def printReport(self): state = self.df.disableButtonsTags() heads = ["Module Passwords Master Listing"] cols = [ ["pwd_cono","UI",3.0,"Coy"], ["pwd_sys","UA",3.0,"Sys"], ["pwd_code","NA",20.0,"Access Code"], ["pwd_desc","NA",50.0,"Description"], ["pwd_pass","HA",30.0,"Password"]] if self.typ == "Y": tables = ["ctlpwr"] if self.sys == "ALL": whr = [] else: whr = [("pwd_sys", "=", self.sys)] odr = "pwd_cono, pwd_sys, pwd_code" RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=tables, heads=heads, cols=cols, where=whr, order=odr, repprt=self.df.repprt) else: ccol = cols[:] ccol[0][1] = "NA" data = [] for ctl in pwctrl: if self.sys == "ALL" or ctl[0] == self.sys: data.append(("", ctl[0], ctl[1], ctl[2], "")) RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=data, heads=heads, cols=ccol, ttype="D", repprt=self.df.repprt) self.df.enableButtonsTags(state=state)
def doEnd(self): tables = ["assgrp"] heads = ["Asset Groups Master Listing"] col = [["asg_group", "UA", 3.0, "Grp"], ["asg_desc", "NA", 30.0, "Description"], ["asg_assacc", "UI", 7.0, "Ass-Acc"], ["asg_depacc", "UI", 7.0, "Dep-Acc"], ["asg_expacc", "UI", 7.0, "Exp-Acc"]] whr = [("asg_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])] odr = "asg_group" state = self.df.disableButtonsTags() RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=tables, heads=heads, cols=col, where=whr, order=odr, conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], repprt=self.df.repprt, repeml=self.df.repeml, fromad=self.fromad) self.df.enableButtonsTags(state=state) self.closeProcess()
def doEnd(self): self.df.closeProcess() if not frm = "Beginning" else: frm = self.frm.disp hds = "Changes Log Report from %s to %s" % (frm, self.too.disp) col = [("chg_tab", "NA", 6.0, "TabNam"), ("chg_act", "UA", 1.0, "A"), ("chg_key", "NA", 30.0, "Record-Key"), ("chg_col", "NA", 20.0, "Column-Name"), ("chg_old", "TX", 50.0, "Old-Details"), ("chg_new", "TX", 50.0, "New-Details"), ("chg_dte", "TS", 19.0, "Date-&-Time-Changed"), ("chg_usr", "NA", 20.0, "User-Login")] whr = [("chg_dte", ">=", str( * 1000000)), ("chg_dte", "<=", str(( * 1000000) + 999999))] if self.byusr == "Y": odr = "chg_tab, chg_dte desc" else: odr = "chg_dte desc" if self.table: whr.append(("chg_tab", "=", self.table)) if self.user: whr.append(("chg_usr", "=", self.user)) RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=["chglog"], heads=[hds], cols=col, where=whr, order=odr, repprt=self.df.repprt, repeml=self.df.repeml) self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()
def printReport(self, recs): self.df.closeProcess() tables = [] for rec in recs: lin = [] lin.append(rec[0]) lin.append(rec[1]) lin.append(rec[2]) tables.append(lin) lin = [] if rec[3] or rec[4]: lin.append("") lin.append(rec[3]) lin.append(rec[4]) tables.append(lin) lin = [] for _ in range(0, 3): lin.append("") tables.append(lin) heads = ["Debtors Delivery Address Listing"] cols = [["a","NA",7.0,"Add-Cod"], ["b","NA",30.0,"Address-Line"], ["c","NA",30.0,"Address-Line"]] RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=tables, heads=heads, cols=cols, conum=self.opts["conum"], ttype="D", conam=self.opts["conam"], repprt=self.df.repprt, repeml=self.df.repeml, fromad=self.fromad) self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()
