Exemplo n.º 1
    def _loadBookMP( self, BBB, filename=None ):
        Used for multiprocessing.

        NOTE: You should ensure that preload() has been called first.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
            print( "USXXMLBible._loadBookMP( {}, {} )".format( BBB, filename ) )
            assert self.preloadDone

        if BBB in self.books: return # Already loaded
        if BBB in self.triedLoadingBook:
            logging.warning( "We had already tried loading USX {} for {}".format( BBB, self.name ) )
            return # We've already attempted to load this book
        self.triedLoadingBook[BBB] = True

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2 or BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: print( _("  USXXMLBible: Loading {} from {} from {}…").format( BBB, self.name, self.sourceFolder ) )
        if filename is None: filename = self.possibleFilenameDict[BBB]
        UBB = USXXMLBibleBook( self, BBB )
        UBB.load( filename, self.givenFolderName, self.encoding )
        #for j, something in enumerate( UBB._processedLines ):
            #print( j, something )
            #if j > 100: break
        #for j, something in enumerate( sorted(UBB._CVIndex) ):
            #print( j, something )
            #if j > 50: break
        return UBB
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _loadBookMP(self, BBB, filename=None):
        Used for multiprocessing.

        NOTE: You should ensure that preload() has been called first.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
            print("USXXMLBible._loadBookMP( {}, {} )".format(BBB, filename))
            assert self.preloadDone

        if BBB in self.books: return  # Already loaded
        if BBB in self.triedLoadingBook:
                "We had already tried loading USX {} for {}".format(
                    BBB, self.name))
            return  # We've already attempted to load this book
        self.triedLoadingBook[BBB] = True

