Exemplo n.º 1
 def _do_clean (self, cao, packages) :
     for pn, pp in packages :
         with sos.changed_dir (pp) :
             if cao.verbose :
                 print ("Cleaning", pn)
             to_clean = \
                 ( [".eggs", "build", "dist"]
                 + sos.expanded_glob ("*.egg-info")
             if to_clean :
                 TFL_STP.run_command (["rm", "-rf"] + to_clean)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _do_clean(self, cao, packages):
     for pn, pp in packages:
         with sos.changed_dir(pp):
             if cao.verbose:
                 print("Cleaning", pn)
             to_clean = \
                 ( [".eggs", "build", "dist"]
                 + sos.expanded_glob ("*.egg-info")
             if to_clean:
                 TFL_STP.run_command(["rm", "-rf"] + to_clean)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _handle_tag (self, cao) :
     packages = self._packages (cao)
     new_tag  = cao.Value
     message  = " ".join (cao.argv)
     if packages :
         for pn, pp in packages :
             with sos.changed_dir (pp) :
                 nt = self._do_tag (cao, new_tag, message)
                 print ("Repository tag: %s" % (nt, ))
     else :
         nt = self._do_tag (cao, new_tag, message)
         print ("Repository tag: %s" % (nt, ))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _handle_tag(self, cao):
     packages = self._packages(cao)
     new_tag = cao.Value
     message = " ".join(cao.argv)
     if packages:
         for pn, pp in packages:
             with sos.changed_dir(pp):
                 nt = self._do_tag(cao, new_tag, message)
                 print("Repository tag: %s" % (nt, ))
         nt = self._do_tag(cao, new_tag, message)
         print("Repository tag: %s" % (nt, ))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _handle_version (self, cao) :
     packages = self._packages (cao)
     if packages :
         for pn, pp in packages :
             with sos.changed_dir (pp) :
                 if cao.update :
                     v   = TFL_STP.update_version_py ()
                 else :
                     v   = self._git_version () or "unknown"
                 print ("%-8s : %s" % (pn, v))
     else :
         v = self._git_version () or "unknown"
         print ("Repository tag: %s" % (v, ))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _handle_version(self, cao):
     packages = self._packages(cao)
     if packages:
         for pn, pp in packages:
             with sos.changed_dir(pp):
                 if cao.update:
                     v = TFL_STP.update_version_py()
                     v = self._git_version() or "unknown"
                 print("%-8s : %s" % (pn, v))
         v = self._git_version() or "unknown"
         print("Repository tag: %s" % (v, ))
Exemplo n.º 7
def run_app_tests_mod \
        (path, exclude, py_executables, py_options, summary) :
    if exclude (path) :
        summary.excluded.append (path)
        print ("%s excluded" % (path, ))
    elif has_app_test (path) :
        try :
            mod = import_module (path)
        except Exception as exc :
            summary.failed += 1
            summary.total  += 1
            summary.failures.append ((path, "Exception %s" % (exc, )))
            print ("Import of %s raises exception `%r`" % (path, exc))
        else :
            app_tests = getattr (mod, "__App_Tests__", None)
            if not app_tests :
            with sos.changed_dir (mod.__App_Tests_Dir__) :
                summary.modules += 1
                summary.cases   += len (app_tests)
                for pyx in py_executables :
                    failures = 0
                    pyv      = py_version (pyx)
                    for app_test in app_tests :
                        summary.total += 1
                        run  = app_test (pyx, py_options)
                        et   = " in %7.5fs" % (run.time)
                        if run :
                            tail            = ""
                            verb            = "passes"
                        else :
                            sep             = "\n  "
                            tps             = [""]
                            if run.error_diff :
                                tps.append ("Error  diff: %s" % run.error_diff)
                            if run.output_diff :
                                tps.append ("Output diff: %s" % run.output_diff)
                            tail            = sep.join (tps)
                            verb            = "fails "
                            summary.failed += 1
                            failures       += 1
                        print \
                            ( "%s [%s] %s application test%s [py %s]%s"
                            % (app_test.name, path, verb, et, pyv, tail)
                            , file = sys.stderr
                    if failures :
                        summary.failures.append ((path, failures))
Exemplo n.º 8
def run_app_tests_mod \
        (path, exclude, py_executables, py_options, summary) :
    if exclude (path) :
        summary.excluded.append (path)
        print ("%s excluded" % (path, ))
    elif has_app_test (path) :
        try :
