Exemplo n.º 1
def demo():
    Demonstrate how some of the above classes can be used.
    from VerseReferences import SimpleVerseKey

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(ProgNameVersion)

    testRefs = (
        ('GEN', '1', '1'),
        ('JER', '33', '3'),
        ('MAL', '4', '6'),
        ('MAT', '1', '1'),
        ('JHN', '3', '16'),
        ('JDE', '1', '14'),
        ('REV', '22', '21'),

    if 1:  # Test the GenericOnlineBible class
        dbpBible1 = GenericOnlineBible()
        for testRef in testRefs:
            verseKey = SimpleVerseKey(*testRef)
            dbpBible1.cacheVerse(verseKey, [f"Verse text for {verseKey}"])
            print(f"  Cache length: {len(dbpBible1.cache)}")
            print(" ", dbpBible1.getCachedVerseDataList(verseKey))
        # Now test the GenericOnlineBible class caching
        for testRef in testRefs:
            verseKey = SimpleVerseKey(*testRef)
            print(verseKey, "cached")
            print(" ", dbpBible1.getCachedVerseDataList(verseKey))
Exemplo n.º 2
def demo():
    Main program to handle command line parameters and then run what they want.
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(ProgNameVersion)

    fileFolder = "../../../ExternalPrograms/morphgnt/sblgnt/"

    # Demonstrate the Greek NT class
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
        print("\nDemonstrating the Greek NT class…")
    testReference = SimpleVerseKey('MAT', '1', '1')
    #print( testFolder, testReference )
    gNT = GreekNT(fileFolder)  # Load and process the XML
    #gNT.analyzeWords() # File and sort the Greek words for later use
    print(gNT)  # Just print a summary
    print(testReference, gNT.getVerseDataList(testReference))

    for testReference in SimpleVerseKey('MAT', '28', '1'), SimpleVerseKey(
            'MRK', '2', '2'), SimpleVerseKey('REV', '21', '21'):
        verseText = gNT.getVerseText(testReference)
        print(testReference, verseText)
def demo():
    Main program to handle command line parameters and then run what they want.
    from VerseReferences import SimpleVerseKey

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print( ProgNameVersion )

    # Demo the BibleReferencesLinks object
    brl = BibleReferencesLinks().loadData() # Doesn't reload the XML unnecessarily :)
    print( brl ) # Just print a summary

    testKeys = ( 'MAT_1:23', 'MAT_3:12', 'MRK_7:7', 'ACT_7:8', 'ISA_7:14', )

    print( "\nTest full passage list…" )
    for verseReferenceString in testKeys:
        svk = SimpleVerseKey( verseReferenceString )
        print( svk.getShortText() )
        #print( svk, brl.getFullRelatedPassagesList( svk ) )
        relatedPassageList = brl.getFullRelatedPassagesList( svk )
        if relatedPassageList:
            for relatedPassage in relatedPassageList:
                #print( ' ', relatedPassage )
                sourceReference,sourceComponent,parsedSourceReference,actualLinksList = relatedPassage
                print( ' ', sourceReference )
                for actualLink in actualLinksList:
                    #print( '    ', actualLink )
                    targetReference,targetComponent,parsedTargetReference,linkType = actualLink
                    print( '    ', linkType, targetReference )

    print( "\nTest passage list…" )
    for verseReferenceString in testKeys:
        svk = SimpleVerseKey( verseReferenceString )
        print( svk.getVerseKeyText(), brl.getRelatedPassagesList( svk ) )
Exemplo n.º 4
    def updateGenericGlossingReferences( self ):
        Go through the entire WLC and check for words that we already have a gloss for
            and update the reference fields.
        from VerseReferences import SimpleVerseKey
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print( _("Updating references for WLC generic glosses…") )

        numRefsAdded = 0
        for BBB,bookObject in self.books.items(): # These don't seem to be in order!
            # The following few lines show a way to iterate through all verses
            #   (assuming all chapters are full of verses -- not sure how it handles bridged verses)
            C = V = 1
            #print( BBB )
            while True:
                currentVerseKey = SimpleVerseKey( BBB, C, V )
                try: verseDataList, context = self.getContextVerseData( currentVerseKey )
                except KeyError:
                    C, V = C+1, 1
                    currentVerseKey = SimpleVerseKey( BBB, C, V )
                    try: verseDataList, context = self.getContextVerseData( currentVerseKey )
                    except KeyError: break # start next book
                #print( "context", context )
                #print( "verseDataList", verseDataList )
                for verseDataEntry in verseDataList:
                    #print( "verseDataEntry", verseDataEntry )
                    assert isinstance( verseDataEntry, InternalBibleEntry )
                    marker, cleanText, extras = verseDataEntry.getMarker(), verseDataEntry.getCleanText(), verseDataEntry.getExtras()
                    adjustedText, originalText = verseDataEntry.getAdjustedText(), verseDataEntry.getOriginalText()
                    if marker in ('v~','p~'):
                        verseDictList = self.getVerseDictList( verseDataEntry, currentVerseKey )
                        #print( currentVerseKey.getShortText(), "verseDictList", verseDictList )
                        for j,verseDict in enumerate( verseDictList ): # each verseDict represents one word or token
                            fullRefTuple = (BBB,str(C),str(V),str(j+1))
                            #print( fullRefTuple, verseDict )
                            word = verseDict['word']
                            normalizedHebrewWord =  self.removeCantillationMarks( word, removeMetegOrSiluq=True ) \
                                        .replace( ORIGINAL_MORPHEME_BREAK_CHAR, OUR_MORPHEME_BREAK_CHAR )
                            #print( '  ', len(word), repr(word), len(normalizedHebrewWord), repr(normalizedHebrewWord) )
                            genericGloss,genericReferencesList,specificReferencesDict = self.glossingDict[normalizedHebrewWord] \
                                                    if normalizedHebrewWord in self.glossingDict else ('',[],{})
                            #if genericGloss: print( fullRefTuple, repr(genericGloss) )
                            if genericGloss and genericGloss not in '־׃ספ-' and fullRefTuple not in genericReferencesList:
                                #print( "  Adding {}".format( fullRefTuple ) )
                                self.addNewGenericGlossingReference( normalizedHebrewWord, fullRefTuple )
                                numRefsAdded += 1
                V = V + 1
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
            print( "  {} new references added ({} words in dict)".format( numRefsAdded, len(self.glossingDict) ) )
Exemplo n.º 5
def mapParallelVerseKey( forGroupCode, mainVerseKey ):
    Returns the verse key for synoptic references in the NT, etc.

    Returns None if we don't have a mapping.
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
        print( exp("mapParallelVerseKey( {}, {} )").format( forGroupCode, mainVerseKey.getShortText() ) )
    groupIndex = BIBLE_GROUP_CODES.index( forGroupCode ) - 1
    parallelVerseKeyDict = {
        SimpleVerseKey('MAT','3','13'): (SimpleVerseKey('MRK','1','9'), SimpleVerseKey('LUK','3','21'), SimpleVerseKey('JHN','1','31') )
    if mainVerseKey in parallelVerseKeyDict:
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
            print( '  returning {}'.format( parallelVerseKeyDict[mainVerseKey][groupIndex].getShortText() ) )
        return parallelVerseKeyDict[mainVerseKey][groupIndex]
Exemplo n.º 6
def mapReferenceVerseKey( mainVerseKey ):
    Returns the verse key for OT references in the NT (and vv), etc.

    Returns None if we don't have a mapping.
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
        print( exp("mapReferenceVerseKey( {} )").format( mainVerseKey.getShortText() ) )

    # A (temporary) dictionary containing NT references to OT
        SimpleVerseKey('MAT','2','18'): SimpleVerseKey('JER','31','15'),
        SimpleVerseKey('MAT','3','3'): SimpleVerseKey('ISA','40','3'),

    if mainVerseKey in REFERENCE_VERSE_KEY_DICT:
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
            print( '  returning {}'.format( REFERENCE_VERSE_KEY_DICT[mainVerseKey].getShortText() ) )
        return REFERENCE_VERSE_KEY_DICT[mainVerseKey]
Exemplo n.º 7
def demo():
    Demonstrate how some of the above classes can be used.
    if Globals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(ProgNameVersion)

    if 1:  # Test the DBPBibles class
        dbpBibles = DBPBibles()
        #if 0:
        #for someName in dbpBibles.volumeNameList:
        #if 'English' in someName: print( "English:", someName, dbpBibles.volumeNameList[someName] )
        print("English search", dbpBibles.searchNames("English"))
        print("MS search", dbpBibles.searchNames("Salug"))

    if 1:  # Test the DBPBible class
        dbpBible1 = DBPBible("ENGESV")
        for verseKey in (
                SimpleVerseKey('GEN', '1', '1'),
                SimpleVerseKey('MAT', '1', '1'),
                SimpleVerseKey('JHN', '3', '16'),

    if 1:  # Test the DBPBible class
        dbpBible2 = DBPBible("MBTWBT")
        for verseKey in (
                SimpleVerseKey('MAT', '1', '1'),
                SimpleVerseKey('JHN', '3', '16'),
Exemplo n.º 8
    def updateShownBCV(self, newReferenceVerseKey, originator=None):
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
                "BibleReferenceCollectionWindow.updateShownBCV( {}, {} ) for".
                format(newReferenceVerseKey, originator), self.moduleID)
            assert isinstance(newReferenceVerseKey, SimpleVerseKey)

        refBBB, refC, refV, refS = newReferenceVerseKey.getBCVS()
        BBB, C, V, S = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.convertFromReferenceVersification(
            refBBB, refC, refV, refS)
        newVerseKey = SimpleVerseKey(BBB, C, V, S)

