Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, fullMap, robot, plotter=None, dipController=None):
        """ An RRT path planner that takes into account orientation 
        Note: Dipoles and poses are always numpy arrays with x, y, and theta.

        :param fullMap: A RRTMap object
        :param robot: A robotRRT object
        :param plotter: A RRTPlotter object. If plotting is desired
        :param dipController: A DipolarController object
        self.DEBUGER = False        # Debugger is on
        self.PLOT_TREE = False      # Plot RRT tree as it is grown
        self.PLOT_TREE_FAIL = False # Plot RRT tree in case of timeout
        # Settings
        self.connectDist = 1       # Euclidean distance between nodes for CONNECT
        self.closeEnoughDist = .25
        self.closeEnoughAng = .5
        self.fullMap = fullMap
        self.robot = robot
        if dipController is None:
            self.dipControl = DipolarController(k1=.5, k2=1.5, lambdaValue=3)
            self.dipControl = dipController
        self.plotter = plotter
Exemplo n.º 2
class DipolarRRT:
    def __init__(self, fullMap, robot, plotter=None, dipController=None):
        """ An RRT path planner that takes into account orientation 
        Note: Dipoles and poses are always numpy arrays with x, y, and theta.

        :param fullMap: A RRTMap object
        :param robot: A robotRRT object
        :param plotter: A RRTPlotter object. If plotting is desired
        :param dipController: A DipolarController object
        self.DEBUGER = False        # Debugger is on
        self.PLOT_TREE = False      # Plot RRT tree as it is grown
        self.PLOT_TREE_FAIL = False # Plot RRT tree in case of timeout
        # Settings
        self.connectDist = 1       # Euclidean distance between nodes for CONNECT
        self.closeEnoughDist = .25
        self.closeEnoughAng = .5
        self.fullMap = fullMap
        self.robot = robot
        if dipController is None:
            self.dipControl = DipolarController(k1=.5, k2=1.5, lambdaValue=3)
            self.dipControl = dipController
        self.plotter = plotter
    def updateMap(self, newMap):
        self.fullMap = newMap
    def setCloseEnoughVals(self, dist=None, ang=None):
        """ Set the values that are checked when closeEnoughDipole is called. """
        if dist is not None:
            self.closeEnoughDist = dist
        if ang is not None:
            self.closeEnoughAng = ang
    def setConnectDist(self, dist):
        self.connectDist = dist
    def get2DPathLength(self, path):
        """ Get the length of a path along the set of 2D waypoints.
        :param path: A list of points or poses as numpy arrays.
        distances = [norm(path[i][:2] - path[i+1][:2]) 
                     for i in range(len(path)-1)]
        return sum(distances)

    def sampleDipole(self):
        """ Returns a random dipole within the map's C-Free
        randPoint = self.fullMap.cFree.sample(random)
        randAng = 2 * np.pi * random()
        return np.array([randPoint[0], randPoint[1], randAng])
    def getDipoleDistanceHeur(self, dipoleStart, dipoleEnd):
        """ Calculate a heuristic distance from dipoleStart to dipoleEnd. The
        distance is a linear combination of the euclidean distance between
        dipoles, orientation difference between dipoles, orientation difference
        between dipoleStart and the field at dipoleStart from dipoleEnd, and the
        how far infront or behind dipoleStart is from the line orthogonal to 
        to and passing through dipoleEnd. 
        # Weights
        W_EUCL = 5              # Euclidian distance
        W_ORIENT = 1            # Difference between orientations
        W_FIELD = 1             # Difference between orientation and field
        W_FRONT_BEHIND = 0      # In front or behind
        dirV = dipoleStart[:2] - dipoleEnd[:2]
        euclD = norm(dirV)
        angleDiff = np.abs(diffAngles(dipoleEnd[2], dipoleStart[2]))
        dipoleField = self.dipControl.getFieldAt(dipoleStart, dipoleEnd)
        fieldAngle = np.arctan2(dipoleField[1], dipoleField[0])
        fieldDiff = np.abs(diffAngles(fieldAngle, dipoleStart[2]))
        dipoleT = np.array(dipoleStart[:2])/norm(dipoleStart[:2])
        relativePos = np.dot(dipoleT, dirV)
        totalDist = W_EUCL*euclD + W_ORIENT*angleDiff + \
                    W_FIELD*fieldDiff + W_FRONT_BEHIND*relativePos
        return totalDist
    def getNClosestIndicesDipole(self, dipole, tree, N=1):
        """ Uses the distance heuristic to return a list with the indices 
        of the N closest nodes within the tree to dipole.    
        distances = [self.getDipoleDistanceHeur(dipole, nodeX.getPose()) 
                     for nodeX in tree]
        closestIndices = sorted(range(len(distances)), key=lambda i: distances[i])
        return closestIndices[:N]
    def getDipoleToDipolePath(self, dipoleStart, dipoleEnd, timeout = .5):
        """ Returns (connected, path) where connected is True if a collision
        free path was found, and path is the list of poses. 
