Exemplo n.º 1
	def dense_uniformcut(self, particle_col,selected_intervals): 
		if particle_col.particles: 
			particle_col.particles = sorted(particle_col.particles,key=operator.attrgetter(self.GEO))
			particles = []
			intervals = selected_intervals
			#intervals = np.linspace(self.MIN,self.MAX,self.MAXBEATS)
			for i in intervals:
				method = getattr(particle_col, 'get' + self.GEO)() 
				if len(method) > 0: 
					index = find_nearest(method,i)
					particle_col.particles = np.delete(particle_col.particles,index)
			return particles 
Exemplo n.º 2
	def sparse_uniformcut(self, particle_col): 
		if particle_col.particles: 
			# first, sort the particles in the collection by eta coordinate
			particle_col.particles = sorted(particle_col.particles,key=operator.attrgetter(self.GEO))
			#create a record which specifies which beats the particles will play at
			record = np.array([HACK]*(self.MAXBEATS))
			#create even geometric intervals that each beach will correspond to
			intervals = np.linspace(self.MIN,self.MAX,self.MAXBEATS)
			#for each particle or physics object in the collection...
			for p_idx, p in enumerate(particle_col.particles): 
				#find the closest interval that the geometric coordinate of the particle corresponds to 
				index = find_nearest(intervals,getattr(p, self.GEO))
				while HACK in record:
					new_order = filter(lambda a: a!=HACK,record)
 					if record[index] == HACK: 
 						record[index] = p_idx
					#set the next indices to check if the previous was occupied 
 						available = np.where(record == HACK)[0]
						closest_available_index = available[find_nearest(available,index)]
						record[closest_available_index] = p_idx
			#even though we intend to sort particles by eta, the above clustering could cause some particles to flip. 
			#therefore, we use the new order below 
			new_order = filter(lambda a: a!=HACK,record)
			particle_col.particles = [particle_col.particles[i] for i in new_order]
			return particle_col.particles, record