def _decode_encr_response(self, placeholder, offset, data):
            offset, payload = decode(data, offset)
        except ValueError:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the encr-payload")

        str_identifier, str_prefs, str_hprefs = payload

        identifier, = unpack_from('!H', str_identifier)

        length = len(str_prefs)
        if length % 128 != 0:
            raise DropPacket("Invalid number of bytes available (encr_res)")
        if length:
            hashpack = '128s' * (length / 128)
            hashes = unpack_from('!' + hashpack, str_prefs)
            hashes = [bytes_to_long(hash) for hash in hashes]

        length = len(str_hprefs)
        if length % 20 != 0:
            raise DropPacket("Invalid number of bytes available (encr_res)")
        if length:
            hashpack = '20s' * (length / 20)
            his_hashes = list(unpack_from('!' + hashpack, str_hprefs))
            his_hashes = []

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(
            identifier, hashes, his_hashes)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _decode_introduction_request(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        offset, payload = BinaryConversion._decode_introduction_request(
            self, placeholder, offset, data)

        if len(data) > offset:
            if len(data) < offset + 5:
                raise DropPacket("Insufficient packet size")

            functions, size = unpack_from('!BH', data, offset)
            offset += 3

            prefix = data[offset]
            offset += 1

            if functions <= 0 or size <= 0 or size % 8 != 0:
                raise DropPacket("Invalid bloom filter")

            length = size / 8
            if length != len(data) - offset:
                raise DropPacket(
                    "Invalid number of bytes available (irq) %d, %d, %d" %
                    (length, len(data) - offset, size))

            orders_bloom_filter = BloomFilter(data[offset:offset + length],
            offset += length


        return offset, payload
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _decode_torrent_collect_request(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        if len(data) < offset + 4:
            raise DropPacket("Insufficient packet size")

        identifier, hashtype = unpack_from('!HH', data, offset)
        offset += 4

        length = len(data) - offset
        if length % 46 != 0:
            raise DropPacket("Invalid number of bytes available (tcr)")

        if length:
            hashpack = '20s20sHHH' * (length / 46)
            hashes = unpack_from('!' + hashpack, data, offset)
            offset += length

            torrents = []
            for i in range(0, len(hashes), 5):
                    hashes[i], hashes[i + 1], hashes[i + 2], hashes[i + 3],
                    hashes[i + 4]
            torrents = []
        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(
            identifier, hashtype, torrents)
    def _decode_votecast(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        if len(data) < offset + 26:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the payload")

        cid, vote, timestamp = unpack_from('!20shl', data, offset)
        if not vote in [-1, 0, 2]:
            raise DropPacket("Invalid 'vote' type or value")

        return offset + 26, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(cid, vote, timestamp)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _decode_missing_channel(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        if len(data) < offset + 1:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the payload")

        includeSnapshot, = unpack_from('!B', data, offset)
        if not (includeSnapshot == 0 or includeSnapshot == 1):
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode includeSnapshot")
        includeSnapshot = bool(includeSnapshot)

        return offset + 1, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(includeSnapshot)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _decode_channelsearch(self, placeholder, offset, data):
            offset, payload = decode(data, offset)
        except ValueError:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the channelcast-payload")

        if not isinstance(payload, list):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid payload type")

        for keyword in payload:
            if not isinstance(keyword, unicode):
                raise DropPacket("Invalid 'keyword' type")
        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(payload)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _decode_text(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        if len(data) < offset + 1:
            raise DropPacket("Insufficient packet size")

        text_length, = unpack_from("!B", data, offset)
        offset += 1

            text = data[offset:offset + text_length].decode("UTF-8")
            offset += text_length
        except UnicodeError:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode UTF-8")

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(text)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _decode_barter_record(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        if len(data) < offset + 21:
            raise DropPacket(
                "Insufficient packet size (_decode_barter_record)")

        cycle, upload_first_to_second, upload_second_to_first, length = unpack_from(
            ">LQQB", data, offset)
        offset += 21

        if len(data) < offset + length:
            raise DropPacket(
                "Insufficient packet size (_decode_barter_record)")
        effort = EffortHistory(data[offset:offset + length],
                               cycle * CYCLE_SIZE)
        offset += length

        # the following parameters are used for debugging only
        if len(data) < offset + 104:
            raise DropPacket(
                "Insufficient packet size (_decode_barter_record)")
        (first_timestamp, first_upload, first_download, first_total_up,
         first_total_down, first_associated_up, first_associated_down,
         second_timestamp, second_upload, second_download, second_total_up,
         second_total_down, second_associated_up,
         second_associated_down) = unpack_from(">LQQQQQQLQQQQQQ", data, offset)
        offset += 104

