Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: Store.py Projeto: Tapyr/tapyr
 def consume (self, e_iter, c_iter, chunk_size, db_meta_data) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.x_uri.name), self.x_uri.name
     assert not self.info.commits
     assert not self.info.pending
     assert not self.info.stores
     db_uri  = self.db_uri
     x_name  = self.x_uri.name
     with TFL.lock_file (x_name) :
         info    = self.info
         stores  = info.stores  = []
         commits = info.commits = []
         for i, cargo in enumerate (sliced (e_iter, chunk_size)) :
             s_name  = TFL.Filename ("by_pid_%d" % i, self.x_uri)
             with open (s_name.name, "wb") as file :
                 pickle.dump (cargo, file, pyk.pickle_protocol)
             stores.append   (s_name.base_ext)
         for cargo in sliced (c_iter, chunk_size) :
             max_cid = cargo [-1] [1] ["cid"]
             c_name  = TFL.Filename ("%d.commit" % max_cid, self.x_uri)
             with open (c_name.name, "wb") as file :
                 pickle.dump (cargo, file, pyk.pickle_protocol)
             commits.append ((max_cid, c_name.base_ext))
         info.max_cid = db_meta_data.max_cid
         info.max_pid = db_meta_data.max_pid
         self._save_info (info)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def consume (self, e_iter, c_iter, chunk_size, db_meta_data) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.x_uri), self.x_uri.name
     assert not self.info.commits
     assert not self.info.pending
     assert not self.info.stores
     db_uri  = self.db_uri
     x_uri   = self.x_uri
     with TFL.lock_file (x_uri) :
         info    = self.info
         stores  = info.stores  = []
         commits = info.commits = []
         for i, cargo in enumerate (sliced (e_iter, chunk_size)) :
             s_name  = TFL.Filename ("by_pid_%d" % i, x_uri)
             with open (s_name, "wb") as file :
                 pickle.dump (cargo, file, pyk.pickle_protocol)
             stores.append   (s_name.base_ext)
         for cargo in sliced (c_iter, chunk_size) :
             max_cid = cargo [-1] [1] ["cid"]
             c_name  = TFL.Filename ("%d.commit" % max_cid, x_uri)
             with open (c_name, "wb") as file :
                 pickle.dump (cargo, file, pyk.pickle_protocol)
             commits.append ((max_cid, c_name.base_ext))
         info.max_cid = db_meta_data.max_cid
         info.max_pid = db_meta_data.max_pid
         self._save_info (info)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def create (self) :
     assert not sos.path.exists (self.db_uri), self.db_uri.name
     assert not sos.path.exists (self.x_uri), self.x_uri.name
     x_uri = self.x_uri
     with TFL.lock_file (x_uri) :
         sos.mkdir  (x_uri)
         sos.system ("chmod go= %s" % x_uri.name)
         self._create_info ()
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: Store.py Projeto: Tapyr/tapyr
 def create (self) :
     assert not sos.path.exists (self.db_uri.name), self.db_uri.name
     assert not sos.path.exists (self.x_uri.name), self.x_uri.name
     x_name = self.x_uri.name
     with TFL.lock_file (x_name) :
         sos.mkdir  (x_name)
         sos.system ("chmod go= %s" % x_name)
         self._create_info ()
Exemplo n.º 5
 def produce_entities (self) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.x_uri), self.x_uri.name
     assert not self.info.pending
     info  = self.info
     x_uri = self.x_uri
     with TFL.lock_file (x_uri) :
         for s in info.stores :
             with open (TFL.Filename (s, x_uri), "rb") as file :
                 yield from pickle.load (file)
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: Store.py Projeto: Tapyr/tapyr
 def load_changes (self) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.x_uri.name), self.x_uri.name
     info  = self.info
     x_uri = self.x_uri
     with TFL.lock_file (x_uri.name) :
         for (cid, name) in info.commits :
             file_name = TFL.Filename (name, x_uri).name
             for c in self._loaded_changes (file_name) :
                 pass ### `_loaded_changes` adds the changes to `self.cm`
     self.cm.to_load = []
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: Store.py Projeto: Tapyr/tapyr
 def produce_entities (self) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.x_uri.name), self.x_uri.name
     assert not self.info.pending
     info  = self.info
     x_uri = self.x_uri
     with TFL.lock_file (x_uri.name) :
         for s in info.stores :
             with open (TFL.Filename (s, x_uri).name, "rb") as file :
                 for epc in pickle.load (file) :
                     yield epc
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: Store.py Projeto: Tapyr/tapyr
 def _save_context (self, x_name, scope, info) :
     Version = self.Version
     with TFL.lock_file (x_name) :
         self._check_sync_ro (info)
         yield info
         ems            = scope.ems
         info.max_cid   = ems.max_cid
         info.max_pid   = ems.max_pid
         info.max_surrs = ems.max_surrs
         self._save_info (info)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def _save_context (self, x_uri, scope, info) :
     Version = self.Version
     with TFL.lock_file (x_uri) :
         self._check_sync_ro (info)
         yield info
         ems            = scope.ems
         info.max_cid   = ems.max_cid
         info.max_pid   = ems.max_pid
         info.max_surrs = ems.max_surrs
         self._save_info (info)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def load_changes (self) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.x_uri), self.x_uri.name