def doPrintDoc(self, repprt): hds = [ "Goods Issued Notes", "GIN Number: %s GIN Date: %s" % (self.iss, self.ddt) ] tab = ["strmf1", "strtrn"] col = [["stt_group", "UA", 3, "Grp", "y"], ["stt_code", "NA", 20, "Product-Code", "y"], ["stt_desc", "NA", 40, "Description", "y"], ["stt_loc", "UA", 1, "L", "y"], ["stt_qty", "SD", 11.2, "Quantity", "y", "y"], ["stt_cost", "SD", 11.2, "Price", "y", "y"]] gtt = ["stt_cost"] whr = [("stt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("stt_type", "in", (2, 6)), ("stt_ref1", "=", self.iss), ("stt_trdt", "=", self.dte), ("st1_cono=stt_cono", ), ("st1_group=stt_group", ), ("st1_code=stt_code", ), ("st1_type", "<>", "R")] odr = "stt_seq" self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, state="hide") RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=tab, heads=hds, cols=col, gtots=gtt, where=whr, order=odr, repprt=repprt) self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, state="show")
def doEnd(self): self.df.closeProcess() tables = ["ctlrep"] heads = ["Salemen's Master Listing"] cols = [] dics = self.sql.ctlrep_dic for col in self.sql.ctlrep_col: if col in ("rep_cono", ): continue dat = [col, dics[col][2], dics[col][3], dics[col][4]] cols.append(dat) if self.sort == "N": odr = "rep_code" else: odr = "rep_name, rep_code" whr = [("rep_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])] opts = "%-5s%-6s" % ("Sort-", self.sort) RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], tables=tables, heads=heads, cols=cols, order=odr, opts=opts, where=whr, conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], repprt=self.df.repprt, repeml=self.df.repeml, fromad=self.fromad) self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()
def doEnd(self): data = [] self.df.closeProcess() hed = ["Cancelled Sales %s" % self.dtyp] tab = ["slsiv1", "drsmst"] col = [ "si1_rtn", "si1_docno", "si1_date", "si1_acno", "drm_name", "si1_invno" ] whr = [("si1_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("si1_date", "between", self.sdte, self.edte), ("drm_cono=si1_cono", ), ("drm_chain=si1_chain", ), ("drm_acno=si1_acno", )] if self.type == "B": whr.append(("si1_rtn", "in", ("C", "I"))) else: whr.append(("si1_rtn", "=", self.type)) whr.append(("si1_invno", "=", "cancel")) odr = "si1_rtn, si1_docno" data = self.sql.getRec(tables=tab, cols=col, where=whr, order=odr) cols = [] dics = self.sql.slsiv1_dic.copy() dics.update(self.sql.drsmst_dic) for c in col[:5]: cols.append((c, dics[c][2], dics[c][3], dics[c][5])) RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=data, ttype="D", heads=hed, cols=cols) self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()
def doPrint(self): hds = "V.A.T. Records" col = [ ["vtm_code", "UA", 1, "C"], ["vtm_desc", "NA", 30, "Description"], ["vtm_cat", "UA", 1, "T"], ["vtr_date", "d1", 10, "Start-Date"], ["vtr_rate", "UD", 6.2, "Rate"]] recs = self.sql.getRec(tables=["ctlvmf", "ctlvrf"], cols=["vtm_code", "vtm_desc", "vtm_cat", "vtr_date", "vtr_rate"], where=[("vtm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("vtr_cono=vtm_cono",), ("vtr_code=vtm_code",)], order="vtm_code, vtr_date") code = None data = copyList(recs) for num, rec in enumerate(recs): if rec[0] == code: data[num][0] = "" data[num][1] = "" data[num][2] = "" code = rec[0] state = self.df.disableButtonsTags() self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, state="hide") RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=data, heads=[hds], ttype="D", cols=col, prtdia=(("Y","V"), ("Y","N"))) self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, state="show") self.df.enableButtonsTags(state=state) self.df.focusField("T", 0, 1)
def doEnd(self): self.df.closeProcess() heads = ["Debtor's Chainstores Master Listing"] cols = [] dics = self.sql.drschn_dic for col in self.sql.drschn_col: if col in ("chm_cono", "chm_add1", "chm_add2", "chm_add3", "chm_pcod"): continue dat = [col, dics[col][2], dics[col][3], dics[col][4]] if col == "chm_email": dat[2] = 30 cols.append(dat) RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=["drschn"], heads=heads, cols=cols, where=[("chm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])], conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], repprt=self.df.repprt, repeml=self.df.repeml, fromad=self.fromad) self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()
