Exemplo n.º 1
def geterrorband(*hists, **kwargs):
    """Make an error band histogram for a list of histograms, or stack.
  Returns an TGraphAsymmErrors object."""
    verbosity = LOG.getverbosity(kwargs)
    hists = unwraplistargs(hists)
    hists = [
        h.GetStack().Last() if isinstance(h, THStack) else h for h in hists
    sysvars = kwargs.get(
        'sysvars', [])  # list of tuples with up/cent/down variation histograms
    name = kwargs.get('name', None) or "error_" + hists[0].GetName()
    title = kwargs.get(
        'title', None) or ("Sys. + stat. unc." if sysvars else "Stat. unc.")
    color = kwargs.get('color', kBlack)
    hist0 = hists[0]
    nbins = hist0.GetNbinsX()
    if sysvars and isinstance(sysvars, dict):
        sysvars = [v for k, v in sysvars.iteritems()]
    error = TGraphAsymmErrors()
    LOG.verb("geterrorband: Making error band for %s" % (hists), verbosity, 2)
    TAB = LOG.table(
        "%5s %7s %6s %10s %11s   %-20s   %-20s   %-20s",
        "%5d %7.6g %6.6g %10.2f %11.2f   +%8.2f  -%8.2f   +%8.2f  -%8.2f   +%8.2f  -%8.2f",
    TAB.printheader("ibin", "xval", "xerr", "nevts", "sqrt(nevts)",
                    "statistical unc.", "systematical unc.", "total unc.")
    ip = 0
    for ibin in range(1, nbins + 1):
        xval = hist0.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(ibin)
        xerr = 0 if ibin in [0, nbins +
                             1] else hist0.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(ibin) / 2
        yval = 0
        statlow2, statupp2 = 0, 0
        syslow2, sysupp2 = 0, 0
        for hist in hists:  # STATISTICS
            yval += hist.GetBinContent(ibin)
            statlow2 += hist.GetBinErrorLow(ibin)**2
            statupp2 += hist.GetBinErrorUp(ibin)**2
        for histup, hist, histdown in sysvars:  # SYSTEMATIC VARIATIONS
            syslow2 += (hist.GetBinContent(ibin) -
            sysupp2 += (hist.GetBinContent(ibin) -
        ylow2, yupp2 = statlow2 + syslow2, statupp2 + sysupp2,
        error.SetPoint(ip, xval, yval)
        error.SetPointError(ip, xerr, xerr, sqrt(ylow2), sqrt(yupp2))
        TAB.printrow(ibin, xval, xerr, yval, sqrt(abs(yval)), sqrt(statupp2),
                     sqrt(statlow2), sqrt(sysupp2), sqrt(syslow2), sqrt(yupp2),
        ip += 1
    seterrorbandstyle(error, color=color)
    error.SetLineWidth(hist0.GetLineWidth())  # use draw option 'E2 SAME'
    return error
Exemplo n.º 2
def close(*hists,**kwargs):
  """Close histograms."""
  verbosity = LOG.getverbosity(kwargs)
  hists     = unwraplistargs(hists)
  for hist in hists:
    if isinstance(hist,THStack):
      if verbosity>1: print '>>> close: Deleting histograms from stack "%s"...'%(hist.GetName())
      for subhist in hist.GetStack():
Exemplo n.º 3
def normalize(*hists, **kwargs):
    """Normalize histogram(s)."""
    hists = unwraplistargs(hists)
    scale = kwargs.get('scale', None) or 1.0
    for hist in hists:
        if hist.GetBinErrorOption() == TH1.kPoisson:
        integral = hist.Integral()
        if integral:
            hist.Scale(scale / integral)
            LOG.warning("norm: Could not normalize; integral = 0!")
Exemplo n.º 4
def expanddas(*datasets, **kwargs):
    """Get full list of datasets for a list of DAS dataset patterns."""
    verbosity = kwargs.get('verb', 0)
    if verbosity >= 1:
        print ">>> expanddas(%r)" % (datasets)
    datasets = unwraplistargs(datasets)
    for dataset in datasets[:]:
        if '*' not in dataset: continue
        index = datasets.index(dataset)
        query = "dataset=%s" % (dataset)
        if dataset.endswith('USER'):
            query += " instance=prod/phys03"
        subset = dasgoclient(query, verb=verbosity).split('\n')
        for i, subdataset in enumerate(subset):
            datasets.insert(index + 1, subdataset)
    return datasets
Exemplo n.º 5
def deletehist(*hists,**kwargs):
  """Completely remove histograms from memory."""
