Exemplo n.º 1
 def read(self, filename, hdu=None):
     self.filename = filename
     self.name = self.name or os.path.basename(filename)
     # read FITS file
     if not hdu:
         dprint(3, "opening", filename)
         hdu = pyfits.open(filename)[0]
     hdr = self.fits_header = hdu.header
     dprint(3, "reading data")
     data = hdu.data
     # NB: all-data operations (such as getting global min/max or computing of histograms) are much faster
     # (almost x2) when data is iterated
     # over in the proper order. After a transpose(), data is in fortran order. Tell this to setData().
     data = numpy.transpose(data)
     # .copy()
     dprint(3, "setting data")
     self.setData(data, fortran_order=True)
     dprint(3, "reading header")
     ndim = hdr['NAXIS']
     if ndim < 2:
         raise ValueError, "Cannot load a one-dimensional FITS file"
     # setup projection
     # (strip out history from header, as big histories really slow down FITSWCS)
     hdr1 = pyfits.Header(
         filter(lambda x: not str(x).startswith('HISTORY'), hdr.cards))
     proj = Projection.FITSWCS(hdr1)
     nx = ny = None
     # find X and Y axes
     for iaxis in range(ndim):
         axs = str(iaxis + 1)
         npix = hdr['NAXIS' + axs]
         name = hdr.get('CTYPE' + axs, axs).strip().upper()
         # have we found the coordinate axes?
         if FITSHeaders.isAxisTypeX(name):
             nx = npix
             iaxis_ra = iaxis
         elif FITSHeaders.isAxisTypeY(name):
             ny = npix
             iaxis_dec = iaxis
     # check that we have them
     if nx is None or ny is None:
         iaxis_ra, iaxis_dec = 0, 1
         nx, ny = hdr.get('NAXIS1'), hdr.get('NAXIS2')
     for iaxis in range(ndim):
         axs = str(iaxis + 1)
         # get axis description
         npix = hdr['NAXIS' + axs]
         crval = hdr.get('CRVAL' + axs, 0)
         cdelt = hdr.get('CDELT' + axs, 1)
         crpix = hdr.get('CRPIX' + axs, 1) - 1
         name = hdr.get('CTYPE' + axs, axs).strip().upper()
         unit = hdr.get('CUNIT' + axs)
         # if this is not an X/Y axis, add it to the slicers
         if iaxis not in (iaxis_ra, iaxis_dec):
             # values becomes a list of axis values
             values = list(crval + (numpy.arange(npix) - crpix) * cdelt)
             unit = unit and unit.lower().capitalize()
             # FITS knows of two enumerable axes: STOKES and COMPLEX. For these two, replace values with proper names
             if name == "STOKES":
                 labels = [(self.StokesNames[int(i)] if i > 0
                            and i < len(self.StokesNames) else "%d" % i)
                           for i in values]
             elif name == "COMPLEX":
                 labels = [(self.ComplexNames[int(i)] if i > 0
                            and i < len(self.ComplexNames) else "%d" % i)
                           for i in values]
                 name = name.split("-")[0]
                 # if values are a simple sequence startying at 0 or 1, make simple labels
                 if cdelt == 1 and values[0] in (0., 1.):
                     labels = ["%d%s" % (val, unit) for val in values]
                 # else set labels to None: setExtraAxis() will figure it out
                     labels = None
             self.setExtraAxis(iaxis, name or ("axis " + axs), labels,
                               values, unit)
     # check for beam parameters
     psf = [hdr.get(x, None) for x in 'BMAJ', 'BMIN', 'BPA']
     if all([x is not None for x in psf]):
         self.setPsfSize(*[p / 180 * math.pi for p in psf])
     self.setSkyAxis(0, iaxis_ra, nx, proj.ra0, -proj.xscale, proj.xpix0)
     self.setSkyAxis(1, iaxis_dec, ny, proj.dec0, proj.yscale, proj.ypix0)
     dprint(3, "setting initial slice")
Exemplo n.º 2
 def setDefaultProjection(self, projection=None):
     """Sets default image projection. If None is given, sets up default SinWCS projection."""
     self.projection = projection or Projection.SinWCS(ra0, dec0)
Exemplo n.º 3
def restoreSources(fits_hdu,
    """Restores sources (into the given FITSHDU) using a Gaussian PSF given by gmaj/gmin/grot, in radians.
    gmaj/gmin is major/minor sigma parameter; grot is PA in the North thru East convention (PA=0 is N).