Exemplo n.º 9
def demo():
    Main program to handle command line parameters and then run what they want.
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(ProgNameVersion)

    from VerseReferences import SimpleVerseKey

    # Demonstrate the Hebrew WLC class
    #testFile = "../morphhb/wlc/Ruth.xml" # Hebrew Ruth
    testFile = "../morphhb/wlc/Dan.xml"  # Hebrew Daniel
    testReference = ('DAN', '1', '5')
    testKey = SimpleVerseKey(testReference[0], testReference[1],
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
        print("\nDemonstrating the Hebrew WLC class...")
    #print( testFile, testReference )
    wlc = HebrewWLC(testFile)
    wlc.load()  # Load and process the XML
    print(wlc)  # Just print a summary

    verseText = wlc.getVerseText(testKey)
    wlc.currentText = verseText
    print("These all display left-to-right in the terminal unfortunately  :-(")
    verseText = wlc.removeMorphemeBreaks()
    verseText = wlc.removeCantillationMarks()
    consonantalVerseText = wlc.removeVowelPointing()
Exemplo n.º 10
    def updateShownReferences(self, newReferenceObject):
        Updates self in various ways depending on the contextViewMode held by the enclosing window.

        The new verse references are in the reference versification system in one of these objects:
            SimpleVerseKey (accepts 'GEN_1:1' or 'GEN','1','1')
            SimpleVersesKey (accepts 'MAT_6:1,4')
            VerseRangeKey (accepts 'JNA_2:1-7')

        Leaves the textbox in the disabled state.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
                "BibleReferenceBox.updateShownReferences( {} ) for {}".format(
                    newReferenceObject, self.internalBible.getAName()))
            assert isinstance(
                newReferenceObject, SimpleVerseKey) or isinstance(
                    newReferenceObject, SimpleVersesKey) or isinstance(
                        newReferenceObject, VerseRangeKey)

        for j, referenceVerse in enumerate(newReferenceObject):
            #print( "  refVerse", j, referenceVerse )
            assert isinstance(referenceVerse, SimpleVerseKey)

            refBBB, refC, refV, refS = referenceVerse.getBCVS()
            BBB, C, V, S = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.convertFromReferenceVersification(
                refBBB, refC, refV, refS)
            newVerseKey = SimpleVerseKey(BBB, C, V, S)
            #print( "       newVK", newVerseKey )

            # Set firstFlag as False (rather than j==0) so don't get context displayed

        self.textBox.configure(state=tk.DISABLED)  # Don't allow editing
Exemplo n.º 11
def demo():
    Main program to handle command line parameters and then run what they want.
    from VerseReferences import SimpleVerseKey

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print(ProgNameVersion)

    # Demo the BibleReferencesLinks object
    brl = BibleReferencesLinks().loadData(
    )  # Doesn't reload the XML unnecessarily :)
    print(brl)  # Just print a summary

    testKeys = (

    print("\nTest full passage list...")
    for verseReferenceString in testKeys:
        svk = SimpleVerseKey(verseReferenceString)
        #print( svk, brl.getFullRelatedPassagesList( svk ) )
        relatedPassageList = brl.getFullRelatedPassagesList(svk)
        if relatedPassageList:
            for relatedPassage in relatedPassageList:
                #print( ' ', relatedPassage )
                sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference, actualLinksList = relatedPassage
                print(' ', sourceReference)
                for actualLink in actualLinksList:
                    #print( '    ', actualLink )
                    targetReference, targetComponent, parsedTargetReference, linkType = actualLink
                    print('    ', linkType, targetReference)

    print("\nTest passage list...")
    for verseReferenceString in testKeys:
        svk = SimpleVerseKey(verseReferenceString)
        print(svk.getVerseKeyText(), brl.getRelatedPassagesList(svk))
Exemplo n.º 12
def findCurrentSection( currentVerseKey, getNumChapters, getNumVerses, getVerseData ):
    Given the current verseKey
        and functions to find the number of chapters and verses in the book
        and a function to get verse data (probably cached),
            find the beginning and end of the current section.

    Returns the verseKey for the start of the section
        and for the end of the section -- well actually the start of the next section.

    If no sections are found, it goes a maximum of one chapter back or one chapter forward.
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
        print( exp("findCurrentSection( {}, … )").format( currentVerseKey.getShortText() ) )

    def sectionFoundIn( verseData ):
        Given some verse data (a string or an InternalBibleEntryList
            returns True or False whether a section heading is found in it
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
            print( exp("sectionFoundIn( {!r} )").format( verseData ) )

        if verseData is None: return False

        elif isinstance( verseData, str ):
            #print( "  It's a string!" )
            if '\\s ' in thisVerseData or '\\s1' in thisVerseData \
            or '\\s2' in thisVerseData or '\\s3' in thisVerseData:
                return True

        elif isinstance( verseData, tuple ):
            #print( "  It's an InternalBibleEntryList!" )
            assert len(verseData) == 2
            verseDataList, context = verseData
            #print( '   dataList', repr(verseDataList) )
            #print( '    context', repr(context) )
            for verseDataEntry in verseDataList:
                if isinstance( verseDataEntry, InternalBibleEntry ):
                    marker, cleanText = verseDataEntry.getMarker(), verseDataEntry.getCleanText()
                elif isinstance( verseDataEntry, tuple ):
                    marker, cleanText = verseDataEntry[0], verseDataEntry[3]
                elif isinstance( verseDataEntry, str ):
                    if verseDataEntry=='': continue
                    verseDataEntry += '\n'
                    if verseDataEntry[0]=='\\':
                        marker = ''
                        for char in verseDataEntry[1:]:
                            if char!='¬' and not char.isalnum(): break
                            marker += char
                        cleanText = verseDataEntry[len(marker)+1:].lstrip()
                        marker, cleanText = None, verseDataEntry
                elif BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: halt
                if marker in ( 's','s1','s2','s3','s4' ): return True

            print( 'Ooops', repr(verseData) )
            print( verseData.__type__ )
            halt # Programming error

        return False
    # end of sectionFoundIn

    # Start of main section of findCurrentSection
    BBB, C, V = currentVerseKey.getBCV()
    intC, intV = currentVerseKey.getChapterNumberInt(), currentVerseKey.getVerseNumberInt()
    #print( 'fCS at', BBB, C, intC, V, intV )

    # First let's find the beginning of the section
    #  which could be in the current verse/chapter,
    #   or in the previous chapter (at most we assume)
    #print( 'fCS finding start…' )
    firstC = max( intC-1, 0 )
    found = False
    for thisC in reversed( range( firstC, intC+1 ) ): # Look backwards
        numVerses = getNumVerses( BBB, thisC )
        startV, endV = 0, numVerses
        if thisC == intC: endV = min( intV, numVerses )
        for thisV in reversed( range( startV, endV+1 ) ):
            thisVerseKey = SimpleVerseKey( BBB, thisC, thisV )
            thisVerseData = getVerseData( thisVerseKey )
            if debuggingThisModule: ( ' ', thisC, thisV, repr(thisVerseData) )
            if sectionFoundIn( thisVerseData ):
                found = thisC, thisV; break
        if found: break
    if not found: found = firstC, 0
    startKey = SimpleVerseKey( BBB, found[0], found[1] )

