Exemplo n.º 1
 def typecheck(self, expected: Optional[T.Base]) -> Base:
     if not self.items and isinstance(expected, T.Array):
         # the literal empty array satisfies any array type
         # (unless it has the nonempty quantifier)
         if expected.nonempty:
             raise Error.EmptyArray(self)
         return self
     return super().typecheck(expected)  # pyre-ignore
Exemplo n.º 2
 def infer_type(self, expr: E.Apply) -> T.Base:
     if len(expr.arguments) != 2:
         raise Error.WrongArity(expr, 2)
     arg0ty: T.Base = expr.arguments[0].type
     if not isinstance(arg0ty, T.Array) or (expr._check_quant and arg0ty.optional):
         raise Error.StaticTypeMismatch(expr.arguments[0], T.Array(T.Any()), arg0ty)
     if isinstance(arg0ty.item_type, T.Any):
         # TODO: error for 'indeterminate type'
         raise Error.EmptyArray(expr.arguments[0])
     arg1ty: T.Base = expr.arguments[1].type
     if not isinstance(arg1ty, T.Array) or (expr._check_quant and arg1ty.optional):
         raise Error.StaticTypeMismatch(expr.arguments[1], T.Array(T.Any()), arg1ty)
     if isinstance(arg1ty.item_type, T.Any):
         # TODO: error for 'indeterminate type'
         raise Error.EmptyArray(expr.arguments[1])
     return T.Array(
         T.Pair(arg0ty.item_type, arg1ty.item_type),
         nonempty=(arg0ty.nonempty or arg1ty.nonempty),
Exemplo n.º 3
 def infer_type(self, expr: E.Apply) -> T.Base:
     if len(expr.arguments) != 1:
         raise Error.WrongArity(expr, 1)
     if not isinstance(expr.arguments[0].type, T.Array):
         raise Error.StaticTypeMismatch(expr.arguments[0], T.Array(None),
     if expr.arguments[0].type.item_type is None:
         # TODO: error for 'indeterminate type'
         raise Error.EmptyArray(expr.arguments[0])
     ty = expr.arguments[0].type.item_type
     assert isinstance(ty, T.Base)
     return T.Array(ty.copy(optional=False))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def typecheck(self, type_env: Env.Types, check_quant: bool) -> None:
     # Infer the expression's type and ensure it checks against the declared
     # type. One time use!
     # Subtlety: accept Array[T]+ = <expr> is accepted even if we can't
     # statically prove <expr> is nonempty. Its nonemptiness should be
     # checked at runtime. We do reject an empty array literal for <expr>.
     if self.expr:
         check_type = self.type
         if isinstance(check_type, T.Array):
             if check_type.nonempty and isinstance(
                     self.expr, E.Array) and not self.expr.items:
                 raise Err.EmptyArray(self.expr)
             check_type = check_type.copy(nonempty=False)
         self.expr.infer_type(type_env, check_quant).typecheck(check_type)
Exemplo n.º 5
def _build_workflow_type_env(
    doc: TVDocument,
    check_quant: bool,
    self: Optional[Union[Workflow, Scatter, Conditional]] = None,
    outer_type_env: Env.Types = [],
) -> None:
    # Populate each Workflow, Scatter, and Conditional object with its
    # _type_env attribute containing the type environment available in the body
    # of the respective section. This is tricky because:
    # - forward-references to any declaration or call output in the workflow
    #   are valid, except
    #   - circular dependencies, direct or indirect
    #   - (corollary) scatter and conditional expressions can't refer to
    #     anything within the respective section
    # - a scatter variable is visible only inside the scatter
    # - declarations & call outputs of type T within a scatter have type
    #   Array[T] outside of the scatter
    # - declarations & call outputs of type T within a conditional have type T?
    #   outside of the conditional
    # preconditions:
    # - _resolve_calls()
    # postconditions:
    # - typechecks scatter and conditional expressions (recursively)
    # - sets _type_env attributes on each Workflow/Scatter/Conditional
    self = self or doc.workflow
    if not self:
    assert isinstance(self, (Scatter, Conditional)) or self is doc.workflow
    assert self._type_env is None

    # When we've been called recursively on a scatter or conditional section,
    # the 'outer' type environment has everything available in the workflow
    # -except- the body of self.
    type_env = outer_type_env
    if isinstance(self, Scatter):
        # typecheck scatter array
        self.expr.infer_type(type_env, check_quant)
        if not isinstance(self.expr.type, T.Array):
            raise Err.NotAnArray(self.expr)
        if self.expr.type.item_type is None:
            raise Err.EmptyArray(self.expr)
        # bind the scatter variable to the array item type within the body
            Env.resolve(type_env, [], self.variable)
            raise Err.MultipleDefinitions(
                self, "Name collision for scatter variable " + self.variable)
        except KeyError:
        type_env = Env.bind(self.variable,
    elif isinstance(self, Conditional):
        # typecheck the condition
        self.expr.infer_type(type_env, check_quant)
        if not self.expr.type.coerces(T.Boolean()):
            raise Err.StaticTypeMismatch(self.expr, T.Boolean(),

    # descend into child scatter & conditional elements, if any.
    for child in self.elements:
        if isinstance(child, (Scatter, Conditional)):
            # prepare the 'outer' type environment for the child element, by
            # adding all its sibling declarations and call outputs
            child_outer_type_env = type_env
            for sibling in self.elements:
                if sibling is not child:
                    child_outer_type_env = sibling.add_to_type_env(
            _build_workflow_type_env(doc, check_quant, child,

    # finally, populate self._type_env with all our children
    for child in self.elements:
        type_env = child.add_to_type_env(type_env)
    self._type_env = type_env