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2 or BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                _("  USXXMLBible: Loading {} from {} from {}…").format(
                    BBB, self.name, self.sourceFolder))
        if filename is None: filename = self.possibleFilenameDict[BBB]
        UBB = USXXMLBibleBook(self, BBB)
        UBB.load(filename, self.givenFolderName, self.encoding)
        #for j, something in enumerate( UBB._processedLines ):
        #print( j, something )
        #if j > 100: break
        #for j, something in enumerate( sorted(UBB._CVIndex) ):
        #print( j, something )
        #if j > 50: break
        return UBB
Exemplo n.º 3
 def loadBook( self, BBB, filename=None ):
     Used for multiprocessing.
     if Globals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "USXXMLBible.loadBook( {}, {} )".format( BBB, filename ) )
     if BBB in self.books: return # Already loaded
     if BBB in self.triedLoadingBook:
         logging.warning( "We had already tried loading USX {} for {}".format( BBB, self.name ) )
         return # We've already attempted to load this book
     self.triedLoadingBook[BBB] = True
     if Globals.verbosityLevel > 2 or Globals.debugFlag: print( _("  USXXMLBible: Loading {} from {} from {}...").format( BBB, self.name, self.sourceFolder ) )
     if filename is None: filename = self.possibleFilenameDict[BBB]
     UBB = USXXMLBibleBook( self.name, BBB )
     UBB.load( filename, self.givenFolderName, self.encoding )
     #for j, something in enumerate( UBB._processedLines ):
         #print( j, something )
         #if j > 100: break
     #for j, something in enumerate( sorted(UBB._CVIndex) ):
         #print( j, something )
         #if j > 50: break
     self.saveBook( UBB )
Exemplo n.º 4
    def load( self ):
        Load the books.
        def loadSSFData( ssfFilepath, encoding='utf-8' ):
            """Process the SSF data from the given filepath.
                Returns a dictionary."""
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Loading SSF data from {!r}").format( ssfFilepath ) )
            lastLine, lineCount, status, settingsDict = '', 0, 0, {}
            with open( ssfFilepath, encoding=encoding ) as myFile: # Automatically closes the file when done
                for line in myFile:
                    lineCount += 1
                    if lineCount==1 and line and line[0]==chr(65279): #U+FEFF
                        logging.info( "USXXMLBible.load: Detected UTF-16 Byte Order Marker in {}".format( ssfFilepath ) )
                        line = line[1:] # Remove the Byte Order Marker
                    if line[-1]=='\n': line = line[:-1] # Remove trailing newline character
                    line = line.strip() # Remove leading and trailing whitespace
                    if not line: continue # Just discard blank lines
                    lastLine = line
                    processed = False
                    if status==0 and line=="<ScriptureText>":
                        status = 1
                        processed = True
                    elif status==1 and line=="</ScriptureText>":
                        status = 2
                        processed = True
                    elif status==1 and line[0]=='<' and line.endswith('/>'): # Handle a self-closing (empty) field
                        fieldname = line[1:-3] if line.endswith(' />') else line[1:-2] # Handle it with or without a space
                        if ' ' not in fieldname:
                            settingsDict[fieldname] = ''
                            processed = True
                        elif ' ' in fieldname: # Some fields (like "Naming") may contain attributes
                            bits = fieldname.split( None, 1 )
                            assert( len(bits)==2 )
                            fieldname = bits[0]
                            attributes = bits[1]
                            #print( "attributes = {!r}".format( attributes) )
                            settingsDict[fieldname] = (contents, attributes)
                            processed = True
                    elif status==1 and line[0]=='<' and line[-1]=='>':
                        ix1 = line.find('>')
                        ix2 = line.find('</')
                        if ix1!=-1 and ix2!=-1 and ix2>ix1:
                            fieldname = line[1:ix1]
                            contents = line[ix1+1:ix2]
                            if ' ' not in fieldname and line[ix2+2:-1]==fieldname:
                                settingsDict[fieldname] = contents
                                processed = True
                            elif ' ' in fieldname: # Some fields (like "Naming") may contain attributes
                                bits = fieldname.split( None, 1 )
                                assert( len(bits)==2 )
                                fieldname = bits[0]
                                attributes = bits[1]
                                #print( "attributes = {!r}".format( attributes) )
                                if line[ix2+2:-1]==fieldname:
                                    settingsDict[fieldname] = (contents, attributes)
                                    processed = True
                    if not processed: logging.error( "Unexpected {!r} line in SSF file".format( line ) )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                print( "  " + _("Got {} SSF entries:").format( len(settingsDict) ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3:
                    for key in sorted(settingsDict):
                        print( "    {}: {}".format( key, settingsDict[key] ) )
            self.ssfDict = settingsDict # We'll keep a copy of just the SSF settings
            self.settingsDict = settingsDict.copy() # This will be all the combined settings
        # end of loadSSFData

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print( _("USXXMLBible: Loading {} from {}...").format( self.name, self.givenFolderName ) )

        # Do a preliminary check on the contents of our folder
        foundFiles, foundFolders = [], []
        for something in os.listdir( self.givenFolderName ):
            somepath = os.path.join( self.givenFolderName, something )
            if os.path.isdir( somepath ): foundFolders.append( something )
            elif os.path.isfile( somepath ): foundFiles.append( something )
            else: logging.error( "Not sure what {!r} is in {}!".format( somepath, self.givenFolderName ) )
        if foundFolders: logging.info( "USXXMLBible.load: Surprised to see subfolders in {!r}: {}".format( self.givenFolderName, foundFolders ) )
        if not foundFiles:
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "USXXMLBible.load: Couldn't find any files in {!r}".format( self.givenFolderName ) )
            return # No use continuing

        if 0: # We don't have a getSSFFilenames function
            # Attempt to load the metadata file
            ssfFilepathList = self.USXFilenamesObject.getSSFFilenames( searchAbove=True, auto=True )
            if len(ssfFilepathList) == 1: # Seems we found the right one
                loadSSFData( ssfFilepathList[0] )

