def on_actionOpenConnection_triggered(self, s): d = OpenConnection(self) if d.exec() != OpenConnection.Accepted: return t = Terminal(self) self.mdiArea.addSubWindow(t)
def run_iperf_multi(self, obj, packet_type, update_interval, test_time, address): """ TODO :param obj: :param packet_type: :param update_interval: :return: """ self.pool = ThreadPool(1000) self.printing(True) if obj is not None: self.run_packet_script(obj, packet_type) result = TestResult(update_interval=update_interval, test_time=test_time, address=address) result.run_multi_test() Terminal.clear_line() self.printing(True) return result
def run_test_tcp(self, obj, packet_type): """ TODO This will run packet loss and return values of TCP retransmissions :param obj: :param packet_type: :return: """ self.pool = ThreadPool(1000) self.printing(False) self.run_packet_script(obj, packet_type) with self.time_limit(self.MAX_TEST_TIME): try: self.tcp_requests() except Exception: # If the request timed out os.system('rm -rf *.tmp') self.force_print( '## Timeout occurred! - Accuracy may be compromised') Terminal.clear_line() self.printing(True)
def printing(printing_on): """Used to stop printing when it isn't needed""" Terminal.clear_line() if printing_on: sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ else: sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')
class Ventana(Gtk.Window): #__gtype_name__ = 'WindowJAMediaTerminal' def __init__(self): Gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.set_title("JAMediaTerminal") self.set_icon_from_file( os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "Iconos", "jamediaterminal.svg")) self.set_resizable(True) self.set_size_request(640, 480) self.set_border_width(5) self.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER) box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) toolbar = Toolbar() paned = Gtk.Paned(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) box.pack_start(toolbar, False, False, 0) box.pack_start(paned, True, True, 0) self.jamediaterminal = Terminal() self.jamediamantree = JAMediaManTree() paned.pack1(self.jamediamantree, resize=True, shrink=False) paned.pack2(self.jamediaterminal, resize=False, shrink=False) self.add(box) self.show_all() self.jamediamantree.hide() import sys toolbar.connect("help", self.__help) toolbar.connect("salir", sys.exit) self.connect("destroy", sys.exit) def __help(self, widget): """ Muestra u oculta el manual. """ if self.jamediamantree.get_visible(): self.jamediamantree.hide() else: self.jamediaterminal.set_size_request(-1, 150)
def llamar(self, Terminal, segundosDeLlamada): Terminal.llama(self, Terminal, segundosDeLlamada) minutos= segundosDeLlamada/60 #Switch para asociar a cada tarifa su precio correspondiente if self.tarifa=="rata": self.totalTarificado+=minutos*0.06 if self.tarifa=="mono": self.totalTarificado+=minutos*0.12 if self.tarifa=="bisonte": self.totalTarificado+=minutos*0.30
def get_terminals(self, text): lexem = '' for i in text: letter = i lexem += i if self.search_terminal(lexem): pass else: self.list_of_terminals.append( Terminal(self.search_terminal(lexem[:-1]), lexem[:-1])) lexem = lexem[-1] if not lexem == '': self.list_of_terminals.append( Terminal(self.search_terminal(lexem), f'{lexem}'))
def __init__(self): self.pattern_terminals = [ Terminal("K_WHILE", "while"), Terminal("K_IF", "if"), Terminal("K_ELSE", "else"), Terminal("VAR", "[a-zA-Zа-яА-Я]+"), Terminal("OP", "[-+*/]"), Terminal("LBreaket", "[(]"), Terminal("RBreaket", "[)]"), Terminal("LFBreaket", "[{]"), Terminal("RFBreaket", "[}]"), Terminal("WS", r"\s+") ] self.list_of_terminals = []
def main(): global production_list, t_list, nt_list ctr = 1 t_regex, nt_regex = r'[a-z\W]', r'[A-Z]' while True: production_list.append(input().replace(' ', '')) if production_list[-1].lower() in ['end', '']: del production_list[-1] break head, body = production_list[ctr - 1].split('->') if head not in nt_list.keys(): nt_list[head] = NonTerminal(head) #for all terminals in the body of the production for i in finditer( t_regex, body): #returns an iterator object in the ordered matched. s = ) #since the group argument is empty, it'll return whatever it matched completely if s not in t_list.keys(): t_list[s] = Terminal(s) #for all non-terminals in the body of the production for i in finditer(nt_regex, body): s = if s not in nt_list.keys(): nt_list[s] = NonTerminal(s) ctr += 1
