Exemplo n.º 1
def get_var(id, key):
    if id is None:
        raise ValueError("Where is this coming from?")
    if id not in SERVER_CONFIGS.keys():
        Logging.info(f"Config entry requested before config was loaded for guild {id}, loading config for it")
    return SERVER_CONFIGS[id][key]
Exemplo n.º 2
 async def _terminate_raid(self, guild, dismised=False):
     guild_id = guild.id
     raid_info = self.under_raid[guild_id]
     raid_id = raid_info['ID']
     raid_info["ENDED"] = str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()))
     Logging.info(f"Lifted alarm in {guild}")
     del self.under_raid[guild_id]
     channel = self._get_mod_channel(guild_id)
     if channel is not None:
         total = len(raid_info['RAIDERS'])
         left = len(raid_info["TODO"])
         handled = total - left
         await channel.send(
             f"Raid party is over :( Guess i'm done handing out special roles (for now).\n**Summary:**\nRaid ID: {raid_info['ID']}\n{total} guests showed up for the party\n{left} are still hanging out, enjoying that oh so special role they got\n{handled} are no longer with us."
     # notify other server if we didn't dismiss it, if we did they already got notified about the false alarm
     if not dismised:
         for other_guild in self.bot.guilds:
             if other_guild != channel.guild:
                 new_channel = self.bot.get_channel(
                     Configuration.get_var(other_guild.id, f"MOD_CHANNEL"))
                 if new_channel is not None:
                     await new_channel.send(
                         f"Raid party over at {guild} has ended (raid ID {raid_id}. If you want to cross ban now would be a great time.\nFor more info on the raid: ``!raid_info pretty {raid_id}``\nFor crossbanning: ``!raid_act ban {raid_id}``"
Exemplo n.º 3
 async def _terminate_raid(self, guild, dismised=False):
     guild_id = guild.id
     raid_info = self.under_raid[guild_id]
     raid_id = raid_info['ID']
     raid_info["ENDED"] = str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()))
     Logging.info(f"Lifted alarm in {guild}")
     del self.under_raid[guild_id]
     channel = self._get_mod_channel(guild_id)
     if channel is not None:
         total = len(raid_info['RAIDERS'])
         left = len(raid_info["TODO"])
         handled = total - left
         await channel.send(
             f"No longer detecting any signs of a raid\n**Summary:**\nRaid ID: {raid_info['ID']}\n{total} raiders spotted\n{left} of them are still in the server but muted\n{handled} are no longer on this server²."
     # notify other server if we didn't dismiss it, if we did they already got notified about the false alarm
     if not dismised:
         for other_guild in self.bot.guilds:
             if other_guild != channel.guild:
                 new_channel = self.bot.get_channel(
                     Configuration.get_var(other_guild.id, f"MOD_CHANNEL"))
                 if new_channel is not None:
                     await new_channel.send(
                         f"No longer detecting any signs of a raid in {guild}\nRaid ID {raid_id}. For more info on the raid: ``!raid_info pretty {raid_id}``\nFor crossbanning: ``!raid_act ban {raid_id}``"
Exemplo n.º 4
 async def upgrade(self, ctx):
     await ctx.send(
         "<:BCWrench:344163417981976578> I'll be right back with new gears! <:woodGear:344163118089240596> <:stoneGear:344163146325295105> <:ironGear:344163170664841216> <:goldGear:344163202684289024> <:diamondGear:344163228101640192>"
     await Logging.bot_log(f"Upgrade initiated by {ctx.author.name}")
     Logging.info(f"Upgrade initiated by {ctx.author.name}")
     await ctx.invoke(self.pull)
     await ctx.invoke(self.restart)
Exemplo n.º 5
 async def sound_the(self, kind, guild):
     Logging.info(f"Anti-raid {kind} triggered for {guild.name} ({guild.id})!")
     channel = self.bot.get_channel(Configuration.get_var(guild.id, f"MOD_CHANNEL"))
     if channel is not None:
         await channel.send(Configuration.get_var(guild.id, f"RAID_{kind}_MESSAGE"))
         Logging.warn(f"Unable to sound the {kind} in {guild.name} ({guild.id})")
         await guild.owner.send(
             f"🚨 Anti-raid {kind} triggered for {guild.name} but the mod channel is misconfigured 🚨")
     if kind == "ALARM":
         for m in self.trackers[kind][guild.id]:
             await self.mute(m)
Exemplo n.º 6
def update_config(guild, config):
    v = config["VERSION"]
    while config["VERSION"] < CONFIG_VERSION:
        Logging.info(f"Upgrading config version from version {v} to {v+1}")
        d = f"config/backups/v{v}"
        if not os.path.isdir(d):
        Utils.save_to_disk(f"{d}/{guild}", config)
        config = MIGRATORS[config["VERSION"] - 1](config)
        config["VERSION"] += 1
        Utils.save_to_disk(f"config/{guild}", config)