    # Now let's find the end of the section
    #  which could be in the current chapter, or in the next chapter (at most we assume)
    #print( 'fCS finding end…' )
    lastC = min( intC+1, getNumChapters( BBB ) )
    found = False
    for thisC in range( intC, lastC+1 ):
        numVerses = getNumVerses( BBB, thisC )
        startV, endV = 0, numVerses
        if thisC == intC: startV = min( intV+1, numVerses )
        for thisV in range( startV, endV+1 ):
            thisVerseKey = SimpleVerseKey( BBB, thisC, thisV )
            thisVerseData = getVerseData( thisVerseKey )
            if debuggingThisModule: ( ' ', thisC, thisV, repr(thisVerseData) )
            if sectionFoundIn( thisVerseData ):
                found = thisC, thisV; break
        if found: break
    if not found: found = lastC, numVerses
    endKey = SimpleVerseKey( BBB, found[0], found[1] )
    #print( "fCS returning", startKey.getShortText(), endKey.getShortText() )
    return startKey, endKey
Exemplo n.º 13
def demo():
    Demonstrate how some of the above classes can be used.
    from VerseReferences import SimpleVerseKey

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
        print(ProgNameVersion, end='\n\n')

    if 1:  # Test the DCSBibles class
        dcsBibles = DCSBibles()
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
            print(dcsBibles, end='\n\n')
        #dcsBibles.load() # takes a minute
        #print( dcsBibles )

        if 1:
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                print("Bible list ({}):".format(len(dcsBibles.BibleList)))
            for j, BibleDict in enumerate(dcsBibles.BibleList):
                ownerName = BibleDict['owner']['full_name']
                if not ownerName: ownerName = BibleDict['owner']['username']
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                        f"  Entry {j:3} '{BibleDict['name']}'  '{ownerName}'")

    testRefs = (
        ('GEN', '1', '1'),
        ('GEN', '2', '2'),
        ('JER', '33', '3'),
        ('MAL', '4', '6'),
        ('MAT', '1', '1'),
        ('JHN', '3', '16'),
        ('JDE', '1', '14'),
        ('REV', '22', '21'),

    if 1:  # Test the DCSBible class with the ULT
        downloadAllBooks = True
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print()
        searchResult = dcsBibles.searchRepos('unfoldingWord', 'en_ult')
        #print( 'searchResult', searchResult )
        if searchResult and isinstance(searchResult, dict):
            dcsBible1 = DCSBible(searchResult,
            except FileNotFoundError:
                assert downloadAllBooks == False
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print(dcsBible1, end='\n\n')
            for testRef in testRefs:
                verseKey = SimpleVerseKey(*testRef)
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                    print(" ", dcsBible1.getVerseDataList(verseKey))
        elif BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
            print(f"Unexpected search result: {searchResult}")

    if 1:  # Test the DCSBible class with the UST
        downloadAllBooks = False
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print()
        searchResult = dcsBibles.searchRepos('unfoldingWord', 'en_ust')
        #print( 'searchResult', searchResult )
        if searchResult and isinstance(searchResult, dict):
            dcsBible1 = DCSBible(searchResult,
            except FileNotFoundError:
                assert downloadAllBooks == False
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print(dcsBible1, end='\n\n')
            for testRef in testRefs:
                verseKey = SimpleVerseKey(*testRef)
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                    print(" ", dcsBible1.getVerseDataList(verseKey))
        elif BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
            print(f"Unexpected search result: {searchResult}")
Exemplo n.º 14
    def importDataToPython(self):
        Loads (and pivots) the data (not including the header) into suitable Python containers to use in a Python program.
        (Of course, you can just use the elementTree in self._XMLtree if you prefer.)
        def makeList(parameter1, parameter2):
            Returns a list containing all parameters. Parameter1 may already be a list.
            if isinstance(parameter1, list):
                #assert( parameter2 not in parameter1 )
                return parameter1
                return [parameter1, parameter2]

        # end of makeList

        assert (self._XMLtree)
        if self.__DataList:  # We've already done an import/restructuring -- no need to repeat it
            return self.__DataList, self.__DataDict

        # We'll create a number of dictionaries with different elements as the key
        rawRefLinkList = []
        actualLinkCount = 0
        for element in self._XMLtree:
            #print( BibleOrgSysGlobals.elementStr( element ) )

            # Get these first for helpful error messages
            sourceReference = element.find('sourceReference').text
            sourceComponent = element.find('sourceComponent').text
            assert (sourceComponent in (

            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText(element, sourceReference, 'kls1')
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes(element, sourceReference,
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sourceReference, 'so20')

            actualRawLinksList = []
            for subelement in element:
                #print( BibleOrgSysGlobals.elementStr( subelement ) )
                if subelement.tag in (
                ):  # already processed these
                        subelement, sourceReference, 'ls12')
                        subelement, sourceReference, 'ks02')
                                                      sourceReference, 'sqw1')

                elif subelement.tag == 'BibleReferenceLink':
                                                      sourceReference, 'haw9')
                        subelement, sourceReference, 'hs19')
                                                      sourceReference, 'jsd9')

                    targetReference = subelement.find('targetReference').text
                    targetComponent = subelement.find('targetComponent').text
                    assert (targetComponent in (
                    linkType = subelement.find('linkType').text
                    assert (linkType in (

                    actualLinkCount += 1


        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
            print("  {} raw links loaded (with {} actual raw link entries)".
                  format(len(rawRefLinkList), actualLinkCount))

        myRefLinkList = []
        actualLinkCount = 0
        BOS = BibleOrganizationalSystem("GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG")

        for j, (sourceReference, sourceComponent,
                actualRawLinksList) in enumerate(rawRefLinkList):
            # Just do some testing first
            if sourceComponent == 'Verse':
                x = SimpleVerseKey(sourceReference)
                flag = False
                    x = SimpleVerseKey(sourceReference, ignoreParseErrors=True)
                    flag = True
                except TypeError:
                    pass  # This should happen coz it should fail the SVK
                if flag:
                    logging.error("{} {!r} failed!".format(
                        sourceComponent, sourceReference))
                    raise TypeError
            # Now do the actual parsing
            parsedSourceReference = FlexibleVersesKey(sourceReference)
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
                print(j, sourceComponent, sourceReference,
                #assert( parsedSourceReference.getShortText().replace(' ','_') == sourceReference )
            actualLinksList = []
            for k, (targetReference, targetComponent,
                    linkType) in enumerate(actualRawLinksList):
                # Just do some testing first
                if targetComponent == 'Verse':
                    x = SimpleVerseKey(targetReference)
                    flag = False
                        x = SimpleVerseKey(targetReference,
                        flag = True
                    except TypeError:
                        pass  # This should happen coz it should fail the SVK
                    if flag:
                        logging.error("{} {!r} failed!".format(
                            targetComponent, targetReference))
                        raise TypeError
                # Now do the actual parsing
                    parsedTargetReference = FlexibleVersesKey(targetReference)
                except TypeError:
                        "  Temporarily ignored {!r} (TypeError from FlexibleVersesKey)"
                    parsedTargetReference = None
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
                    print(' ', targetComponent, targetReference,
                    #assert( parsedTargetReference.getShortText().replace(' ','_',1) == targetReference )

                actualLinkCount += 1


        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
            print("  {} links processed (with {} actual link entries)".format(
                len(rawRefLinkList), actualLinkCount))
        #print( myRefLinkList ); halt
        self.__DataList = myRefLinkList

        # Now put it into my dictionaries for easy access
        # This part should be customized or added to for however you need to process the data

        # Create a link dictionary (by verse key)
        myRefLinkDict = {}
        for sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference, actualLinksList in myRefLinkList:
            #print( sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference )
            #print( sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference, actualLinksList )
            for verseRef in parsedSourceReference.getIncludedVerses():
                #print( verseRef )
                assert (isinstance(verseRef, SimpleVerseKey))
                if verseRef not in myRefLinkDict: myRefLinkDict[verseRef] = []
            #print( myRefLinkDict ); halt
        originalLinks = len(myRefLinkDict)
            "  {} verse links added to dictionary (includes filling out spans)"
        #print( myRefLinkDict ); halt

