Exemplo n.º 1
    def preInitialization(self):
        pollInterval = self.config.PhEDExInjector.pollInterval
        subInterval = self.config.PhEDExInjector.subscribeInterval
        logging.info("Setting poll interval to %s seconds for inject",

        # retrieving the node mappings is fickle and can fail quite often
        # hence only do it once (with retries) and pass it to the workers
        phedex = PhEDEx({"endpoint": self.config.PhEDExInjector.phedexurl},
            nodeMappings = phedex.getNodeMap()
        except Exception:
                nodeMappings = phedex.getNodeMap()
            except Exception:
                nodeMappings = phedex.getNodeMap()

        myThread = threading.currentThread()
            PhEDExInjectorPoller(self.config, phedex, nodeMappings),

        if getattr(self.config.PhEDExInjector, "subscribeDatasets", False):
            # wait a bit for first poll cycle of PhEDExInjectorPoller to complete
            # hopefully avoids intermingled logs (which can be confusing)
            logging.info("Setting poll interval to %s seconds for subscribe",
                PhEDExInjectorSubscriber(self.config, phedex, nodeMappings),
Exemplo n.º 2
    def preInitialization(self):
        pollInterval = self.config.PhEDExInjector.pollInterval
        subInterval = self.config.PhEDExInjector.subscribeInterval
        logging.info("Setting poll interval to %s seconds for inject" %

        myThread = threading.currentThread()
            PhEDExInjectorPoller(self.config), pollInterval)

        if getattr(self.config.PhEDExInjector, "subscribeDatasets", False):
            logging.info("Setting poll interval to %s seconds for subscribe" %
                PhEDExInjectorSubscriber(self.config), subInterval)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def testNormalModeSubscriptions(self):

        Tests that we can make custodial/non-custodial subscriptions on
        normal operation mode, this time we don't need WMBS for anything.
        All is subscribed in one go.

        Check that the requests are correct.

        config = self.createConfig()

        phedex = PhEDEx({"endpoint": config.PhEDExInjector.phedexurl}, "json")
            nodeMappings = phedex.getNodeMap()
        except Exception:
                nodeMappings = phedex.getNodeMap()
            except Exception:
                nodeMappings = phedex.getNodeMap()

        subscriber = PhEDExInjectorSubscriber(config, phedex, nodeMappings)

        phedexInstance = subscriber.phedex
        subscriptions = phedexInstance.subRequests

        # Let's check /BogusPrimary/Run2012Z-PromptReco-v1/RECO
        # According to the spec, this should be custodial at T1_US_FNAL
        # Non-custodial at T1_UK_RAL and T3_CO_Uniandes
        # Autoapproved in all sites
        # Priority is normal
        self.assertTrue(self.testDatasetA in subscriptions,
                        "Dataset A was not subscribed")
        subInfoA = subscriptions[self.testDatasetA]
        self.assertEqual(len(subInfoA), 3,
                         "Dataset A was not subscribed to all sites")
        for subInfo in subInfoA:
            site = subInfo["node"]
            self.assertEqual(subInfo["priority"], "normal",
                             "Wrong priority for subscription")
            if site == "T1_UK_RAL_MSS" or site == "T3_CO_Uniandes":
                    subInfo["custodial"], "n",
                    "Wrong custodiality for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                    subInfo["request_only"], "n",
                    "Wrong requestOnly for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                    subInfo["move"], "n",
                    "Wrong subscription type for dataset A at %s" %
            elif site == "T1_US_FNAL_MSS":
                    subInfo["custodial"], "y",
                    "Wrong custodiality for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                    subInfo["request_only"], "n",
                    "Wrong requestOnly for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                    subInfo["move"], "y",
                    "Wrong subscription type for dataset A at %s" %
                self.fail("Dataset A was subscribed  to a wrong site %s" %