        # Load the books one by one -- assuming that they have regular Paratext style filenames
        if 0 and BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses > 1: # Load all the books as quickly as possible
            parameters = []
            for BBB,filename in self.USXFilenamesObject.getConfirmedFilenames():
                parameters.append( BBB )
            #print( "parameters", parameters )
            with multiprocessing.Pool( processes=BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses ) as pool: # start worker processes
                results = pool.map( self.loadBook, parameters ) # have the pool do our loads
                print( "results", results )
                assert( len(results) == len(parameters) )
                for j, UBB in enumerate( results ):
                    BBB = parameters[j]
                    self.books[BBB] = UBB
                    # Make up our book name dictionaries while we're at it
                    assumedBookNames = UBB.getAssumedBookNames()
                    for assumedBookName in assumedBookNames:
                        self.BBBToNameDict[BBB] = assumedBookName
                        assumedBookNameLower = assumedBookName.lower()
                        self.bookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                        self.combinedBookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                        if ' ' in assumedBookNameLower: self.combinedBookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower.replace(' ','')] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (lower case without spaces)
        else: # Just single threaded
            for BBB,filename in self.USXFilenamesObject.getConfirmedFilenames():
                UBB = USXXMLBibleBook( self, BBB )
                UBB.load( filename, self.givenFolderName, self.encoding )
                #print( UBB )
                self.saveBook( UBB )
                #self.books[BBB] = UBB
                ## Make up our book name dictionaries while we're at it
                #assumedBookNames = UBB.getAssumedBookNames()
                #for assumedBookName in assumedBookNames:
                    #self.BBBToNameDict[BBB] = assumedBookName
                    #assumedBookNameLower = assumedBookName.lower()
                    #self.bookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                    #self.combinedBookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                    #if ' ' in assumedBookNameLower: self.combinedBookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower.replace(' ','')] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (lower case without spaces)

        if not self.books: # Didn't successfully load any regularly named books -- maybe the files have weird names??? -- try to be intelligent here
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                print( "USXXMLBible.load: Didn't find any regularly named USX files in {!r}".format( self.givenFolderName ) )
            for thisFilename in foundFiles:
                # Look for BBB in the ID line (which should be the first line in a USX file)
                isUSX = False
                thisPath = os.path.join( self.givenFolderName, thisFilename )
                with open( thisPath ) as possibleUSXFile: # Automatically closes the file when done
                    for line in possibleUSXFile:
                        if line.startswith( '\\id ' ):
                            USXId = line[4:].strip()[:3] # Take the first three non-blank characters after the space after id
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "Have possible USX ID {!r}".format( USXId ) )
                            BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromUSFM( USXId )
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "BBB is {!r}".format( BBB ) )
                            isUSX = True
                        break # We only look at the first line
                if isUSX:
                    UBB = USXXMLBibleBook( self, BBB )
                    UBB.load( self.givenFolderName, thisFilename, self.encoding )
                    print( UBB )
                    self.books[BBB] = UBB
                    # Make up our book name dictionaries while we're at it
                    assumedBookNames = UBB.getAssumedBookNames()
                    for assumedBookName in assumedBookNames:
                        self.BBBToNameDict[BBB] = assumedBookName
                        assumedBookNameLower = assumedBookName.lower()
