Exemplo n.º 1
def archive_search():
    obj = {}
    obj["query"] = {}
    sessionstr = flask.request.args.get("session", None)
    statestr = flask.request.args.get("state", None)
    obj["query"]["session"] = sessionstr
    obj["query"]["state"] = statestr

        stateuid = uuid.UUID(statestr)
        sessionuid = uuid.UUID(sessionstr)

        ret = backend.archive_search(sessionuid, stateuid, medtest_kernal)

        obj["host"] = ret[0].host
        obj["port"] = ret[0].port
        obj["name"] = ret[0].name
        obj["collection"] = ret[0].collection

        return jsonify(obj)

    except Exception as e:
        obj["error"] = str(type(e)) + ": " + str(e)
        return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 2
def refine_search():
       Corresponds to

       def refine_search(self, search_uuid,
                      refined_positive_ids, refined_negative_ids,
                      removed_positive_ids, removed_negative_ids):

    Accepts the +ves -ves and
    obj = {}

    # query : will be event kit in case of triage information
    uid = flask.request.args.get("uid", None)
    qpositive = flask.request.args.get("positive", "[]")  # json array
    qnegative = flask.request.args.get("negative", "[]")  # json array

    if uid == None:
        obj["error"] = "Missing search ID"

    positive = []
    negative = []

    # Convert from HVC to non HVC
    for apos in json.loads(qpositive):
        if len(apos) == 9:

    for apos in json.loads(qnegative):
        if len(apos) == 9:

    obj["query"] = {}
    obj["query"]["uid"] = uid
    obj["query"]["positive"] = positive
    obj["query"]["negative"] = negative

        ret = backend.refine_iqr_search(uid, positive, negative, [], [])
    except Exception as e:
        obj["error"] = str(type(e)) + ": " + str(e)
        return jsonify(obj)

    obj["host"] = ret[0].host
    obj["port"] = ret[0].port
    obj["name"] = ret[0].name
    obj["collection"] = ret[0].collection
    obj["state"] = "http://localhost:5003/iqr/search_state?" + urllib.urlencode(
        {"uid": uid})
    obj["results"] = "http://localhost:5003/iqr/search_results?" + urllib.urlencode(
        {"uid": uid})

    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 3
def refine_search():
       Corresponds to

       def refine_search(self, search_uuid,
                      refined_positive_ids, refined_negative_ids,
                      removed_positive_ids, removed_negative_ids):

    Accepts the +ves -ves and
    obj = {}

    # query : will be event kit in case of triage information
    uid = flask.request.args.get("uid", None)
    qpositive = flask.request.args.get("positive", "[]") # json array
    qnegative = flask.request.args.get("negative", "[]") # json array

    if uid == None:
        obj["error"] = "Missing search ID"

    positive = []
    negative = []

    # Convert from HVC to non HVC
    for apos in json.loads(qpositive):
        if len(apos) == 9:

    for apos in json.loads(qnegative):
        if len(apos) == 9:

    obj["query"] = {}
    obj["query"]["uid"] = uid
    obj["query"]["positive"] = positive
    obj["query"]["negative"] = negative

        ret = backend.refine_iqr_search(uid,positive,negative,[],[])
    except Exception as e:
        obj["error"] = str(type(e)) + ": " + str(e)
        return jsonify(obj)

    obj["host"] = ret[0].host
    obj["port"] = ret[0].port
    obj["name"] = ret[0].name
    obj["collection"] = ret[0].collection
    obj["state"] = "http://localhost:5003/iqr/search_state?" + urllib.urlencode({"uid" : uid})
    obj["results"] = "http://localhost:5003/iqr/search_results?" + urllib.urlencode({"uid" : uid})

    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 4
def init_new_search_session():
    Initialize the search results
    GET params query and feature both strings
    feature must be within known features

    request = flask.request

    obj = {}

    # query : will be event kit in case of triage information
    query = request.args.get("query", "")
    feature_type = request.args.get("feature", "csift")

    # Prepare kernal
    if query:
        obj["query"] = urllib2.unquote("query")
        obj["feature"] = feature_type

    assert feature_type in known_features
    dkm = tc.get_dk(feature_type)
    uid = backend.init_new_search_session(None, obj["query"], dkm)

    obj["uid"] = str(uid)
    obj["spoe"] = "other"
    obj["next"] = "http://localhost:5003/iqr/refine_search?" + urllib.urlencode(
        {"uid": str(uid)})