def main(): queue = PriorityQueue() for x in range(WORKERS): w = Worker(queue) w.start() settings = {"unblock_workers": 5} Application(settings) PyMongoDriver(host="", port=27017, user="******", password="******", database="pipeline").register() test = False if test: FrameworkTest().run() # FrameworkTestThread().start() else: port = 9999 StreamManagement(port) web_api = Web(port) web_api.start() Terminal().start()
def createTerminal(self, address): conn = sqlite3.connect(Constants.DATABASE_PATH, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) c = conn.cursor() generatedUUID = uuid.uuid1() c.execute("INSERT INTO terminals VALUES ('{}', '{}', '0')".format(generatedUUID, address)) conn.commit() conn.close() return Terminal(generatedUUID, address)
def user_input_thread(graph_active): """This thread is a listener for users input""" def reset_cursor(msg): """Used to stop input from messing up terminal format and displays what command was entered""" Terminal.clear_line() print('[{}]'.format(msg), end='\r', flush=True) while True: # HACK: Stops this from looping too fast and soaking up to much performance # A better solution would be to introduce events time.sleep(0.01) try: if keyboard.is_pressed('g'): # Waits until the key is released while keyboard.is_pressed('g'): pass if graph_active: # Clears any fragments from the screen including the button pressed Terminal.clear_line() affect_all_objects('graph') reset_cursor('Show graph') # More degradation elif keyboard.is_pressed('e'): # Waits until the key is released while keyboard.is_pressed('e'): pass affect_all_objects('increase') reset_cursor('Increase Effect') # Less degradation elif keyboard.is_pressed('q'): # Waits until the key is released while keyboard.is_pressed('q'): pass affect_all_objects('decrease') reset_cursor('Decrease Effect') except RuntimeError: pass
def append_message_service(cls, message_service_string): if (message_service_string.lower() == 'twilio'): cls.__return_bot = Twilio(cls.__return_bot) elif (message_service_string.lower() == 'terminal'): cls.__return_bot = Terminal(cls.__return_bot) elif (message_service_string.lower() == 'email'): cls.__return_bot = Email(cls.__return_bot) else: raise ValueError
class PARDg5VPlatform(Platform): type = 'PARDg5VPlatform' cxx_header = "hyper/dev/pardg5v/platform.hh" system = Param.System(Parent.any, "system") pciconfig = PciConfigAll() south_bridge = PARDg5VSouthBridge() # "Non-existant" port used for timing purposes by the linux kernel i_dont_exist = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0x80), pio_size=1) # Ports behind the pci config and data regsiters. These don't do anything, # but the linux kernel fiddles with them anway. behind_pci = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0xcf8), pio_size=8) # Serial port and terminal com_1 = Uart8250P5V() com_1.pio_addr = x86IOAddress(0x3f8) com_1.terminal = Terminal() # Serial port#2 and terminal com_2 = Uart8250P5V() com_2.pio_addr = x86IOAddress(0x2f8) com_2.terminal = Terminal() # Devices to catch access to non-existant serial ports. com_3 = Uart8250P5V(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0x3e8), terminal=Terminal()) com_4 = Uart8250P5V(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0x2e8), terminal=Terminal()) # A device to catch accesses to the non-existant floppy controller. fake_floppy = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0x3f2), pio_size=2) def attachIO(self, bus, dma_ports=[]): self.south_bridge.attachIO(bus, dma_ports) self.i_dont_exist.pio = bus.master self.behind_pci.pio = bus.master self.com_1.pio = bus.master self.com_2.pio = bus.master self.com_3.pio = bus.master self.com_4.pio = bus.master self.fake_floppy.pio = bus.master self.pciconfig.pio = bus.default bus.use_default_range = True
