Exemplo n.º 1
def demo():
    Main program to handle command line parameters and then run what they want.
    if Globals.verbosityLevel > 0:
        print("{} V{}".format(ProgName, ProgVersion))

    # Since this is only designed to be a base class, it can't actually do much at all
    B = Bible()
    if Globals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(B)

    if 1:  # Test a single folder containing a USFM Bible
        from USFMBible import USFMBible
        name, encoding, testFolder = "Matigsalug", "utf-8", "../../../../../Data/Work/Matigsalug/Bible/MBTV/"  # You can put your test folder here
        if os.access(testFolder, os.R_OK):
            UB = USFMBible(testFolder, name, encoding)
            if Globals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(UB)
            if Globals.strictCheckingFlag:
            print("Sorry, test folder '{}' is not readable on this computer.".
Exemplo n.º 2
def createEmptyUSFMBooks( folderPath, currentBBB, requestDict ):
    Create empty USFM books or CV shells in the given folderPath
        as requested by the dictionary parameters:
            Books: 'OT'
            Fill: 'Versification'
            Versification: 'KJV'
            Version: 'KJV1611'
    from BibleVersificationSystems import BibleVersificationSystem
    from InternalBible import OT39_BOOKLIST, NT27_BOOKLIST
    from InternalBibleInternals import BOS_ALL_ADDED_MARKERS
    from USFMBible import USFMBible

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
        print( exp("createEmptyUSFMBooks( {}, {}, {} )").format( folderPath, currentBBB, requestDict ) )

    versificationObject = BibleVersificationSystem( requestDict['Versification'] ) \
                            if requestDict['Fill']=='Versification' else None
    print( 'versificationObject', versificationObject )
    if versificationObject is not None:
        getNumChapters, getNumVerses = versificationObject.getNumChapters, versificationObject.getNumVerses

    if requestDict['Fill'] == 'Version':
        #ALL_CHAR_MARKERS = BibleOrgSysGlobals.USFMMarkers.getCharacterMarkersList( expandNumberableMarkers=True )
        uB = USFMBible( requestDict['Version'] ) # Get the Bible object
        print( "Fill Bible1", uB )
        print( "Fill Bible2", uB )
        #print( "Fill Bible3", uB )

    if requestDict['Books'] == 'None': booklist = []
    elif requestDict['Books'] == 'Current': booklist = [ currentBBB ]
    elif requestDict['Books'] == 'All': booklist = OT39_BOOKLIST + NT27_BOOKLIST
    elif requestDict['Books'] == 'OT': booklist = OT39_BOOKLIST
    elif requestDict['Books'] == 'NT': booklist = NT27_BOOKLIST
    else: halt # programming error

    count = 0
    skippedBooklist = []
    for BBB in booklist:
        if requestDict['Fill'] == 'Versification' \
        and versificationObject is not None \
        and BBB not in versificationObject:
            skippedBooklist.append( BBB )
        #if requestDict['Fill'] == 'Version' \
        #and uB is not None \
        #and BBB not in uB:
            #skippedBooklist.append( BBB )

        USFMAbbreviation = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getUSFMAbbreviation( BBB )
        USFMNumber = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getUSFMNumber( BBB )

        if requestDict['Fill'] == 'None': bookText = ''
        elif requestDict['Fill'] == 'Basic':
            bookText = '\\id {} Empty book created by {}\n'.format( USFMAbbreviation.upper(), APP_NAME_VERSION )
            bookText += '\\ide UTF-8\n'
            bookText += '\\h Bookname\n'
            bookText += '\\mt Book Title\n'
            bookText += '\\c 1\n'
        elif requestDict['Fill'] == 'Versification':
            bookText = createEmptyUSFMBookText( BBB, getNumChapters, getNumVerses )
        elif requestDict['Fill'] == 'Version':
            try: uB.loadBook( BBB )
            except FileNotFoundError:
                skippedBooklist.append( BBB )
            uBB = uB[BBB] # Get the Bible book object
            bookText = ''
            for verseDataEntry in uBB._processedLines:
                pseudoMarker, cleanText = verseDataEntry.getMarker(), verseDataEntry.getCleanText()
                #print( BBB, pseudoMarker, repr(cleanText) )
                if '¬' in pseudoMarker or pseudoMarker in BOS_ALL_ADDED_MARKERS or pseudoMarker in ('c#','vp#',):
                    continue # Just ignore added markers -- not needed here
                #if pseudoMarker in ('v','f','fr','x','xo',): # These fields should always end with a space but the processing will have removed them
                    #pseudoMarker += ' ' # Append a space since it didn't have one
                #if pseudoMarker in ALL_CHAR_MARKERS: # Character markers to be closed
                    #print( "CHAR MARKER" )
                    ##if (USFM[-2]=='\\' or USFM[-3]=='\\') and USFM[-1]!=' ':
                    #if bookText[-1] != ' ':
                        #bookText += ' ' # Separate markers by a space e.g., \p\bk Revelation
                        #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: print( "toUSFM: Added space to {!r} before {!r}".format( bookText[-2], pseudoMarker ) )
                    #adjValue += '\\{}*'.format( pseudoMarker ) # Do a close marker
                #elif pseudoMarker in ('f','x',): inField = pseudoMarker # Remember these so we can close them later
                #elif pseudoMarker in ('fr','fq','ft','xo',): USFM += ' ' # These go on the same line just separated by spaces and don't get closed
                if bookText: bookText += '\n' # paragraph markers go on a new line
                if not cleanText: bookText += '\\{}'.format( pseudoMarker )
                elif pseudoMarker == 'c': bookText += '\\c {}'.format( cleanText )
                elif pseudoMarker == 'v': bookText += '\\v {} '.format( cleanText )
                else: bookText += '\\{} '.format( pseudoMarker )
                #print( pseudoMarker, USFM[-200:] )
        else: halt # programming error

        # Write the actual file
        filename = '{}-{}.USFM'.format( USFMNumber, USFMAbbreviation )
        with open( os.path.join( folderPath, filename ), mode='wt', encoding='utf-8' ) as theFile:
            theFile.write( bookText )
        count += 1
    print( len(skippedBooklist), "books skipped:", skippedBooklist ) # Should warn the user here
    print( count, "books created" )