        # Create a reversed link dictionary (by verse key)
        for sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference, actualLinksList in myRefLinkList:
            #print( sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference )
            #print( sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference, actualLinksList )
            for targetReference, targetComponent, parsedTargetReference, linkType in actualLinksList:
                if parsedTargetReference is not None:
                    for verseRef in parsedTargetReference.getIncludedVerses():
                        #print( verseRef )
                        assert (isinstance(verseRef, SimpleVerseKey))
                        if linkType == 'TSK': reverseLinkType = 'TSKQuoted'
                        elif linkType == 'QuotedOTReference':
                            reverseLinkType = 'OTReferenceQuoted'
                        elif linkType == 'AlludedOTReference':
                            reverseLinkType = 'OTReferenceAlluded'
                        elif linkType == 'PossibleOTReference':
                            reverseLinkType = 'OTReferencePossible'
                            halt  # Have a new linkType!
                        if verseRef not in myRefLinkDict:
                            myRefLinkDict[verseRef] = []
                            (targetReference, targetComponent,
                             parsedTargetReference, [
                                 (sourceReference, sourceComponent,
                                  parsedSourceReference, reverseLinkType)
            #print( myRefLinkDict ); halt
        totalLinks = len(myRefLinkDict)
        reverseLinks = totalLinks - originalLinks
        print("  {} reverse links added to dictionary to give {} total".format(
            reverseLinks, totalLinks))
        #print( myRefLinkDict ); halt

        self.__DataDict = myRefLinkDict

        # Let's find the most number of references for a verse
        mostReferences = totalReferences = 0
        for verseRef, entryList in self.__DataDict.items():
            numRefs = len(entryList)
            if numRefs > mostReferences:
                mostReferences, mostVerseRef = numRefs, verseRef
            totalReferences += numRefs
        print("  {} maximum links for any one reference ({})".format(
            mostReferences, mostVerseRef.getShortText()))
        print("  {} total links for all references".format(totalReferences))

        return self.__DataList, self.__DataDict
Exemplo n.º 15
def demo():
    Demonstrate how some of the above classes can be used.
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(ProgNameVersion)

    if 1:  # Test the DBPBibles class
        dbpBibles = DBPBibles()
        #dbpBibles.load() # takes a minute
        #print( dbpBibles )

        if 0:
            print("\nLanguage list ({}):".format(len(dbpBibles.languageList)))
            for j, lgDict in enumerate(dbpBibles.languageList):
                print('Lg', j, repr(lgDict))

        if 0:
            print("\nVersion list ({}):".format(len(dbpBibles.versionList)))
            for j, verDict in enumerate(dbpBibles.versionList):
                print('Ver', j, repr(verDict))

        if 0:
            print("\nVolume list ({}):".format(len(dbpBibles.volumeList)))
            for j, volDict in enumerate(dbpBibles.volumeList):
                print(' ', j, repr(volDict))
            print("393", dbpBibles.volumeList[393])
            print("394", dbpBibles.volumeList[394])
            print("395", dbpBibles.volumeList[395])

        if 0:
            print("\nVolume name dict ({}):".format(
            for j, someName in enumerate(dbpBibles.volumeNameDict):
                #if 'English' in someName:
                #print( "English:", repr(someName), repr(dbpBibles.volumeNameDict[someName]) )
                print(j, repr(someName),
                #if 'English' in someName:
                #print( "  English:", repr(someName), repr(dbpBibles.volumeNameDict[someName]) )
            print("English search", dbpBibles.searchNames("English"))
            print("MS search", dbpBibles.searchNames("Salug"))

        if 1:
            print("\nEnglish volume name dict ({}):".format(
            for j, someName in enumerate(dbpBibles.EnglishVolumeNameDict):
                #if 'English' in someName:
                #print( "English:", repr(someName), repr(dbpBibles.EnglishVolumeNameDict[someName]) )
                print("  {}/ {!r} {!r}".format(
                    j, someName, dbpBibles.EnglishVolumeNameDict[someName]))
                #if 'English' in someName:
                #print( "  English:", repr(someName), repr(dbpBibles.EnglishVolumeNameDict[someName]) )

    testRefs = (
        ('GEN', '1', '1'),
        ('JER', '33', '3'),
        ('MAL', '4', '6'),
        ('MAT', '1', '1'),
        ('JHN', '3', '16'),
        ('JDE', '1', '14'),
        ('REV', '22', '21'),

    if 1:  # Test the DBPBible class with the ESV
        dbpBible1 = DBPBible("ENGESV")
        for testRef in testRefs:
            verseKey = SimpleVerseKey(*testRef)
            print(" ", dbpBible1.getVerseData(verseKey))
        # Now test the DBPBible class caching
        for testRef in testRefs:
            verseKey = SimpleVerseKey(*testRef)
            print(verseKey, "cached")
            print(" ", dbpBible1.getVerseData(verseKey))

    if 1:  # Test the DBPBible class with the MS
        dbpBible2 = DBPBible("MBTWBT")
        for testRef in testRefs:
            verseKey = SimpleVerseKey(*testRef)
            print(" ", dbpBible2.getVerseData(verseKey))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__( self, parentWindow, parentApp, internalBible, referenceObject ):
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: print( exp("BibleReferenceBox.__init__( {}, {}, {}, {} )").format( parentWindow, parentApp, internalBible.name, referenceObject ) )
        self.parentWindow, self.parentApp, self.internalBible, self.referenceObject = parentWindow, parentApp, internalBible, referenceObject
        #self.parentApp = self.parentWindow.parentApp
        Frame.__init__( self, parentWindow )
        BibleBox.__init__( self, self.parentApp )

        # Set some dummy values required soon
        self._viewRadioVar, self._groupRadioVar = tk.IntVar(), tk.StringVar()
        self.groupCode = BIBLE_GROUP_CODES[0] # Put into first/default BCV group
        self.contextViewMode = DEFAULT
        self.viewMode = DEFAULT
        self.currentVerseKey = SimpleVerseKey( 'UNK','1','1' ) # Unknown book

        if self.contextViewMode == DEFAULT:
            self.contextViewMode = 'ByVerse'
            self.parentWindow.viewVersesBefore, self.parentWindow.viewVersesAfter = 2, 6

        # Create a title bar
        titleBar = Frame( self )
        Button( titleBar, text=_('Close'), command=self.doClose ).pack( side=tk.RIGHT )
        ## Try to get the title width somewhere near correct (if moduleID is a long path)
        #adjModuleID = moduleID
        #self.update() # so we can get the geometry
        #width = parseWindowSize( self.parentWindow.geometry() )[0] - 60 # Allow for above button
        #if len(adjModuleID)*10 > width: # Note: this doesn't adjust if the window size is changed
            #print( "BRB here1", len(adjModuleID), width, repr(adjModuleID) )
            #x = len(adjModuleID)*100/width # not perfect (too small) for narrow windows
            #adjModuleID = '…' + adjModuleID[int(x):]
            #print( "BRB here2", len(adjModuleID), x, repr(adjModuleID) )
        #titleText = '{} ({})'.format( adjModuleID, boxType.replace( 'BibleReferenceBox', '' ) )
        titleText = self.referenceObject.getShortText()
        self.titleLabel = tk.Label( titleBar, text=titleText )
        self.titleLabel.pack( side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X )
        titleBar.pack( side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X )

        # Create a scroll bar to fill the right-hand side of the window
        self.vScrollbar = Scrollbar( self )
        self.vScrollbar.pack( side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y )

        self.textBox = tk.Text( self, height=4, yscrollcommand=self.vScrollbar.set )
        self.textBox['wrap'] = 'word'
        self.textBox.pack( expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.X ) # Full width
        self.vScrollbar.config( command=self.textBox.yview ) # link the scrollbar to the text box
        self.textBox.bind( "<Button-1>", self.setFocus ) # So disabled text box can still do select and copy functions

        # Set-up our standard Bible styles
        for USFMKey, styleDict in self.parentApp.stylesheet.getTKStyles().items():
            self.textBox.tag_configure( USFMKey, **styleDict ) # Create the style
        # Add our extra specialised styles
        self.textBox.tag_configure( 'contextHeader', background='pink', font='helvetica 6 bold' )
        self.textBox.tag_configure( 'context', background='pink', font='helvetica 6' )

        self.pack( expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.BOTH ) # Pack the frame

        # Set-up our Bible system and our callables
        self.BibleOrganisationalSystem = BibleOrganizationalSystem( "GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG" ) # temp
        self.getNumChapters = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getNumChapters
        self.getNumVerses = lambda b,c: 99 if c=='0' or c==0 else self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getNumVerses( b, c )
        self.isValidBCVRef = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.isValidBCVRef
        self.getFirstBookCode = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getFirstBookCode
        self.getPreviousBookCode = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getPreviousBookCode
        self.getNextBookCode = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getNextBookCode
        self.getBBB = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getBBB
        self.getBookName = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getBookName
        self.getBookList = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getBookList
        self.maxChapters, self.maxVerses = 150, 150 # temp

        self.verseCache = OrderedDict()

        self.updateShownReferences( self.referenceObject )
Exemplo n.º 17
class BibleReferenceBox( Frame, BibleBox ):
    def __init__( self, parentWindow, parentApp, internalBible, referenceObject ):
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: print( exp("BibleReferenceBox.__init__( {}, {}, {}, {} )").format( parentWindow, parentApp, internalBible.name, referenceObject ) )
        self.parentWindow, self.parentApp, self.internalBible, self.referenceObject = parentWindow, parentApp, internalBible, referenceObject
        #self.parentApp = self.parentWindow.parentApp
        Frame.__init__( self, parentWindow )
        BibleBox.__init__( self, self.parentApp )