    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 5
def init_new_search_session():
    Initialize the search results
    GET params query and feature both strings
    feature must be within known features

    request = flask.request

    obj = {}

    # query : will be event kit in case of triage information
    query = request.args.get("query", "")
    feature_type = request.args.get("feature", "csift")

    # Prepare kernal
    if query:
        obj["query"] = urllib2.unquote("query")
        obj["feature"] = feature_type

    assert feature_type in known_features
    dkm = tc.get_dk(feature_type)
    uid = backend.init_new_search_session(None, obj["query"], dkm )

    obj["uid"] = str(uid)
    obj["spoe"] = "other"
    obj["next"] = "http://localhost:5003/iqr/refine_search?" + urllib.urlencode({"uid" : str(uid)})

    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 6
def random_results():
    # skip
    # limit

    obj = {}
    obj["query"] = {}

    skip = int(flask.request.args.get('skip', "0"))
    limit = int(flask.request.args.get('limit', "20"))
    obj["query"]["skip"] = skip
    obj["query"]["limit"] = limit
    obj["clips"] = []

    count = 0
    for i in range(limit/2):
        # Get a random
        skip = int(random.random()*200)

        # Load the clip results
        clipres = clips.find({"dataset": "MEDTEST", "middle_preview" : {"$exists" : 1}},{"id" : 1, "duration" : 1, "_id" : 0}).skip(skip).limit(2)
        for aclip in clipres:
            count = count + 1
            aclip["rank"] = count

    # obj["clips"] = [aclip["rank"] =  for aclip in clipresults]
    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 7
def archive_search_results():
    skip = int(flask.request.args.get("skip", "0"))
    limit = int(flask.request.args.get("limit", "20"))
    query = flask.request.args.get("query", "")

        uidstr = json.loads(query)
        uidstr = query

    obj = {}

    if uidstr == None:
        obj["error"] = "Missing search ID"

    obj["query"] = {}
    obj["query"]["uid"] = uidstr
    obj["clips"] = []
    states = backend.get_search_sessions()
    obj["sessions"] = []
    for astate in states:
        uid = uuid.UUID(uidstr)

        allres = searchdb[uidstr].find({
            "model_id": "FUSION"
        }).sort([("probability", pymongo.DESCENDING)]).skip(skip).limit(limit)
        rank = skip + 1
        for one in allres:
            aclip = {}
            aclip["score"] = one["probability"]
            aclip["id"] = "HVC" + str(one["clip_id"]).zfill(6)
            clipobj = db["clips"].find_one(
                {"id": "HVC" + str(one["clip_id"]).zfill(6)}, {"duration": 1})
            aclip["duration"] = clipobj["duration"]
            aclip["rank"] = rank
            rank = rank + 1

        obj["count"] = len(obj["clips"])

    except Exception as e:
        obj["error"] = str(type(e)) + ": " + str(e)
        return jsonify(obj)

    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 8
def archive_search_results():
    skip = int(flask.request.args.get("skip", "0"))
    limit = int(flask.request.args.get("limit", "20"))
    query = flask.request.args.get("query", "")

        uidstr = json.loads(query)
        uidstr = query

    obj = {}

    if uidstr == None:
        obj["error"] = "Missing search ID"

    obj["query"] = {}
    obj["query"]["uid"] = uidstr
    obj["clips"] = []
    states = backend.get_search_sessions()
    obj["sessions"] = []
    for astate in states:
        uid = uuid.UUID(uidstr)

        allres = searchdb[uidstr].find({"model_id" : "FUSION"}).sort([("probability", pymongo.DESCENDING)]).skip(skip).limit(limit)
        rank = skip + 1
        for one in allres:
            aclip = {}
            aclip["score"] = one["probability"]
            aclip["id"] = "HVC" + str(one["clip_id"]).zfill(6)
            clipobj = db["clips"].find_one({"id" : "HVC" + str(one["clip_id"]).zfill(6)},{"duration" : 1})
            aclip["duration"] = clipobj["duration"]
            aclip["rank"] = rank
            rank = rank + 1

        obj["count"] = len(obj["clips"])

    except Exception as e:
        obj["error"] = str(type(e)) + ": " + str(e)
        return jsonify(obj)

