Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__ (self, directory, error_cb = None, scope = None) :
     self.directory = directory
     self.error_cb  = error_cb
     if not sos.path.exists (directory) :
         sos.mkdir_p (directory)
     elif not sos.path.isdir (directory) :
         raise ValueError ("Path %r is not a directory" % (directory, ))
     if scope is not None :
         scope.add_after_commit_callback (self)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, directory, error_cb=None, scope=None):
     self.directory = directory
     self.error_cb = error_cb
     if not sos.path.exists(directory):
     elif not sos.path.isdir(directory):
         raise ValueError("Path %r is not a directory" % (directory, ))
     if scope is not None:
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _open_stub (self, doc_base, pns, name) :
     dir = doc_base
     if pns is not None :
         dir = sos.path.join (dir, * pns.__name__.split ("."))
     if not sos.path.isdir (dir) :
         if sos.path.exists (dir) :
             raise IOError ("Path %s exists but isn't a directory" % dir)
         sos.mkdir_p (dir)
     with open (sos.path.join (dir, name + ".rst"), "wb") as f:
         yield f
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _generate (cao, p, root, tail = None) :
     name = pjoin (root, tail or p.href_static.lstrip ("/"))
     dir  = sos.path.dirname (name)
     if not sos.path.exists (dir) :
         sos.mkdir_p  (dir)
     if cao.verbose :
         print (name, "...", end = " ")
     asp = p.as_static_page ()
     if asp is not None :
         with open (name, "wb") as f :
             f.write (pyk.encoded (asp))
     if cao.verbose :
         print ("done")
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _generate (cao, p, root, tail = None) :
     name = pjoin (root, tail or p.href_static.lstrip ("/"))
     dir  = sos.path.dirname (name)
     if not sos.path.exists (dir) :
         sos.mkdir_p  (dir)
     if cao.verbose :
         print (name, "...", end = " ")
     asp = p.as_static_page ()
     if asp is not None :
         with open (name, "wb") as f :
             f.write (pyk.encoded (asp))
     if cao.verbose :
         print ("done")
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _create_cache (self, name, map, minifier = None) :
     media_dir = self.media_dir
     if not sos.path.isdir (media_dir) :
         sos.mkdir_p (media_dir)
     else :
         for f in sos.listdir_ext (media_dir, name.lower ()) :
             sos.remove (f)
     for k, (href, fn, attr) in pyk.iteritems (map) :
         with open (fn, "wb") as file :
             if minifier is not None :
                 attr = minifier (attr)
             file.write (attr)
             if self.verbose :
                 print ("Wrote template media cache file", fn)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def _create_cache (self, name, map, minifier = None) :
     media_dir = self.media_dir
     if not sos.path.isdir (media_dir) :
         sos.mkdir_p (media_dir)
     else :
         for f in sos.listdir_ext (media_dir, name.lower ()) :
             sos.remove (f)
     for k, (href, fn, attr) in pyk.iteritems (map) :
         with open (fn, "wb") as file :
             if minifier is not None :
                 attr = minifier (attr)
             file.write (attr)
             if self.verbose :
                 print ("Wrote template media cache file", fn)
Exemplo n.º 8
def _main (cmd) :
    font   = ImageFont.load_default ()
    color  = cmd.color
    fmt    = cmd.format
    ext    = fmt.lower ()
    if ext == "jpeg" :
        ext = "jpg"
    holder = cmd.photographer
    x_off  = cmd.x_off
    y_off  = cmd.y_off
    year   = cmd.year
    i_size = cmd.i_size, cmd.i_size
    t_size = cmd.t_size, cmd.t_size
    td     = sos.expanded_path (cmd.target_dir)
    with TFL.temp_dir () as temp_dir :
        if cmd.add_to_dir :
            if not sos.path.isdir (td) :
                print ("Making directory %s" % (td, ))
                sos.mkdir_p (td)
            for src in cmd.argv [1:] :
                src, name = src.split ("=")
                if not name :
                    name = src
                name = Filename (name).base
                imp  = sos.path.join (td, "%s_im.%s" % (name, ext))
                thp  = sos.path.join (td, "%s_th.%s" % (name, ext))
                convert_one \
                    ( src, name, i_size, t_size, holder, year, font, imp, thp
                    , fmt, color, x_off, y_off