        # Set some dummy values required soon
        self._viewRadioVar, self._groupRadioVar = tk.IntVar(), tk.StringVar()
        self.groupCode = BIBLE_GROUP_CODES[0] # Put into first/default BCV group
        self.contextViewMode = DEFAULT
        self.viewMode = DEFAULT
        self.currentVerseKey = SimpleVerseKey( 'UNK','1','1' ) # Unknown book

        if self.contextViewMode == DEFAULT:
            self.contextViewMode = 'ByVerse'
            self.parentWindow.viewVersesBefore, self.parentWindow.viewVersesAfter = 2, 6

        # Create a title bar
        titleBar = Frame( self )
        Button( titleBar, text=_('Close'), command=self.doClose ).pack( side=tk.RIGHT )
        ## Try to get the title width somewhere near correct (if moduleID is a long path)
        #adjModuleID = moduleID
        #self.update() # so we can get the geometry
        #width = parseWindowSize( self.parentWindow.geometry() )[0] - 60 # Allow for above button
        #if len(adjModuleID)*10 > width: # Note: this doesn't adjust if the window size is changed
            #print( "BRB here1", len(adjModuleID), width, repr(adjModuleID) )
            #x = len(adjModuleID)*100/width # not perfect (too small) for narrow windows
            #adjModuleID = '…' + adjModuleID[int(x):]
            #print( "BRB here2", len(adjModuleID), x, repr(adjModuleID) )
        #titleText = '{} ({})'.format( adjModuleID, boxType.replace( 'BibleReferenceBox', '' ) )
        titleText = self.referenceObject.getShortText()
        self.titleLabel = tk.Label( titleBar, text=titleText )
        self.titleLabel.pack( side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X )
        titleBar.pack( side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X )

        # Create a scroll bar to fill the right-hand side of the window
        self.vScrollbar = Scrollbar( self )
        self.vScrollbar.pack( side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y )

        self.textBox = tk.Text( self, height=4, yscrollcommand=self.vScrollbar.set )
        self.textBox['wrap'] = 'word'
        self.textBox.pack( expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.X ) # Full width
        self.vScrollbar.config( command=self.textBox.yview ) # link the scrollbar to the text box
        self.textBox.bind( "<Button-1>", self.setFocus ) # So disabled text box can still do select and copy functions

        # Set-up our standard Bible styles
        for USFMKey, styleDict in self.parentApp.stylesheet.getTKStyles().items():
            self.textBox.tag_configure( USFMKey, **styleDict ) # Create the style
        # Add our extra specialised styles
        self.textBox.tag_configure( 'contextHeader', background='pink', font='helvetica 6 bold' )
        self.textBox.tag_configure( 'context', background='pink', font='helvetica 6' )

        self.pack( expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.BOTH ) # Pack the frame

        # Set-up our Bible system and our callables
        self.BibleOrganisationalSystem = BibleOrganizationalSystem( "GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG" ) # temp
        self.getNumChapters = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getNumChapters
        self.getNumVerses = lambda b,c: 99 if c=='0' or c==0 else self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getNumVerses( b, c )
        self.isValidBCVRef = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.isValidBCVRef
        self.getFirstBookCode = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getFirstBookCode
        self.getPreviousBookCode = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getPreviousBookCode
        self.getNextBookCode = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getNextBookCode
        self.getBBB = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getBBB
        self.getBookName = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getBookName
        self.getBookList = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getBookList
        self.maxChapters, self.maxVerses = 150, 150 # temp

        self.verseCache = OrderedDict()

        self.updateShownReferences( self.referenceObject )
    # end of BibleReferenceBox.__init__

    def createStandardKeyboardBindings( self ):
        Create keyboard bindings for this widget.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
            print( exp("BibleReferenceBox.createStandardKeyboardBindings()") )
        for name,command in ( ('SelectAll',self.doSelectAll), ('Copy',self.doCopy),
                             ('Find',self.doFind), ('Refind',self.doRefind),
                             ('Info',self.doShowInfo), ('Close',self.doClose) ):
            self.createStandardKeyboardBinding( name, command )
    # end of BibleReferenceBox.createStandardKeyboardBindings()

    def xxxgotoBCV( self, BBB, C, V ):

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: print( exp("BibleReferenceBox.gotoBCV( {} {}:{} from {} )").format( BBB, C, V, self.currentVerseKey ) )
        # We really need to convert versification systems here
        adjBBB, adjC, adjV, adjS = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.convertToReferenceVersification( BBB, C, V )
        self.parentWindow.gotoGroupBCV( self.groupCode, adjBBB, adjC, adjV ) # then the App will update me by calling updateShownBCV
    # end of BibleReferenceBox.gotoBCV

    def getContextVerseData( self, verseKey ):
        Fetches and returns the internal Bible data for the given reference.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
            print( exp("BibleReferenceBox.getContextVerseData( {} )").format( verseKey ) )
        if self.internalBible is not None:
            try: return self.internalBible.getContextVerseData( verseKey )
            except KeyError:
                logging.critical( exp("BibleReferenceBox.getContextVerseData for {} {} got a KeyError!") \
                                                                .format( self.boxType, verseKey ) )
    # end of BibleReferenceBox.getContextVerseData

    def XXXgetSwordVerseKey( self, verseKey ):
            #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule: print( exp("getSwordVerseKey( {} )").format( verseKey ) )
            BBB, C, V = verseKey.getBCV()
            return self.parentApp.SwordInterface.makeKey( BBB, C, V )
    # end of BibleReferenceBox.getSwordVerseKey

    def getCachedVerseData( self, verseKey ):
        Checks to see if the requested verse is in our cache,
            otherwise calls getContextVerseData (from the superclass) to fetch it.

        The cache keeps the newest or most recently used entries at the end.
        When it gets too large, it drops the first entry.
        #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule: print( exp("getCachedVerseData( {} )").format( verseKey ) )
        verseKeyHash = verseKey.makeHash()
        if verseKeyHash in self.verseCache:
            #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule: print( "  " + exp("Retrieved from BibleReferenceBox cache") )
            self.verseCache.move_to_end( verseKeyHash )
            #print( "   returning", self.verseCache[verseKeyHash][0] )
            return self.verseCache[verseKeyHash]
        verseContextData = self.getContextVerseData( verseKey )
        self.verseCache[verseKeyHash] = verseContextData
        if len(self.verseCache) > MAX_CACHED_VERSES:
            #print( "Removing oldest cached entry", len(self.verseCache) )
            self.verseCache.popitem( last=False )
        return verseContextData
    # end of BibleReferenceBox.getCachedVerseData

    def XXXXgetBeforeAndAfterBibleData( self, newVerseKey ):
        Returns the requested verse, the previous verse, and the next n verses.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
            print( exp("BibleReferenceBox.getBeforeAndAfterBibleData( {} )").format( newVerseKey ) )
            assert( isinstance( newVerseKey, SimpleVerseKey ) )

        BBB, C, V = newVerseKey.getBCV()
        intC, intV = newVerseKey.getChapterNumberInt(), newVerseKey.getVerseNumberInt()

        prevBBB, prevIntC, prevIntV = BBB, intC, intV
        previousVersesData = []
        for n in range( -self.parentWindow.viewVersesBefore, 0 ):
            failed = False
            #print( "  getBeforeAndAfterBibleData here with", n, prevIntC, prevIntV )
            if prevIntV > 0: prevIntV -= 1
            elif prevIntC > 0:
                prevIntC -= 1
                try: prevIntV = self.getNumVerses( prevBBB, prevIntC )
                except KeyError:
                    if prevIntC != 0: # we can expect an error for chapter zero
                        logging.critical( exp("getBeforeAndAfterBibleData failed at"), prevBBB, prevIntC )
                    failed = True
                #if not failed:
                    #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: print( " Went back to previous chapter", prevIntC, prevIntV, "from", BBB, C, V )
                prevBBB = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getPreviousBookCode( BBB )
                if prevBBB is None: failed = True
                    prevIntC = self.getNumChapters( prevBBB )
                    prevIntV = self.getNumVerses( prevBBB, prevIntC )
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: print( " Went back to previous book", prevBBB, prevIntC, prevIntV, "from", BBB, C, V )
            if not failed and prevIntV is not None:
                #print( "getBeforeAndAfterBibleData XXX", repr(prevBBB), repr(prevIntC), repr(prevIntV) )
                assert( prevBBB and isinstance(prevBBB, str) )
                previousVerseKey = SimpleVerseKey( prevBBB, prevIntC, prevIntV )
                previousVerseData = self.getCachedVerseData( previousVerseKey )
                if previousVerseData: previousVersesData.insert( 0, (previousVerseKey,previousVerseData,) ) # Put verses in backwards

