def analyzeDevelBuild(self, name): """ Expects build in the current directory """ # create build directory in the current directory cwd = os.getcwd() if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (cwd, 'build')): return {} try: os.mkdir("build", 0755); except OSError as error: return {} os.chdir('build') runCommand('rpm2cpio ../%s | cpio -idmv' % name) # scan builds using native golang parser package_xml = ProjectToXml("", "%s/%s" % (os.getcwd(), 'usr/share/gocode/src/'), self.latest_build) os.chdir(cwd) try: shutil.rmtree("build") except OSError as error: return {} return { "xmlobj": package_xml }
def test(self): # Parse spec file self.sp_obj = SpecParser(self.spec) if not self.sp_obj.parse(): self.err = self.sp_obj.getError() return False # Parse sources file if self.sources != "": self.src_obj = Sources(self.sources) if not self.src_obj.parse(): self.err = self.src_obj.getError() return False # Inspect tarball self.prj_obj = ProjectInfo(noGodeps = self.noGodeps) # create a temp directory dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # extract tarball to the directory so, se, rc = runCommand("tar -xf %s --directory=%s" % (self.archive, dir)) if rc != 0: self.err = se return False so, se, rc = runCommand("ls %s" % dir) if rc != 0: self.err = "Unable to archive's extracted folder" return False so = so.split('\n')[0] if not self.prj_obj.retrieve("%s/%s" % (dir, so), skip_errors = True): self.err = self.prj_obj.getError() return False shutil.rmtree(dir) tests = [] # test package name tests.append(self.testPackageName) # test commit tests.append(self.testCommit) # test import path macros tests.append(self.testImportPathMacros) # test provider, provider_tld, ... tests.append(self.testRepositoryMacros) # test source0 macro tests.append(self.testSpecFileSource) # test devel subpackage tests.append(self.testDevel) for test in tests: if not test(): self.printTResult(self.t_result) elif self.verbose: self.printTResult(self.t_result) return True
def parse(self): f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) cmd_str = "curl > %s" runCommand(cmd_str % (self.package, self.package, self.sp_obj = SpecParser( if not self.sp_obj.parse(): self.err = self.sp_obj.getError() f.close() return False f.close() return True
def getTarball(self, importpath, commit): """ Search for a tarball in tarball directory. If it does not exist, download the tarball. TODO: Create a DirectoryStorage on top of TarballStorage? 1) extract the archive to 2) rename its directory to TARBALLSIGNATURE_DIR 3) return TARBALLSIGNATURE_DIR """ # tarball directory must exist if not os.path.exists(self.tarball_directory): self.err = "Tarball directory %s does not exist" % self.tarball_directory return "" ri = RepositoryInfo(importpath, commit) if not ri.retrieve(): self.err = ri.getError() return "" # tarball exists? tarball_path = "%s/%s" % (self.tarball_directory, ri.getSignature()) if not os.path.exists(tarball_path): ai = ri.getArchiveInfo() if self.verbose: print "Downloading %s ..." % ai.archive_url # download tarball so, se, rc = runCommand("wget -nv %s --no-check-certificate -O %s" % (ai.archive_url, tarball_path)) if rc != 0: print "Unable to download tarball:\n%s" % (se) return "" return tarball_path
def packageInPkgdb(pkg): _, _, rt = runCommand("git ls-remote" + pkg + ".git/") if rt == 0: return True return False
def getSpecLines(self, spec): """ Get interpreted content of spec file """ stdout, stderr, rt = runCommand('rpmspec -P %s' % spec) if rt != 0: self.err = stderr return [] return stdout.split('\n')