                    , temp_dir
        else :
            td_im = sos.path.join (td, "im")
            td_th = sos.path.join (td, "th")
            for x in td_im, td_th :
                if not sos.path.isdir (x) :
                    print ("Making directory %s" % (x, ))
                    sos.mkdir_p (x)
            pid  = cmd.start_pid
            for src in sorted (sos.expanded_globs (* cmd.argv [1:])) :
                pid  += 1
                name  = "%04d.%s" % (pid, ext)
                imp   = sos.path.join (td_im, name)
                thp   = sos.path.join (td_th, name)
                convert_one \
                    ( src, name, i_size, t_size, holder, year, font, imp, thp
                    , fmt, color, x_off, y_off
                    , temp_dir
Exemplo n.º 9
def _main (cmd) :
    font   = ImageFont.load_default ()
    color  = cmd.color
    fmt    = cmd.format
    ext    = fmt.lower ()
    if ext == "jpeg" :
        ext = "jpg"
    holder = cmd.photographer
    x_off  = cmd.x_off
    y_off  = cmd.y_off
    year   = cmd.year
    i_size = cmd.i_size, cmd.i_size
    t_size = cmd.t_size, cmd.t_size
    td     = sos.expanded_path (cmd.target_dir)
    with TFL.temp_dir () as temp_dir :
        if cmd.add_to_dir :
            if not sos.path.isdir (td) :
                print ("Making directory %s" % (td, ))
                sos.mkdir_p (td)
            for src in cmd.argv [1:] :
                src, name = src.split ("=")
                if not name :
                    name = src
                name = Filename (name).base
                imp  = sos.path.join (td, "%s_im.%s" % (name, ext))
                thp  = sos.path.join (td, "%s_th.%s" % (name, ext))
                convert_one \
                    ( src, name, i_size, t_size, holder, year, font, imp, thp
                    , fmt, color, x_off, y_off
                    , temp_dir
        else :
            td_im = sos.path.join (td, "im")
            td_th = sos.path.join (td, "th")
            for x in td_im, td_th :
                if not sos.path.isdir (x) :
                    print ("Making directory %s" % (x, ))
                    sos.mkdir_p (x)
            pid  = cmd.start_pid
            for src in sorted (sos.expanded_globs (* cmd.argv [1:])) :
                pid  += 1
                name  = "%04d.%s" % (pid, ext)
                imp   = sos.path.join (td_im, name)
                thp   = sos.path.join (td_th, name)
                convert_one \
                    ( src, name, i_size, t_size, holder, year, font, imp, thp
                    , fmt, color, x_off, y_off
                    , temp_dir
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __call__(self, scope, change_summary):
     if change_summary:
         directory = self.directory + datetime.datetime.now ().strftime \
             if not sos.path.exists(directory):
             elif not sos.path.isdir(directory):
                 raise ValueError \
                     ("Path %r is not a directory" % (directory, ))
             max_cid = scope.max_cid
             fn      = TFL.Filename \
                 ("%08d" % (max_cid, ), default_dir = directory)
             cargo = change_summary.as_json_cargo
             TFL.json_dump.to_file(cargo, fn.name, indent=2)
         except Exception as exc:
             error_cb = self.error_cb
             if error_cb is not None:
                 error_cb(self, scope, change_summary, exc)
                 logging.exception \
                     ("Exception during change journal callback")
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __call__ (self, scope, change_summary) :
     if change_summary :
         directory = self.directory + datetime.datetime.now ().strftime \
         try :
             if not sos.path.exists (directory) :
                 sos.mkdir_p (directory)
             elif not sos.path.isdir (directory) :
                 raise ValueError \
                     ("Path %r is not a directory" % (directory, ))
             max_cid = scope.max_cid
             fn      = TFL.Filename \
                 ("%08d" % (max_cid, ), default_dir = directory)
             cargo   = change_summary.as_json_cargo
             TFL.json_dump.to_file (cargo, fn.name, indent = 2)
         except Exception as exc :
             error_cb = self.error_cb
             if error_cb is not None :
                 error_cb (self, scope, change_summary, exc)
             else :
                 logging.exception \
                     ("Exception during change journal callback")