Exemplo n.º 1
    def __setupStage(self):
        """ Create all objects within the database with defaults """
        self.executionDetails = TestExecutionDetails.create(
            testSuiteName = self.testSuiteName,
            executionName = self.executionName, #TODO: make me!
            scmidentifier = 'N/A',
            shortFilterDesc = self.shortFilterDesc,
            testPackDescriptor = self.packFilterDesc,
            startTime = time.time(),
            endTime = -1,
            duration = -1,
            envservExecutionModeName = 'automated', # FIXME: read from config
            hostNetAddress = Network.getIPAddressByInterface(),
            hostMacAddress = Network.getMacAddress(),
            tasVersion = os.environ['TAS_VERSION'])

        if not hasattr(self, 'source'):
            raise Exception("SQLLiteLogger: Source object has not been set")

        for group in self.source.groups:
            for test in group.tests:

                testDetails = TestDetails.get_or_create(
                    testId = str(test.testId),
                    module = str(test.testFile),
                    testName = test.combineClassMethod(),
                    invalid = test.invalid,
                    manualInspection = test.manualInspection,
                    docstrings = "\n".join(test.docstrings),
                    timeout = test.testTimeout)

                testState = TestStates.filter(sequenceId = test.state.index).get()
                testResults = TestResults.create(
                    testDetailsRef = testDetails,
                    executed = False,
                    invalid = test.invalid,
                    result = testState,
                    error = test.error,
                    startTime = -1,
                    duration = -1,
                    manualInspection = test.manualInspection,
                    testExecutionDetailsRef = self.executionDetails,
                    peerRef = None,
                    iterationId = None)


Exemplo n.º 2
    def gatherTests(self):
        """ Discover all tests from all sources """
        tests, content = [], {}
        execution = ConfigurationManager().getConfiguration('execution').configuration

        if execution.scripts.enabled == 'true':
            if not os.path.exists(execution.scripts.PCDATA):
                raise Exception('Invalid configuration. Executions scripts do not exist')
            content['tools'] = execution.scripts.PCDATA

        if len(self.__testCreators) == 0:
            raise Exception('No enabled test creators found')

        for creator in self.__testCreators:
            newTests = creator.createTests()
            if len(newTests) == 0:
                raise Exception('%s provided no tests!' % creator.__class__.__name__)

            tests += newTests
            content[creator.execScriptName] = creator.execScriptLocation
            content[creator.srcName] = creator.srcLocation

        testIds = []
        for test in tests:
            if test.testId not in testIds: continue
            raise Exception('Duplicate test ID %s' % test.testId)
        if len(tests) == 0: raise Exception('No tests found!')
        del testIds

        defGroup = Group(self.DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME,
            self.DEFAULT_GROUP_DESC, tests)
        source = Source(self.DEFAULT_LOCATION, defGroup)

        descBuffer = StringIO()
        for testFilter in self.__testFilters:
            source = testFilter.filterTests(source)
        desc = descBuffer.getvalue()
        testSuiteName = "FIXME" # TODO: where does this come from?
        dateTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
        macAddress = Network.getMacAddress()
        executionName = "%s_%s_%s" % (testSuiteName, dateTime, macAddress)
        self.__packDetails = (testSuiteName, str(desc),
            self.__getShortFilterDesc(), executionName, dateTime)

        return source, desc