def getGoSymbols(self, path, imports_only=False): script_dir = getScriptDir() + "/.." options = "" if imports_only: options = "-imports" so, se, rc = runCommand("%s/parseGo %s %s" % (script_dir, options, path)) if rc != 0: return (1, se) return (0, so)
def run(self): so, se, rc = runCommand("koji taskinfo %s" % self.task_id) if rc != 0: self.err = "Unable to get taskinfo for %s branch's %s task: %s" % (branch, task_id, se) return state_lines = filter(lambda l: l.startswith("State"), so.split("\n")) state = state_lines[0].split(" ")[1] if state == "closed": self.state = True
def compareNVRs(nvr1, nvr2): so, se, rc = runCommand("rpmdev-vercmp %s %s" % (nvr1, nvr2)) if rc != 0: # if the command is not working => nvr1 < nvr2 return 1; so = so.split("\n")[0] if "<" in so: return -1 elif ">" in so: return 1 return 0
def downloadBuilds(self, tag = 'rawhide'): """ Download all builds in the currect directory """ self.latest_build = self.getLatestBuilds(tag) if self.latest_build == "": return False so, se, rc = runCommand("koji download-build %s" % self.latest_build) if rc != 0: return False return True
def runFedpkgScratchBuild(self, srpm): """ Run 'fedpkg scratch-build --nowait --srpm=SRPM' """ if self.debug == True: print "Running 'fedpkg scratch-build --nowait --srpm=SRPM'" if self.dry == True: so = "Created task: 1" se = "" rc = 0 return so, se, rc else: return runCommand("fedpkg scratch-build --nowait --srpm=%s" % srpm)
def runFedpkgBuild(self): """ Run 'fedpkg build --nowait' """ if self.debug == True: print "Running 'fedpkg build --nowait'" if self.dry == True: so = "Created task: 1" se = "" rc = 0 return so, se, rc else: return runCommand("fedpkg build --nowait")
def runGitPull(self): """ Run 'git pull'. It returns so, se, rc triple. """ if self.debug == True: print "Running 'git pull'" if self.dry == True: so = "" se = "" rc = 0 return so, se, rc else: return runCommand("git pull")
def runFedpkgPush(self): """ Run 'fedpkg push'. It returns so, se, rc triple. """ if self.debug == True: print "Running 'fedpkg push'" if self.dry == True: so = "" se = "" rc = 0 return so, se, rc else: return runCommand("fedpkg push")
def runFedpkgSwitchBranch(self, branch): """ Run 'fedpkg switch-branch'. It returns so, se, rc triple. """ if self.debug == True: print "Running 'fedpkg switch-branch'" if self.dry == True: so = "" se = "" rc = 0 return so, se, rc else: return runCommand("fedpkg switch-branch %s" % branch)
def runFedpkgCherryPick(self, branch): """ Run 'git cherry-pick BRANCH'. It returns so, se, rc triple. """ if self.debug == True: print "Running 'git cherry-pick BRANCH'" if self.dry == True: so = "" se = "" rc = 0 return so, se, rc else: return runCommand("git cherry-pick %s" % branch)
def runGitCherryPick(self, commit="master"): """ Run 'git cherry-pick COMMIT'. It returns so, se, rc triple. """ if self.debug == True: print "Running 'git cherry-pick %s'" % commit if self.dry == True: so = "" se = "" rc = 0 return so, se, rc else: return runCommand("git cherry-pick %s" % commit)
def runGitReset(self, branch): """ Run 'git reset --hard remotes/origin/BRANCH'. It returns so, se, rc triple. """ if self.debug == True: print "Running 'git reset --hard remotes/origin/%s'" % branch if self.dry == True: so = "" se = "" rc = 0 return so, se, rc else: return runCommand("git reset --hard remotes/origin/%s" % branch)
def runGitMerge(self, branch): """ Run 'git merge BRANCH'. It returns so, se, rc triple. """ if self.debug == True: print "Running 'git merge %s'" % branch if self.dry == True: so = "" se = "" rc = 0 return so, se, rc else: return runCommand("git merge %s" % branch)