def __init__(self, proyecto_path): Gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) archivo = os.path.join(proyecto_path, "proyecto.ide") arch = open(archivo, "r") self.proyecto = json.load(arch, "utf-8") arch.close() vbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) self.install_path = os.path.join(CONFPATH, self.proyecto["nombre"]) self.widgeticon = WidgetIcon("python", self.install_path) self.notebook = Notebook(proyecto_path) self.terminal = Terminal() label = Gtk.Label(u"Instalador python para: %s versión: %s" % (self.proyecto["nombre"], self.proyecto["version"])) label.modify_font(Pango.FontDescription("%s %s" % ("Monospace", 12))) label.modify_fg(0, Gdk.Color(0, 0, 65000)) hbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL) image = Gtk.Image() arch = os.path.join(BASEPATH, "Iconos", "gandalftux.png") pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(arch, 100, 100) image.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) hbox.pack_start(image, False, False, 0) vbox2 = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) vbox2.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) vbox2.pack_start(self.widgeticon, False, False, 0) hbox.pack_start(vbox2, True, True, 0) vbox.pack_start(hbox, False, False, 0) vbox.pack_start(self.notebook, True, True, 0) vbox.pack_start(self.terminal, True, True, 5) self.add(vbox) self.connect("realize", self.__realize) self.show_all() self.widgeticon.connect("iconpath", self.__set_iconpath) self.widgeticon.connect("make", self.__make)
def create_full_tree(depth): if depth == 0: terminal = Terminal.random_terminal() node = Node("terminal", terminal) return Tree(node) else: function = Function.random_function() root_node = Node("function", function) result = Tree(root_node) for i in range(2): #function.arity() result.add_child(Initializer.create_full_tree(depth - 1)) return result
def start_parsing(file_name, table, first_production): file = open(file_name, 'r') data = data += '\nepsilon' data = data.split('\n') stack = [Terminal('epsilon', None), NonTerminal(first_production, None)] i = 0 while i <= len(data): if data[i] == '' or data[i] == ' ': continue if len(stack) == 0 and i == len(data) - 1: print('Accept') return elif len(stack) == 0 and i < len(data) or len(stack) > 0 and i == len( data): print('Reject') return if top(stack).type == 'T': if top(stack).value == 'epsilon': stack.pop() continue if top(stack).value == data[i]: stack.pop() print('Matched {}'.format(data[i])) i += 1 else: print('Error: missing {}, inserted'.format(top(stack).value)) stack.pop() elif top(stack).type == 'N': if isinstance(table[top(stack).value][data[i]], Node): # pop that node and reverse its production top_node = stack.pop() production_array = make_array(table[top_node.value][data[i]]) while len(production_array): stack.append(production_array.pop()) elif table[top(stack).value][data[i]] == 'synch': print('synch found poping {}'.format(top(stack).value)) stack.pop() else: print('Error: (illegal {}), discarding {}'.format( top(stack).value, data[i])) i += 1 if len(stack) == 0 and i == len(data) - 1: print('Accept') return elif len(stack) == 0 and i < len(data) or len( stack) > 0 and i == len(data): print('Reject') return
def start(self): # Test with a new packet value for effect_value in range(self.START_EFFECT_VALUE, self.MAX_EFFECT_VALUE + 1, self.EFFECT_STEP): test_data = [] # Repeats for that percentage values for x in range(0, self.REPEAT_TESTS): Terminal.clear_line() print('\n## Starting test {}'.format(x)) # CUSTOM BEHAVIOUR self.custom_test_behavior(effect_value, test_data) self.stop_pool() if test_data is not None: test_data.insert(0, effect_value) self.save_csv(test_data) print('## Tests done!') Terminal.clear_line()
def run_iperf_local(self, obj, packet_type): """ Runs a iperf test on the localhost. Iperf sends a huge amount of TCP packets and measures transfer rate :param update_interval: The amount of updates the iperf script gives per time, default 0 is off :param obj: - The script object :param packet_type: - The target packet :return: """ self.pool = ThreadPool(1000) self.printing(False) self.run_packet_script(obj, packet_type) result = TestResult() result.run_single_test() self.pool.close() Terminal.clear_line() self.printing(True) return result
def _parsePrimitive(self, source): f = source.peek() if f == "ε": return Epsilon.parse(source) elif f == "<": return NonTerminal.parse(source) elif f == "(": e = GrammarExpression.parse(source) source.match(")") return e else: return Terminal.parse(source)