    return config
Exemplo n.º 7
def load_config(guild):
    config = Utils.fetch_from_disk(f'config/{guild}')
    if "VERSION" not in config and len(config) < 15:
        Logging.info(f"The config for {guild} is to old to migrate, resetting")
        config = dict()
        if "VERSION" not in config:
            config["VERSION"] = 0
        SERVER_CONFIGS[guild] = update_config(guild, config)
    if len(config) is 0:
        Logging.info(f"No config available for {guild}, creating a blank one.")
        SERVER_CONFIGS[guild] = Utils.fetch_from_disk("config/template")
Exemplo n.º 8
    async def _sound_the_alarm(self, guild):
        Logging.info(f"Sounding the alarm for {guild} ({guild.id})!")
        guild_id = guild.id

        # apply alarm, grab id later reference
        raid_id = self.last_raid = self.last_raid + 1
        with open("raids/counter", "w") as file:
            now = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())
        self.under_raid[guild_id] = {
            "ID": raid_id,
            "GUILD": guild_id,
            "RAIDERS": {},
            "MESSAGE": None,
            "TODO": [],
            "LAST_JOIN": now,
            "DETECTED": str(now),
            "ENDED": "NOT YET"

        channel = self.bot.get_channel(
            Configuration.get_var(guild_id, f"MOD_CHANNEL"))
        if channel is not None:
            await channel.send(
                Configuration.get_var(guild_id, f"RAID_ALARM_MESSAGE"))

                f"Unable to sound the alarm in {guild.name} ({guild_id})")
            await guild.owner.send(
                f"🚨 Anti-raid alarm triggered for {guild.name} but the mod channel is misconfigured, please use ``!status`` somewhere in that server to get the raid status 🚨"

        # deal with current raiders
        for raider in self.trackers[guild.id]:
            await self._handle_raider(raider)


        # server has the tools the need to deal with it, notify other servers
        for other_guild in self.bot.guilds:
            if other_guild is not guild:
                channel = self.bot.get_channel(
                    Configuration.get_var(other_guild.id, f"MOD_CHANNEL"))
                if channel is not None:
                    await channel.send(
                        f"⚠ Heads up: {guild} is being raided (raid ID: {raid_id}! They might try to raid this server as well. Spoiler alert: They'll fail"
Exemplo n.º 9
async def on_ready():
    global STARTED
    if not STARTED:
        await Logging.onReady(bot,
        await Configuration.on_ready(bot)

        for e in ["Maintenance", "Moderation", "BadNames"]:
                bot.load_extension("Cogs." + e)
            except Exception as ex:
                Logging.error(f"Failed to load cog {e}")
                await handle_exception(f"Loading cog {e}", ex)
        Logging.info("Cogs loaded")
        await Logging.bot_log("Outboard engine running at full speed!")
        STARTED = True
Exemplo n.º 10
 async def track_for(self, kind, member):
     guild = member.guild
     tracker = self.trackers[kind]
     if guild.id not in tracker:
         tracker[guild.id] = set()
     amount = Configuration.get_var(guild.id, f"RAID_{kind}_AMOUNT")
     if len(tracker[guild.id]) >= amount:
         if guild.id not in self.active[kind]:
             await self.sound_the(kind, guild)
         if kind == "ALARM":
             await self.mute(member)
     await asyncio.sleep(Configuration.get_var(guild.id, f"RAID_{kind}_TIMEFRAME"))
     if len(tracker[guild.id]) < amount and guild.id in self.active[kind]:
         Logging.info(f"{kind} lifted for {guild.name}")
         channel = self.bot.get_channel(Configuration.get_var(guild.id, f"MOD_CHANNEL"))
         if channel is not None:
             await channel.send(f"{kind} has been lifted")
Exemplo n.º 11
async def on_ready(bot: commands.Bot):
    CONFIG_VERSION = Utils.fetch_from_disk("config/template")["VERSION"]
    Logging.info(f"Current template config version: {CONFIG_VERSION}")
    Logging.info(f"Loading configurations for {len(bot.guilds)} guilds.")
    for guild in bot.guilds:
        Logging.info(f"Loading info for {guild.name} ({guild.id}).")
Exemplo n.º 12
async def on_guild_join(guild: discord.Guild):
    Logging.info(f"A new guild came up: {guild.name} ({guild.id}).")
Exemplo n.º 13
import datetime
import sys
import time
import traceback

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

from Util import Logging, Configuration, Utils

# Initialize logging
Logging.info("Outboard initializing")

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!", case_insensitive=True)

async def on_ready():
    global STARTED
    if not STARTED:
        await Logging.onReady(bot,
        await Configuration.on_ready(bot)

        for e in ["Maintenance", "Moderation", "BadNames"]:
                bot.load_extension("Cogs." + e)
            except Exception as ex:
                Logging.error(f"Failed to load cog {e}")