def runFedpkgSrpm(self): """ Run 'fedpkg srpm'. It returns so, se, rc triple. """ if self.debug == True: print "Running 'fedpkg srpm'" if self.dry == True: so = "Wrote: gofed-test-0.6.2-0.3.git89088df.fc20.src.rpm" se = "" rc = 0 return so, se, rc else: return runCommand("fedpkg srpm")
def getPackagesFromPkgDb(): so, _, rc = runCommand("koji search --regex package '^golang-'") if rc != 0: return [] pkgs = [] for line in so.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if line == "": continue line = line.strip() pkgs.append(line) return pkgs
def runKojiWaitOverride(self, branch, name): """ Run 'koji wait-repo TAG --build=BUILD'. It returns so, se, rc triple. """ build = "%s.%s" % (name, BranchMapper().branch2tag(branch)) build_tag = BranchMapper().branch2build(branch) if self.debug == True: print "Running 'koji wait-repo %s --build=%s'" % (build_tag, build) if self.dry == True: so = "" se = "" rc = 0 return so, se, rc else: return runCommand("koji wait-repo %s --build=%s" % (build_tag, build))
def runKojiWaitOverride(self, branch, name): """ Run 'koji wait-repo TAG --build=BUILD'. It returns so, se, rc triple. """ build = "%s.%s" % (name, branch2tag[branch]) build_tag = branch2build[branch] if self.debug == True: print "Running 'koji wait-repo %s --build=%s'" % (build_tag, build) if self.dry == True: so = "" se = "" rc = 0 return so, se, rc else: return runCommand("koji wait-repo %s --build=%s" % (build_tag, build))
def analyzeBuilds(self): """ For each build return its import paths and provides, which are computed from source codes, not from quering a build. """ builds = {} so, _, _ = runCommand("ls") for line in so.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if line == '': continue # from N-V-R get name parts = line.split('-') if len(parts) < 3: continue name = "-".join(parts[:-2]) # all devel packages should end with devel sufix if name.endswith('devel'): info = self.analyzeDevelBuild(line) if info != {}: builds[name] = info # but some does not have to # 1) must be binary free or not? Maybe scripts are allowed? # 2) must contain at least one package different from # example*, main else: info = self.analyzeDevelBuild(line) if info == {} or "xmlobj" not in info: continue if self.isBuildMinimalDevel(info["xmlobj"]): builds[name] = info else: self.other_builds.append(name) return builds
def runBodhiOverride(self, branch, name): """ Run 'bodhi --buildroot-override=BUILD for TAG --duration=DURATION --notes=NOTES'. It returns so, se, rc triple. """ build = "%s.%s" % (name, BranchMapper().branch2tag(branch)) long_tag = BranchMapper().branch2buildCandidate(branch) build_tag = BranchMapper().branch2build(branch) if self.debug == True: print "Running 'bodhi --buildroot-override=%s for %s --duration=20 --notes='temp non-stable dependecy waiting for stable''" % (build, long_tag) if self.dry == True: so = "" se = "" rc = 0 return so, se, rc else: return runCommand("bodhi --buildroot-override=%s for %s --duration=20 --notes='temp non-stable dependecy waiting for stable'" % (build, long_tag))
def getDirectory(self, importpath, commit): tarball =, commit) if tarball == "": return "" tarball_dir = "%s_dir" % tarball # extract tarball if not already if not os.path.exists(tarball_dir): # let's suppose all tarballs are tar.gz # tar xf archive.tar -C /target/directory --strip-components=1 os.mkdir(tarball_dir) so, se, rc = runCommand("tar -xf %s -C %s --strip-components=1" % (tarball, tarball_dir)) if rc != 0 or se != "": self.err = "Unable to extract tarball" print "Unable to extract tarball: %s" % se shutil.rmtree(tarball_dir) return "" return tarball_dir