        # Determine the next valid verse numbers
        nextBBB, nextIntC, nextIntV = BBB, intC, intV
        nextVersesData = []
        for n in range( 0, self.parentWindow.viewVersesAfter ):
            try: numVerses = self.getNumVerses( nextBBB, nextIntC )
            except KeyError: numVerses = None # for an invalid BBB
            nextIntV += 1
            if numVerses is None or nextIntV > numVerses:
                nextIntV = 1
                nextIntC += 1 # Need to check................................
            nextVerseKey = SimpleVerseKey( nextBBB, nextIntC, nextIntV )
            nextVerseData = self.getCachedVerseData( nextVerseKey )
            if nextVerseData: nextVersesData.append( (nextVerseKey,nextVerseData,) )

        verseData = self.getCachedVerseData( newVerseKey )

        return verseData, previousVersesData, nextVersesData
    # end of BibleReferenceBox.getBeforeAndAfterBibleData

    def XXXsetCurrentVerseKey( self, newVerseKey ):
        Called to set the current verse key.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
            print( exp("BibleReferenceBox.setCurrentVerseKey( {} )").format( newVerseKey ) )
            self.parentApp.setDebugText( "BRW setCurrentVerseKey..." )
            assert( isinstance( newVerseKey, SimpleVerseKey ) )
        self.currentVerseKey = newVerseKey

        BBB = self.currentVerseKey.getBBB()
        self.maxChapters = self.getNumChapters( BBB )
        self.maxVerses = self.getNumVerses( BBB, self.currentVerseKey.getChapterNumber() )
    # end of BibleReferenceBox.setCurrentVerseKey

    def updateShownReferences( self, newReferenceObject ):
        Updates self in various ways depending on the contextViewMode held by the enclosing window.

        The new verse references are in the reference versification system in one of these objects:
            SimpleVerseKey (accepts 'GEN_1:1' or 'GEN','1','1')
            SimpleVersesKey (accepts 'MAT_6:1,4')
            VerseRangeKey (accepts 'JNA_2:1-7')

        Leaves the textbox in the disabled state.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
            print( "BibleReferenceBox.updateShownReferences( {} ) for {}".format( newReferenceObject, self.internalBible.name ) )
            assert( isinstance( newReferenceObject, SimpleVerseKey ) or isinstance( newReferenceObject, SimpleVersesKey ) or isinstance( newReferenceObject, VerseRangeKey ))

        for j, referenceVerse in enumerate( newReferenceObject ):
            #print( "  refVerse", j, referenceVerse )
            assert( isinstance( referenceVerse, SimpleVerseKey ) )

            refBBB, refC, refV, refS = referenceVerse.getBCVS()
            BBB, C, V, S = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.convertFromReferenceVersification( refBBB, refC, refV, refS )
            newVerseKey = SimpleVerseKey( BBB, C, V, S )
            #print( "       newVK", newVerseKey )

            # Set firstFlag as False (rather than j==0) so don't get context displayed
            self.displayAppendVerse( False, newVerseKey, self.getCachedVerseData( newVerseKey ), lastFlag=False )

        #self.setCurrentVerseKey( newVerseKey )
        #self.clearText() # Leaves the text box enabled
        #startingFlag = True

        ## Safety-check in case they edited the settings file
        #if 'DBP' in self.boxType and self.contextViewMode in ('ByBook','ByChapter',):
            #print( exp("updateShownReferences: Safety-check converted {} contextViewMode for DBP").format( repr(self.contextViewMode) ) )
            #self._viewRadioVar.set( 3 ) # ByVerse

        #if self.contextViewMode == 'BeforeAndAfter':
            #bibleData = self.getBeforeAndAfterBibleData( newVerseKey )
            #if bibleData:
                #verseData, previousVerses, nextVerses = bibleData
                #for verseKey,previousVerseData in previousVerses:
                    #self.displayAppendVerse( startingFlag, verseKey, previousVerseData )
                    #startingFlag = False
                #self.displayAppendVerse( startingFlag, newVerseKey, verseData, currentVerse=True )
                #for verseKey,nextVerseData in nextVerses:
                    #self.displayAppendVerse( False, verseKey, nextVerseData )

        #elif self.contextViewMode == 'ByVerse':
            #self.displayAppendVerse( True, newVerseKey, self.getCachedVerseData( newVerseKey ), currentVerse=True )

        #elif self.contextViewMode == 'BySection':
            #self.displayAppendVerse( True, newVerseKey, self.getCachedVerseData( newVerseKey ), currentVerse=True )
            #BBB, C, V = newVerseKey.getBCV()
            #intC, intV = newVerseKey.getChapterNumberInt(), newVerseKey.getVerseNumberInt()
            #print( "\nBySection is not finished yet -- just shows a single verse!\n" ) # XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
            ##for thisC in range( 0, self.getNumChapters( BBB ) ):
                ##try: numVerses = self.getNumVerses( BBB, thisC )
                ##except KeyError: numVerses = 0
                ##for thisV in range( 0, numVerses ):
                    ##thisVerseKey = SimpleVerseKey( BBB, thisC, thisV )
                    ##thisVerseData = self.getCachedVerseData( thisVerseKey )
                    ##self.displayAppendVerse( startingFlag, thisVerseKey, thisVerseData,
                                            ##currentVerse=thisC==intC and thisV==intV )
                    ##startingFlag = False

        #elif self.contextViewMode == 'ByBook':
            #BBB, C, V = newVerseKey.getBCV()
            #intC, intV = newVerseKey.getChapterNumberInt(), newVerseKey.getVerseNumberInt()
            #for thisC in range( 0, self.getNumChapters( BBB ) ):
                #try: numVerses = self.getNumVerses( BBB, thisC )
                #except KeyError: numVerses = 0
                #for thisV in range( 0, numVerses ):
                    #thisVerseKey = SimpleVerseKey( BBB, thisC, thisV )
                    #thisVerseData = self.getCachedVerseData( thisVerseKey )
                    #self.displayAppendVerse( startingFlag, thisVerseKey, thisVerseData,
                                            #currentVerse=thisC==intC and thisV==intV )
                    #startingFlag = False

        #elif self.contextViewMode == 'ByChapter':
            #BBB, C, V = newVerseKey.getBCV()
            #intV = newVerseKey.getVerseNumberInt()
            #try: numVerses = self.getNumVerses( BBB, C )
            #except KeyError: numVerses = 0
            #for thisV in range( 0, numVerses ):
                #thisVerseKey = SimpleVerseKey( BBB, C, thisV )
                #thisVerseData = self.getCachedVerseData( thisVerseKey )
                #self.displayAppendVerse( startingFlag, thisVerseKey, thisVerseData, currentVerse=thisV==intV )
                #startingFlag = False

            #logging.critical( exp("BibleReferenceBox.updateShownBCV: Bad context view mode {}").format( self.contextViewMode ) )
            #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: halt # Unknown context view mode

        self.textBox['state'] = tk.DISABLED # Don't allow editing
    # end of BibleReferenceBox.updateShownReferences

    def doClose( self, event=None ):
        Called from the GUI.

        Can be overridden.
    # end of BibleReferenceBox.doClose

    def closeReferenceBox( self ):
        Called to finally and irreversibly remove this box from our list and close it.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule: print( exp("BibleReferenceBox.closeReferenceBox()") )
        if self in self.parentWindow.referenceBoxes:
            self.parentWindow.referenceBoxes.remove( self )
        else: # we might not have finished making our box yet
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                print( exp("BibleReferenceBox.closeReferenceBox() for {} wasn't in list").format( self.winType ) )
            try: self.destroy()
            except tk.TclError: pass # never mind
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: self.parentApp.setDebugText( "Closed resource box" )
Exemplo n.º 18
def demo():
    Main program to handle command line parameters and then run what they want.
    from VerseReferences import SimpleVerseKey
    from InternalBibleInternals import InternalBibleEntryList, InternalBibleEntry

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( ProgNameVersion )