                        self.bookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                        self.combinedBookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                        if ' ' in assumedBookNameLower: self.combinedBookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower.replace(' ','')] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (lower case without spaces)
            if self.books: print( "USXXMLBible.load: Found {} irregularly named USX files".format( len(self.books) ) )
Exemplo n.º 5
    def load(self):
        Load the books.
        def loadSSFData(ssfFilepath, encoding='utf-8'):
            """Process the SSF data from the given filepath.
                Returns a dictionary."""
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                print(_("Loading SSF data from {!r}").format(ssfFilepath))
            lastLine, lineCount, status, settingsDict = '', 0, 0, {}
            with open(ssfFilepath, encoding=encoding
                      ) as myFile:  # Automatically closes the file when done
                for line in myFile:
                    lineCount += 1
                    if lineCount == 1 and line and line[0] == chr(
                            65279):  #U+FEFF
                            "USXXMLBible.load: Detected UTF-16 Byte Order Marker in {}"
                        line = line[1:]  # Remove the Byte Order Marker
                    if line[-1] == '\n':
                        line = line[:-1]  # Remove trailing newline character
                    line = line.strip(
                    )  # Remove leading and trailing whitespace
                    if not line: continue  # Just discard blank lines
                    lastLine = line
                    processed = False
                    if status == 0 and line == "<ScriptureText>":
                        status = 1
                        processed = True
                    elif status == 1 and line == "</ScriptureText>":
                        status = 2
                        processed = True
                    elif status == 1 and line[0] == '<' and line.endswith(
                            '/>'):  # Handle a self-closing (empty) field
                        fieldname = line[1:-3] if line.endswith(
                            ' />') else line[
                                1:-2]  # Handle it with or without a space
                        if ' ' not in fieldname:
                            settingsDict[fieldname] = ''
                            processed = True
                        elif ' ' in fieldname:  # Some fields (like "Naming") may contain attributes
                            bits = fieldname.split(None, 1)
                            assert (len(bits) == 2)
                            fieldname = bits[0]
                            attributes = bits[1]
                            #print( "attributes = {!r}".format( attributes) )
                            settingsDict[fieldname] = (contents, attributes)
                            processed = True
                    elif status == 1 and line[0] == '<' and line[-1] == '>':
                        ix1 = line.find('>')
                        ix2 = line.find('</')
                        if ix1 != -1 and ix2 != -1 and ix2 > ix1:
                            fieldname = line[1:ix1]
                            contents = line[ix1 + 1:ix2]
                            if ' ' not in fieldname and line[
                                    ix2 + 2:-1] == fieldname:
                                settingsDict[fieldname] = contents
                                processed = True
                            elif ' ' in fieldname:  # Some fields (like "Naming") may contain attributes
                                bits = fieldname.split(None, 1)
                                assert (len(bits) == 2)
                                fieldname = bits[0]
                                attributes = bits[1]
                                #print( "attributes = {!r}".format( attributes) )
                                if line[ix2 + 2:-1] == fieldname:
                                    settingsDict[fieldname] = (contents,
                                    processed = True
                    if not processed:
                            "Unexpected {!r} line in SSF file".format(line))
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                print("  " +
                      _("Got {} SSF entries:").format(len(settingsDict)))
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3:
                    for key in sorted(settingsDict):
                        print("    {}: {}".format(key, settingsDict[key]))
            self.ssfDict = settingsDict  # We'll keep a copy of just the SSF settings
            self.settingsDict = settingsDict.copy(
            )  # This will be all the combined settings