def doEnd(self): self.df.closeProcess() if self.unall == "Y": hds = ["General Ledger Bank Statement Records (Unallocated Only)"] else: hds = ["General Ledger Bank Statement Records (All)"] des = "Bank Account Number %s %s" % (self.acnod, if self.start: des = "%s from %s" % (des, self.df.t_disp[0][0][1]) if des = "%s to %s" % (des, self.df.t_disp[0][0][2]) hds.append(des) col = ["grt_date", "grt_memo", "grt_refno", "grt_payee", "grt_flag", "grt_amount"] whr = [ ("grt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("grt_acno", "=", self.acnow)] if self.start: whr.append(("grt_date", ">=", self.start)) if whr.append(("grt_date", "<=", if self.unall == "Y": whr.append(("grt_flag", "=", "N")) odr = "grt_date, grt_refno" tot = ["grt_amount"] RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=["genrct"], heads=hds, cols=col, where=whr, order=odr, gtots=tot, repprt=self.df.repprt, repeml=self.df.repeml) self.closeProcess()
def doEnd(self): self.df.closeProcess() if not frm = "Beginning" else: frm = self.frm.disp hds = "Email Log Report from %s to %s" % (frm, self.too.disp) col = ["eml_too", "eml_sub", "eml_dtt", "eml_sta"] whr = [("eml_dtt", ">=", "%10s 00:00" % self.frm.disp), ("eml_dtt", "<=", "%10s 99:99" % self.too.disp)] if self.recpt: whr.append(("eml_too", "like", "%s%s%s" % ("%", self.recpt, "%"))) if self.order == "A": odr = "eml_dtt asc" else: odr = "eml_dtt desc" RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=["emllog"], heads=[hds], cols=col, where=whr, order=odr, repprt=self.df.repprt, repeml=self.df.repeml) self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()
def doPrintDoc(self, repprt, repeml): hds = [ "Goods Received Notes", "GRN Number: %s GRN Date: %s" % (self.grv, self.dtw) ] col = [["stt_group", "UA", 3, "Grp", "y"], ["stt_code", "NA", 20, "Product-Code", "y"], ["stt_desc", "NA", 40, "Description", "y"], ["stt_loc", "UA", 1, "L", "y"], ["stt_qty", "SD", 11.2, "Quantity", "y"], ["stt_cost", "SD", 11.2, "Price", "y"]] gtt = ["stt_cost"] whr = [("stt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("stt_type", "=", 1), ("stt_ref1", "=", self.grv), ("stt_trdt", "=", self.dte)] odr = "stt_seq" self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, state="hide") RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=["strtrn"], heads=hds, cols=col, gtots=gtt, where=whr, order=odr, repprt=repprt, repeml=repeml, fromad=self.fromad) self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, state="show")
def doPrintOption(self, opt): if opt == "N": return state = self.df.disableButtonsTags() self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, state="hide") if opt in ("I", "B"): table = "crsmst" whr = [ ("crm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("crm_acno", "=", self.acno)] rp = TabPrt(self.opts["mf"], self.opts["conum"], self.opts["conam"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tabs=table, where=whr, keys=[self.acno]) repprt = rp.repprt repeml = rp.repeml xits = rp.xits else: repprt = None repeml = None xits = False if opt in ("T", "B") and not xits: heads = ["Creditor's Transactions", "Account: %s Name: %s" % (self.acno,] whr = [ ("crt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("crt_acno", "=", self.acno)] if self.paidup == "Y": col, recs = getTrn(self.opts["mf"].dbm, "crs", whr=whr) else: col, recs = getTrn(self.opts["mf"].dbm, "crs", dte=self.curdt, whr=whr) cols = [] data = [] dic = self.sql.crstrn_dic for num, rec in enumerate(recs): dat = [] for nam in ["crt_ref1", "crt_trdt", "crt_type", "crt_tramt", "paid", "balance", "crt_desc"]: if not num: if nam == "paid": cols.append(["paid", "SD", 13.2, "Paid"]) elif nam == "balance": cols.append(["balance", "SD", 13.2, "Balance"]) else: cols.append([nam, dic[nam][2], dic[nam][3], dic[nam][5]]) dat.append(rec[col.index(nam)]) data.append(dat) if repprt: prtdia = False else: prtdia = (("Y","V"),("Y","N")) rp = RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], name=self.__class__.__name__, ttype="D", tables=data, heads=heads, cols=cols, trtp=["crt_type", crtrtp], prtdia=prtdia, repprt=repprt, repeml=repeml, fromad=self.fromad) self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, state="show") self.df.enableButtonsTags(state=state)
def mainProcess(self): data = [] p = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, typ="Generating the Report", mxs=len(, esc=True) for num, dat in enumerate( p.displayProgress(num) if p.quit: break if len(dat[2].strip()) < 14: continue desc = textFormat(dat[5], width=50) for n, d in enumerate(desc): if not n: own = dat[2][:7].strip() cod = dat[2][7:14].strip() acc = dat[2][14:].strip() nam = self.sql.getRec("rcatnm", cols=["rtn_name"], where=[("rtn_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("rtn_owner", "=", own), ("rtn_code", "=", cod), ("rtn_acno", "=", acc)], limit=1) if not nam: continue data.append([ own, cod, acc, nam[0], dat[4], CCD(dat[3], "d1", 10).disp, dat[6], CCD(dat[7], "d1", 10).disp, d ]) else: data.append(["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", d]) p.closeProgress() if not p.quit: name = self.__class__.__name__ head = ["Rental's Masterfile Notes Listing"] cols = [["a", "NA", 7, "Own-Cod", "y"], ["b", "NA", 7, "Prm-Cod", "y"], ["c", "NA", 7, "Acc-Num", "y"], ["d", "NA", 30, "Acc-Name", "y"], ["e", "NA", 20, "User-Name", "y"], ["f", "NA", 10, "Cap-Date", "y"], ["g", "UA", 1, "F", "y"], ["h", "NA", 10, "Act-Date", "y"], ["i", "NA", 50, "Details", "y"]] RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], name=name, tables=data, heads=head, cols=cols, ttype="D", repprt=self.notes.df.repprt, repeml=self.notes.df.repeml, fromad=self.fromad)
def printReport(self, recs): p = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, mxs=len(recs), esc=True) data = [] for num, dat in enumerate(recs): p.displayProgress(num) if p.quit: break owner, code, acno = dat dep = getDeposit(self.opts["mf"], self.opts["conum"],, owner, code, acno) if not dep: continue dept = 0 intr = 0 admn = 0 for d in dep: dept = float(ASD(dept) + ASD(d[1])) intr = float(ASD(intr) + ASD(d[4])) admn = float(ASD(admn) + ASD(d[6])) balance = float(ASD(dept) + ASD(intr)) name = self.sql.getRec("rcatnm", cols=["rtn_name"], where=[("rtn_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("rtn_owner", "=", owner), ("rtn_code", "=", code), ("rtn_acno", "=", acno)], limit=1) if name: name = name[0] else: name = "Unknown" if dept: data.append([code, acno, name, dept, intr, balance, admn]) p.closeProgress() if not p.quit: head = ["Tenants Outstanding Deposits as at %s" % self.datep] cols = [["aa", "NA", 7, "Pr-Code", "y"], ["bb", "NA", 7, "Acc-Num", "y"], ["cc", "NA", 40, "Name", "y"], ["dd", "SD", 13.2, "Deposit", "y"], ["ee", "SD", 13.2, "Interest", "y"], ["ff", "SD", 13.2, "Balance", "y"], ["gg", "SD", 13.2, "Admin", "y"]] RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=data, heads=head, cols=cols, gtots=["dd", "ee", "ff", "gg"], ttype="D", repprt=self.df.repprt, repeml=self.df.repeml, fromad=self.fromad)
def doPrint(self): table = ["genrpt"] heads = ["General Ledger Report %s Layout" % self.repno] state = self.df.disableButtonsTags() self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, "hide") RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=table, heads=heads, where=[("glr_cono", "=", self.selcoy), ("glr_repno", "=", self.repno)], order="glr_seq asc", prtdia=(("Y","V"), ("Y","N"))) self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, "show") self.df.enableButtonsTags(state=state) self.df.focusField(self.df.frt, self.df.pag, self.df.col)
def mainProcess(self): data = [] p = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, typ="Generating the Report", mxs=len(, esc=True) for num, dat in enumerate( p.displayProgress(num) if p.quit: break desc = textFormat(dat[5], width=50) for n, d in enumerate(desc): if not n: bkn = dat[2] des = self.sql.getRec( tables=["bkmmst", "bkmcon"], cols=["bkc_title", "bkc_sname", "bkc_names"], where=[("bkm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("bkm_number", "=", int(bkn)), ("bkc_cono=bkm_cono", ), ("bkc_ccode=bkm_ccode", )], limit=1) data.append([ bkn, "%s %s %s" % (des[0], des[2][0], des[1]), dat[4], CCD(dat[3], "d1", 10).disp, dat[6], CCD(dat[7], "d1", 10).disp, d ]) else: data.append(["", "", "", "", "", "", d]) p.closeProgress() if not p.quit: name = self.__class__.__name__ head = ["Booking Master Notes Listing"] cols = [["a", "NA", 7, "Booking", "y"], ["b", "NA", 30, "Name", "y"], ["c", "NA", 20, "User-Name", "y"], ["d", "NA", 10, "Capt-Date", "y"], ["e", "UA", 1, "F", "y"], ["f", "NA", 10, "Actn-Date", "y"], ["g", "NA", 50, "Details", "y"]] RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], name=name, tables=data, heads=head, cols=cols, ttype="D", repprt=self.notes.df.repprt, repeml=self.notes.df.repeml, fromad=self.fromad)
def printReport(self, recs): data = [] typ = "Generating the Report ... Please Wait" p = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, mxs=len(recs), typ=typ, esc=True) for num, dat in enumerate(recs): p.displayProgress(num) if p.quit: break data.append(self.getValues(dat)) p.closeProgress() if not p.quit: head = ["Member's Master Report as at %s" % self.repdtd] colsh = [] for n1 in self.cnums: for n2, d2 in enumerate(self.colsd[n1][2:]): if n1 in (20, 21) and self.df.repprt[2] == "export": if n1 == 20: prefix = "P" col = copyList(self.padcol) else: prefix = "S" col = copyList(self.sadcol) colsh.append(("name1%s_%s" % (n1, n2), "NA", col[0], "%s-Address-Line-1" % prefix, "y")) colsh.append(("name2%s_%s" % (n1, n2), "NA", col[1], "%s-Address-Line-2" % prefix, "y")) colsh.append(("name3%s_%s" % (n1, n2), "NA", col[2], "%s-Address-Line-3" % prefix, "y")) colsh.append(("name4%s_%s" % (n1, n2), "NA", col[3], "%s-City" % prefix, "y")) colsh.append(("name5%s_%s" % (n1, n2), "NA", col[4], "%s-Code" % prefix, "y")) colsh.append(("name6%s_%s" % (n1, n2), "NA", col[5], "%s-Region" % prefix, "y")) colsh.append(("name7%s_%s" % (n1, n2), "NA", col[6], "%s-Country" % prefix, "y")) else: colsh.append( ("name%s_%s" % (n1, n2), d2[1], d2[2], d2[0], "y")) RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, heads=head, tables=data, cols=colsh, opts=self.getDes(), ttype="D", conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], repprt=self.df.repprt, repeml=self.df.repeml, fromad=self.fromad, pbar="P")