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(
            # the following parameters are used for debugging only
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _decode_ping_pong(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        if len(data) < offset + 3:
            raise DropPacket("Insufficient packet size (_decode_ping_pong)")

        key_length, identifier = self._struct_BH.unpack_from(data, offset)
        offset += 3

        if len(data) < offset + key_length:
            raise DropPacket("Insufficient packet size (_decode_ping_pong)")
            member = Member(data[offset:offset + key_length])
            raise DropPacket("Invalid public key (_decode_ping_pong)")
        offset += key_length

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.Implementation(
            placeholder.meta.payload, identifier, member)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _decode_channel(self, placeholder, offset, data):
            offset, values = decode(data, offset)
            if len(values) != 2:
                raise ValueError
        except ValueError:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the channel-payload")

        name = values[0]
        if not (isinstance(name, unicode) and len(name) < 256):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid 'name' type or value")

        description = values[1]
        if not (isinstance(description, unicode) and len(description) < 1024):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid 'description' type or value")

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(name, description)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _decode_barter_record(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        if len(data) < offset + 8:
            raise DropPacket("Insufficient packet size")

        first_upload, second_upload = unpack_from("!LL", data, offset)
        offset += 8

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(first_upload, second_upload)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _decode_half_block(placeholder, offset, data):
        Decode an incoming half block message.
        :param placeholder:
        :param offset: Start of the HalfBlock message in the data.
        :param data: ByteStream containing the message.
        :return: (offset, HalfBlockPayload.impl)
        if len(data) < offset + block_pack_size:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the payload")

            _, block = TrustChainBlock.unpack(data, offset)
        except (IndexError, ValueError):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid block contents")

        return len(data), placeholder.meta.payload.implement(block)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _decode_torrent_request(self, placeholder, offset, data):
            offset, payload = decode(data, offset)
        except ValueError:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the torrent-request")

        if not isinstance(payload, dict):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid payload type")

        for cid, infohashes in payload.iteritems():
            if not (isinstance(cid, str) and len(cid) == 20):
                raise DropPacket("Invalid 'cid' type or value")

            for infohash in infohashes:
                if not (isinstance(infohash, str) and len(infohash) == 20):
                    raise DropPacket("Invalid 'infohash' type or value")
        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(payload)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _decode_ping(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        if len(data) < offset + 6:
            raise DropPacket("Insufficient packet size")

        circuit_id, identifier = unpack_from('!IH', data, offset)
        offset += 6

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(circuit_id, identifier)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _decode_destroy(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        if len(data) < offset + 6:
            raise DropPacket("Insufficient packet size")

        circuit_id, reason = unpack_from('!IB', data, offset)
        offset += 6

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(circuit_id, reason)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _decode_contact(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        if len(data) < offset + 2:
            raise DropPacket("Insufficient packet size")

        identifier, = unpack_from("!H", data, offset)
        offset += 2

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(identifier)
    def _decode_simi_response(self, placeholder, offset, data):
            offset, payload = decode(data, offset)
        except ValueError:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the simi-payload")

        identifier, responses = payload[:2]

        if len(identifier) != 2:
            raise DropPacket(
                "Unable to decode the search-response-payload, got %d bytes expected 2"
                % (len(identifier)))
        identifier, = unpack_from('!H', identifier)

        prefs = hprefs = None
        bundled_responses = []
        for str_mid, str_prefs, str_hprefs in responses:
            length = len(str_prefs)
            if length % 128 != 0:
                raise DropPacket(
                    "Invalid number of bytes available (encr_res)")
            if length:
                hashpack = '128s' * (length / 128)
                hashes = unpack_from('!' + hashpack, str_prefs)
                hashes = [bytes_to_long(hash) for hash in hashes]

            length = len(str_hprefs)
            if length % 20 != 0:
                raise DropPacket(
                    "Invalid number of bytes available (encr_res)")
            if length:
                hashpack = '20s' * (length / 20)
                his_hashes = list(unpack_from('!' + hashpack, str_hprefs))
                his_hashes = []

            if str_mid:
                str_mid, = unpack_from("!20s", str_mid)
                bundled_responses.append((str_mid, (hashes, his_hashes)))
                prefs = hashes
                hprefs = his_hashes