        # end of loadSSFData

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                _("USXXMLBible: Loading {} from {}...").format(
                    self.name, self.givenFolderName))

        # Do a preliminary check on the contents of our folder
        foundFiles, foundFolders = [], []
        for something in os.listdir(self.givenFolderName):
            somepath = os.path.join(self.givenFolderName, something)
            if os.path.isdir(somepath): foundFolders.append(something)
            elif os.path.isfile(somepath): foundFiles.append(something)
                logging.error("Not sure what {!r} is in {}!".format(
                    somepath, self.givenFolderName))
        if foundFolders:
                "USXXMLBible.load: Surprised to see subfolders in {!r}: {}".
                format(self.givenFolderName, foundFolders))
        if not foundFiles:
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                    "USXXMLBible.load: Couldn't find any files in {!r}".format(
            return  # No use continuing

        if 0:  # We don't have a getSSFFilenames function
            # Attempt to load the metadata file
            ssfFilepathList = self.USXFilenamesObject.getSSFFilenames(
                searchAbove=True, auto=True)
            if len(ssfFilepathList) == 1:  # Seems we found the right one

        # Load the books one by one -- assuming that they have regular Paratext style filenames
        if 0 and BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses > 1:  # Load all the books as quickly as possible
            parameters = []
            for BBB, filename in self.USXFilenamesObject.getConfirmedFilenames(
            #print( "parameters", parameters )
            with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses
                                      ) as pool:  # start worker processes
                results = pool.map(self.loadBook,
                                   parameters)  # have the pool do our loads
                print("results", results)
                assert (len(results) == len(parameters))
                for j, UBB in enumerate(results):
                    BBB = parameters[j]
                    self.books[BBB] = UBB
                    # Make up our book name dictionaries while we're at it
                    assumedBookNames = UBB.getAssumedBookNames()
                    for assumedBookName in assumedBookNames:
                        self.BBBToNameDict[BBB] = assumedBookName
                        assumedBookNameLower = assumedBookName.lower()
                            assumedBookNameLower] = BBB  # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                            assumedBookNameLower] = BBB  # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                        if ' ' in assumedBookNameLower:
                                    ' ', ''
                                )] = BBB  # Store the deduced book name (lower case without spaces)
        else:  # Just single threaded
            for BBB, filename in self.USXFilenamesObject.getConfirmedFilenames(
                UBB = USXXMLBibleBook(self, BBB)
                UBB.load(filename, self.givenFolderName, self.encoding)
                #print( UBB )
                #self.books[BBB] = UBB
                ## Make up our book name dictionaries while we're at it
                #assumedBookNames = UBB.getAssumedBookNames()
                #for assumedBookName in assumedBookNames:
                #self.BBBToNameDict[BBB] = assumedBookName
                #assumedBookNameLower = assumedBookName.lower()
                #self.bookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                #self.combinedBookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                #if ' ' in assumedBookNameLower: self.combinedBookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower.replace(' ','')] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (lower case without spaces)

        if not self.books:  # Didn't successfully load any regularly named books -- maybe the files have weird names??? -- try to be intelligent here
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                    "USXXMLBible.load: Didn't find any regularly named USX files in {!r}"
            for thisFilename in foundFiles:
                # Look for BBB in the ID line (which should be the first line in a USX file)
                isUSX = False
                thisPath = os.path.join(self.givenFolderName, thisFilename)
                with open(
                ) as possibleUSXFile:  # Automatically closes the file when done
                    for line in possibleUSXFile:
                        if line.startswith('\\id '):
                            USXId = line[4:].strip(
                              3]  # Take the first three non-blank characters after the space after id
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                                    "Have possible USX ID {!r}".format(USXId))
                            BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromUSFM(
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                                print("BBB is {!r}".format(BBB))
                            isUSX = True
                        break  # We only look at the first line
                if isUSX:
                    UBB = USXXMLBibleBook(self, BBB)
                    UBB.load(self.givenFolderName, thisFilename, self.encoding)
                    self.books[BBB] = UBB
                    # Make up our book name dictionaries while we're at it
                    assumedBookNames = UBB.getAssumedBookNames()
                    for assumedBookName in assumedBookNames:
                        self.BBBToNameDict[BBB] = assumedBookName
                        assumedBookNameLower = assumedBookName.lower()
                            assumedBookNameLower] = BBB  # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                            assumedBookNameLower] = BBB  # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                        if ' ' in assumedBookNameLower:
                                    ' ', ''
                                )] = BBB  # Store the deduced book name (lower case without spaces)
            if self.books:
                print("USXXMLBible.load: Found {} irregularly named USX files".
Exemplo n.º 6
    def loadBooks( self ):
        Load the books.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
            print( _("USXXMLBible: Loading {} books from {}…").format( self.name, self.givenFolderName ) )

        if not self.preloadDone: self.preload()

        # Do a preliminary check on the contents of our folder
        foundFiles, foundFolders = [], []
        for something in os.listdir( self.givenFolderName ):
            somepath = os.path.join( self.givenFolderName, something )
            if os.path.isdir( somepath ): foundFolders.append( something )
            elif os.path.isfile( somepath ): foundFiles.append( something )
            else: logging.error( "Not sure what {!r} is in {}!".format( somepath, self.givenFolderName ) )
        if foundFolders: logging.info( "USXXMLBible.loadBooks: Surprised to see subfolders in {!r}: {}".format( self.givenFolderName, foundFolders ) )
        if not foundFiles:
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "USXXMLBible.loadBooks: Couldn't find any files in {!r}".format( self.givenFolderName ) )
            return # No use continuing