def __init__(self): self.quit_game = False self.end_game = False self.pause_game = True self.screen_dimensions = \ [screen_resolution['w'], screen_resolution['h']] pygame.init() self.display = pygame.display.set_mode(self.screen_dimensions) pygame.display.set_caption('PyMan Game') self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() = Map() self.map_view = MapView(, self.display) self.score = 0 self.level = 0 self.lives = 3 self.decision_cycles = 20 self.current_cycle = 0 self.terminal = Terminal(0, 800, 800, 100, liberation_serif, colors['white'], 20, colors['black'], self.display)
def __init__( self, parent ): wx.Dialog.__init__ ( self, parent, id = wx.ID_ANY, title = wx.EmptyString, pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.Size( 700,500 ), style = wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE ) self.SetSizeHintsSz( wx.DefaultSize, wx.DefaultSize ) bSizer1 = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) self.m_panel1 = Terminal( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL|wx.WANTS_CHARS ) bSizer1.Add( self.m_panel1, 1, wx.EXPAND |wx.ALL, 5 ) self.SetSizer( bSizer1 ) self.Layout() self.Centre( wx.BOTH )
class Pc(Platform): type = 'Pc' cxx_header = "dev/x86/pc.hh" system = Param.System(Parent.any, "system") south_bridge = SouthBridge() pci_host = PcPciHost() # "Non-existant" ports used for timing purposes by the linux kernel i_dont_exist1 = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0x80), pio_size=1) i_dont_exist2 = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0xed), pio_size=1) # Ports behind the pci config and data regsiters. These don't do anything, # but the linux kernel fiddles with them anway. behind_pci = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0xcf8), pio_size=8) # Serial port and terminal com_1 = Uart8250() com_1.pio_addr = x86IOAddress(0x3f8) com_1.device = Terminal() # Devices to catch access to non-existant serial ports. fake_com_2 = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0x2f8), pio_size=8) fake_com_3 = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0x3e8), pio_size=8) fake_com_4 = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0x2e8), pio_size=8) # A device to catch accesses to the non-existant floppy controller. fake_floppy = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0x3f2), pio_size=2) # NVMe Interface nvme = NVMeInterface(pci_func=0, pci_dev=5, pci_bus=0) def attachIO(self, bus, dma_ports=[]): self.south_bridge.attachIO(bus, dma_ports) self.i_dont_exist1.pio = bus.master self.i_dont_exist2.pio = bus.master self.behind_pci.pio = bus.master self.com_1.pio = bus.master self.fake_com_2.pio = bus.master self.fake_com_3.pio = bus.master self.fake_com_4.pio = bus.master self.fake_floppy.pio = bus.master self.pci_host.pio = bus.default self.nvme.pio = bus.master if dma_ports.count(self.nvme.dma) == 0: self.nvme.dma = bus.slave
def getAllTerminals(cls): try: with CursorPool() as cursor: terminals:list = [] cursor.execute(cls._SELECT) registers:tuple = cursor.fetchall() for register in registers: terminal:Terminal = Terminal( idTerminal=register[0], name=register[1], place=register[2], number=register[3] ) terminals.append(terminal) log.debug(terminal) log.debug("Getting Terminals Succesfully") return terminals except Exception as e: log.error(f"Error while getting terminals: {e}")
def main(): """ This method creates the terminal """ # initial user input inputs = ["Dummy variable"] terminal = Terminal() while (inputs[0] != "exit"): cwd = os.getcwd() inputs = user_input() if inputs[0] in terminal.dic: command = inputs[0] terminal.dic[command]() elif inputs[0] in terminal.dic_args_1: if len(inputs) == 2: command, arg = inputs terminal.dic_args_1[command](arg)
