grepcmd = " | ".join( grepcmds) + " | uniq | head -n 499 | perl -pe 's/^([^;]+?;.+?);.*/$1/'" suggestions = os.popen(grepcmd).read().decode("utf-8") if not suggestions: print "<i><small>Nothing found</small></i>" os.popen("rm -f /tmp/TM_db.busy 2&>/dev/null") # print suggestions print "<p class='res'>" cnt = 0 for i in suggestions.splitlines(): cnt += 1 c, n = i.strip().split(';') t = "" if "COMBINING" in n or "HEBREW MARK" in n or "HEBREW ACCENT" in n or "HEBREW POINT" in n or "LAO TONE" in n or "LAO VOWEL" in n or "LAO SEMIVOWEL" in n or "LAO CAN" in n or "LAO NIG" in n: t = u"<small>◌</small>" print "<span onclick='insertChar(this)' onmouseout='clearName()'; onmouseover='showName(\"U+%s : %s\")' class='char'>%s%s</span> " % ( c, n, t, wunichr(int(c.strip(), 16))) pl = "" if cnt > 1: pl = "es" if cnt > 498: print "</p><i><small>More than 500 matches found. Please narrow down.</small></i>" else: print "</p><i><small>" + str(cnt) + " match" + pl + "</small></i>" os.popen("rm -f /tmp/TM_db.busy 2&>/dev/null")
sys.exit(206) if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "No argument given!" sys.exit(206) source = sys.argv[1] if not os.path.exists(bundleLibPath + source + ".txt"): print "Source does not exist." sys.exit(206) line, x = os.environ["TM_CURRENT_LINE"], int(os.environ["TM_LINE_INDEX"]) if not x: sys.exit(200) inputleft = list(codepoints(unicode(line[:x], "UTF-8"))) tail = unicode(line[x:], "UTF-8") char = wunichr(inputleft[-1]) head = inputleft[:-1] # get the suggestion for 'char' by using grep against source.txt frel = open(bundleLibPath + source + ".txt", "rb") reldata ="UTF-8") frel.close() for part in reldata.splitlines(): if char in part: break if not part: print "Nothing found for: U+" + "%04X " % int(inputleft[-1]) + char + "." sys.exit(206) if pyversion > 250: suggestions = list(set(codepoints(part))) else:
if not (direction == 'toFull' or direction == 'toHalf'): print "Wrong argument. Only 'toFull' or 'toHalf'." sys.exit(206) text = convData = bundleLibPath +"HanZenKaku.txt", "r", "UTF-8" ) halffull = if not halffull: print "File error for HanZenKaku.txt" sys.exit(206) conv = {} for c in halffull.splitlines(): half, full = c.split('\t') if direction == 'toFull': conv[half] = full else: conv[full] = half for c in codepoints(text): try: half = conv[wunichr(c)] sys.stdout.write(half) except KeyError: sys.stdout.write(wunichr(c)) sys.exit(201)
if pat: grepcmds.append("zgrep -E '^[^;]+?;[^;]*?%s%s%s[^;]*?;' '%s%s'" % (grepopt, pat, grepopt, bundleLibPath, sourceFile)) grepcmd = " | ".join(grepcmds) + " | uniq | head -n 499 | perl -pe 's/^([^;]+?;.+?);.*/$1/'" suggestions = os.popen(grepcmd).read().decode("utf-8") if not suggestions: print "<i><small>Nothing found</small></i>" os.popen("rm -f /tmp/TM_db.busy 2&>/dev/null") # print suggestions print "<p class='res'>" cnt = 0 for i in suggestions.splitlines(): cnt += 1 c, n = i.strip().split(';') t = "" if "COMBINING" in n or "HEBREW MARK" in n or "HEBREW ACCENT" in n or "HEBREW POINT" in n or "LAO TONE" in n or "LAO VOWEL" in n or "LAO SEMIVOWEL" in n or "LAO CAN" in n or "LAO NIG" in n: t = u"<small>◌</small>" print "<span onclick='insertChar(this)' onmouseout='clearName()'; onmouseover='showName(\"U+%s : %s\")' class='char'>%s%s</span> " % (c, n, t, wunichr(int(c.strip(),16))) pl = "" if cnt > 1: pl = "es" if cnt>498: print "</p><i><small>More than 500 matches found. Please narrow down.</small></i>" else: print "</p><i><small>"+str(cnt)+" match"+pl+"</small></i>" os.popen("rm -f /tmp/TM_db.busy 2&>/dev/null")
if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "No argument given!" sys.exit(206) source = sys.argv[1] if not os.path.exists(bundleLibPath + source + ".txt"): print "Source does not exist." sys.exit(206) line, x = os.environ["TM_CURRENT_LINE"], int(os.environ["TM_LINE_INDEX"]) if not x: sys.exit(200) inputleft = list(codepoints(unicode(line[:x], "UTF-8"))) tail = unicode(line[x:], "UTF-8") char = wunichr(inputleft[-1]) head = inputleft[:-1] # get the suggestion for 'char' by using grep against source.txt frel = open(bundleLibPath + source + ".txt", "rb") reldata ="UTF-8") frel.close() for part in reldata.splitlines(): if char in part: break if not part: print "Nothing found for: U+" + "%04X " % int(inputleft[-1]) + char + "." sys.exit(206) if pyversion > 250: suggestions = list(set(codepoints(part))) else: