def tree(self, blocks, left, bottom):
     if bottom < 5:
         return 0
     # Get random height
     h = min(randint(5, 9), bottom)
     top = bottom - h
     # Get leaf radius
     r = max(h // 3, 1)
     w = r * 2 + 1
     c = r + .5
     # Check number of spawners allowed
     num_birdie = 2 if h >= 9 else 1 if h >= 7 else 0
     num_helicopter = 1 if h >= 8 else 0
     # Go through the center of each x
     for dx in range(-r, r + 1):
         if left + dx < 0 or left + dx >= blocks.shape[1]:
         # Use pythagorean theorem to compute height of leaves
         dy = math.sqrt((r * r) - (dx * dx))
         y_min, y_max = top + int(c - dy), top + int(c + dy) + 1
         fill_chunk(blocks, left + dx, 1, y_min, y_max - y_min,
         # Add trunk if at the center
         if dx == 0:
             fill_chunk(blocks, left + dx, 1, top + r, h - r, tiles.WOOD)
         if num_birdie > 0 and randint(1, 10) == 1:
             blocks[randint(y_min, y_max), dx + left] = tiles.BIRDIE
             num_birdie -= 1
         elif num_helicopter > 0 and randint(1, 20) == 1:
             blocks[randint(y_min, y_max), dx + left] = tiles.HELICOPTER
             num_helicopter -= 1
     return w
 def generate_structure(self, world, surface, rect):
     r = rect.w // 2
     left_side = rect.left <= world.dim[0] // 2
     for x in range(rect.left, rect.right):
         dx = x + .5 - rect.centerx
         dy = int(math.sqrt(r * r - dx * dx))
         dirt = min(dy, randint(3, 5))
         # From top to bottom: Air, Dirt, Stone
         arr = [tiles.AIR] * (rect.h - dy) + [tiles.DIRT] * dirt + [
         ] * (dy - dirt)
         # Check if we need to add air in the cave
         r_ = r / 3
         if -r_ < dx < r_:
             dh = int(math.sqrt(r_ * r_ - dx * dx))
             arr[-dh:] = [tiles.AIR] * dh
         if (dx <= r_ and not left_side) or (dx >= r_ and left_side):
             arr[-3:] = [tiles.AIR] * 3
         # Check to add stone pedestal and dragon egg
         if -.5 <= dx <= 1.5:
             arr[-1] = tiles.STONE
             if dx == .5:
                 arr[-2] = tiles.DRAGON_EGG
         # Add array
         world.blocks[, x] = arr
         # Check if we need to fill in ground
         if surface[x] > rect.bottom:
             block_type = world.blocks[surface[x], x]
             fill_chunk(world.blocks, x, 1, rect.bottom,
                        surface[x] - rect.bottom, block_type)
    def generate_terrain(self, world, surface, x, dx):
        land = generate_noise(20, 20, 3, dx)
        stone = generate_noise(10, 25, 3, dx)

        for i, (val1, val2) in enumerate(zip(land, stone)):
            land_h = world.surface_h + val1
            stone_h = world.underground + val2
            fill_chunk(world.blocks, x + i, 1, land_h, stone_h - land_h,
            fill_chunk(world.blocks, x + i, 1, stone_h, world.dim[1] - stone_h,
            surface[x + i] = land_h
    def generate_terrain(self, world, surface, x, dx):
        land = generate_noise(15, 25, 1, dx)
        stone = generate_noise(10, 25, 3, dx)

        free = 0
        for i, (val1, val2) in enumerate(zip(land, stone)):
            land_h = world.surface_h + val1
            stone_h = world.underground + val2
            fill_chunk(world.blocks, x + i, 1, land_h, stone_h - land_h,
            fill_chunk(world.blocks, x + i, 1, stone_h, world.dim[1] - stone_h,
            surface[x + i] = land_h
            if free <= i and randint(1, 10) == 1:
                free = i + self.tree(world.blocks, x + i, land_h)
    def generate_terrain(self, world, surface, x, dx):
        land = generate_noise(15, 25, 1, dx)
        stone = generate_noise(10, 25, 3, dx)

        for i, (val1, val2) in enumerate(zip(land, stone)):
            land_h = world.surface_h + val1
            stone_h = world.underground + val2
            fill_chunk(world.blocks, x + i, 1, land_h, stone_h - land_h,
            fill_chunk(world.blocks, x + i, 1, stone_h, world.dim[1] - stone_h,
            surface[x + i] = land_h
            chance = 75
            dy = 0
            while randint(1, 100) <= chance / pow(2, dy):
                world.blocks[land_h + dy, x + i] = tiles.SNOW
                dy += 1
    def generate_terrain(self, world, surface, x, dx):
        land = generate_noise(50, min(dx // 2, 75), 1, dx)
        stone = generate_noise(10, 25, 3, dx)

        free = 0
        for i, (val1, val2) in enumerate(zip(land, stone)):
            land_h = world.surface_h + val1
            stone_h = world.underground + val2
            fill_chunk(world.blocks, x + i, 1, land_h, stone_h - land_h,
            fill_chunk(world.blocks, x + i, 1, stone_h, world.dim[1] - stone_h,
            surface[x + i] = land_h
            if randint(1, 200) <= math.sqrt(abs(val1)):
                world.blocks[land_h + randint(1, 3)][x + i] = tiles.ZOMBIE
            if free < i and randint(1, 20) == 1:
                w = 0
                while w < 2 and i + w + 1 < len(land) and val1 == land[i + w +
                    w += 1
                idx = self.BOULDERS[randint(0, w)]
                w, h = game_vars.tiles[idx].dim
                fill_chunk(world.blocks, x + i, w, land_h, -h, tiles.AIR)
                world.blocks[land_h - h, x + i] = idx
                free = i + w