    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 9
def search_state():
    Accepts uuid
    obj = {}

    # query : will be event kit in case of triage information
    uidstr = flask.request.args.get("uid", None)

    if uidstr == None:
        obj["error"] = "Missing search ID"

    obj["query"] = {}
    obj["query"]["uid"] = uidstr
    # obj["vids"] = []
    states = backend.get_search_sessions()
    obj["sessions"] = []
    for astate in states:
        uid = uuid.UUID(uidstr)
        state = backend.get_iqr_search_state(uid)
        # use the uid of the state and get the information from the database
        col = str(state.uuid)
        # obj["collection"] = col
        # all = searchdb[col].find()
        # for one in all:
        #     obj["vids"].append(one)

        searchdb[col].ensure_index([("model_id", pymongo.ASCENDING)])
        obj["count"] = searchdb[col].find({"model_id": "FUSION"}).count()
        # obj["stateobj"] = state
    except Exception as e:
        obj["error"] = str(type(e)) + ": " + str(e)
        return jsonify(obj)

    obj["state"] = "http://localhost:5003/iqr/search_state?" + urllib.urlencode(
        {"uid": str(uidstr)})

    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 10
def search_state():
    Accepts uuid
    obj = {}

    # query : will be event kit in case of triage information
    uidstr = flask.request.args.get("uid", None)

    if uidstr == None:
        obj["error"] = "Missing search ID"

    obj["query"] = {}
    obj["query"]["uid"] = uidstr
    # obj["vids"] = []
    states = backend.get_search_sessions()
    obj["sessions"] = []
    for astate in states:
        uid = uuid.UUID(uidstr)
        state = backend.get_iqr_search_state(uid)
        # use the uid of the state and get the information from the database
        col = str(state.uuid)
        # obj["collection"] = col
        # all = searchdb[col].find()
        # for one in all:
        #     obj["vids"].append(one)

        searchdb[col].ensure_index([("model_id", pymongo.ASCENDING)])
        obj["count"] = searchdb[col].find({"model_id" : "FUSION"}).count()
        # obj["stateobj"] = state
    except Exception as e:
        obj["error"] = str(type(e)) + ": " + str(e)
        return jsonify(obj)

    obj["state"] = "http://localhost:5003/iqr/search_state?" + urllib.urlencode({"uid" : str(uidstr)})

    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 11
def adjudication():
    Api for adjudication

    request = flask.request

    obj = {}

    # clip id
    clip = request.args.get("clip", None)
    if clip:
        obj["clip"] = clip

    # query : will be event kit in case of triage information
    query = request.args.get("query", None)
    if query:
        obj["query"] = query

    # If no label in the query then assume star, other options are yes and no
    obj["label"] = request.args.get("label", "star")

    # If no op in then assume add, other option is remove
    obj["op"] = request.args.get("op", "add")

    # Comment
    comment = request.args.get("comment", None)
    if comment:
        obj["comment"] = comment

    # Get ip address
    if not request.headers.getlist("X-Forwarded-For"):
        obj["ip"] = request.remote_addr
        obj["ip"] = request.headers.getlist("X-Forwarded-For")[0]

    # Get current time
    obj["time"] = datetime.datetime.now()
    obj["strtime"] = str(obj["time"])

    # get user
    obj["user"] = "******"

    if flask.session.has_key("user"):
        # user logged in
        obj["user"] = flask.session["user"]["fullname"]


    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 12
def adjudication():
    Api for adjudication

    request = flask.request

    obj = {}

    # clip id
    clip = request.args.get("clip", None)
    if clip:
        obj["clip"] = clip

    # query : will be event kit in case of triage information
    query = request.args.get("query", None)
    if query:
        obj["query"] = query

    # If no label in the query then assume star, other options are yes and no
    obj["label"] = request.args.get("label", "star")

    # If no op in then assume add, other option is remove
    obj["op"] = request.args.get("op", "add")

    # Comment
    comment = request.args.get("comment", None)
    if comment:
        obj["comment"] = comment

    # Get ip address
    if not request.headers.getlist("X-Forwarded-For"):
        obj["ip"] = request.remote_addr
        obj["ip"] = request.headers.getlist("X-Forwarded-For")[0]