        # Now check /BogusPrimary/CRUZET11-v1/RAW
        # According to the spec, this is not custodial anywhere
        # Non-custodial at T1_UK_RAL and T2_CH_CERN
        # Request only at both sites and with high priority
        self.assertTrue(self.testDatasetB in subscriptions,
                        "Dataset B was not subscribed")
        subInfoB = subscriptions[self.testDatasetB]
        self.assertEqual(len(subInfoB), 2,
                         "Dataset B was not subscribed to all sites")
        for subInfo in subInfoB:
            site = subInfo["node"]
            self.assertEqual(subInfo["priority"], "high",
                             "Wrong priority for subscription")
            if site == "T1_UK_RAL_MSS" or site == "T2_CH_CERN":
                    subInfo["custodial"], "n",
                    "Wrong custodiality for dataset B at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                    subInfo["request_only"], "y",
                    "Wrong requestOnly for dataset B at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                    subInfo["move"], "n",
                    "Wrong subscription type for dataset B at %s" %
                self.fail("Dataset B was subscribed to a wrong site %s" % site)

        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        result = myThread.dbi.processData(
            "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbsbuffer_dataset_subscription where subscribed = 1"
        self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 5,
                         "Not all datasets were marked as subscribed")
        result = myThread.dbi.processData(
            "SELECT site FROM dbsbuffer_dataset_subscription where subscribed = 0"
        self.assertEqual(result[0][0], "T1_IT_CNAF",
                         "A non-valid CMS site was subscribed")

        # Reset and run again and make sure that no duplicate subscriptions are created
            "UPDATE dbsbuffer_dataset_subscription SET subscribed = 0")
        self.assertEqual(len(subscriptions[self.testDatasetA]), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(subscriptions[self.testDatasetB]), 2)

Exemplo n.º 4
    def testSafeModeSubscriptions(self):

        Tests that we can make custodial/non-custodial subscriptions on
        safe operation mode, make sure that the flow of subscriptions
        obeys the rule laid in the subscriber documentation.

        Check that the requests are correct.
        config = self.createConfig(safeMode = True)
        topSubscription, mergeSubscription = self.stuffWMBS()

        # Start the subscriber
        subscriber = PhEDExInjectorSubscriber(config)

        # Run once, this means that all custodial and non-custodial subscriptions
        # will be made but none will be Move

        phedexInstance = subscriber.phedex
        subscriptions = phedexInstance.subRequests

        # Let's check /BogusPrimary/Run2012Z-PromptReco-v1/RECO
        # According to the spec, this should be custodial at T1_US_FNAL
        # Non-custodial at T1_UK_RAL and T3_CO_Uniandes
        # Autoapproved in all sites
        # Priority is normal
        self.assertTrue(self.testDatasetA in subscriptions, "Dataset A was not subscribed")
        subInfoA = subscriptions[self.testDatasetA]
        self.assertEqual(len(subInfoA), 3, "Dataset A was not subscribed to all sites")
        for subInfo in subInfoA:
            site = subInfo["node"][0]
            self.assertEqual(subInfo["priority"], "normal", "Wrong priority for subscription")
            if site == "T1_UK_RAL_MSS" or site == "T3_CO_Uniandes":
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["custodial"], "n", "Wrong custodiality for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["request_only"], "n", "Wrong requestOnly for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["move"], "n", "Wrong subscription type for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
            elif site == "T1_US_FNAL_MSS":
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["custodial"], "y", "Wrong custodiality for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["request_only"], "n", "Wrong requestOnly for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["move"], "n", "Wrong subscription type for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.fail("Dataset A was subscribed  to a wrong site %s" % site)

        # Now check /BogusPrimary/CRUZET11-v1/RAW
        # According to the spec, this is not custodial anywhere
        # Non-custodial at T1_UK_RAL and T2_CH_CERN
        # Request only at both sites and with high priority
        self.assertTrue(self.testDatasetB in subscriptions, "Dataset B was not subscribed")
        subInfoB = subscriptions[self.testDatasetB]
        self.assertEqual(len(subInfoB), 2, "Dataset B was not subscribed to all sites")
        for subInfo in subInfoB:
            site = subInfo["node"][0]
            self.assertEqual(subInfo["priority"], "high", "Wrong priority for subscription")
            if site == "T1_UK_RAL_MSS" or site == "T2_CH_CERN":
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["custodial"], "n", "Wrong custodiality for dataset B at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["request_only"], "y", "Wrong requestOnly for dataset B at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["move"], "n", "Wrong subscription type for dataset B at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.fail("Dataset B was subscribed to a wrong site %s" % site)

