Exemplo n.º 1
    def __execCmdInFreiburg(self, cmd):
        """Execute command on Freiburg login node via SSH.

        :param cmd:
        :return: Tuple: (return_code, std_out, std_err)
        frSsh = Ssh(host=self.getConfig(self.configFreiburgServer),
        return frSsh.handleSshCall(call=cmd, quiet=True)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __execCmdInFreiburg(self, cmd):
        """Execute command on Freiburg login node via SSH.

        :param cmd:
        :return: Tuple: (return_code, std_out, std_err)
        frSsh = Ssh(host=self.getConfig(self.configFreiburgServer),
        return frSsh.handleSshCall(call=cmd, quiet=True)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __cancelFreiburgMachines(self, batchJobIds):
        """Cancel batch job (VM) in Freiburg.

        :param batchJobIds:
        :type batchJobIds: list
        :return: [idsRemoved], [idsInvalidated]
        # It is also possible to use just one single command with multiple ids, but no machine gets
        # cancelled if a single id is invalid! This can happen when the VM fails to boot due to
        # network problems.
        command = ""
        if not isinstance(batchJobIds, (list, tuple)):
            batchJobIds = [batchJobIds]
        for batchJobId in batchJobIds:
            command += "mjobctl -c %s; " % batchJobId
        result = self.__execCmdInFreiburg(command)

        # catch 0:"successful" and 1:"invalid job id" return codes
        # the return code of the first cancellation command is returned here, we can handle them
        # both to remove cancelled and invalid machines
        idsRemoved = []
        idsInvalidated = []
        if result[0] <= 1:
            Ssh.debugOutput(self.logger, "FR-terminate", result)
            idsRemoved += re.findall("\'(\d+)\'", result[1])
            idsInvalidated += re.findall("invalid job specified \((\d+)",
            if len(idsRemoved) > 0:
                self.logger.info("Terminated machines (%d): %s" %
                                 (len(idsRemoved), ", ".join(idsRemoved)))
            if len(idsInvalidated) > 0:
                    "Removed invalid machines (%d): %s" %
                    (len(idsInvalidated), ", ".join(idsInvalidated)))
            if (len(idsRemoved) + len(idsInvalidated)) == 0:
                    "A problem occurred while canceling VMs (RC: %d)\n%s" %
                    (result[0], result[2]))
                "A problem occurred while canceling VMs (RC: %d)\n%s" %
                (result[0], result[2]))
        return idsRemoved, idsInvalidated
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __cancelFreiburgMachines(self, batchJobIds):
        """Cancel batch job (VM) in Freiburg.

        :param batchJobIds:
        :type batchJobIds: list
        :return: [idsRemoved], [idsInvalidated]
        # It is also possible to use just one single command with multiple ids, but no machine gets
        # cancelled if a single id is invalid! This can happen when the VM fails to boot due to
        # network problems.
        command = ""
        if not isinstance(batchJobIds, (list, tuple)):
            batchJobIds = [batchJobIds]
        for batchJobId in batchJobIds:
            command += "mjobctl -c %s; " % batchJobId
        result = self.__execCmdInFreiburg(command)

        # catch 0:"successful" and 1:"invalid job id" return codes
        # the return code of the first cancellation command is returned here, we can handle them
        # both to remove cancelled and invalid machines
        idsRemoved = []
        idsInvalidated = []
        if result[0] <= 1:
            Ssh.debugOutput(self.logger, "FR-terminate", result)
            idsRemoved += re.findall("\'(\d+)\'", result[1])
            idsInvalidated += re.findall("invalid job specified \((\d+)", result[2])
            if len(idsRemoved) > 0:
                self.logger.info("Terminated machines (%d): %s" % (len(idsRemoved), ", ".join(idsRemoved)))
            if len(idsInvalidated) > 0:
                self.logger.warning("Removed invalid machines (%d): %s"
                                    % (len(idsInvalidated), ", ".join(idsInvalidated)))
            if (len(idsRemoved) + len(idsInvalidated)) == 0:
                self.logger.warning("A problem occurred while canceling VMs (RC: %d)\n%s" % (result[0], result[2]))
            self.logger.warning("A problem occurred while canceling VMs (RC: %d)\n%s" % (result[0], result[2]))
        return idsRemoved, idsInvalidated