        :param timeout: The maximum time to spend in this function
        DT = .1         # The time interval for controls and forward integration
        poseCurr = np.array(dipoleStart)
        posePrev = poseCurr
        path = [poseCurr]
        timeStart = clock()
        while (clock() - timeStart) < timeout:
            u, w = self.dipControl.getControlls(poseCurr, dipoleEnd, posePrev, DT)
            posePrev = poseCurr
            poseCurr = self.dipControl.integrateForwards(posePrev, u, w, DT)
            # Check for collision
            if not self.fullMap.cFree.covers(self.robot.shape):
                return (False, path)
            # If reached goal return the final state
            if self.closeEnoughDipole(poseCurr, dipoleEnd):
                return (True, path)
        # Timed out. This warning can be removed if bothersome.
        print "DEBUG: Warning getDipoleToDipolePath timed out."
        return (False, path)
    def closeEnoughDipole(self, currPose, endPose):
        """ Returns true if the euclidean and angular distances between currPose
        and endPose is below the set threshold.
        dist = norm(currPose[:2] - endPose[:2])
        angDiff = np.abs(diffAngles(currPose[2], endPose[2]))
        if dist < self.closeEnoughDist and angDiff < self.closeEnoughAng:
            return True
            return False
    # TODO: Method has not been used in a long time. Must be updated.
    def extendTreeDipole(self, tree, dipole):
        """ Tries to extend the tree in the direction of the sampled dipole by
        one leaf.
        MAX_DIST = 1
        # Choose the dipole to extend from
        closestNodeIndex = self.getNClosestIndicesDipole(dipole, tree, N=1)[0]
        closestNode = tree[closestNodeIndex]
        dirV = dipole[:2] - closestNode.getXY()
        dist = norm(dirV)
        if dist > MAX_DIST:
            dipole = np.array(dipole)
            dipole[:2] = closestNode.getXY() + (dirV/dist)*MAX_DIST
        pathFound, _ = self.getDipoleToDipolePath(closestNode.getPose(), dipole)
        if pathFound:
            tree.append(self.Node(pose=dipole, parent=closestNode))
            return True
            return False
    def extendTreeDipoleConnect(self, tree, dipole):
        """ Finds the closest node in three to dipole and tries to extend from 
        that node towards dipole in intervals of MAX_DIST for as many 
        iterations as possible. Will consider the top NUM_CONSIDERED nodes to see
        if any will make progress and extend from one of them. New nodes are added
        to tree.
        MAX_DIST = self.connectDist
        NUM_CONSIDERED = 5
        # Get the index of the closest nodes to dipole
        closestNodeIndex = self.getNClosestIndicesDipole(dipole, tree, 
        # If no progress is made then try the next closest
        startTreeLen = len(tree)
        for i in closestNodeIndex:
            closestNode = tree[i]
            dirV = dipole[:2] - closestNode.getXY()
            dirAng = np.arctan2(dirV[1], dirV[0])
            dist = norm(dirV)
            numIntervals = int(dist/MAX_DIST)
            dirV = dirV/dist*MAX_DIST               # Normalize to step size
            # Try to connect to dipole in intervals
            collided = False
            parentT = closestNode
            dipoleCurr = np.array(parentT.getPose())
            dipoleNext = np.array(dipoleCurr)
            dipoleNext[2] = dirAng      
            for _ in range(numIntervals):
                dipoleNext[:2] += dirV[:2]  
                connected, _ = self.getDipoleToDipolePath(dipoleCurr, dipoleNext)
                if not connected:
                    collided = True
                currNode = self.Node(pose=dipoleNext, parent=parentT)
                parentT = currNode
                dipoleCurr = currNode.getPose()
            # Attempt to connect to the last node
            if not collided:
                connected, _ = self.getDipoleToDipolePath(dipoleCurr, dipole)
                if connected:
                    currNode = self.Node(pose=dipole, parent=parentT)
            # If the tree has grown then progress was made. Dont go to next neighbors
            if len(tree) > startTreeLen:
    def getRRTDipoleControlPath(self, startPose, goalPoseList, goalBias=.2):
        """ Returns a path from startPose to an goalPoseList in the form of a 
        list of Nodes. Uses a dipole controller to connect nodes in the RRT.
