Exemplo n.º 1
    def regenerate_weno_coarse_solution(self, solution_data):
        args = copy.deepcopy(solution_data['args'])
        if args.__dict__.get('eta') is None:
            args.__dict__['eta'] = 0

        a, b, c, d, e = solution_data['a'], solution_data['b'], solution_data['c'], solution_data['d'], solution_data['e']
        init_value = a + b * np.sin(c * np.pi * self.x_grid) + d * np.cos(e * np.pi * self.x_grid)

        args.Tscheme = 'rk4'
        beg = time.time()
        coarse_solver = weno3_fd(args, 
            init_value=init_value, forcing=self.forcing, num_x=self.num_x, num_t=self.num_t, dt=self.dt, dx=self.dx)
        weno_coarse_grid_rk4 = coarse_solver.solve()
        self.weno_regenrate_time = time.time() - beg

        args.Tscheme = 'euler'
        coarse_solver = weno3_fd(args, 
            init_value=init_value, forcing=self.forcing, num_x=self.num_x, num_t=self.num_t, dt=self.dt, dx=self.dx)
        weno_coarse_grid_euler = coarse_solver.solve()
        return weno_coarse_grid_rk4, weno_coarse_grid_euler
Exemplo n.º 2
        ### compute and store precise solutions
        fine_num_x = int((args.x_high - args.x_low) / args.precise_dx + 1)
        fine_x_grid = np.linspace(args.x_low,
                                  dtype=np.float64)  ### precise_dx = 0.001
        u0 = a + b * func(c * np.pi * fine_x_grid)
        fine_solver = weno3_fv(args.flux)
        fine_solution = fine_solver.solve(fine_x_grid, args.T, u0, args.cfl)

        ### compute and store weno solutions under coarse grids
        coarse_num_x = int((args.x_high - args.x_low) / args.dx + 1)
        coarse_x_grid = np.linspace(args.x_low,
                                    dtype=np.float64)  ### precise_dx = 0.001
        init_value = a + b * func(c * np.pi * coarse_x_grid)
        coarse_solver = weno3_fd(args, init_value=init_value)
        corase_solution = coarse_solver.solve()

        ### store the computed solutions
        func_name = 'sin' if func == np.sin else 'cos'
        init_name = '{0};{1};{2};{3}'.format(a, b, func_name, c)
        print('{0} + {1}{2}({3}\\pi * x)'.format(a, b, func_name, c))
            init_name, args.flux, args.cfl),
            init_name, args.Tscheme, args.dx, args.flux, args.cfl),
    def __init__(self,
            args: a dictionary storing all kinds of arguments
            init_func: a callable function giving the initial conditions. Interface should be f(x)
            true_solution_grids: the true solution grids
            agent: only required for RK4 time scheme. 
        self.T = args.T
        self.x_low, self.x_high = args.x_low, args.x_high
        self.dx = args.dx
        self.num_x = int((self.x_high - self.x_low) / self.dx + 1)
        self.num_t = int(args.T / args.dt + 1)  # why + 1?
        self.x_grid = np.linspace(self.x_low,

        # first dim: x; second dim: t
        self.RLgrid = np.zeros(
            (self.num_t, self.num_x))  # record the value at each (x,t) point
        # self.weno_grid = np.zeros((self.num_t, self.num_x))

        # width: determine how many points in the previous time iteration will be used
        self.state_width = args.state_window_size  ### mainly for filter-based methods
        self.action_width = args.action_window_size  ### mainly for filter-based methods
        self.args = copy.copy(args)
        self.init_condition = init_func

        # agent for rk4
        self.agent = agent
        if self.args.Tscheme == 'rk4':
            assert self.agent is not None

        # record actions at each time step for animation
        self.actions = np.zeros((self.num_t, self.num_x))

        # currently trying fix dt
        self.dt = args.dt
        self.precise_dx = self.args.precise_dx  #self.args.dx #0.001
        self.precise_dt = self.precise_dx * args.cfl

        # initial and boundary conditions
        self.boundary_condition = args.boundary_condition

        # filters
        self.filters = np.array([[0, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 0], [0, 0, -1, 1, 0],
                                 [0, -1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1.5, 2, -0.5],
                                 [0.5, -2, 1.5, 0, 0]])
        if self.args.mode == 'eno' or self.args.mode == 'weno':
            assert len(self.filters) == self.args.action_dim
            assert len(self.filters[0]) == 1 + 2 * self.action_width

        self.initial_value = self.init_condition(self.x_grid,
        self.precise_weno_solutions = None
        self.weno_coarse_grid = None