    If gmaj=0, uses delta functions instead.
    If freq is specified, converts flux to the specified frequency.
    If primary_beam is specified, uses it to apply a PB gain to each source. This must be a function of two arguments:
    r and freq, returning the power beam gain.
    If apply_beamgain is true, applies beamgain atribute instead, if this exists.
    Source tagged 'nobeam' will not have the PB gain applied, unless ignore_nobeam=True
    hdr = fits_hdu.header
    data, stokes, extra_data_axes, dum = getImageCube(fits_hdu)
    # create projection object, using pixel coordinates
    proj = Projection.FITSWCSpix(hdr)
    naxis = len(data.shape)
    nx = data.shape[0]
    ny = data.shape[1]
    dprintf(1, "Read image of shape %s\n", data.shape)

    # Now we make "indexer" tuples. These use the numpy.newarray index to turn elementary vectors into
    # full arrays of the same number of dimensions as 'data' (data can be 2-, 3- or 4-dimensional, so we need
    # a general solution.)
    # For e.g. a nfreq x nstokes x ny x nx array, the following objects are created:
    #   x_indexer    turns n-vector vx into a _,_,_,n array
    #   y_indexer    turns m-vector vy into a _,_,m,_ array
    #   stokes_indexer turns the stokes vector into a _,nst,_,_ array
    # ...where "_" is numpy.newaxis.
    # The happy result of all this is that we can add a Gaussian into the data array at i1:i2,j1:j2 as follows:
    #  1. form up vectors of world coordinates (vx,vy) corresponding to pixel coordinates i1:i2 and j1:j2
    #  2. form up vector of Stokes parameters
    #  3. g = Gauss(vx[x_indexer],vy[y_indexer])*stokes[stokes_indexer]
    #  4. Just say data[j1:j2,i1:2,...] += g
    # This automatically expands all array dimensions as needed.

    # This is a helper function, returns an naxis-sized tuple, with slice(None) in the Nth
    # position, and elem_index elsewhere.
    def make_axis_indexer(n, elem_index=numpy.newaxis):
        indexer = [elem_index] * naxis
        indexer[n] = slice(None)
        return tuple(indexer)