def __init__(self, proyecto_path): Gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) archivo = os.path.join(proyecto_path, "proyecto.ide") arch = open(archivo, "r") self.proyecto = json.load(arch, "utf-8") arch.close() vbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) self.install_path = os.path.join(CONFPATH, self.proyecto["nombre"]) self.widgeticon = WidgetIcon("python", self.install_path) self.notebook = Notebook(proyecto_path) self.terminal = Terminal() label = Gtk.Label(u"Instalador python para: %s versión: %s" % ( self.proyecto["nombre"], self.proyecto["version"])) label.modify_font(Pango.FontDescription("%s %s" % ("Monospace", 12))) label.modify_fg(0, Gdk.Color(0, 0, 65000)) hbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL) image = Gtk.Image() arch = os.path.join(BASEPATH, "Iconos", "gandalftux.png") pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(arch, 100, 100) image.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) hbox.pack_start(image, False, False, 0) vbox2 = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) vbox2.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) vbox2.pack_start(self.widgeticon, False, False, 0) hbox.pack_start(vbox2, True, True, 0) vbox.pack_start(hbox, False, False, 0) vbox.pack_start(self.notebook, True, True, 0) vbox.pack_start(self.terminal, True, True, 5) self.add(vbox) self.connect("realize", self.__realize) self.show_all() self.widgeticon.connect("iconpath", self.__set_iconpath) self.widgeticon.connect("make", self.__make)
class Pc(Platform): type = 'Pc' system = Param.System(Parent.any, "system") pciconfig = PciConfigAll() south_bridge = SouthBridge() # "Non-existant" port used for timing purposes by the linux kernel i_dont_exist = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0x80), pio_size=1) # Ports behind the pci config and data regsiters. These don't do anything, # but the linux kernel fiddles with them anway. behind_pci = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0xcf8), pio_size=8) # Serial port and terminal terminal = Terminal() com_1 = Uart8250() com_1.pio_addr = x86IOAddress(0x3f8) com_1.terminal = terminal # Devices to catch access to non-existant serial ports. fake_com_2 = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0x2f8), pio_size=8) fake_com_3 = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0x3e8), pio_size=8) fake_com_4 = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0x2e8), pio_size=8) # A device to catch accesses to the non-existant floppy controller. fake_floppy = IsaFake(pio_addr=x86IOAddress(0x3f2), pio_size=2) def attachIO(self, bus): self.south_bridge.attachIO(bus) self.i_dont_exist.pio = bus.port self.behind_pci.pio = bus.port self.com_1.pio = bus.port self.fake_com_2.pio = bus.port self.fake_com_3.pio = bus.port self.fake_com_4.pio = bus.port self.fake_floppy.pio = bus.port self.pciconfig.pio = bus.default bus.responder_set = True bus.responder = self.pciconfig
class SimpleBoard(Platform): type = 'SimpleBoard' cxx_header = 'dev/riscv/simpleboard.hh' system = Param.System(Parent.any, 'system') timer_cpu = TimerCpu(pio_addr=0x02000000) term = Terminal() uart = Uart8250(pio_addr=0x10013000) cust_regs = CustomRegs(pio_addr=0x90000000, regs=[0x90000000, 0x90000004, 0x90000008, 0x9000000c]) # attach I/O devices to bus # call this method after bus is defined at system level def attachIO(self, bus): self.cust_regs.pio = bus.master self.timer_cpu.pio = bus.master self.uart.device = self.term self.uart.pio = bus.master
""" maxIndex = len(posts) - 1 self.__menu__.clearMenu() if (index + POSTPERPAGE > maxIndex): for post in posts[index:]: if isinstance(post, QuestionQuery): self.__menu__.addMenuItem( str(post.title) + " | " + str(post.voteCount) + " | " + str(post.answerCount)) else: self.__menu__.addMenuItem( str(post.title) + " | " + str(post.voteCount)) return False else: for i in range(index, index + POSTPERPAGE): if isinstance(posts[i], QuestionQuery): self.__menu__.addMenuItem( str(posts[i].title) + " | " + str(posts[i].voteCount) + " | " + str(posts[i].answerCount)) else: self.__menu__.addMenuItem( str(posts[i].title) + " | " + str(posts[i].voteCount)) return True if __name__ == "__main__": from Terminal import Terminal searchPostScreen = SearchForPostsScreen(Terminal()) searchPostScreen.printScreen()
def __str__(self): Terminal.__str__(self) print("Nº ",self.getNumero()," - ",self.getTiempoDeConversacion(),"s de conversación - tarificados",self.totalTarificado, " euros")
def __init__(self, numero, tarifa): Terminal.__init__(self, numero) self.tarifa=tarifa self.totalTarificado=0