        # if true_solution_grids is None: ### True solution use fine grid finite-volume weno
        #     self.precise_weno_solutions = self.get_weno_grid(self.precise_dx, self.precise_dt, self.args.T + 0.1)
        # else:
        #     self.precise_weno_solutions = true_solution_grids

        # if coarse_solutions is None: ### coarse solution use coarse grid finite-difference weno
        #     corase_weno_solver = weno3_fd(args, init_value = self.initial_value)
        #     self.weno_coarse_grid = corase_weno_solver.solve()
        # else:
        #     self.weno_coarse_grid = coarse_solutions
        self.weno_error = None

        self.filter_inverse_matrix = np.linalg.inv(
            np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2], [4, 1, 0, 1, 4],
                      [-8, -1, 0, 1, 8], [16, 1, 0, 1, 16]]))
        self.weno_w = np.array([[1 / 3, 0, 0, 0], [-7 / 6, -1 / 6, 0, 0],
                                [11 / 6, 5 / 6, 1 / 3, 0],
                                [0, 1 / 3, 5 / 6, 11 / 6],
                                [0, 0, -1 / 6, -7 / 6], [0, 0, 0, 1 / 3]])

        if self.args.mode == 'nonlinear_weno_coef':
            self.corase_weno_solver = weno3_fd(self.args,
 def get_weno_corase(self):
     corase_weno_solver = weno3_fd(self.args, init_value=self.initial_value)
     self.weno_coarse_grid = corase_weno_solver.solve()
args.add_argument('--cfl', default=0.4, type=float)
args.add_argument('--T', default=1.2, type=float)
args.add_argument('--flux', default='u2', type=str)
args.add_argument('--Tscheme', default='euler', type=str)
args.add_argument('--x_low', default=-1, type=float)
args.add_argument('--x_high', default=1, type=float)
args = args.parse_args()

precise_dx = 0.001
precise_dt = 0.0002
num_x = int((args.x_high - args.x_low) / args.dx + 1)
reference_solution = get_weno_grid(args.x_low, args.x_high, precise_dx,
                                   precise_dt, args.T)[-1]
reference_solution = subsample_precise_value(reference_solution,
                                             int(args.dx / precise_dx), num_x)

init_x = np.linspace(args.x_low, args.x_high, num_x)
init_u = init_condition(init_x)
for dt in [0.01, 0.008, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.002, 0.001]:
    args.cfl = dt / args.dx
    solution = weno3_fd(args, init_u).solve()[-1]
    # solution1 = get_weno_grid(args.x_low, args.x_high, args.dx, dt, args.T)[-1]
    # plt.plot(solution1, 'ro', label = 'my weno')
    # plt.plot(solution2, 'b*', label = 'fe weno')
    # plt.plot(reference_solution, 'y+', label = 'reference')
    # plt.legend()
    # plt.show()
    error = np.linalg.norm(reference_solution - solution, 2) / np.linalg.norm(
        reference_solution, 2)
    print("dt: {}, error {}: ".format(dt, error))
Exemplo n.º 6
            print('dx: ', dx)
            args.dx = dx
            for tscheme in ['rk4', 'euler']:
                args.Tscheme = tscheme
                coarse_num_x = corase_num_x_list[dx_idx]
                corase_num_t = corase_num_t_list[dx_idx]
                coarse_x_grid = np.linspace(
                    args.x_low, args.x_high, coarse_num_x,
                    dtype=np.float64)  ### precise_dx = 0.001

                init_value = a + b * np.sin(
                    c * np.pi * coarse_x_grid) + d * np.cos(
                        e * np.pi * coarse_x_grid)
                coarse_solver = weno3_fd(args,
                corase_solution = coarse_solver.solve()

                                                         2))] = corase_solution

                # num_t = int(args.T / (dx * args.cfl)) - 10
                # factor = int(dx / args.precise_dx)
                # for idx_t in range(num_t):
                #     fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7))
                #     plt.grid()
                #     plt.plot(coarse_x_grid, weno_coarse_solutions[1][idx_t], 'bo-')
                #     plt.plot(fine_x_grid, fine_solution[idx_t * int(dx / args.precise_dx)], 'r')
                #     plt.show()