    # Demonstrate the Hebrew WLC class
    standardTestReferences = ('GEN', '1', '1'), ('SA1','1','1'), ('DAN', '1', '5')

    if 1: # Test one book
        #testFile = "../morphhb/wlc/Ruth.xml" # Hebrew Ruth
        testFile = '../morphhb/wlc/Dan.xml' # Hebrew Daniel
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "\nA/ Demonstrating the Hebrew WLC class (one book only)…" )
        #print( testFile )
        wlc = OSISHebrewWLCBible( testFile )
        wlc.load() # Load and process the XML book
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
            print( wlc ) # Just print a summary

        for testReference in standardTestReferences:
            testKey = SimpleVerseKey( testReference[0], testReference[1], testReference[2] )
            verseDataList = wlc.getVerseDataList( testKey )
            if verseDataList is not None: assert isinstance( verseDataList, InternalBibleEntryList )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print( testKey )
                print( "VDL", verseDataList )
            verseText = wlc.getVerseText( testKey )
            wlc.currentText = verseText
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                #print( "These all display left-to-right in the terminal unfortunately  :-(" )
                print( verseText )
            verseText = wlc.removeMorphemeBreaks()
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print( "Without morpheme breaks" )
                print( verseText )
            verseText = wlc.removeCantillationMarks()
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print( "Without cantillation marks" )
                print( verseText )
            consonantalVerseText = wlc.removeVowelPointing()
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print( "Without vowel pointing" )
                print( consonantalVerseText )

    if 1: # Load all books and test
        testFolder = DEFAULT_OSIS_WLC_FILEPATH # Hebrew
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "\nB/ Demonstrating the Hebrew WLC class (whole Bible)…" )
        #print( testFolder )
        wlc = OSISHebrewWLCBible( testFolder )
        wlc.loadBooks() # Load and process the XML files
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
            print( wlc ) # Just print a summary

        for testReference in standardTestReferences:
            testKey = SimpleVerseKey( testReference[0], testReference[1], testReference[2] )
            verseDataList = wlc.getVerseDataList( testKey )
            if verseDataList is not None: assert isinstance( verseDataList, InternalBibleEntryList )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print( testKey )
                print( "VDL", verseDataList )
            verseText = wlc.getVerseText( testKey )
            wlc.currentText = verseText
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                #print( "These all display left-to-right in the terminal unfortunately  :-(" )
                print( verseText )
            verseText = wlc.removeMorphemeBreaks()
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print( "Without morpheme breaks" )
                print( verseText )
            verseText = wlc.removeCantillationMarks()
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print( "Without cantillation marks" )
                print( verseText )
            consonantalVerseText = wlc.removeVowelPointing()
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print( "Without vowel pointing" )
                print( consonantalVerseText )
            # Check code for expanding morphological abbreviations
            if verseDataList is not None:
                for verseDataEntry in verseDataList:
                    assert isinstance( verseDataEntry, InternalBibleEntry )
                    marker = verseDataEntry.getMarker()
                    if marker in ('v~','p~'):
                        verseDictList = wlc.getVerseDictList( verseDataEntry, testKey )
                        print( "verseDictList", verseDictList )
                        for j, verseDict in enumerate( verseDictList ):
                            print( "verseDict", verseDict ) # for one word
                            #word = verseDict['word']
                            if 'morph' in verseDict:
                                print( "  {}".format( wlc.expandMorphologyAbbreviations( verseDict['morph'] ) ) )

    if 1: # Load books as we test
        testFolder = DEFAULT_OSIS_WLC_FILEPATH # Hebrew
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "\nC/ Demonstrating the Hebrew WLC class (load on the go)…" )
        #print( testFolder )
        wlc = OSISHebrewWLCBible( testFolder )
        #wlc.load() # Load and process the XML
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
            print( wlc ) # Just print a summary

        for testReference in standardTestReferences:
            testKey = SimpleVerseKey( testReference[0], testReference[1], testReference[2] )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print( testKey )
                print( "VD", wlc.getVerseDataList( testKey ) )
            verseText = wlc.getVerseText( testKey )
            wlc.currentText = verseText
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                #print( "These all display left-to-right in the terminal unfortunately  :-(" )
                print( verseText )
            verseText = wlc.removeMorphemeBreaks()
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print( "Without morpheme breaks" )
                print( verseText )
            verseText = wlc.removeCantillationMarks()
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print( "Without cantillation marks" )
                print( verseText )
            consonantalVerseText = wlc.removeVowelPointing()
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print( "Without vowel pointing" )
                print( consonantalVerseText )

    if 1: # Test some of the glossing functions
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "\nD/ Demonstrating the Hebrew WLC glossing functions…" )
        wlc.importGlossingDictionary( overrideFlag=True )

    if 1: # Test some of the glossing functions
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "\nE/ Adding new references to glossing dict…" )
        wlc = OSISHebrewWLCBible()
        wlc.saveAnyChangedGlosses( exportAlso = True )

    if 1: # Test some of the glossing functions
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "\nF/ Demonstrating the Hebrew WLC glossing functions…" )
        if not os.path.exists( DEFAULT_ZIPPED_PICKLED_WLC_FILEPATH ):
            logging.critical( "HebrewWLCBible.demoF: filepath doesn't exist: {}".format( DEFAULT_ZIPPED_PICKLED_WLC_FILEPATH ) )
            wlc = PickledHebrewWLCBible( DEFAULT_ZIPPED_PICKLED_WLC_FILEPATH )
            wlc.importGlossingDictionary( overrideFlag=True )

    if 1: # Test some of the glossing functions
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "\nG/ Adding new references to glossing dict…" )
        if not os.path.exists( DEFAULT_ZIPPED_PICKLED_WLC_FILEPATH ):
            logging.critical( "HebrewWLCBible.demoG: filepath doesn't exist: {}".format( DEFAULT_ZIPPED_PICKLED_WLC_FILEPATH ) )
            wlc = PickledHebrewWLCBible()
            wlc.saveAnyChangedGlosses( exportAlso = True )
Exemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, parentWindow, parentFrame, parentApp, internalBible,
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                exp("BibleReferenceBox.__init__( {}, {}. {}, {}, {} )").format(
                    parentWindow, parentFrame, parentApp,
                    internalBible.getAName(), referenceObject))
        self.parentWindow, self.parentFrame, self.parentApp, self.referenceObject = parentWindow, parentFrame, parentApp, referenceObject
        self.internalBible = handleInternalBibles(self.parentApp,
                                                  internalBible, self)

        Frame.__init__(self, parentFrame)
        BibleBox.__init__(self, parentApp)

        # Set some dummy values required soon
        #self._contextViewRadioVar, self._formatViewRadioVar, self._groupRadioVar = tk.IntVar(), tk.IntVar(), tk.StringVar()
        #self._groupCode = BIBLE_GROUP_CODES[0] # Put into first/default BCV group
        #self._contextViewMode = DEFAULT
        #self._formatViewMode = DEFAULT
        self.currentVerseKey = SimpleVerseKey('UNK', '1', '1')  # Unknown book

        #if self._contextViewMode == DEFAULT:
        #self._contextViewMode = 'ByVerse'
        #self.parentWindow.viewVersesBefore, self.parentWindow.viewVersesAfter = 2, 6
        #if self._formatViewMode == DEFAULT:
        #self._formatViewMode = 'Formatted'

        # Create a title bar
        titleBar = Frame(self)
        Button(titleBar, text=_('Close'),
        ## Try to get the title width somewhere near correct (if moduleID is a long path)
        #adjModuleID = moduleID
        #self.update() # so we can get the geometry
        #width = parseWindowSize( self.parentWindow.winfo_geometry() )[0] - 60 # Allow for above button
        #if len(adjModuleID)*10 > width: # Note: this doesn't adjust if the window size is changed
        #print( "BRB here1", len(adjModuleID), width, repr(adjModuleID) )
        #x = len(adjModuleID)*100/width # not perfect (too small) for narrow windows
        #adjModuleID = '…' + adjModuleID[int(x):]
        #print( "BRB here2", len(adjModuleID), x, repr(adjModuleID) )
        #titleText = '{} ({})'.format( adjModuleID, boxType.replace( 'BibleReferenceBox', '' ) )
        titleText = self.referenceObject.getShortText()
        self.titleLabel = tk.Label(titleBar, text=titleText)
        self.titleLabel.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X)
        titleBar.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X)

        # Create a scroll bar to fill the right-hand side of the window
        self.vScrollbar = Scrollbar(self)
        self.vScrollbar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y)

        self.textBox = BText(self,
        self.textBox.pack(expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.X)  # Full width
            command=self.textBox.yview)  # link the scrollbar to the text box
            '<Button-1>', self.setFocus
        )  # So disabled text box can still do select and copy functions

        # Set-up our standard Bible styles
        for USFMKey, styleDict in self.parentApp.stylesheet.getTKStyles(
                                       **styleDict)  # Create the style
        # Add our extra specialised styles
                                   font='helvetica 6 bold')
                                   font='helvetica 6')
                                   font='helvetica 6 bold')
                                   font='helvetica 6')

        self.pack(expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.BOTH)  # Pack the frame