            mod = import_module (path)
        except Exception as exc :
            summary.failed += 1
            summary.total  += 1
            summary.failures.append ((path, "Exception %s" % (exc, )))
            print ("Import of %s raises exception `%r`" % (path, exc))
        else :
            app_tests = getattr (mod, "__App_Tests__", None)
            if not app_tests :
            with sos.changed_dir (mod.__App_Tests_Dir__) :
                summary.modules += 1
                summary.cases   += len (app_tests)
                for pyx in py_executables :
                    failures = 0
                    pyv      = py_version (pyx)
                    for app_test in app_tests :
                        summary.total += 1
                        run  = app_test (pyx, py_options)
                        et   = " in %7.5fs" % (run.time)
                        if run :
                            tail            = ""
                            verb            = "passes"
                        else :
                            sep             = "\n  "
                            tps             = [""]
                            if run.error_diff :
                                tps.append ("Error  diff: %s" % run.error_diff)
                            if run.output_diff :
                                tps.append ("Output diff: %s" % run.output_diff)
                            tail            = sep.join (tps)
                            verb            = "fails "
                            summary.failed += 1
                            failures       += 1
                        print \
                            ( "%s [%s] %s application test%s [py %s]%s"
                            % (app_test.name, path, verb, et, pyv, tail)
                            , file = sys.stderr
                    if failures :
                        summary.failures.append ((path, failures))
Exemplo n.º 9
 def _do_setup (self, cao, argv, packages) :
     r_args   = ["--repository", "testpypi"] \
         if cao.test and ("register" in argv or "upload" in argv) else []
     setup_cmd  = [sys.executable, "setup.py"] + argv + r_args
     args       = " ".join (argv)
     for pn, pp in packages :
         with sos.changed_dir (pp) :
             if cao.verbose :
                 print ("Starting", args, "for", pn, "...")
             if cao.dry_run :
                 print (" ", " ".join (setup_cmd [1:]))
             else :
                 try :
                     subprocess.call (setup_cmd)
                 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc :
                     print (exc)
                     raise SystemExit (127)
             if cao.verbose :
                 print ("... Finished", pn)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def _do_setup(self, cao, argv, packages):
     r_args   = ["--repository", "testpypi"] \
         if cao.test and ("register" in argv or "upload" in argv) else []
     setup_cmd = [sys.executable, "setup.py"] + argv + r_args
     args = " ".join(argv)
     for pn, pp in packages:
         with sos.changed_dir(pp):
             if cao.verbose:
                 print("Starting", args, "for", pn, "...")
             if cao.dry_run:
                 print(" ", " ".join(setup_cmd[1:]))
                 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
                     raise SystemExit(127)
             if cao.verbose:
                 print("... Finished", pn)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _do_twine (self, cao, cmd, args, packages) :
     r_args   = ["--repository", "testpypi"] if cao.test else []
     twc_head = ["twine", cmd] + r_args
     for pn, pp in packages :
         with sos.changed_dir (pp) :
             twc_tail = args
             if cmd == "register" :
                 dist     = sos.expanded_glob (args [-1])
                 twc_tail = args [:-1] + dist
             twc = twc_head + twc_tail
             if cao.verbose :
                 print ("Starting twine upload for", pn, "...")
             if cao.dry_run :
                 print (" ", " ".join (twc))
             else :
                 try :
                     subprocess.call (twc)
                 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc :
                     print (exc)
                     raise SystemExit (127)
             if cao.verbose :
                 print ("... Finished", pn)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _do_twine(self, cao, cmd, args, packages):
     r_args = ["-r", "pypitest"] if cao.test else []
     twc_head = ["twine", cmd] + r_args
     for pn, pp in packages:
         with sos.changed_dir(pp):
             twc_tail = args
             if cmd == "register":
                 dist = sos.expanded_glob(args[-1])
                 twc_tail = args[:-1] + dist
             twc = twc_head + twc_tail
             if cao.verbose:
                 print("Starting twine upload for", pn, "...")
             if cao.dry_run:
                 print(" ", " ".join(twc))
                 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
                     raise SystemExit(127)
             if cao.verbose:
                 print("... Finished", pn)