        #if 0: # We don't have a getSSFFilenames function
            ## Attempt to load the metadata file
            #ssfFilepathList = self.USXFilenamesObject.getSSFFilenames( searchAbove=True, auto=True )
            #if len(ssfFilepathList) == 1: # Seems we found the right one
                #PTXSettingsDict = loadPTX7ProjectData( ssfFilepathList[0] )
                #if PTXSettingsDict:
                    #if 'PTX' not in self.suppliedMetadata: self.suppliedMetadata['PTX'] = {}
                    #self.suppliedMetadata['PTX']['SSF'] = PTXSettingsDict
                    #self.applySuppliedMetadata( 'SSF' ) # Copy some to BibleObject.settingsDict

        # Load the books one by one -- assuming that they have regular Paratext style filenames
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses > 1: # Load all the books as quickly as possible
            parameters = []
            for BBB,filename in self.USXFilenamesObject.getConfirmedFilenameTuples():
                parameters.append( BBB )
            #print( "parameters", parameters )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print( _("Loading {} {} books using {} CPUs…").format( len(parameters), 'USX', BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses ) )
                print( _("  NOTE: Outputs (including error and warning messages) from loading various books may be interspersed.") )
            with multiprocessing.Pool( processes=BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses ) as pool: # start worker processes
                results = pool.map( self._loadBookMP, parameters ) # have the pool do our loads
                #print( "results", results )
                #assert len(results) == len(parameters)
                for j, UBB in enumerate( results ):
                    BBB = parameters[j]
                    #self.books[BBB] = UBB
                    self.stashBook( UBB )
                    # Make up our book name dictionaries while we're at it
                    assumedBookNames = UBB.getAssumedBookNames()
                    for assumedBookName in assumedBookNames:
                        self.BBBToNameDict[BBB] = assumedBookName
                        assumedBookNameLower = assumedBookName.lower()
                        self.bookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                        self.combinedBookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                        if ' ' in assumedBookNameLower: self.combinedBookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower.replace(' ','')] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (lower case without spaces)
        else: # Just single threaded
            #print( self.USXFilenamesObject.getConfirmedFilenameTuples() ); halt
            for BBB,filename in self.possibleFilenameDict.items():
                self.loadBook( BBB, filename ) # also saves it
                #UBB = USXXMLBibleBook( self, BBB )
                #UBB.load( filename, self.givenFolderName, self.encoding )
                #print( UBB )
                #self.stashBook( UBB )

        if not self.books: # Didn't successfully load any regularly named books -- maybe the files have weird names??? -- try to be intelligent here
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                print( "USXXMLBible.loadBooks: Didn't find any regularly named USX files in {!r}".format( self.givenFolderName ) )
            for thisFilename in foundFiles:
                # Look for BBB in the ID line (which should be the first line in a USX file)
                isUSX = False
                thisPath = os.path.join( self.givenFolderName, thisFilename )
                    with open( thisPath ) as possibleUSXFile: # Automatically closes the file when done
                        for line in possibleUSXFile:
                            if line.startswith( '\\id ' ):
                                USXId = line[4:].strip()[:3] # Take the first three non-blank characters after the space after id
                                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "Have possible USX ID {!r}".format( USXId ) )
                                BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromUSFM( USXId )
                                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "BBB is {!r}".format( BBB ) )
                                isUSX = True
                            break # We only look at the first line
                except UnicodeDecodeError: isUSX = False
                if isUSX:
                    UBB = USXXMLBibleBook( self, BBB )
                    UBB.load( self.givenFolderName, thisFilename, self.encoding )
                    print( UBB )
                    self.books[BBB] = UBB
                    # Make up our book name dictionaries while we're at it
                    assumedBookNames = UBB.getAssumedBookNames()
                    for assumedBookName in assumedBookNames:
                        self.BBBToNameDict[BBB] = assumedBookName
                        assumedBookNameLower = assumedBookName.lower()
                        self.bookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                        self.combinedBookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                        if ' ' in assumedBookNameLower: self.combinedBookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower.replace(' ','')] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (lower case without spaces)
            if self.books: print( "USXXMLBible.loadBooks: Found {} irregularly named USX files".format( len(self.books) ) )