class PythonWidget(Gtk.EventBox): __gtype_name__ = 'JAMediaEditorPythonWidget' def __init__(self, proyecto_path): Gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) archivo = os.path.join(proyecto_path, "proyecto.ide") arch = open(archivo, "r") self.proyecto = json.load(arch, "utf-8") arch.close() vbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) self.install_path = os.path.join(CONFPATH, self.proyecto["nombre"]) self.widgeticon = WidgetIcon("python", self.install_path) self.notebook = Notebook(proyecto_path) self.terminal = Terminal() label = Gtk.Label(u"Instalador python para: %s versión: %s" % ( self.proyecto["nombre"], self.proyecto["version"])) label.modify_font(Pango.FontDescription("%s %s" % ("Monospace", 12))) label.modify_fg(0, Gdk.Color(0, 0, 65000)) hbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL) image = Gtk.Image() arch = os.path.join(BASEPATH, "Iconos", "gandalftux.png") pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(arch, 100, 100) image.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) hbox.pack_start(image, False, False, 0) vbox2 = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) vbox2.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) vbox2.pack_start(self.widgeticon, False, False, 0) hbox.pack_start(vbox2, True, True, 0) vbox.pack_start(hbox, False, False, 0) vbox.pack_start(self.notebook, True, True, 0) vbox.pack_start(self.terminal, True, True, 5) self.add(vbox) self.connect("realize", self.__realize) self.show_all() self.widgeticon.connect("iconpath", self.__set_iconpath) self.widgeticon.connect("make", self.__make) def __realize(self, widget): self.terminal.hide() def __make(self, widget): t = "Construyendo el Instalador." t = "%s\n%s" % (t, "Por favor espera un momento . . .") dialogo = DialogoLoad(self.get_toplevel(), t) dialogo.connect("running", self.__run_make) def __run_make(self, dialogo): self.terminal.reset() self.notebook.guardar() desktop = os.path.join(self.install_path, "%s.desktop" % self.proyecto["nombre"]) lanzador = os.path.join(self.install_path, self.proyecto["nombre"].lower()) setup = os.path.join(self.install_path, "") for path in [setup, desktop, lanzador]: os.chmod(path, 0755) python_path = "/usr/bin/python" if os.path.exists(os.path.join("/bin", "python")): python_path = os.path.join("/bin", "python") elif os.path.exists(os.path.join("/usr/bin", "python")): python_path = os.path.join("/usr/bin", "python") elif os.path.exists(os.path.join("/sbin", "python")): python_path = os.path.join("/sbin", "python") elif os.path.exists(os.path.join("/usr/local", "python")): python_path = os.path.join("/usr/local", "python") self.terminal.show_all() self.terminal.connect("reset", self.__Informar, dialogo) self.terminal.ejecute_script(self.install_path, python_path, setup, "sdist") def __Informar(self, terminal, dialogo): origen = os.path.join(self.install_path, "dist") for f in os.listdir(origen): arch = os.path.join(origen, f) commands.getoutput('mv %s %s' % (arch, CONFPATH)) destino = os.path.join(CONFPATH, f) os.chmod(destino, 0755) if os.path.exists(origen): shutil.rmtree(origen) dialogo.destroy() t = "Proceso Concluido." t = "%s\n%s" % (t, "El instalador se encuentra en") t = "%s: %s" % (t, CONFPATH) # FIXME: Pedir para borrar directorio temporal ? dialogo = DialogoInformar(self.get_toplevel(), t) dialogo.destroy() self.terminal.disconnect_by_func(self.__Informar) def __set_iconpath(self, widget, iconpath): new = iconpath if not self.install_path in iconpath: new = os.path.join(self.install_path, os.path.basename(iconpath)) shutil.copyfile(iconpath, new) self.notebook.set_icon(new)
def __init__(self, terminal, posts): """ Creates an instance of PostMenuScreen Parameters: terminal: A Terminal object allowing the module to interface with the OS terminal Returns: An instance of Tag """ self.__menu__ = Menu(terminal) for post in posts: self.__menu__.addMenuItem(post) def printScreen(self): """ Prints the menu options of the module """ self.__menu__.printScreen() if __name__ == "__main__": from Terminal import Terminal posts = [ "How do I make eggs?", "Hello anyone out there?", "Yes I am Here!", "Just google it 4head" ] postScreen = PostMenuScreen(Terminal(), posts) postScreen.printScreen()