    # Get current time
    obj["time"] = datetime.datetime.now()
    obj["strtime"] = str(obj["time"])

    # get user
    obj["user"] = "******"

    if flask.session.has_key("user"):
        # user logged in
        obj["user"] = flask.session["user"]["fullname"]


    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 13
def archive_search():
    obj = {}
    obj["query"] = {}
    sessionstr = flask.request.args.get("session", None)
    statestr = flask.request.args.get("state", None)
    obj["query"]["session"] = sessionstr
    obj["query"]["state"] = statestr

        stateuid = uuid.UUID(statestr)
        sessionuid = uuid.UUID(sessionstr)

        ret = backend.archive_search(sessionuid, stateuid, medtest_kernal)

        obj["host"] = ret[0].host
        obj["port"] = ret[0].port
        obj["name"] = ret[0].name
        obj["collection"] = ret[0].collection

        return jsonify(obj)

    except Exception as e:
        obj["error"] = str(type(e)) + ": " + str(e)
        return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 14
def event_results():
    # Event ID
    # DataSet
    # Now obsolete use /event_results_from_training

    obj = {}
    obj["query"] = {}

    kit = flask.request.args.get('kit', "1")
    obj["query"]["kit"] = kit

    training = flask.request.args.get('training', "0Ex")
    obj["query"]["training"] = training

    attribute = "scores.0.E%03d" % (int(kit))
    obj["query"]["attribute"] = attribute

    skip = int(flask.request.args.get('skip', "0"))
    limit = int(flask.request.args.get('limit', "10"))
    obj["query"]["skip"] = skip
    obj["query"]["limit"] = limit

    # Load the clip results
    clipresults = clips.find({
        attribute: {
            "$exists": 1
    }, {
        "_id": 1,
        "duration": 1,
        "scores": 1,
        "id": 1
    }).sort(attribute, pymongo.DESCENDING).skip(skip).limit(limit)
    obj["clips"] = []

    # Load duration
    count = 1
    for aclip in clipresults:
        aclip["rank"] = skip + count
        aclip["score"] = aclip["scores"][0]["E%03d" % int(kit)]
        del aclip["scores"]
        count = count + 1

    # obj["clips"] = [aclip["rank"] =  for aclip in clipresults]
    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 15
def event_results_from_training():
    # Event ID
    # DataSet

    obj = {}
    obj["query"] = {}

    kit = flask.request.args.get('kit', "1")
    obj["query"]["kit"] = kit

    training = flask.request.args.get('training', "100Ex")
    obj["query"]["training"] = training

    attribute = "scores_eval.%s.E%03d." % (training, int(kit))
    obj["query"]["attribute"] = attribute

    skip = int(flask.request.args.get('skip', "0"))
    limit = int(flask.request.args.get('limit', "10"))
    obj["query"]["skip"] = skip
    obj["query"]["limit"] = limit
    obj["query"]["attribute"] = attribute

    # Load the clip results
    clipresults = clipscores.find({}, {
        "_id": 1,
        attribute: 1,
        "id": 1
    }).sort(attribute, pymongo.DESCENDING).skip(skip).limit(limit)
    obj["clips"] = []

    # Load duration
    count = 1
    for aclip in clipresults:
        aclip["rank"] = skip + count
        aclip["score"] = aclip["scores_eval"][training]["E%03d" % int(kit)]
        aclipobj = clips.find_one({"id": aclip["id"]}, {"duration": 1})
        if "duration" in aclipobj:
            aclip["duration"] = aclipobj["duration"]
        del aclip["scores_eval"]
        count = count + 1

    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 16
def event_results_from_training():
    # Event ID
    # DataSet

    obj = {}
    obj["query"] = {}

    kit = flask.request.args.get('kit',"1")
    obj["query"]["kit"] = kit

    training = flask.request.args.get('training',"100Ex")
    obj["query"]["training"] = training

    attribute = "scores_eval.%s.E%03d."%(training, int(kit))
    obj["query"]["attribute"] = attribute

    skip = int(flask.request.args.get('skip', "0"))
    limit = int(flask.request.args.get('limit', "10"))
    obj["query"]["skip"] = skip
    obj["query"]["limit"] = limit
    obj["query"] ["attribute"]= attribute

    # Load the clip results
    clipresults = clipscores.find({}, {"_id" : 1, attribute: 1, "id" : 1}).sort(attribute,pymongo.DESCENDING).skip(skip).limit(limit)
    obj["clips"] = []