    x_indexer = make_axis_indexer(0)
    y_indexer = make_axis_indexer(1)
    # figure out stokes
    nstokes = len(stokes)
    stokes_vec = numpy.zeros((nstokes, ))
    stokes_indexer = make_axis_indexer(2)
    dprint(2, "Stokes are", stokes)
    dprint(2, "Stokes indexing vector is", stokes_indexer)
    # get pixel sizes, in radians
    # gmaj != 0: use gaussian. Estimate PSF box size. We want a +/-5 sigma box
    if gmaj > 0:
        # convert grot from N-E to W-N (which is the more conventional mathematical definition of these things), so X is major axis
        grot += math.pi / 2
        if gmin == 0:
            gmin = gmaj
        cos_rot = math.cos(grot)
        sin_rot = math.sin(-grot)
        # rotation is N->E, so swap the sign
        gmaj = gmin = grot = 0
    conv_kernels = {}
    # loop over sources in model
    for src in sources:
        # get normalized intensity, if spectral info is available
        if freq is not None and getattr(src, 'spectrum', None):
            ni = src.spectrum.normalized_intensity(freq)
            dprintf(3, "Source %s: normalized spectral intensity is %f\n",
                    src.name, ni)
            ni = 1
        #  multiply that by PB gain, if given
        if ignore_nobeam or not getattr(src, 'nobeam', False):
            if apply_beamgain and hasattr(src, 'beamgain'):
                ni *= getattr(src, 'beamgain')
            elif primary_beam:
                r = getattr(src, 'r', None)
                if r is not None:
                    pb = primary_beam(r, freq)
                    ni *= pb
                        "Source %s: r=%g pb=%f, normalized intensity is %f\n",
                        src.name, r, pb, ni)
        # process point sources
        if src.typecode in ('pnt', 'Gau'):
            # pixel coordinates of source
            xsrc, ysrc = proj.lm(src.pos.ra, src.pos.dec)
            # form up stokes vector
            for i, st in enumerate(stokes):
                stokes_vec[i] = getattr(src.flux, st, 0) * ni
            dprintf(3, "Source %s, %s Jy, at pixel %f,%f\n", src.name,
                    stokes_vec, xsrc, ysrc)
            # for gaussian sources, convolve with beam
            if src.typecode == 'Gau':
                pa0 = src.shape.pa + math.pi / 2
                # convert PA from N->E to conventional W->N
                ex0, ey0 = src.shape.ex / FWHM, src.shape.ey / FWHM
                # convert extents from FWHM to sigmas, since gmaj/gmin is in same scale
                if gmaj > 0:
                    ex, ey, pa = convolveGaussian(ex0, ey0, pa0, gmaj, gmin,
                    # normalize flux by beam/extent ratio
                    stokes_vec *= (gmaj * gmin) / (ex * ey)
                    # print "%3dx%-3d@%3d * %3dx%-3d@%3d -> %3dx%-3d@%3d"%(
                    # ex0 *FWHM*ARCSEC,ey0 *FWHM*ARCSEC,(pa0-math.pi/2)*DEG,
                    # gmaj*FWHM*ARCSEC,gmin*FWHM*ARCSEC,(grot-math.pi/2)*DEG,
                    # ex  *FWHM*ARCSEC,ey  *FWHM*ARCSEC,(pa-math.pi/2)*DEG)
                    # normalize flux by pixel/extent ratio
                    ex, ey, pa = ex0, ey0, pa0
                    stokes_vec *= (abs(proj.xscale * proj.yscale)) / (ex * ey)
                ex, ey, pa = gmaj, gmin, grot
            # gmaj != 0: use gaussian.
            if ex > 0 or ey > 0:
                # work out restoring box
                box_radius = 5 * (max(ex, ey)) / min(abs(proj.xscale),
                    2, "Will use a box of radius %f pixels for restoration\n",
                cos_pa = math.cos(pa)
                sin_pa = math.sin(-pa)
                # rotation is N->E, so swap the sign
                # pixel coordinates of box around source in which we evaluate the gaussian
                i1 = max(0, int(math.floor(xsrc - box_radius)))
                i2 = min(nx, int(math.ceil(xsrc + box_radius)))
                j1 = max(0, int(math.floor(ysrc - box_radius)))
                j2 = min(ny, int(math.ceil(ysrc + box_radius)))
                # skip sources if box doesn't overlap image
                if i1 >= i2 or j1 >= j2:
                # now we convert pixel indices within the box into world coordinates, relative to source position
                xi = (numpy.arange(i1, i2) - xsrc) * proj.xscale
                yj = (numpy.arange(j1, j2) - ysrc) * proj.yscale
                # work out rotated coordinates
                xi1 = (xi * cos_pa)[x_indexer] - (yj * sin_pa)[y_indexer]
                yj1 = (xi * sin_pa)[x_indexer] + (yj * cos_pa)[y_indexer]
                # evaluate gaussian at these, scale up by stokes vector
                gg = stokes_vec[stokes_indexer] * numpy.exp(-(
                    (xi1 / ex)**2 + (yj1 / ey)**2) / 2.)
                # add into data
                data[i1:i2, j1:j2, ...] += gg
            # else gmaj=0: use delta functions
                xsrc = int(round(xsrc))
                ysrc = int(round(ysrc))
                # skip sources outside image
                if xsrc < 0 or xsrc >= nx or ysrc < 0 or ysrc >= ny:
                xdum = numpy.array([1])
                ydum = numpy.array([1])
                data[xsrc:xsrc + 1, ysrc:ysrc + 1, ...] += stokes_vec[
                    stokes_indexer] * xdum[x_indexer] * ydum[y_indexer]
        # process model images -- convolve with PSF and add to data
        elif src.typecode == "FITS":
            modelff = pyfits.open(src.shape.filename)
            model, model_stokes, extra_model_axes, removed_model_axes = \
                getImageCube(modelff[0], src.shape.filename, extra_axes=extra_data_axes)
            modelproj = Projection.FITSWCSpix(modelff[0].header)
            # map Stokes planes: at least the first one ("I", presumably) must be present
            # The rest are represented by indices in model_stp. Thus e.g. for an IQUV data image and an IV model,
            # model_stp will be [0,-1,-1,1]
            model_stp = [(model_stokes.index(st) if st in model_stokes else -1)
                         for st in stokes]
            if model_stp[0] < 0:
                print("Warning: model image %s lacks Stokes %s, skipping." %
                      (src.shape.filename, model_stokes[0]))
            # figure out whether the images overlap at all
            # in the trivial case, both images have the same WCS, so no resampling is needed