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(
            identifier, prefs, hprefs, bundled_responses)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _decode_torrent(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        uncompressed_data = zlib.decompress(data[offset:])
        offset = len(data)

            _, values = decode(uncompressed_data)
        except ValueError:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the torrent-payload")

        infohash_time, name, files, trackers = values
        if len(infohash_time) != 28:
            raise DropPacket(
                "Unable to decode the torrent-payload, got %d bytes expected 28"
                % (len(infohash_time)))
        infohash, timestamp = unpack_from('!20sQ', infohash_time)

        if not isinstance(name, unicode):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid 'name' type")

        if not isinstance(files, tuple):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid 'files' type")

        if len(files) == 0:
            raise DropPacket("Should have at least one file")

        for file in files:
            if len(file) != 2:
                raise DropPacket("Invalid 'file_len' type")

            path, length = file
            if not isinstance(path, unicode):
                raise DropPacket("Invalid 'files_path' type is %s" %
            if not isinstance(length, (int, long)):
                raise DropPacket("Invalid 'files_length' type is %s" %

        if not isinstance(trackers, tuple):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid 'trackers' type")
        for tracker in trackers:
            if not isinstance(tracker, str):
                raise DropPacket("Invalid 'tracker' type")

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(
            infohash, timestamp, name, files, trackers)
    def _decode_moderation(self, placeholder, offset, data):
            offset, dic = decode(data, offset)
        except ValueError:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the payload")

        if not "text" in dic:
            raise DropPacket("Missing 'text'")
        text = dic["text"]
        if not (isinstance(text, unicode) and len(text) < 1024):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid 'text' type or value")

        if not "timestamp" in dic:
            raise DropPacket("Missing 'timestamp'")
        timestamp = dic["timestamp"]
        if not isinstance(timestamp, (int, long)):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid 'timestamp' type or value")

        if not "severity" in dic:
            raise DropPacket("Missing 'severity'")
        severity = dic["severity"]
        if not isinstance(severity, (int, long)):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid 'severity' type or value")

        cause_mid = dic.get("cause-mid", None)
        if not (isinstance(cause_mid, str) and len(cause_mid) == 20):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid 'cause-mid' type or value")

        cause_global_time = dic.get("cause-global-time", None)
        if not isinstance(cause_global_time, (int, long)):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid 'cause-global-time' type")

            packet_id, packet, message_name = self._get_message(
                cause_global_time, cause_mid)
            cause_packet = Packet(
                self._community.get_meta_message(message_name), packet,

        except DropPacket:
            members = self._community.dispersy.get_members_from_id(cause_mid)
            if not members:
                raise DelayPacketByMissingMember(self._community, cause_mid)

            member = members[0]
            raise DelayPacketByMissingMessage(self._community, member,

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(
            text, timestamp, severity, cause_packet)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _decode_mark_torrent(self, placeholder, offset, data):
            offset, dic = decode(data, offset)
        except ValueError:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the payload")

        if not "infohash" in dic:
            raise DropPacket("Missing 'infohash'")
        infohash = dic["infohash"]
        if not (isinstance(infohash, str) and len(infohash) == 20):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid 'infohash' type or value")

        if not "timestamp" in dic:
            raise DropPacket("Missing 'timestamp'")
        timestamp = dic["timestamp"]
        if not isinstance(timestamp, (int, long)):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid 'timestamp' type or value")

        if not "type" in dic:
            raise DropPacket("Missing 'type'")
        type = dic["type"]
        if not (isinstance(type, unicode) and len(type) < 25):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid 'type' type or value")

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(
            infohash, type, timestamp)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _decode_identifier(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        if len(data) < offset + 8:
            raise DropPacket("Insufficient packet size (_decode_identifier)")

        identifier, = self._struct_Q.unpack_from(data, offset)
        offset += 8

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.Implementation(
            placeholder.meta.payload, identifier)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _decode_introduction_request(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        offset, payload = BinaryConversion._decode_introduction_request(self, placeholder, offset, data)