        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        result = myThread.dbi.processData("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbsbuffer_dataset where subscribed = 1")[0].fetchall()
        self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 2, "Not all datasets were marked as partially subscribed")

        # Now finish the Processing subscription and run the algorithm again

        self.assertTrue(self.testDatasetA in subscriptions, "Dataset A was not subscribed")
        subInfoA = subscriptions[self.testDatasetA]
        self.assertEqual(len(subInfoA), 4, "Dataset A was not subscribed again to custodial site")
        moveCount = 0
        for subInfo in subInfoA:
            site = subInfo["node"][0]
            self.assertEqual(subInfo["priority"], "normal", "Wrong priority for subscription")
            if site == "T1_UK_RAL_MSS" or site == "T3_CO_Uniandes":
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["custodial"], "n", "Wrong custodiality for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["request_only"], "n", "Wrong requestOnly for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["move"], "n", "Wrong subscription type for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
            elif site == "T1_US_FNAL_MSS":
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["custodial"], "y", "Wrong custodiality for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["request_only"], "n", "Wrong requestOnly for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                if subInfo["move"] == "y":
                    moveCount += 1
                self.fail("Dataset A was subscribed  to a wrong site %s" % site)
        self.assertEqual(moveCount, 1, "Move subscription was not made")

        self.assertTrue(self.testDatasetB in subscriptions, "Dataset B was not subscribed")
        subInfoB = subscriptions[self.testDatasetB]
        self.assertEqual(len(subInfoB), 2, "Dataset B was susbcribed again")

        result = myThread.dbi.processData("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbsbuffer_dataset where subscribed = 2")[0].fetchall()
        self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 2, "Not all datasets were marked as subscribed")

Exemplo n.º 5
    def testUnsafeModeSubscriptions(self):

        Tests that we can make custodial/non-custodial subscriptions on
        unsafe operation mode, this time we don't need WMBS for anything.
        All is subscribed in one go.

        Check that the requests are correct.

        config = self.createConfig(safeMode = False)

        subscriber = PhEDExInjectorSubscriber(config)

        phedexInstance = subscriber.phedex
        subscriptions = phedexInstance.subRequests

        # Let's check /BogusPrimary/Run2012Z-PromptReco-v1/RECO
        # According to the spec, this should be custodial at T1_US_FNAL
        # Non-custodial at T1_UK_RAL and T3_CO_Uniandes
        # Autoapproved in all sites
        # Priority is normal
        self.assertTrue(self.testDatasetA in subscriptions, "Dataset A was not subscribed")
        subInfoA = subscriptions[self.testDatasetA]
        self.assertEqual(len(subInfoA), 3, "Dataset A was not subscribed to all sites")
        for subInfo in subInfoA:
            site = subInfo["node"][0]
            self.assertEqual(subInfo["priority"], "normal", "Wrong priority for subscription")
            if site == "T1_UK_RAL_MSS" or site == "T3_CO_Uniandes":
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["custodial"], "n", "Wrong custodiality for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["request_only"], "n", "Wrong requestOnly for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["move"], "n", "Wrong subscription type for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
            elif site == "T1_US_FNAL_MSS":
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["custodial"], "y", "Wrong custodiality for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["request_only"], "n", "Wrong requestOnly for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["move"], "y", "Wrong subscription type for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.fail("Dataset A was subscribed  to a wrong site %s" % site)

        # Now check /BogusPrimary/CRUZET11-v1/RAW
        # According to the spec, this is not custodial anywhere
        # Non-custodial at T1_UK_RAL and T2_CH_CERN
        # Request only at both sites and with high priority
        self.assertTrue(self.testDatasetB in subscriptions, "Dataset B was not subscribed")
        subInfoB = subscriptions[self.testDatasetB]
        self.assertEqual(len(subInfoB), 2, "Dataset B was not subscribed to all sites")
        for subInfo in subInfoB:
            site = subInfo["node"][0]
            self.assertEqual(subInfo["priority"], "high", "Wrong priority for subscription")
            if site == "T1_UK_RAL_MSS" or site == "T2_CH_CERN":
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["custodial"], "n", "Wrong custodiality for dataset B at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["request_only"], "y", "Wrong requestOnly for dataset B at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["move"], "n", "Wrong subscription type for dataset B at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.fail("Dataset B was subscribed to a wrong site %s" % site)