def runBodhiOverride(self, branch, name): """ Run 'bodhi --buildroot-override=BUILD for TAG --duration=DURATION --notes=NOTES'. It returns so, se, rc triple. """ build = "%s.%s" % (name, branch2tag[branch]) long_tag = branch2bc[branch] build_tag = branch2build[branch] if self.debug == True: print "Running 'bodhi --buildroot-override=%s for %s --duration=20 --notes='temp non-stable dependecy waiting for stable''" % (build, long_tag) if self.dry == True: so = "" se = "" rc = 0 return so, se, rc else: return runCommand("bodhi --buildroot-override=%s for %s --duration=20 --notes='temp non-stable dependecy waiting for stable'" % (build, long_tag))
def fetchLatestBuilds(self, tag="rawhide"): pkgs = self.loadPackages() outdated = {} so, se, rc = runCommand("koji -q latest-build %s %s" % (tag, " ".join(pkgs))) if rc != 0: print se return {} for line in so.split("\n"): line = line.strip() if line == "": continue nvr = re.sub(r'[ \t]+', ' ', line).split(' ')[0] parts = nvr.split("-") pkg = "-".join(parts[0:-2]) outdated[pkg] = nvr return outdated
def runGitLog(self, depth): """ Run 'git log --pretty=format:"%%H" -n DEPTH'. It returns so, se, rc triple. """ if self.debug == True: print "Running 'git log --pretty=format:\"%%H\" -n %s'" % depth if self.dry == True: so = """4e604fecc22b498e0d46854ee4bfccdfc1932b12 c46cdd60710b184f834b54cff80502027b66c5e0 6170e22ecb5923bbd22a311f172fcf59c5f16c08 0fc92e675c90e7b9e1eaba0c4837093b9b365317 21cf1880e696fd7047f8b0f5605ffa72dde6c504 8025678aab1c404aecdd6d7e5b3afaf9942ef6c6 6ed91011294946fd7ca6e6382b9686e12deda9be ec0ebc48684bccbd4793b83edf14c59076edb1eb adf728db9355a86332e17436a78f54a769e194be""" se = "" rc = 0 return so, se, rc else: return runCommand("git log --pretty=format:\"%%H\" -n %s" % depth)
def getRepoCommits(path, repo, pull=True): # path does not exists? create one runCommand("mkdir -p %s" % path) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir('/'.join(path.split('/')[:-1])) logs = "" # git or hg? if len(repo) < 4 or repo[-4:] != '.git': runCommand("hg clone %s" % repo) repo_dir = repo.split('/')[-1] os.chdir(repo_dir) if pull: runCommand("hg pull") logs, se, rc = runCommand( 'hg log --template "{date|hgdate} {node}\n" | cut -d" " -f1,3 | sed "s/ /:/g"' ) else: runCommand("git clone %s" % repo) repo_dir = repo.split('/')[-1][:-4] os.chdir(repo_dir) if pull: runCommand('git pull') logs, se, rc = runCommand('git log --pretty=format:"%ct:%H"') commits = {} for line in logs.split('\n'): line = line.strip().split(':') if len(line) != 2: continue # timestamp:commit commits[line[1]] = line[0] os.chdir(cwd) return commits
def getLatestBuilds(self, tag='rawhide'): so, _, rc = runCommand("koji -q latest-build %s %s" % (tag, self.pkg_name)) if rc != 0: return '' return re.sub(r'[ \t]+', ' ', so.strip()).split(' ')[0]
def run(self): runCommand("koji watch-task %s --quiet" % self.task_id)
def checkBuild(self, task_id): so, se, rc = runCommand("koji taskinfo -rv %s" % task_id) if rc != 0: self.err = "Unable to get taskinfo for task: %s" % (task_id, se) return {} build_data = so info = {} keys = {} items = [info] for line in build_data.split("\n"): parts = line.split(":", 1) if len(parts) > 1: if parts[1] == "": del(parts[1]) if len(parts) > 0: # next item in a list if parts[0] == "": del(items[1:]) if "items" not in items[-1]: items[-1]["items"] = [{}] else: items[-1]["items"].append({}) items.append(items[-1]["items"][-1]) continue # process single item indent ="[^ ]", parts[0]).start() key_level = indent / 2 if len(items) > key_level + 1: del(items[key_level + 1:]) key = parts[0].strip() if len(parts) == 2: items[-1][key] = parts[1].strip() else: items[-1][key] = {} items.append(items[-1][key]) # Atm, I am interested in status of each child build on a given architecture status = {} status["State"] = info["State"] status["Items"] = [] for item in info["items"]: if not item: continue # skip the SRPM if "Build Arch" not in item["Request Parameters"]: continue status["Items"].append({"State": item["State"], "BuildArch": item["Request Parameters"]["Build Arch"]}) return status
