed = False if not passed: Log('Account failed LogonProof (otc) [AccName: {}] [IP: {}]'.format(self.login, self.address[0])) self.sock.sendall(pack('<BBBB', 1, 4, 3, 0)) return False Log('Account passed LogonProof [AccName: {}] [IP: {}]'.format(self.login, self.address[0])) self.db.QueryOne("""UPDATE account SET sessionkey=%s, last_ip=%s, last_login=NOW(), locale=%s, operatingSystem=%s WHERE username=%s""", (self.crypt_K.GetHex(), self.address[0], self.locale, self.os, self.login)) sha = hashlib.sha1() sha.update(A.GetBytes()) sha.update(M.GetBytes()) sha.update(self.crypt_K.GetBytes()) m2 = TCBigNumber() m2.SetBytes(sha.digest()) response = pack('<BB', 1, 0) response += m2.GetBytes(20) response += pack('<IIH', 0x00800000, 0, 0) self.sock.sendall(response) self.authed = True return True Log('Account failed LogonProof [AccName: {}] [IP: {}]'.format(self.login, self.address[0])) self.sock.sendall(pack('<BBBB', 1, 4, 3, 0)) return False