        goalBias = .2           # Percentage of attempt to connect to goalPoseList
        MAX_ITTER = 700         # Maximum number of tree iterations
        startPose = np.array(startPose).astype(float)
        goalPoseList = [np.array(goalPose).astype(float) for goalPose in goalPoseList]
        tree = [self.Node(pose=startPose, parent=None)]
        oldTreeLength = 1
        for currIter in range(MAX_ITTER):
            # Select dipole to drive towards
            randNumber = random()
            if randNumber <= goalBias:
                randIndex = randint(0, len(goalPoseList)-1)
                randDipole = goalPoseList[randIndex]
                randDipole = self.sampleDipole()
            # Try to extend the tree
    #         extended = extendTreeDipole(tree, randDipole, fullMap)
            self.extendTreeDipoleConnect(tree, randDipole)
            numNewNodes = len(tree) - oldTreeLength
            oldTreeLength = len(tree)
            if self.PLOT_TREE and self.plotter != None:
#                 print "Tree: iteration: " + str(currIter)
                if numNewNodes > 0:
                    if self.DEBUGER:
                        self.plotter.drawTree(tree, color='k', width=1)
                        self.plotter.drawTree(tree[-numNewNodes:], color='k', 
                        for goalPose in goalPoseList:
            # Reached end
            finished = False
            for goalPose in goalPoseList:
                if self.closeEnoughDipole(tree[-1].getPose(), goalPose):
                    finished = True
            if finished:
                print "Tree total iterations: " + str(currIter)
                path = []
                currNode = tree[-1]
                while currNode != None:
                    currNode = currNode.parent
                return path
        if self.PLOT_TREE_FAIL:
            self.plotter.drawTree(tree, color='k', width=1)
        return None
    def getShortcutPathDipole(self, path, additionalGoals=None):
        """ Use the shortcut heuristic to return a shorter path in the form of
        a list of Nodes. The final node could be the last node in path or one
        of the nodes from additionalGoals Implements Dijkstras to find new 
        connections in the given path.
        :param path: A list of Nodes
        :param additionalGoals: A list of Nodes
        numEdges = 0                # Keep track of number of edges calculated
        # Get a list of unique goals
        if additionalGoals is not None:
            allGoalNodes = [node for node in additionalGoals]
            allGoalNodes = []
        duplicate = False
        nodeT = path[-1]
        for node in allGoalNodes:
            if norm(nodeT.getPose() - node.getPose()) == 0:
                duplicate = True
        if not duplicate:
        allNodes = [node for node in path[:-1]] + allGoalNodes
        # Setup
        numNodesTotal = len(allNodes)
        nodeIQueue = PriorityQueue()        # Node to expand (distance, nodeIndex)
        visited = [False]*numNodesTotal
        distances = {}                      # (nodeIndex:distanceFromStart)
        # Initialize 
        distances[0] = 0
        path[0].parent = None
        while not nodeIQueue.empty():
            currNodeI = nodeIQueue.get()[1]
            if visited[currNodeI]:
            currDist = distances[currNodeI]
            currNode = allNodes[currNodeI]
            visited[currNodeI] = True
            # Check if reached Goal
            if currNode in allGoalNodes:
                print "ShortcutDipole numEdges: " + str(numEdges)
                shortPath = []
                while currNode != None:
                    currNode = currNode.parent
                return shortPath
            # Go through all the non visited nodes
            for neighborI in range(numNodesTotal):
                if visited[neighborI]:
                neighNode = allNodes[neighborI]
                numEdges += 1
                # Calculate alternative distance 
                pathFound, pathDi = self.getDipoleToDipolePath(currNode.getPose(), 
                if not pathFound:
                pathDi += [neighNode.getPose()]
                distAlternative = currDist + self.get2DPathLength(pathDi)
                # If shorter than recorded update
                if distAlternative < distances.get(neighborI, float('inf')):
                    nodeIQueue.put((distAlternative, neighborI))
                    distances[neighborI] = distAlternative
                    neighNode.parent = currNode
        # No path was found 
        return None 

    def getThetaStarPath(self, path, additionalGoals=None):
        """ Use the ThetaStar to return a shorter path in the form of
        a list of Nodes. The final node could be the last node in path or one
        of the nodes from additionalGoals.