def mainProcess(self): data = [] p = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, typ="Generating the Report", mxs=len(, esc=True) for num, dat in enumerate( p.displayProgress(num) if p.quit: break desc = textFormat(dat[5], width=50) for n, d in enumerate(desc): if not n: chn = int(dat[2][:3]) acc = dat[2][3:].strip() nam = self.sql.getRec("drsmst", cols=["drm_name"], where=[("drm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("drm_chain", "=", chn), ("drm_acno", "=", acc)], limit=1) if not nam: nam = "Unknown" data.append([ chn, acc, nam[0], dat[4], CCD(dat[3], "d1", 10).disp, dat[6], CCD(dat[7], "d1", 10).disp, d ]) else: data.append(["", "", "", "", "", "", "", d]) p.closeProgress() if not p.quit: name = self.__class__.__name__ head = ["Debtor's Masterfile Notes Listing"] cols = [["a", "NA", 3, "Chn", "y"], ["b", "NA", 7, "Acc-Num", "y"], ["c", "NA", 30, "Acc-Name", "y"], ["d", "NA", 20, "User-Name", "y"], ["e", "NA", 10, "Cap-Date", "y"], ["f", "UA", 1, "F", "y"], ["g", "NA", 10, "Act-Date", "y"], ["h", "NA", 50, "Details", "y"]] RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], name=name, tables=data, heads=head, cols=cols, ttype="D", repprt=self.notes.df.repprt, repeml=self.notes.df.repeml, fromad=self.fromad)
def doPrint(self): state = self.df.disableButtonsTags() cols = [["ff_seq", "UI", 3.0, "Seq"], ["ff_name", "NA", 20.0, "Field Name"], ["ff_type", "NA", 2.0, "Tp"], ["ff_size", "NA", 6.1, "Size"], ["ff_desc", "NA", 30.0, "Description"], ["ff_head", "NA", 20.0, "Heading"]] whr = [("ff_tabl", "=",] RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], + "_fld", tables=["ffield"], heads=[ "Table Fields for Table %s" %, ], cols=cols, where=whr) cols = [["ft_desc", "NA", 30.0, "Table Description"], ["ft_seq", "UI", 2.0, "Sq"], ["ft_type", "NA", 1.0, "T"], ["ft_key0", "NA", 10.0, "1st-Key"], ["ft_key1", "NA", 10.0, "2nd-Key"], ["ft_key2", "NA", 10.0, "3rd-Key"], ["ft_key3", "NA", 10.0, "4th-Key"], ["ft_key4", "NA", 10.0, "5th-Key"], ["ft_key5", "NA", 10.0, "6th-Key"], ["ft_key6", "NA", 10.0, "7th-Key"], ["ft_key7", "NA", 10.0, "8th-Key"], ["ft_key8", "NA", 10.0, "9th-Key"], ["ft_key9", "NA", 10.0, "10th-Key"]] whr = [("ft_tabl", "=",] RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], + "_idx", tables=["ftable"], heads=[ "Table Keys for Table %s" %, ], cols=cols, where=whr) self.df.enableButtonsTags(state=state) self.df.focusField(self.df.frt, self.df.pag, self.df.col)
def mainProcess(self): data = [] p = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, typ="Generating the Report", mxs=len(, esc=True) for num, dat in enumerate( p.displayProgress(num) if p.quit: break desc = textFormat(dat[5], width=50) for n, d in enumerate(desc): if not n: grp = dat[2][:3].strip() cod = dat[2][3:].strip() des = self.sql.getRec("strmf1", cols=["st1_desc"], where=[("st1_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("st1_group", "=", grp), ("st1_code", "=", cod)], limit=1) data.append([ grp, cod, des[0], dat[4], CCD(dat[3], "d1", 10).disp, dat[6], CCD(dat[7], "d1", 10).disp, d ]) else: data.append(["", "", "", "", "", "", "", d]) p.closeProgress() if not p.quit: name = self.__class__.__name__ head = ["Debtor's Masterfile Notes Listing"] cols = [["a", "NA", 3, "Grp", "y"], ["b", "NA", 20, "Cod-Num", "y"], ["c", "NA", 30, "Description", "y"], ["d", "NA", 20, "User-Name", "y"], ["e", "NA", 10, "Cap-Date", "y"], ["f", "UA", 1, "F", "y"], ["g", "NA", 10, "Act-Date", "y"], ["h", "NA", 50, "Details", "y"]] RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], name=name, tables=data, heads=head, cols=cols, ttype="D", repprt=self.notes.df.repprt, repeml=self.notes.df.repeml, fromad=self.fromad)