  verbosity = LOG.getverbosity(kwargs)
  hists     = unwraplistargs(hists)
  for hist in hists:
    hclass  = hist.__class__.__name__
    hname   = hist.GetName() if hasattr(hist,'GetName') else None
    LOG.verb("deletehist: deleting %s %r"%(hclass,hname or hist),verbosity,3)
    if hist:
      if hasattr(hist,'GetDirectory') and hist.GetDirectory()==None:
      elif hname:
        LOG.warning("deletehist: %s %s has no name!"%(hclass,hist))
      LOG.warning("deletehist: %s is already %s"%(hclass,hist))
    #except AttributeError:
    #  print ">>> AttributeError: "
    #  raise AttributeError
    del hist
Exemplo n.º 6
def addoverflow(*hists, **kwargs):
    """Add overflow to last bin(s)."""
    verbosity = LOG.getverbosity(kwargs)
    hists = unwraplistargs(hists)
    merge = kwargs.get(
        'merge', False)  # merge last and overflow bin(s), otherwise reset to 0
        "addoverflow: %r (merge=%r)" % ("', '".join(h.GetName()
                                                    for h in hists), merge),
        verbosity, 2)
    for hist in hists:
        LOG.verbose("addoverflow: %r" % (hist.GetName()), verbosity, 3)
        if isinstance(hist, TH2):
            nxbins = hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins()
            nybins = hist.GetYaxis().GetNbins()
            bins = [(ix,nybins) for ix in range(1,nxbins)] +\
                   [(nxbins,iy) for iy in range(1,nybins)] + [(nxbins,nybins)]
            for xbin, ybin in bins:
                yval = hist.GetBinContent(xbin, ybin)  # last bin
                yerr2 = hist.GetBinError(xbin, ybin)**2  # last bin
                ofbins = []  # 1 or 3 overflow bins
                if xbin == nxbins:
                    ofbins.append((xbin + 1, ybin))  # add overflow in x
                if ybin == nybins:
                    ofbins.append((xbin, ybin + 1))  # add overflow in y
                if xbin == nxbins and ybin == nybins:
                    ofbins.append((xbin + 1, ybin + 1))
                for xof, yof in ofbins:
                    yval += hist.GetBinContent(xof, yof)  # overflow
                    yerr2 += hist.GetBinError(xof, yof)**2  # overflow
                yerr = sqrt(yerr2)
                    "addoverflow: bin (%d,%d): %7.2f +- %6.2f -> %7.2f +- %6.2f"
                    % (xbin, ybin, hist.GetBinContent(xbin, ybin),
                       hist.GetBinError(xbin, ybin), yval, yerr), verbosity, 3)
                hist.SetBinContent(xbin, ybin, yval)
                hist.SetBinError(xbin, ybin, yerr)  # add in quadrature
                if merge:  # merge last and overflow bin(s)
                    for xof, yof in ofbins:
                        hist.SetBinContent(xof, yof, yval)
                        hist.SetBinError(xof, yof, sqrt(yerr2))
                else:  # reset to 0
                    for xof, yof in ofbins:
                        hist.SetBinContent(xof, yof, 0)
                        hist.SetBinError(xof, yof, 0)
            nbins = hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins()
            yval = hist.GetBinContent(nbins)  # last bin
            yerr2 = hist.GetBinError(nbins)**2  # last bin
            yval += hist.GetBinContent(nbins + 1)  # overflow
            yerr2 += hist.GetBinError(nbins + 1)**2  # overflow
            yerr = sqrt(yerr2)
                "addoverflow: bin %d: %7.2f +- %6.2f -> %7.2f +- %6.2f" %
                (nbins, hist.GetBinContent(nbins), hist.GetBinError(nbins),
                 yval, yerr), verbosity, 3)
            hist.SetBinContent(nbins, yval)
            hist.SetBinError(nbins, yerr)  # add in quadrature
            if merge:  # merge last and overflow bin(s)
                hist.SetBinContent(nbins + 1, yval)
                hist.SetBinError(nbins + 1, sqrt(yerr2))
            else:  # reset to 0
                hist.SetBinContent(nbins + 1, 0)  # reset
                hist.SetBinError(nbins + 1, 0)
    return hists