Exemplo n.º 1
 def right_click(self):
     pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()
     global_pos = game_vars.global_mouse_pos()
     if not self.inventory.right_click(pos):
         block_x, block_y = game_vars.get_topleft(
             *[p // BLOCK_W for p in global_pos])
         tile = game_vars.tiles[game_vars.get_block_at(block_x, block_y)]
         # First attempt to activate the tile
         # Make sure we didn't click the same block more than once
         if tile.clickable and self.placement_range.collidepoint(*global_pos) and \
                 (not tile.has_ui or self.active_ui is None or self.active_ui.block_pos != [block_x, block_y]):
             if tile.activate((block_x, block_y)):
         # Then try to drop the cursor item
         if self.inventory.selected_item.is_item:
             # Check if we dropped an item
             drop = self.inventory.drop_item()
             if drop is not None:
                 # This determines if we clicked to the left or right of the player
                 left = global_pos[0] < self.rect.centerx
                 game_vars.drop_item(drop, left)
         # If there is no cursor item, use the current hotbar item
             item = self.inventory.get_current_item()
             if item.is_item:
                 item_obj = game_vars.items[item.item_id]
                 if item_obj.right_click and (self.first_swing
                                              or item_obj.auto_use):
                     self.first_swing = False
                     # Use item
                     self.item_used = item_obj
                     self.use_time = item_obj.use_time
Exemplo n.º 2
 def on_break(self, pos):
     data = game_vars.get_block_data(pos)
     if data:
         inv = Inventory((1, 1))
         item = inv.get_item(0, 0)
         if item.is_item:
             game_vars.drop_item(DroppedItem(item), c.random_sign(),
                                 [p * BLOCK_W for p in pos])
     game_vars.write_block_data(pos, None)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 3
 def on_break(self, pos):
     data = game_vars.get_block_data(pos)
     # There is an item in the pedestal
     if data:
         item = ItemInfo(int.from_bytes(data[:2], byteorder),
         game_vars.drop_item(DroppedItem(item), c.random_sign(), [
             p * BLOCK_W + d * BLOCK_W // 2 for p, d in zip(pos, self.dim)
         game_vars.write_block_data(pos, None)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 4
 def on_break(self, pos):
     data = game_vars.get_block_data(pos)
     if data is not None:
         item = int.from_bytes(data[:2], byteorder)
         if item in game_vars.items.keys():
             # Drop contents
             from random import choice
             amnt = int.from_bytes(data[2:4], byteorder)
             if amnt > 0:
                 game_vars.drop_item(DroppedItem(ItemInfo(item, amnt)),
                                     choice([True, False]),
                                     [pos[0] * BLOCK_W, pos[1] * BLOCK_W])
     game_vars.write_block_data(pos, None)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 5
 def hit(self, damage, centerx):
     self.stats.hp -= damage
     game_vars.add_damage_text(damage, self.rect.center)
     self.immunity = .5
     if not self.no_knockback:
         self.v = [math.copysign(5, self.rect.centerx - centerx), -5]
     if self.stats.hp < 0:
         # Get random drops and drop them
         items = self.get_drops()
         for item in items:
                                 randint(0, 1) == 0,
         return True
     return False
Exemplo n.º 6
 def craft(self, recipe):
     # Get result
     new_item = ItemInfo(*recipe[0])
     # First try to have the player hold the item
     if not self.selected_item.is_item:
     # Then try to add it to whatever the player is holding
     elif self.selected_item.same_as(new_item):
         grab = min(new_item.amnt,
                    self.selected_item.max_stack - self.selected_item.amnt)
         self.selected_item.amnt += grab
         new_item.amnt -= grab
         # Finally try to put it into the inventory
         if not self.pick_up_item(new_item):
             # Drop whatever is left
             game_vars.drop_item(DroppedItem(new_item), True)
     # Get the amounts of ingredients that are required
     parts = [r.copy() for r in recipe[1:]]
     # Remove ingredients
     for y in range(self.dim[1]):
         for x in range(self.dim[0]):
             item = self.get_item(y, x)
             if item.is_item:
                 i = 0
                 while i < len(parts):
                     item_id, amnt = parts[i]
                     if item.item_id == item_id:
                         # Remove the item
                         transfer = min(item.amnt, amnt)
                         item.amnt -= transfer
                         parts[i][1] -= transfer
                         # Delete this item
                         if parts[i][1] <= 0:
                             del parts[i]
                             if len(parts) == 0:
                             i -= 1
                     elif item_id > item.item_id:
                     i += 1
Exemplo n.º 7
 def activate(self, pos):
     item = game_vars.player_inventory().get_current_item()
     data = game_vars.get_block_data(pos)
     # There is an item in the pedestal
     if data and (not item.is_item or item.item_id != i.MAGIC_WAND):
         item = ItemInfo(int.from_bytes(data[:2], byteorder),
         game_vars.drop_item(DroppedItem(item), c.random_sign(), [
             p * BLOCK_W + d * BLOCK_W // 2 for p, d in zip(pos, self.dim)
         game_vars.write_block_data(pos, None)
         game_vars.player.use_time = .3
         return True
     # There is no item in the pedestal, Make sure we clicked with a magic container item
     elif item.is_item and isinstance(game_vars.items[item.item_id],
             item.item_id.to_bytes(2, byteorder) + item.data)
         item.amnt -= 1
         game_vars.player.use_time = .3
         return True
     return False
Exemplo n.º 8
 def process_events(self, events, mouse, keys):
     if self.click_inventories(mouse):
         pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()
         if self.rect.collidepoint(*pos):
             pos = [pos[0] - self.rect.x, pos[1] - self.rect.y]
             for e in events:
                 item = self.inv.get_item(0, 0)
                 if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP and e.button == BUTTON_LEFT and \
                         self.text_rect.collidepoint(*pos) and item.is_item:
                     items = {}
                     item = self.inv.inv_items[0][0]
                     # Go through each item and get a random drop
                     while item.is_item:
                         idx = Objects.CRUSH_DROPS[item].random()
                         if idx in items.keys():
                             items[idx] += 1
                             items[idx] = 1
                         item.amnt -= 1
                     # Drop the results
                     block_pos = [
                         self.block_pos[0] * BLOCK_W,
                         self.block_pos[1] * BLOCK_W
                     for idx, amnt in zip(items.keys(), items.values()):
                         max_stack = game_vars.items[idx].max_stack
                         # Make sure we don't drop more than max stack
                         while amnt > 0:
                             transfer = min(max_stack, amnt)
                                 DroppedItem(ItemInfo(idx, transfer)),
                                 choice([True, False]), block_pos)
                             amnt -= transfer