    # Load duration
    count = 1
    for aclip in clipresults:
        aclip["rank"] = skip + count
        aclip["score"] = aclip["scores_eval"][training]["E%03d"%int(kit)]
        aclipobj = clips.find_one({"id" : aclip["id"]},{"duration" : 1})
        if "duration" in aclipobj:
            aclip["duration"] = aclipobj["duration"]
        del aclip["scores_eval"]
        count = count + 1

    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 17
def event_results():
    # Event ID
    # DataSet
    # Now obsolete use /event_results_from_training

    obj = {}
    obj["query"] = {}

    kit = flask.request.args.get('kit',"1")
    obj["query"]["kit"] = kit

    training = flask.request.args.get('training',"0Ex")
    obj["query"]["training"] = training

    attribute = "scores.0.E%03d"%(int(kit))
    obj["query"]["attribute"] = attribute

    skip = int(flask.request.args.get('skip', "0"))
    limit = int(flask.request.args.get('limit', "10"))
    obj["query"]["skip"] = skip
    obj["query"]["limit"] = limit

    # Load the clip results
    clipresults = clips.find({attribute : {"$exists" : 1}}, {"_id" : 1, "duration": 1, "scores": 1, "id" : 1}).sort(attribute,pymongo.DESCENDING).skip(skip).limit(limit)
    obj["clips"] = []

    # Load duration
    count = 1
    for aclip in clipresults:
        aclip["rank"] = skip + count
        aclip["score"] = aclip["scores"][0]["E%03d"%int(kit)]
        del aclip["scores"]
        count = count + 1

    # obj["clips"] = [aclip["rank"] =  for aclip in clipresults]
    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 18
def random_results():
    # skip
    # limit

    obj = {}
    obj["query"] = {}

    skip = int(flask.request.args.get('skip', "0"))
    limit = int(flask.request.args.get('limit', "20"))
    obj["query"]["skip"] = skip
    obj["query"]["limit"] = limit
    obj["clips"] = []

    count = 0
    for i in range(limit / 2):
        # Get a random
        skip = int(random.random() * 200)

        # Load the clip results
        clipres = clips.find(
                "dataset": "MEDTEST",
                "middle_preview": {
                    "$exists": 1
            }, {
                "id": 1,
                "duration": 1,
                "_id": 0
        for aclip in clipres:
            count = count + 1
            aclip["rank"] = count

    # obj["clips"] = [aclip["rank"] =  for aclip in clipresults]
    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 19
def search_results():
    Corresponds to
    Accepts uid and pool index
    skip = int(flask.request.args.get("skip", "0"))
    limit = int(flask.request.args.get("limit", "20"))

    obj = {}

    # query : will be event kit in case of triage information
    uidstr = flask.request.args.get("query", None)

    if uidstr == None:
        obj["error"] = "Missing search ID"

    uidstr = json.loads(uidstr)

    obj["query"] = {}
    obj["query"]["uid"] = uidstr
    obj["clips"] = []
    states = backend.get_search_sessions()
    obj["sessions"] = []
    for astate in states:
        uid = uuid.UUID(uidstr)
        state = backend.get_iqr_search_state(uid)
        # use the uid of the state and get the information from the database
        col = str(state.uuid)
        obj["collection"] = col
        searchdb[col].ensure_index([("model_id", pymongo.ASCENDING),("probability", pymongo.DESCENDING) ])
        # Force probabilities
        obj["positives"] = list(state.positives)
        obj["negatives"] = list(state.negatives)
        log = ""
        for id in state.positives:
            # log = log + "Found %d"%(searchdb[col].find({"model_id" : "FUSION", "clip_id" : id}).count()) + ", "
            # res = searchdb[col].update({"model_id" : "FUSION", "clip_id" : id}, {"$set" : { "probability" : 1.0}})
            # log = log + "Done %d"%id + ", "
            news = searchdb[col].find_one({"model_id" : "FUSION", "clip_id" : id})
            news["probability"] = 1.0001
            log = log + "Now : " + str(news)

        for id in state.negatives:
            # log = log + "Found %d"%(searchdb[col].find({"model_id" : "FUSION", "clip_id" : id}).count()) + ", "
            # res = searchdb[col].update({"model_id" : "FUSION", "clip_id" : id}, {"$set" : { "probability" : 0.0}})
            # log = log + "Done %d"%id + ", "
            news = searchdb[col].find_one({"model_id" : "FUSION", "clip_id" : id})
            news["probability"] = 0.0
            log = log + "Now : " + str(news)

