def elasticDistort(picture, sigma, alpha):
    dx, dy = generateDisplacementFields(sigma, alpha)
    distortion = np.zeros(Constants.pic_shape)

    Visualizer.plotNumber('dx', dx)
    Visualizer.plotNumber('dy', dy)

    # For each pixel use the displacement field to grab new pixel values
    # Hopefully it will be elastically distorted! :D

    # Bilinear interpolation
    for i in range(Constants.pic_height):
        for j in range(Constants.pic_width):
            x = i + dx[i, j]
            y = j + dy[i, j]

            # If the new location we're trying to grab is outside the picture
            # boundaries, then leave the pixel value as zero
            if x < 0 or x > (Constants.pic_width - 1):
            if y < 0 or y > (Constants.pic_height - 1):

            distortion[i, j] = bilinearInterpolation(picture, x, y)

    return distortion
def main():
    from Visualizer import Visualizer
    #data = np.genfromtxt('Data/train.csv', delimiter=',') # Why does numpy break? Nobody knows...
    print 'Reading data'
    data = pd.read_csv('Data/train.csv') 

    print 'Reshaping data'
    row = 0
    label = data.iloc[row, 0]
    picture = np.reshape(data.iloc[row, 1:], Constants.pic_shape)
    print 'Plotting number'

    Visualizer.plotNumber(str(label), picture)

    print 'Transforming'
    sigma = 4
    alpha = 8
    elasticDistort(picture, sigma, alpha)
    # distortion = elasticDistort(picture, sigma, alpha)
    print distortion
    print 'Plotting zoom'
    Visualizer.plotNumber(str(label), distortion)