def getLatestBuilds(self, tag = 'rawhide'): so, _, rc = runCommand("koji -q latest-build %s %s" % (tag, self.pkg_name)) if rc != 0: return '' return re.sub(r'[ \t]+', ' ', so.strip()).split(' ')[0]
def checkBuild(self, task_id): so, se, rc = runCommand("koji taskinfo -rv %s" % task_id) if rc != 0: self.err = "Unable to get taskinfo for task: %s" % (task_id, se) return {} build_data = so info = {} keys = {} items = [info] for line in build_data.split("\n"): parts = line.split(":", 1) if len(parts) > 1: if parts[1] == "": del (parts[1]) if len(parts) > 0: # next item in a list if parts[0] == "": del (items[1:]) if "items" not in items[-1]: items[-1]["items"] = [{}] else: items[-1]["items"].append({}) items.append(items[-1]["items"][-1]) continue # process single item indent ="[^ ]", parts[0]).start() key_level = indent / 2 if len(items) > key_level + 1: del (items[key_level + 1:]) key = parts[0].strip() if len(parts) == 2: items[-1][key] = parts[1].strip() else: items[-1][key] = {} items.append(items[-1][key]) # Atm, I am interested in status of each child build on a given architecture status = {} status["State"] = info["State"] status["Items"] = [] for item in info["items"]: if not item: continue # skip the SRPM if "Build Arch" not in item["Request Parameters"]: continue status["Items"].append({ "State": item["State"], "BuildArch": item["Request Parameters"]["Build Arch"] }) return status
def test(self, source_code_directory = ""): # Parse spec file self.sp_obj = SpecParser(self.spec) if not self.sp_obj.parse(): self.err = self.sp_obj.getError() return False # Parse sources file if self.sources != "": self.src_obj = Sources(self.sources) if not self.src_obj.parse(): self.err = self.src_obj.getError() return False if source_code_directory == "": # create a temp directory dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # extract tarball to the directory so, se, rc = runCommand("tar -xf %s --directory=%s" % (self.archive, dir)) if rc != 0: self.err = se return False so, se, rc = runCommand("ls %s" % dir) if rc != 0: self.err = "Unable to archive's extracted folder" return False sc_directory = "%s/%s" % (dir, so.split('\n')[0]) else: sc_directory = source_code_directory data = { "type": "user_directory", "resource": path.abspath(sc_directory), #"directories_to_skip": self.noGodeps, "ipprefix": "." } try: data = ActFactory().bake("go-code-inspection").call(data) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) exit(1) # TODO(jchaloup) catch exceptions, at least ValueError self.prj_info.construct(data[ARTEFACT_GOLANG_PROJECT_PACKAGES]) if source_code_directory == "": shutil.rmtree(dir) tests = [] # test package name tests.append(self.testPackageName) # test commit tests.append(self.testCommit) # test import path macros tests.append(self.testImportPathMacros) # test provider, provider_tld, ... tests.append(self.testRepositoryMacros) # test source0 macro tests.append(self.testSpecFileSource) # test devel subpackage tests.append(self.testDevel) for test in tests: if not test(): self.printTResult(self.t_result) elif self.verbose: self.printTResult(self.t_result) return True