        obj["log"] = log

        allres = searchdb[col].find({"model_id" : "FUSION"}).sort([("probability", pymongo.DESCENDING)]).skip(skip).limit(limit)
        rank = skip + 1
        for one in allres:
            aclip = {}
            aclip["score"] = one["probability"]
            aclip["id"] = "HVC" + str(one["clip_id"]).zfill(6)
                clipobj = db["clips"].find_one({"id" : "HVC" + str(one["clip_id"]).zfill(6)},{"duration" : 1})
                aclip["duration"] = clipobj["duration"]
                aclip["duration"] = "unknown"
            aclip["rank"] = rank
            rank = rank + 1
        obj["count"] = len(obj["clips"])

    except Exception as e:
        obj["error"] = str(type(e)) + ": " + str(e)
        return jsonify(obj)

    obj["next"] = "http://localhost:5003/iqr/search_results?" + urllib.urlencode({"uid" : uid, "skip" : skip+limit } )
    return jsonify(obj)
Exemplo n.º 20
def search_results():
    Corresponds to
    Accepts uid and pool index
    skip = int(flask.request.args.get("skip", "0"))
    limit = int(flask.request.args.get("limit", "20"))

    obj = {}

    # query : will be event kit in case of triage information
    uidstr = flask.request.args.get("query", None)

    if uidstr == None:
        obj["error"] = "Missing search ID"

    uidstr = json.loads(uidstr)

    obj["query"] = {}
    obj["query"]["uid"] = uidstr
    obj["clips"] = []
    states = backend.get_search_sessions()
    obj["sessions"] = []
    for astate in states:
        uid = uuid.UUID(uidstr)
        state = backend.get_iqr_search_state(uid)
        # use the uid of the state and get the information from the database
        col = str(state.uuid)
        obj["collection"] = col
        searchdb[col].ensure_index([("model_id", pymongo.ASCENDING),
                                    ("probability", pymongo.DESCENDING)])
        # Force probabilities
        obj["positives"] = list(state.positives)
        obj["negatives"] = list(state.negatives)
        log = ""
        for id in state.positives:
            # log = log + "Found %d"%(searchdb[col].find({"model_id" : "FUSION", "clip_id" : id}).count()) + ", "
            # res = searchdb[col].update({"model_id" : "FUSION", "clip_id" : id}, {"$set" : { "probability" : 1.0}})
            # log = log + "Done %d"%id + ", "
            news = searchdb[col].find_one({
                "model_id": "FUSION",
                "clip_id": id
            news["probability"] = 1.0001
            log = log + "Now : " + str(news)

        for id in state.negatives:
            # log = log + "Found %d"%(searchdb[col].find({"model_id" : "FUSION", "clip_id" : id}).count()) + ", "
            # res = searchdb[col].update({"model_id" : "FUSION", "clip_id" : id}, {"$set" : { "probability" : 0.0}})
            # log = log + "Done %d"%id + ", "
            news = searchdb[col].find_one({
                "model_id": "FUSION",
                "clip_id": id
            news["probability"] = 0.0
            log = log + "Now : " + str(news)

        obj["log"] = log

        allres = searchdb[col].find({
            "model_id": "FUSION"
        }).sort([("probability", pymongo.DESCENDING)]).skip(skip).limit(limit)
        rank = skip + 1
        for one in allres:
            aclip = {}
            aclip["score"] = one["probability"]
            aclip["id"] = "HVC" + str(one["clip_id"]).zfill(6)
                clipobj = db["clips"].find_one(
                    {"id": "HVC" + str(one["clip_id"]).zfill(6)},
                    {"duration": 1})
                aclip["duration"] = clipobj["duration"]
                aclip["duration"] = "unknown"
            aclip["rank"] = rank
            rank = rank + 1
        obj["count"] = len(obj["clips"])

    except Exception as e:
        obj["error"] = str(type(e)) + ": " + str(e)
        return jsonify(obj)

    obj["next"] = "http://localhost:5003/iqr/search_results?" + urllib.urlencode(
            "uid": uid,
            "skip": skip + limit
    return jsonify(obj)