        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        result = myThread.dbi.processData("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbsbuffer_dataset where subscribed = 1")[0].fetchall()
        self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 2, "Not all datasets were marked as subscribed")

    def testTier0ModeSubscriptions(self):

        Tests that we can make custodial/non-custodial subscriptions on
        tier0 operation mode, custodial moves are made on block level.

        self.stuffDatabase(tier0Mode = True)
        config = self.createConfig(tier0Mode = True)
        subscriber = PhEDExInjectorSubscriber(config)

        phedexInstance = subscriber.phedex
        subscriptions = phedexInstance.subRequests

        # Let's check /BogusPrimary/Run2012Z-PromptReco-v1/RECO
        # According to the spec, this should be custodial at T0_CH_CERN and T1_US_FNAL
        # Non-custodial at T2_US_Vanderbilt
        # Autoapproved at CERN
        # Priority is normal
        self.assertTrue(self.testDatasetA in subscriptions, "Dataset A was not subscribed")
        subInfoA = subscriptions[self.testDatasetA]
        self.assertEqual(len(subInfoA), 4, "Dataset A was not subscribed to all sites")
        for subInfo in subInfoA:
            site = subInfo["node"]
            if subInfo['level'] == 'block':
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["custodial"], "y", "Wrong custodiality for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["request_only"], "n", "Wrong requestOnly for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["move"], "y", "Wrong subscription type for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["node"], "T0_CH_CERN_MSS", "Wrong node for dataset A, block subscription.")
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["priority"], "high", "Wrong priority for subscription")
            elif site == "T0_CH_CERN_MSS":
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["custodial"], "y", "Wrong custodiality for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["request_only"], "n", "Wrong requestOnly for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["move"], "n", "Wrong subscription type for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["level"], "dataset", "Wrong level for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["priority"], "normal", "Wrong priority for subscription")
            elif site == "T1_US_FNAL_MSS":
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["custodial"], "y", "Wrong custodiality for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["request_only"], "y", "Wrong requestOnly for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["move"], "n", "Wrong subscription type for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["level"], "dataset", "Wrong level for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["priority"], "normal", "Wrong priority for subscription")
            elif site == "T3_CO_Uniandes":
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["custodial"], "n", "Wrong custodiality for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["request_only"], "y", "Wrong requestOnly for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["move"], "n", "Wrong subscription type for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["level"], "dataset", "Wrong level for dataset A at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["priority"], "normal", "Wrong priority for subscription")
                self.fail("Dataset A was subscribed  to a wrong site %s" % site)
        self.assertEqual(len([x for x in subInfoA if x['level'] == 'block']), 1)

        # Now check /BogusPrimary/CRUZET11-v1/RAW
        # According to the spec, custodial to T0_CH_CERN_MSS and T1_UK_RAL_MSS
        # Request only at both sites and with high priority
        self.assertTrue(self.testDatasetB in subscriptions)
        subInfoB = subscriptions[self.testDatasetB]
        self.assertEqual(len(subInfoB), 2, "Dataset B was not subscribed to all sites")
        for subInfo in subInfoB:
            site = subInfo["node"]
            if site == "T0_CH_CERN_MSS" or site == "T1_UK_RAL_MSS":
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["custodial"], "y", "Wrong custodiality for dataset B at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["request_only"], "y", "Wrong requestOnly for dataset B at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["move"], "n", "Wrong subscription type for dataset B at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["level"], "dataset", "Wrong level for dataset B at %s" % subInfo["node"])
                self.assertEqual(subInfo["priority"], "high", "Wrong priority for subscription")
                self.fail("Dataset B was subscribed  to a wrong site %s" % site)

        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        result = myThread.dbi.processData("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbsbuffer_dataset_subscription where subscribed = 1")[0].fetchall()
        self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 5, "Custodial move datasets were marked as subscribed")

        # Delete the wmbs entries
        myThread.dbi.processData("DELETE FROM wmbs_workflow")
        self.assertEqual(len(subscriptions[self.testDatasetA]), 5)
        self.assertTrue(self.testDatasetB in subscriptions)
        self.assertEqual(len(subscriptions[self.testDatasetB]), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len([x for x in subscriptions[self.testDatasetB] if x['level'] == 'block']), 1)