     info  = self.info
     x_uri = self.x_uri
     with TFL.lock_file (x_uri) :
         for (cid, name) in info.commits :
             file_name = TFL.Filename (name, x_uri)
             for c in self._loaded_changes (file_name) :
                 pass ### `_loaded_changes` adds the changes to `self.cm`
     self.cm.to_load = []
Exemplo n.º 11
 def produce_changes (self) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.x_uri), self.x_uri.name
     assert not self.info.pending
     info  = self.info
     x_uri = self.x_uri
     with TFL.lock_file (x_uri) :
         for (cid, name) in info.commits + info.pending :
             file_name = TFL.Filename (name, x_uri)
             with open (file_name, "rb") as file :
                 changes = pickle.load (file)
                 yield from changes
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: Store.py Projeto: Tapyr/tapyr
 def load_info (self) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.db_uri.name), self.db_uri.name
     x_name = self.x_uri.name
     with TFL.lock_file (x_name) :
         if not sos.path.exists (x_name) :
             sos.mkdir (x_name)
             sos.system ("chmod go= %s" % x_name)
             with contextlib.closing \
                      (self.ZF.ZipFile (self.db_uri.name, "r")) as zf :
                 zf.extractall (x_name)
         self.info = self._load_info ()
Exemplo n.º 13
 def load_info (self) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.db_uri), self.db_uri.name
     x_uri = self.x_uri
     with TFL.lock_file (x_uri) :
         if not sos.path.exists (x_uri) :
             sos.mkdir (x_uri)
             sos.system ("chmod go= %s" % x_uri.name)
             with contextlib.closing \
                      (self.ZF.ZipFile (self.db_uri, "r")) as zf :
                 zf.extractall (x_uri)
         self.info = self._load_info ()
Exemplo n.º 14
 def load_objects (self) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.x_uri), self.x_uri.name
     info  = self.info
     x_uri = self.x_uri
     with TFL.lock_file (x_uri) :
         self.scope.db_errors = []
         for s in info.stores :
             self._load_store   (TFL.Filename (s, x_uri))
         for (cid, name) in info.pending :
             self._load_pending (TFL.Filename (name, x_uri))
     self.cm.to_load  = [name for (cid, name) in info.commits]
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: Store.py Projeto: Tapyr/tapyr
 def load_objects (self) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.x_uri.name), self.x_uri.name
     info  = self.info
     x_uri = self.x_uri
     with TFL.lock_file (x_uri.name) :
         self.scope.db_errors = []
         for s in info.stores :
             self._load_store   (TFL.Filename (s, x_uri).name)
         for (cid, name) in info.pending :
             self._load_pending (TFL.Filename (name, x_uri).name)
     self.cm.to_load  = [name for (cid, name) in info.commits]
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: Store.py Projeto: Tapyr/tapyr
 def produce_changes (self) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.x_uri.name), self.x_uri.name
     assert not self.info.pending
     info  = self.info
     x_uri = self.x_uri
     with TFL.lock_file (x_uri.name) :
         for (cid, name) in info.commits + info.pending :
             file_name = TFL.Filename (name, x_uri).name
             with open (file_name, "rb") as file :
                 changes = pickle.load (file)
                 for cargo in changes :
                     yield cargo
Exemplo n.º 17
 def close (self) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.x_uri), self.x_uri.name
     db_uri = self.db_uri
     x_uri  = self.x_uri
     bak    = TFL.Filename (".bak", db_uri)
     with TFL.lock_file (x_uri) :
         info = self.info
         self._check_sync (info)
         with TFL.open_to_replace \
                  (db_uri, mode = "wb", backup_name = bak) as file:
             sos.fchmod (file.fileno (), stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
             with contextlib.closing (self.ZF.ZipFile (file, "w")) as zf :
                 for abs, rel in info.FILES (self.x_uri, self.info_uri) :
                     zf.write (abs, rel)
     sos.rmdir (x_uri, deletefiles = True)
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: Store.py Projeto: Tapyr/tapyr
 def close (self) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.x_uri.name), self.x_uri.name
     db_uri = self.db_uri
     x_name = self.x_uri.name
     bak    = TFL.Filename (".bak", db_uri).name
     with TFL.lock_file (x_name) :
         info = self.info
         self._check_sync (info)
         with TFL.open_to_replace \
                  (db_uri.name, mode = "wb", backup_name = bak) as file:
             sos.fchmod (file.fileno (), stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
             with contextlib.closing (self.ZF.ZipFile (file, "w")) as zf :
                 for abs, rel in info.FILES (self.x_uri, self.info_uri) :
                     zf.write (abs, rel)
     sos.rmdir (x_name, deletefiles = True)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def change_readonly (self, state) :
     with TFL.lock_file (self.x_uri) :
         info = self.info
         self._check_sync     (info)
         info.readonly = bool (state)
         self._save_info      (info)
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: Store.py Projeto: Tapyr/tapyr
 def change_readonly (self, state) :
     with TFL.lock_file (self.x_uri.name) :
         info = self.info
         self._check_sync     (info)
         info.readonly = bool (state)
         self._save_info      (info)