def mainProcess(self): data = [] p = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, typ="Generating the Report", mxs=len(, esc=True) for num, dat in enumerate( p.displayProgress(num) if p.quit: break desc = textFormat(dat[5], width=50) for n, d in enumerate(desc): if not n: mem = int(dat[2].strip()) des = self.sql.getRec( "memmst", cols=["mlm_title", "mlm_initial", "mlm_surname"], where=[("mlm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("mlm_memno", "=", mem)], limit=1) data.append([ mem, "%s %s %s" % tuple(des), dat[4], CCD(dat[3], "d1", 10).disp, dat[6], CCD(dat[7], "d1", 10).disp, d ]) else: data.append(["", "", "", "", "", "", d]) p.closeProgress() if not p.quit: name = self.__class__.__name__ head = ["Member's Ledger Notes Listing"] cols = [["a", "NA", 6, "Mem-No", "y"], ["b", "NA", 30, "Name", "y"], ["c", "NA", 20, "User-Name", "y"], ["d", "NA", 10, "Cap-Date", "y"], ["e", "UA", 1, "F", "y"], ["f", "NA", 10, "Act-Date", "y"], ["g", "NA", 50, "Details", "y"]] RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], name=name, tables=data, heads=head, cols=cols, ttype="D", repprt=self.notes.df.repprt, repeml=self.notes.df.repeml, fromad=self.fromad)
def doPrint(self): table = ["ctlctl"] heads = ["General Ledger Control Accounts"] state = self.df.disableButtonsTags() self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, "hide") RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name="glc110", tables=table, heads=heads, where=[("ctl_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])], order="ctl_code", prtdia=(("Y", "V"), ("Y", "N"))) self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, "show") self.df.enableButtonsTags(state=state) self.df.focusField(self.df.frt, self.df.pag, self.df.col)
def doPrint(self): tables = [] for pag in range(0, (self.df.pgs+1)): for x in range(0, self.df.topq[pag]): lin = [] lin.append(self.df.topf[pag][x][3]) lin.append(self.df.t_disp[pag][0][x]) tables.append(lin) heads = ["Salaries and Wages File Maintenance"] cols = [["a","NA",30.0,"Field Name"], ["b","NA",30.0,"Values"]] state = self.df.disableButtonsTags() RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=tables, heads=heads, cols=cols, conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], ttype="D") self.df.enableButtonsTags(state=state) self.df.focusField(self.df.frt, self.df.pag, self.df.col)
def doEnd(self): self.df.closeProcess() tab = ["memmst"] col = [ "mlm_memno", "mlm_surname", "mlm_names", "mlm_dob%10000 as date"] whr = [ ("mlm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("mlm_state", "=", "A"), ("date", "between", self.frdt % 10000, self.todt % 10000)] if tab.append("memcat") whr.append(("mlc_cono=mlm_cono",)) whr.append(("mlc_memno=mlm_memno",)) whr.append(("mlc_type", "=", if self.cod: whr.append(("mlc_code", "=", self.cod)) if self.sort == "N": odr = "mlm_memno" elif self.sort == "M": odr = "mlm_surname" else: odr = "date" sp = SplashScreen(self.opts["mf"].body, "Preparing Report ... Please Wait") recs = self.sql.getRec(tables=tab, cols=col, where=whr, order=odr) sp.closeSplash() if not recs: self.opts["mf"].closeLoop() return name = self.__class__.__name__ head = ["Members Birthday Report"] cols = [ ["a", "NA", 7, "Mem-No", "y"], ["b", "NA", 50, "Surname", "y"], ["c", "NA", 50, "Names", "y"], ["d", "DM", 5, "Birthday", "y"]] RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], name=name, tables=recs, heads=head, cols=cols, ttype="D", repprt=self.df.repprt, repeml=self.df.repeml, fromad=self.fromad) self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()