            if model.shape[:2] == data.shape[:2] and modelproj == proj:
                model_resampler = lambda x: x
                data_x_slice = data_y_slice = slice(None)
                    "Source %s: same resolution as output, no interpolation needed\n",
            # else make a resampler engine
                model_resampler = ImageResampler(
                    modelproj, proj, numpy.arange(model.shape[0], dtype=float),
                    numpy.arange(model.shape[1], dtype=float),
                    numpy.arange(data.shape[0], dtype=float),
                    numpy.arange(data.shape[1], dtype=float))
                data_x_slice, data_y_slice = model_resampler.targetSlice()
                dprintf(3, "Source %s: resampling into image at %s, %s\n",
                        src.shape.filename, data_x_slice, data_y_slice)
                # skip this source if no overlap
                if data_x_slice is None or data_y_slice is None:
            # warn about ignored model axes (e.g. when model has frequency and our output doesn't)
            if removed_model_axes:
                    "Warning: model image %s has one or more axes that are not present in the output image:"
                    % src.shape.filename)
                print("  taking the first plane along (%s)." %
            # evaluate convolution kernel for this model scale, if not already cached
            conv_kernel = conv_kernels.get(
                (modelproj.xscale, modelproj.yscale), None)
            if conv_kernel is None:
                box_radius = 5 * (max(gmaj, gmin)) / min(
                    abs(modelproj.xscale), abs(modelproj.yscale))
                radius = int(round(box_radius))
                # convert pixel coordinates into world coordinates relative to 0
                xi = numpy.arange(-radius, radius + 1) * modelproj.xscale
                yj = numpy.arange(-radius, radius + 1) * modelproj.yscale
                # work out rotated coordinates
                xi1 = (xi * cos_rot)[:, numpy.newaxis] - (
                    yj * sin_rot)[numpy.newaxis, :]
                yj1 = (xi * sin_rot)[:, numpy.newaxis] + (
                    yj * cos_rot)[numpy.newaxis, :]
                # evaluate convolution kernel
                conv_kernel = numpy.exp(-((xi1 / gmaj)**2 + (yj1 / gmin)**2) /
                conv_kernels[modelproj.xscale, modelproj.yscale] = conv_kernel
            # Work out data slices that we need to loop over.
            # For every 2D slice in the data image cube (assuming other axes besides x/y), we need to apply a
            # convolution to the corresponding model slice, and add it in to the data slice. The complication
            # is that any extra axis may be of length 1 in the model and of length N in the data (e.g. frequency axis),
            # in which case we need to add the same model slice to all N data slices. The loop below puts together a series
            # of index tuples representing each per-slice operation.
            # These two initial slices correspond to the x/y axes. Additional indices will be appended to these in a loop
            slices0 = [([data_x_slice,
                         data_y_slice], [slice(None), slice(None)])]
            # work out Stokes axis
            sd0 = [data_x_slice, data_y_slice]
            sm0 = [slice(None), slice(None)]
            slices = []
            slices = [(sd0 + [dst], sm0 + [mst])
                      for dst, mst in enumerate(model_stp) if mst >= 0]
            # for dst,mst in enumerate(model_stp):
            # if mst >= 0:
            # slices = [ (sd0+[dst],sm0+[mst]) for sd0,sm0 in slices ]
            # now loop over extra axes
            for axis in range(3, len(extra_data_axes) + 3):
                # list of data image indices to iterate over for this axis, 0...N-1
                indices = [[x] for x in range(data.shape[axis])]
                # list of model image indices to iterate over
                if model.shape[axis] == 1:
                    model_indices = [[0]] * len(indices)
                # shape-n: must be same as data, in which case 0..N-1 is assigned to 0..N-1
                elif model.shape[axis] == data.shape[axis]:
                    model_indices = indices
                # else error
                    raise RuntimeError("axis %s of model image %s doesn't match that of output image" % \
                                        (extra_data_axes[axis - 3], src.shape.filename))
                # update list of slices
                slices = [(sd0 + sd, si0 + si) for sd0, si0 in slices
                          for sd, si in zip(indices, model_indices)]
            # now loop over slices and assign
            for sd, si in slices:
                conv = convolve(model[tuple(si)], conv_kernel)
                data[tuple(sd)] += model_resampler(conv)
Exemplo n.º 4
def fitPsf(filename, cropsize=None):
    """Fits a Gaussian PSF to the FITS file given by 'filename'.
    If cropsize is specified, crops the central cropsize X cropsize pixels before fitting.
    Else determines cropsize by looking for the first negative sidelobe from the centre outwards.
    Returns maj_sigma,min_sigma,pa_NE (in radians)
    # read PSF from file
    psf = pyfits.open(filename)[0]
    hdr = psf.header
    psf = psf.data
    dprintf(2, "Read PSF of shape %s from file %s\n", psf.shape, filename)
    # remove stokes and freq axes
    if len(psf.shape) == 4:
        psf = psf[0, 0, :, :]
    elif len(psf.shape) == 3:
        psf = psf[0, :, :]
        raise RuntimeError("illegal PSF shape %s" + psf.shape)
    nx, ny = psf.shape
    # crop the central region
    if cropsize:
        size = cropsize
        psf = psf[(nx - size) // 2:(nx + size) // 2,
                  (ny - size) // 2:(ny + size) // 2]
    # if size not specified, then auto-crop by looking for the first negative value starting from the center
    # this will break on very extended diagonal PSFs, but that's a pathological case
        ix = numpy.where(psf[:, ny // 2] < 0)[0]
        ix0 = max(ix[ix < nx // 2])
        ix1 = min(ix[ix > nx // 2])
        iy = numpy.where(psf[nx // 2, :] < 0)[0]
        iy0 = max(iy[iy < ny // 2])
        iy1 = min(iy[iy > ny // 2])
        print(ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1)
        psf = psf[ix0:ix1, iy0:iy1]
    psf[psf < 0] = 0

