def testParsePseudotranslationLogFile(self):        
     edPluginPhenixXtriagev1_1 = self.createPlugin()
     logFilePseudotranslation = os.path.join(self.getPluginTestsDataHome(), "PhenixXtriage_pseudotranslation.log")
     xsDataResultPhenixXtriage = edPluginPhenixXtriagev1_1.parseLogFile(logFilePseudotranslation)
     # Check log file
     EDAssert.equal(True, os.path.exists(xsDataResultPhenixXtriage.logFile.path.value), "Log file")
     # Reference data
     xmlFile = os.path.join(self.getPluginTestsDataHome(), "XSDataResultPhenixXtriage_pseudotranslation.xml")
     xml = self.readAndParseFile(xmlFile)        
     xsDataResultPhenixXtriageReference = XSDataResultPhenixXtriage.parseString(xml)
     # Remove the paths to the log file before comparison
     xsDataResultPhenixXtriage.logFile = None
     xsDataResultPhenixXtriageReference.logFile = None
                    xsDataResultPhenixXtriage.marshal(), "Output values")
 def testParseLogFile(self):
     edPluginPhenixXtriagev1_1 = self.createPlugin()
     logFile = os.path.join(
     xsDataResultPhenixXtriage = edPluginPhenixXtriagev1_1.parseLogFile(
     # Check log file
         True, os.path.exists(xsDataResultPhenixXtriage.logFile.path.value),
         "Log file")
     # Reference data
     xmlFile = os.path.join(self.getPluginTestsDataHome(),
     xml = self.readAndParseFile(xmlFile)
     xsDataResultPhenixXtriageReference = XSDataResultPhenixXtriage.parseString(
     # Remove the paths to the log file before comparison
     xsDataResultPhenixXtriage.logFile = None
     xsDataResultPhenixXtriageReference.logFile = None
                    xsDataResultPhenixXtriage.marshal(), "Output values")
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self):
     self.strPathToLocalMtz = None
Exemplo n.º 4
 def parseLogFile(self, _strPathToLogFile):
     xsDataResultPhenixXtriage = XSDataResultPhenixXtriage()
     hasTwinning = False
     hasPseudotranslation = False
     if os.path.exists(_strPathToLogFile):
         xsDataResultPhenixXtriage.logFile = XSDataFile(XSDataString(_strPathToLogFile))
         strLog = EDUtilsFile.readFile(_strPathToLogFile)
         iIndex = 0
         listLines = strLog.split("\n")
         bContinue = True
         while bContinue:
             if listLines[iIndex].startswith("Statistics depending on twin laws"):
                 #| Operator | type | R obs. | Britton alpha | H alpha |
                 #| k,h,-l   |  PM  | 0.025  | 0.458         | 0.478   |
                 #| -h,k,-l  |  PM  | 0.017  | 0.459         | 0.487   |
                 iIndex +=4
                 while not listLines[iIndex].startswith("---------"):
                     listLine = listLines[iIndex].split("|")
                     xsDataTwinLawsStatistics =XSDataTwinLawsStatistics()
                     xsDataTwinLawsStatistics.operator = XSDataString(listLine[1].replace(" ", ""))
                     xsDataTwinLawsStatistics.twinType = XSDataString(listLine[2].replace(" ", ""))
                     xsDataTwinLawsStatistics.rObs = XSDataDouble(float(listLine[3]))
                     xsDataTwinLawsStatistics.brittonAlpha = XSDataDouble(float(listLine[4]))
                     xsDataTwinLawsStatistics.hAlpha = XSDataDouble(float(listLine[5]))
                     xsDataTwinLawsStatistics.mlAlpha = XSDataDouble(float(listLine[6]))
                     iIndex += 1
             elif listLines[iIndex].startswith("Patterson analyses"):
                 # - Largest peak height   : 6.089
                 iIndex += 1
                 pattersonLargestPeakHeight = float(listLines[iIndex].split(":")[1])
                 xsDataResultPhenixXtriage.pattersonLargestPeakHeight = XSDataDouble(pattersonLargestPeakHeight)
                 # (corresponding p value : 6.921e-01)
                 iIndex += 1
                 pattersonPValue = float(listLines[iIndex].split(":")[1].split(")")[0])
                 xsDataResultPhenixXtriage.pattersonPValue = XSDataDouble(pattersonPValue)
             elif "indicating pseudo translational symmetry" in listLines[iIndex]:
                 #    The analyses of the Patterson function reveals a significant off-origin
                 #    peak that is 66.43 % of the origin peak, indicating pseudo translational symmetry.
                 #    The chance of finding a peak of this or larger height by random in a 
                 #    structure without pseudo translational symmetry is equal to the 6.0553e-06.
                 #    The detected translational NCS is most likely also responsible for the elevated intensity ratio.
                 #    See the relevant section of the logfile for more details.
                 hasPseudotranslation = True
             elif "As there are twin laws possible given the crystal symmetry, twinning could" in listLines[iIndex]:
                 #    The results of the L-test indicate that the intensity statistics
                 #    are significantly different than is expected from good to reasonable,
                 #    untwinned data.
                 #    As there are twin laws possible given the crystal symmetry, twinning could
                 #    be the reason for the departure of the intensity statistics from normality. 
                 hasTwinning = True                   
             iIndex += 1                
             if iIndex == len(listLines):
                 bContinue = False
     xsDataResultPhenixXtriage.twinning = XSDataBoolean(hasTwinning)
     xsDataResultPhenixXtriage.pseudotranslation = XSDataBoolean(hasPseudotranslation)
     return xsDataResultPhenixXtriage