        # if there's still bytes in this request, treat them as taste_bloom_filter
        has_stuff = len(data) > offset
        if has_stuff:
            if len(data) < offset + 8:
                raise DropPacket("Insufficient packet size")

            num_preferences, functions, size = unpack_from('!IBH', data, offset)
            offset += 7

            prefix = data[offset]
            offset += 1

            if not 0 < num_preferences:
                raise DropPacket("Invalid num_preferences value")
            if not 0 < functions:
                raise DropPacket("Invalid functions value")
            if not 0 < size:
                raise DropPacket("Invalid size value")
            if not size % 8 == 0:
                raise DropPacket("Invalid size value, must be a multiple of eight")

            length = int(ceil(size / 8))
            if not length == len(data) - offset:
                raise DropPacket("Invalid number of bytes available (irq) %d, %d, %d" % (length, len(data) - offset, size))

            taste_bloom_filter = BloomFilter(data[offset:offset + length], functions, prefix=prefix)
            offset += length


        return offset, payload
Exemplo n.º 23
    def _decode_half_block(placeholder, offset, data):
        Decode an incoming half block message.
        :param placeholder:
        :param offset: Start of the HalfBlock message in the data.
        :param data: ByteStream containing the message.
        :return: (offset, HalfBlockPayload.impl)
        if len(data) < offset + block_pack_size:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the payload")

        return offset + block_pack_size, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(
            MultiChainBlock.unpack(data, offset))
Exemplo n.º 24
    def _decode_cell(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        circuit_id, = unpack_from('!I', data, offset)
        offset += 4

        if not data[offset] in self._decode_message_map:
            raise DropPacket("Invalid message")
        message_type = self._decode_message_map[data[offset]]
        offset += 1

        encrypted_message = data[offset:]
        offset += len(encrypted_message)

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(circuit_id, message_type, encrypted_message)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def _decode_channelsearch_response(self, placeholder, offset, data):
            offset, payload = decode(data, offset)
        except ValueError:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the channelcast-payload")

        if not isinstance(payload, tuple):
            raise DropPacket("Invalid payload type")

        keywords, torrents = payload
        for keyword in keywords:
            if not isinstance(keyword, unicode):
                raise DropPacket("Invalid 'keyword' type")

        for cid, infohashes in torrents.iteritems():
            if not (isinstance(cid, str) and len(cid) == 20):
                raise DropPacket("Invalid 'cid' type or value")

            for infohash in infohashes:
                if not (isinstance(infohash, str) and len(infohash) == 20):
                    raise DropPacket("Invalid 'infohash' type or value")

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(keywords, torrents)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _decode_signature(placeholder, offset, data):
        Decode an incoming signature message
        :param placeholder:
        :param offset: Start of the SIGNATURE message in the data.
        :param data: ByteStream containing the message.
        :return: (offset, SIGNATURE.impl)
        if len(data) < offset + signature_size:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the payload")

        values = unpack_from(signature_format, data, offset)
        offset += signature_size

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(*values)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def _decode_crawl_response(placeholder, offset, data):
        Decode an incoming crawl response message.
        :param placeholder:
        :param offset: Start of the CrawlResponse message in the data.
        :param data: ByteStream containing the message.
        :return: (offset, CrawlResponse.impl)
        if len(data) < offset + crawl_response_size:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the payload")

        values = unpack_from(crawl_response_format, data, offset)
        offset += crawl_response_size

        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(*values)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def _decode_payload(self, placeholder, offset, data, types):
            offset, payload = decode(data, offset)
        except (ValueError, AssertionError, KeyError):
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the payload")

        args = []
        cur_ind = 0
        for arg_type in types:
                if arg_type == Price or arg_type == Quantity:  # They contain an additional wallet ID
                                 INV_ASSET_MAP[payload[cur_ind + 1]]))
                    cur_ind += 2
                elif arg_type == str or arg_type == int:
                    cur_ind += 1
                    cur_ind += 1
            except (ValueError, KeyError):
                raise DropPacket("Invalid '" + arg_type.__name__ + "' type")
        return offset, placeholder.meta.payload.implement(*args)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def _decode_crawl_request(placeholder, offset, data):
        Decode an incoming crawl request message.
        :param placeholder:
        :param offset: Start of the CrawlRequest message in the data.
        :param data: ByteStream containing the message.
        :return: (offset, CrawlRequest.impl)
        if len(data) < offset + crawl_request_size:
            raise DropPacket("Unable to decode the payload")

        who, seq, limit = unpack_from(crawl_request_format, data, offset)

        return offset + crawl_request_size, \
    def _decode_introduction_request(self, placeholder, offset, data):
        offset, payload = BinaryConversion._decode_introduction_request(
            self, placeholder, offset, data)

        #if there's still bytes in this request, treat them as taste_bloom_filter
        has_stuff = len(data) > offset
        if has_stuff:
            length = len(data) - offset
            if length != 20:
                raise DropPacket("Invalid number of bytes available (ir)")

            candidate_mid, = unpack_from('!20s', data, offset)

            offset += length
        return offset, payload