    # estimate gaussian parameters, then fit
    from . import gaussfitter2
    parms0 = gaussfitter2.moments(psf, circle=0, rotate=1, vheight=0)
    dprint(2, "Estimated parameters are", parms0)
    parms = gaussfitter2.gaussfit(psf,
    dprint(0, "Fitted parameters are", parms)

    # now swap x and y around, since our axes are in reverse order
    ampl, y0, x0, sy, sx, rot = parms

    # get pixel sizes in radians (by constructing a projection object)
    proj = Projection.FITSWCS(hdr)
    xscale, yscale = proj.xscale, proj.yscale

    sx_rad = abs(sx * proj.xscale)
    sy_rad = abs(sy * proj.yscale)
    rot -= 90
    # convert West through North PA into the conventional North through East
    if sx_rad < sy_rad:
        sx_rad, sy_rad = sy_rad, sx_rad
        rot -= 90
    rot %= 180

        "Fitted gaussian PSF FWHM of %f x %f pixels (%f x %f arcsec), PA %f deg\n",
        sx * FWHM, sy * FWHM, sx_rad * FWHM * ARCSEC, sy_rad * FWHM * ARCSEC,

    return sx_rad, sy_rad, rot / DEG
Exemplo n.º 5
 def setDefaultProjection(self, projection=None):
     """Sets default image projection. If None is given, sets up default SinWCS projection."""
     # FITSWCS_static does not seem to be called often, if at all.
     self.projection = projection or Projection.FITSWCS_static(self.ra0, self.dec0)