def doEnd(self): self.df.closeProcess() pb = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, mxs=len(self.coys), esc=True) miss = {} for num, coy in enumerate(self.coys): pb.displayProgress(num) nam = self.sql.getRec("ctlmst", cols=["ctm_name"], where=[("ctm_cono", "=", coy)], limit=1) accs = self.sql.getRec("gentrn", cols=["glt_acno"], where=[("glt_cono", "=", coy)], group="glt_acno", order="glt_acno") for acc in accs: glm = self.sql.getRec("genmst", where=[("glm_cono", "=", coy), ("glm_acno", "=", acc[0])], limit=1) if not glm: if coy not in miss: miss[coy] = [] miss[coy].append((nam[0], acc[0])) pb.closeProgress() keys = list(miss.keys()) keys.sort() data = [] for k in keys: for a in miss[k]: data.append((k, a[0], a[1])) if data: head = ["Missing Account Numbers"] cols = [("a", "NA", 3, "Coy", "y"), ("b", "NA", 30, "Name", "y"), ("c", "UI", 7, "Acc-Num", "y")] RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name="gl6080", tables=data, heads=head, cols=cols, repprt=self.df.repprt, ttype="D") self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()
def printRecipe(self): self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, state="hide") hds = [ "Stores's Recipe", "Location: %s Code: %s Description: %s" % (self.loc, self.code, self.desc) ] RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], name=self.__class__.__name__, heads=hds, cols=self.rcp[0], tables=self.rcp[1], ttype="D", prtdia=(("Y", "V"), ("Y", "N"))) self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, state="show") if "wait" not in self.opts: self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()
def doPrint(self): self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, state="hide") hdr = ["Skips Entered for the %s" % self.cmpnam] tab = ["scpent", "scpmem"] col = [ "scm_scod", "scm_surname", "scm_names", "scm_phone", ["scm_email", "TX", 30, "Email-Address"] ] whr = [("sce_ccod", "=", self.ccod), ("scm_scod=sce_scod", )] odr = "scm_surname" RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, heads=hdr, tables=tab, cols=col, where=whr, order=odr, prtdia=(("Y", "V"), ("Y", "N"))) self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, state="show")
def printReport(self, recs): descs = [ "", "Type", "Code Number", "Description", "Fixed or Variable", "EMPLOYEE Rate or Amount", " Based On", " Amount", " Limit", " G/L Cono", " G/L Number", " Earnings Type", "EMPLOYER Rate or Amount", " Based On", " Amount", " Limit", " G/L Cono", " G/L Number", "Tax Code", "Taxable Portion", "Receiver of Revenue Code", "Include in Union Report", "Must Pay", "Balance Number", "Hourly Limit", "Monthly Deduction", "UIF Portion", "SDL Portion" ] tables = [] for rec in recs: for y in range(1, len(recs[0]) - 1): lin = [] lin.append("") lin.append(descs[y]) lin.append(rec[y]) tables.append(lin) if self.rtyp == "E": typ = "Earnings" elif self.rtyp == "D": typ = "Deductions" else: typ = "Earnings and Deductions" heads = ["%s Codes Listing" % typ] cols = [["a", "NA", 15.0, " "], ["b", "RW", 30.0, "Field Name"], ["c", "NA", 30.0, "Details"]] state = self.df.disableButtonsTags() RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=tables, heads=heads, cols=cols, conum=self.opts["conum"], ttype="D", conam=self.opts["conam"], lines=(len(descs) - 1), repprt=self.df.repprt, repeml=self.df.repeml, fromad=self.fromad) self.df.enableButtonsTags(state=state)
def doEnd(self): tables = ["struoi"] heads = ["Units Of Issue Master Listing"] col = [["unm_unit", "NA", 10.0, "Unit"], ["unm_desc", "NA", 30.0, "Description"]] whr = [("unm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])] odr = "unm_unit" state = self.df.disableButtonsTags() RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], name=self.__class__.__name__, tables=tables, heads=heads, cols=col, order=odr, where=whr, conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], repprt=self.df.repprt) self.df.enableButtonsTags(state=state) self.closeProcess()