        :param path: A list of Nodes
        :param additionalGoals: A list of Nodes
        # Get a list of unique goals
        if additionalGoals is not None:
            allGoalNodes = [node for node in additionalGoals]
            allGoalNodes = []
        duplicate = False
        nodeT = path[-1]
        for node in allGoalNodes:
            if norm(nodeT.getPose() - node.getPose()) == 0:
                duplicate = True
        if not duplicate:
        # The path without counting the goal
        partialPath = [node for node in path[:-1]]
        newPath = partialPath[:2]
        _, pathDipoleT = self.getDipoleToDipolePath(newPath[0].getPose(), 
        lengthPrev = self.get2DPathLength(pathDipoleT)
        # Run theta star on the partialPath
        for node in partialPath[2:]:
            # Calculate distance to new node through previous
            _, pathDipoleT = self.getDipoleToDipolePath(newPath[-1].getPose(), 
            length1 = self.get2DPathLength(pathDipoleT + [node.getPose()])
            # Check if find a shorter path through the prevous node's parent
            pathFound2, pathDipoleT = self.getDipoleToDipolePath(
                                                newPath[-2].getPose(), node.getPose())
            # Could not connect to the previous node's parent
            if not pathFound2:
                lengthPrev = length1
            length2 = self.get2DPathLength(pathDipoleT + [node.getPose()])
            # First path is shorter
            if (lengthPrev + length1) < length2:
                lengthPrev = length1
            # Second path is shorter
            newPath[-1] = node
            lengthPrev = length2
        # Run theta star for each of the goals
        endDistancesAndNodes = []
        for goal in allGoalNodes:
            # Calculate distance to goal node through previous
            pathFound1, pathDipoleT = self.getDipoleToDipolePath(newPath[-1].getPose(), 
            length1 = self.get2DPathLength(pathDipoleT + [goal.getPose()])
            # Check if find a shorter path through the prevous node's parent
            pathFound2, pathDipoleT = self.getDipoleToDipolePath(
                                                newPath[-2].getPose(), goal.getPose())
            length2 = self.get2DPathLength(pathDipoleT + [goal.getPose()])
            if pathFound1 and not pathFound2:
                endNodesT = [newPath[-1], goal]
                endDistancesAndNodes.append((lengthPrev + length1, endNodesT))
            elif not pathFound1 and pathFound2:
                endDistancesAndNodes.append((length2, [goal]))
            elif pathFound1 and pathFound2:
                # First path is shorter
                if (lengthPrev + length1) < length2:
                    endNodesT = [newPath[-1], goal]
                    endDistancesAndNodes.append((lengthPrev + length1, endNodesT))
                # Second path is shorter
                    endDistancesAndNodes.append((length2, [goal]))
        closestGoalI = min(range(len(endDistancesAndNodes)), 
                           key=lambda x: endDistancesAndNodes[x][0])
        return newPath[:-1] + endDistancesAndNodes[closestGoalI][1]    

    def get2DPathRepresent(self, path):
        """ Takes a path as a list of nodes and runs the dipolar controler to
        return a close approximation of the path traveled as a list of dipoles
        pathTraveled = [path[0].getPose()]
        for i in range(len(path)-1):
            _, pathDi = self.getDipoleToDipolePath(path[i].getPose(), path[i+1].getPose())
            pathTraveled += pathDi
        return pathTraveled        
    def nodesToDipoles(self, path):
        return [node.getPose() for node in path]
    def dipolesToNodes(self, dipoleList):
        """ Takes in a list of dipoles and outputs a list of Nodes """
        return [self.Node(pose=dipole) for dipole in dipoleList]
    class Node:
        def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, theta=0, XY=None, pose=None, parent=None):
            """ An object to represent poses and connections amongst them. If 
            instantiated, the value of later parameters will override the 
            previous (ex. pose can override all) 
            :param x: The x coordinate
            :param y: The y coordinate
            :param theta: The orientation in radians
            :param XY: List with x and y 
            :param pose: List with x, y, and theta
            :param parent: The node from which it stems
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.theta = theta
            if XY != None:
                self.x = XY[0]
                self.y = XY[1]
            if pose != None:
                self.x = pose[0]
                self.y = pose[1]
                self.theta = pose[2]
            self.parent = parent
        def getXY(self):
            return np.array([self.x, self.y])
        def getPose(self):
            return np.array([self.x, self.y, self.theta])