Exemplo n.º 1
 def repostUsers(self):
     reposts = self.reposts()
     userIds = set()
     users = []
     if reposts.length() > 0:
         from User import User
         for vision in reposts.visions():
         users = User.getByUserIds(userIds)
     return users
Exemplo n.º 2
    def toDictionary(self, options=[], user=None):
        '''To dictionary'''
        from User import User
        # get list of user ids we want to fetch
        if FollowList.Options.FOLLOW_LIST in options:
            userIds = [follow.userId() for follow in self.followList()]
        elif FollowList.Options.FOLLOWER_LIST in options:
            userIds = [follow.followerId() for follow in self.followList()]
            assert False, "Should have FOLLOW_LIST or FOLLOWER_LIST options"

        users = User.getByUserIds(userIds)
        # don't user 'user' because it is a parameter
        idToUser = dict([(u.id(), u) for u in users])

        # If we need to, fetch Follows to check if there are return follows
        # for if people in userIds follow the user passed in as a parameter
        if FollowList.Options.USER_FOLLOW in options:
            userFollows = DataApi.getUserFollowsFromList(user.model(),
            userFollowIds = [f.userId for f in userFollows]

        objList = []
        for follow in self.followList():
            if FollowList.Options.FOLLOW_LIST in options:
                u = idToUser[follow.userId()]
            elif FollowList.Options.FOLLOWER_LIST in options:
                u = idToUser[follow.followerId()]
                assert False, "Should have FOLLOW_LIST or FOLLOWER_LIST options"
            obj = u.toDictionary()

            obj[User.Key.BLESSED] = follow.blessed(user)

            if FollowList.Options.USER_FOLLOW in options:
                obj[User.Key.FOLLOW] = u.id() in userFollowIds

        return objList
Exemplo n.º 3
    def toDictionary(self, options=[], user=None):
        '''For packaging to JSON output.

        options input is list of Vision.Options when we want more information
        fetched from DB and placed into objects
        This batches up queries for pictures and comments across all the
        visions. Whenever we want to get all this data across a list of 
        visions, it is good to use VisionList.toDictionary() instead of the
        individual toDictionary() calls on objects.

        'user' parameter is only used when LIKES in provided as
        an option. If it is passed in, we also check whether this user likes
        the visions or not.
        from User import User

        retObj = []

        # Start collecting picture ids
        pictureIds = set()
        if Vision.Options.PICTURE in options:
            pictureIds = set([vision.pictureId() for vision in self.visions()])

        # Get parent users if we need them
        parentUserIds = set()
        if Vision.Options.PARENT_USER in options:
            parentVisionIds = set([vision.parentId()
                                                 for vision in self.visions()])
            parentVisions = VisionList.getByIds(parentVisionIds,
            idToParentVisions = dict([(v.id(), v)
                                             for v in parentVisions.visions()])
            parentUserIds = set([parent.userId()
                                        for parent in parentVisions.visions()])

        # Get all users (including parent users if needed)
        userIds = set([vision.userId() for vision in self.visions()])
        users = User.getByUserIds(userIds.union(parentUserIds))
        idToUser = dict([(u.id(), u) for u in users])

        # If COMMENTS, get comments
        if Vision.Options.COMMENTS in options:
            commentList = VisionCommentList.getEmptyList()
            for vision in self.visions():
                # TODO: Speed up performance of this some time!

            idToComments = {}
            for comment in commentList.comments():
                if not comment.visionId() in idToComments:
                    idToComments[comment.visionId()] = [comment]

                if Vision.Options.COMMENT_PICTURES:
                    if comment.hasPicture():
            authorIds = set([comment.authorId() 
                                        for comment in commentList.comments()])
            authors = User.getByUserIds(authorIds)
            idToAuthor = dict([(author.id(), author) for author in authors])

            # If COMMENT_LIKES
            if Vision.Options.COMMENT_LIKES in options:
                commentIds = [c.id() for c in commentList.comments()]
                tuples = DataApi.getVisionCommentListLikeCount(commentIds)
                idToCommentLikes = dict([(commentId, count)
                                                for commentId, count in tuples])
                if user:
                    commentUserLikes = DataApi.getVisionCommentIdsLikedByUser(
                                                        commentIds, user.id())

        # If LIKES, get vision likes in batch
        if Vision.Options.LIKES in options:
            visionIds = [v.id() for v in self.visions()]
            tuples = DataApi.getVisionListLikeCount(visionIds)
            idToLikes = dict([(visionId, count) for visionId, count in tuples])
            if user:
                userLikes = DataApi.getVisionIdsLikedByUser(visionIds,

        # Get pictures and hash them
        if (Vision.Options.PICTURE in options) or \
           (Vision.Options.COMMENT_PICTURES in options):
            pictures = Picture.getByIds(pictureIds)
            idToPicture = dict([(picture.id(), picture)
                                                      for picture in pictures])
            idToPicture[0] = ""

        # Now start building object list to return
        for vision in self.visions():
            obj = vision.toDictionary()
            if Vision.Options.USER in options:
                obj[Vision.Key.USER] = idToUser[vision.userId()].toDictionary()

            # If PICTURE
            if Vision.Options.PICTURE in options:
                if vision.pictureId != 0:
                    picture = idToPicture[vision.pictureId()].toDictionary()
                    obj[Vision.Key.PICTURE] = picture
            # If COMMENTS
            if Vision.Options.COMMENTS in options:
                obj[Vision.Key.COMMENTS] = []
                if vision.id() in idToComments:
                    for comment in idToComments[vision.id()]:
                        commentObj = comment.toDictionary()
                        author = idToAuthor[comment.authorId()]
                        commentObj[VisionComment.Key.AUTHOR] = author.toDictionary()
                        if Vision.Options.COMMENT_LIKES in options:
                            commentObj[VisionComment.Key.LIKE] = {
                                            if comment.id() in idToCommentLikes
                                            else 0 }
                            if user:
                                          [VisionComment.Key.USER_LIKE] = \
                                            comment.id() in commentUserLikes
                            if Vision.Options.COMMENT_PICTURES in options:
                                if comment.hasPicture() and\
                                   comment.pictureId() in idToPicture:
                                    cp = idToPicture[comment.pictureId()]
                                    commentObj[VisionComment.Key.PICTURE] =\

            # If PARENT_USER
            if Vision.Options.PARENT_USER in options:
                if not vision.isOriginalVision():
                    if vision.parentId() in idToParentVisions:
                        parentVision = idToParentVisions[vision.parentId()]
                        if parentVision.userId() in idToUser:
                            parentUser = idToUser[parentVision.userId()]
                            obj[Vision.Key.PARENT_USER] = \
            # If LIKES
            if Vision.Options.LIKES in options:
                obj[Vision.Key.LIKE] = { Vision.Key.LIKE_COUNT: 
                                         if vision.id() in idToLikes else 0 }
                if user:
                    obj[Vision.Key.LIKE][Vision.Key.USER_LIKE] = \
                                                    vision.id() in userLikes

            # finally append object to list
        return retObj