        # Set-up our Bible system and our callables
        self.BibleOrganisationalSystem = BibleOrganizationalSystem(
            'GENERIC-KJV-81-ENG')  # temp
        self.getNumChapters = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getNumChapters
        self.getNumVerses = lambda b,c: MAX_PSEUDOVERSES if c=='0' or c==0 \
                                        else self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getNumVerses( b, c )
        self.isValidBCVRef = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.isValidBCVRef
        self.getFirstBookCode = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getFirstBookCode
        self.getPreviousBookCode = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getPreviousBookCode
        self.getNextBookCode = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getNextBookCode
        self.getBBBFromText = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getBBBFromText
        self.getBookName = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getBookName
        self.getBookList = self.BibleOrganisationalSystem.getBookList
        self.maxChaptersThisBook, self.maxVersesThisChapter = 150, 150  # temp

        self.verseCache = OrderedDict()

Exemplo n.º 20
def demo():
    Demonstrate how some of the above classes can be used.
    from VerseReferences import SimpleVerseKey

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
        print(ProgNameVersion, end='\n\n')

    # Test the Door43CatalogResources class
    door43CatalogResources = Door43CatalogResources()
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(door43CatalogResources)
    #Door43CatalogResources.load() # takes a minute
    #print( Door43CatalogResources )

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                f"\nLanguage list ({len(door43CatalogResources.languageDict)}):"
        for j, (lg, lgDict) in enumerate(
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                print('  Lg', j + 1, lg, lgDict['direction'], lgDict['title'])
            # lgDict.keys() are lgDict['identifier']
            assert 4 <= len(
            ) <= 6  # 'category_labels', 'direction', 'identifier', 'resources', 'title', 'versification_labels'
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                print('   ', len(lgDict.keys()), lgDict.keys())
            for something in lgDict['resources']:
                assert isinstance(something, dict)
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                        f"   \"{something['title']}\" ({something['subject']}) ({len(something.keys())}) {something.keys()}"
                if not something['subject']:
                        f"Missing subject field from {lgDict['identifier']} {something['title']}"
                elif door43CatalogResources.subjectNameList and something[
                        'subject'] not in door43CatalogResources.subjectNameList:
                        f"Unknown '{something['subject']}' subject field from {lgDict['identifier']} {something['title']}"
            if 'category_labels' in lgDict:
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                    print('    category_labels', lgDict['category_labels'])
            if 'versification_labels' in lgDict:
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                    print('    versification_labels',

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:  # Neatly list all available resources
            f"\n  Resource list ({len(door43CatalogResources.resourceList)}):")
        for j, (lg, resourceTitle, resourceEntry) in enumerate(
                f"    {j+1:3}/ {lg:5} '{resourceTitle}'   ({resourceEntry['subject']})"
            if 'formats' in resourceEntry:
                formats = resourceEntry['formats']
                assert len(resourceEntry['projects']) == 1
                formats = resourceEntry['projects'][0]['formats']
            assert formats
            for formatEntry in formats:
                assert isinstance(formatEntry, dict)
                    f"            '{formatEntry['format']}'  {formatEntry['url']}"

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
        # List all Bibles (i.e., all USFM format)
        print(f"\n  Bible list ({len(door43CatalogResources.BibleList)}):")
        for j, (lg, resourceTitle,
                resourceEntry) in enumerate(door43CatalogResources.BibleList):
                f"    {j+1:3}/ {lg:5} '{resourceTitle}'   ({resourceEntry['subject']})"
            if 'formats' in resourceEntry:
                formats = resourceEntry['formats']
                assert len(resourceEntry['projects']) == 1
                formats = resourceEntry['projects'][0]['formats']
            assert formats
            for formatEntry in formats:
                assert isinstance(formatEntry, dict)
                    f"            '{formatEntry['format']}'  {formatEntry['url']}"

        # List all Open Bible Stories
        OBSList = []
        for lg, lgEntry in door43CatalogResources.languageDict.items():
            for resourceEntry in lgEntry['resources']:
                assert isinstance(resourceEntry, dict)
                resourceTuple = lg, resourceEntry['title'], resourceEntry
                if 'Bible Stories' in resourceEntry['subject']:
        print(f"\n  Bible Stories list ({len(OBSList)}):")
        for j, (lg, resourceTitle, resourceEntry) in enumerate(OBSList):
                f"    {j+1:3}/ {lg:5} '{resourceTitle}'   ({resourceEntry['subject']})"
            if 'formats' in resourceEntry:
                formats = resourceEntry['formats']
                assert len(resourceEntry['projects']) == 1
                formats = resourceEntry['projects'][0]['formats']
            assert formats
            for formatEntry in formats:
                assert isinstance(formatEntry, dict)
                    f"            '{formatEntry['format']}'  {formatEntry['url']}"

    testRefs = (
        ('GEN', '1', '1'),
        ('PSA', '150', '6'),
        ('JER', '33', '3'),
        ('MAL', '4', '6'),
        ('MAT', '1', '1'),
        ('JHN', '3', '16'),
        ('TIT', '2', '2'),
        ('JDE', '1', '14'),
        ('REV', '22', '21'),

    if 1:  # Test the Door43CatalogBible class by finding a Bible
        for lgCode, desiredTitle in (
            ('ru', 'Russian Synodal Bible'),
            ('ru', 'Russian Unlocked Literal Bible'),
            ('ru', 'Russian Open Bible'),
            ('ru', 'Russion Literal Bible'),
            ('en', 'unfoldingWord Literal Text'),
            ('en', 'unfoldingWord Simplified Text'),
            ('fr', 'unfoldingWord Literal Text'),
            ('el-x-koine', 'unfoldingWord Greek New Testament'),
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print()
            searchResultDict = door43CatalogResources.searchBibles(
                lgCode, desiredTitle)
            if searchResultDict:
                Door43CatalogBible1 = Door43CatalogBible(searchResultDict)
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                for testRef in testRefs:
                    verseKey = SimpleVerseKey(*testRef)
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                        print(" ",
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
            elif BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                print(f"{lgCode} '{desiredTitle}' was not found!")
Exemplo n.º 21
def main():
    This is the main program for the app

    Note that the standard verbosityLevel is 2:
        -s (silent) is 0
        -q (quiet) is 1
        -i (information) is 3
        -v (verbose) is 4.
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
        print( ProgNameVersion, end='\n\n' )

    # Download the online Door43 Resource Catalog
    door43CatalogResources = Door43CatalogResources()
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( door43CatalogResources )
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
        print( door43CatalogResources, end='\n\n' )

    # Download and load all books from the UGNT = unfoldingWord Greek New Testament
    UGNTDict = door43CatalogResources.searchBibles( 'el-x-koine', 'unfoldingWord Greek New Testament' )
    if UGNTDict:
        Door43CatalogUGNTBible = Door43CatalogBible( UGNTDict )
        #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( Door43CatalogUGNTBible )
        #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( Door43CatalogUGNTBible )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( Door43CatalogUGNTBible, end='\n\n' )

    # Download the ULT = unfoldingWord Literal Text
    ULTDict = door43CatalogResources.searchBibles( 'en', 'unfoldingWord Literal Text' )
    if ULTDict:
        Door43CatalogULTBible = Door43CatalogBible( ULTDict )
        #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( Door43CatalogULTBible )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( Door43CatalogULTBible, end='\n\n' )

    # Go through the UGNT verse by verse
    #   and do some comparisions with the matching ULT verses
    # NOTE: This code assumes matching versification systems
    count1 = count2 = 0
    for BBB, UGNTBook in Door43CatalogUGNTBible.books.items():
        for C in range( 1, Door43CatalogUGNTBible.getNumChapters( BBB )+1 ):
            for V in range( 1, Door43CatalogUGNTBible.getNumVerses( BBB, C )+1 ):
                ref = SimpleVerseKey( BBB, C, V )
                text1 = Door43CatalogUGNTBible.getVerseText( ref, fullTextFlag=False )
                if not text1:
                    logging.warning( f"Blank text at {ref.getShortText()} in UGNT" )
                    # NOTE: The following line will automatically load the ULT book into memory as required
                    text2 = Door43CatalogULTBible.getVerseText( ref, fullTextFlag=False )
                    if not text2:
                        logging.warning( f"Blank text at {ref.getShortText()} in ULT" )
                except KeyError:
                    logging.error( f"Can't find {ref.getShortText()} in ULT" )
                    text2 = ''

                # Now that we have text1 and text2 for the verse specified in ref,
                #   do our analysis/comparison now
                J1 = 'Ἰησοῦς' in text1 or 'Ἰησοῦ' in text1 or 'Ἰησοῦν' in text1
                J2 = 'Jesus' in text2
                if J1 and not J2:
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                        print( f"Found 'Jesus' in Grk {ref.getShortText()}: {text1}" )
                        print( f"                              {text2}" )
                    count1 += 1
                if J2 and not J1:
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                        print( f"Found 'Jesus' in ULT {ref.getShortText()}: {text2}" )
                        print( f"                              {text1}" )
                    count2 += 1
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
        print( f"\nFound {count1} unmatched occurrences in UGNT, {count2} in ULT." )