Exemplo n.º 1
def RUN(code, *, update=False, visual=False):
    ## Update query ##
    if (update):
        # Create a new microscope #
        scope = Microscope(code)

        # No saving necessary here, as the image exists in \Images and the aperture and kernel exist in their respective folders
        # Load in what we already have #
        scope = Microscope()
        scope.code = code
        if (OP._CheckFile(code + str(FMT.TIF), OP.FOLD_IMG)):  # Experimental	#
            scope.img = OP._LoadMov('%s' % (code), fold=OP.FOLD_IMG)
        elif (OP._CheckFile(code + str(FMT.TIF), OP.FOLD_SIM)):  # Simulation	#
            scope.img = OP._LoadMov('%s' % (code), fold=OP.FOLD_SIM)
            # Override - make a fake image #
            scope.img = np.zeros([USER.SIM_FRAMES, 1, *USER.CHIP])
            #raise FileNotFoundError('The specified image or simulation code was not found')
        scope.apr, scope.ker = scope.SimLoad(sz=np.shape(scope.img)[2:])

    ## Visualization query ##
    if (visual):
        VIS._VisImg(scope.img[0, 0, :, :, ], 1000)
        VIS._VisImg(scope.ker[0, 0, :, :, ], 100)
        VIS._VisImg(scope.ker[0, (USER.KER_Z) // 4, :, :, ], 550)
        VIS._VisImg(scope.ker[0, (2 * USER.KER_Z) // 4, :, :, ], 550, 550)
        VIS._VisImg(scope.ker[0, (3 * USER.KER_Z) // 4, :, :, ], 100, 550)

    pass  # TODO #

    ## Output ##
    return scope
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, code=None, *fxns, vis=False, blur=None):
        ## Initialization ##
        self.fxn_rot = _FxnRot(USER.KER_TYPE, USER.KER_Z > 1, USER.KER_T > 1)
        self.fxn_sep = _FxnSep(USER.KER_TYPE, USER.KER_Z > 1, USER.KER_T > 1)
        self.fxn_str = _FxnStr(USER.KER_TYPE, USER.KER_Z > 1, USER.KER_T > 1)

        # Check if we're even going to be doing anything #
        self.code = code
        if (code is None): return  # Do it manually #

        ## Image ##
        if (USER.SIM_IMG or len(fxns) > 0):
            # Simulate the aperture and kernel if needed #
            apr, ker = self.SimLoad()

            # Simulate the image (this simulates the appropriate aperture and kernel) #
            img, mot = self.SimImage((USER.CHIP[1], USER.CHIP[0]),
            # Check if the code has a `.tif` at the end, and if so, remove it #
            if (code[-4:] == '.tif'): code = code[:-4]

            # Check if an image or simulation exists and load it (Assumes [F, Z, Y, X]) #
            if (OP._CheckFile(code + str(FMT.TIF),
                              OP.FOLD_IMG)):  # Experimental	#
                img = OP._LoadMov(code, OP.FOLD_IMG)
            elif (OP._CheckFile(code + str(FMT.TIF),
                                OP.FOLD_SIM)):  # Simulation	#
                img = OP._LoadMov(code, OP.FOLD_SIM)
            else:  # Oops!			#
                raise FileNotFoundError(
                    'The specified image or simulation code was not found')

            sz = np.shape(img)[2:]  # Get the Y-X dimensions #

            # Simulate the aperture and kernel, if need be #
            apr, ker = self.SimLoad(sz)

            # Since we have no idea what the actual motion is, leave it blank #
            mot = None

        # Dump into the object #
        self.apr = apr
        self.ker = ker
        self.img = img
        self.mot = mot
Exemplo n.º 3
def RUN(scope, *, code='', update=False, visual=False):
    ## Update query ##
    if (update or not OP._CheckFile('%s\\%s_prep.tif' % (code, code))):
        # Pre-process the movie and the kernel, obtaining the local threshold #
        img_, ker_, eps_ = _Preprocess2(code, scope.img, scope.ker)

        # Ensure that all values are non-negative #
        if (USER.KER_T > 1):
            img_ = np.maximum(img_, 0)
            ker_ = np.maximum(ker_, 0)
            eps_ = np.maximum(eps_, 0)

        # Save the processed image, kernel, and local threshold #
        OP._SaveMov(img_, '%s\\%s_prep' % (code, code))  # Processed Movie	#
        OP._SaveKer(ker_, '%s\\%s_ker' % (code, code))  # Processed Kernel	#
        OP._SaveMov(eps_, '%s\\%s_eps' % (code, code))  # Local Threshold	#
        # Check if the movies exist #
        if (OP._CheckFile('%s\\%s_prep.tif' % (code, code))):
            # Load the processed image, kernel, and local threshold #
            img_ = OP._LoadMov('%s\\%s_prep' %
                               (code, code))  # Processed Movie	#
            ker_ = OP._LoadKer('%s\\%s_ker' %
                               (code, code))  # Processed Kernel	#
            eps_ = OP._LoadMov('%s\\%s_eps' %
                               (code, code))  # Local Threshold	#
            # Just stuff some zeros in there for now #
            img_ = np.zeros_like(scope.img)
            ker_ = np.zeros_like(scope.ker)
            eps_ = np.zeros_like(scope.img)

    ## Visualization query ##
    if (visual):
        f = 0
        tru = OP._LoadTruth(code)
        pts = np.zeros([0, 3])
        for p in range(len(tru)):
            if (f in tru[p].frm):
                idx = np.nonzero(f == tru[p].frm)[0]
                pts = np.concatenate((pts, tru[p].res[idx, :]), axis=0)

        # Movie #
        VIS._VisImg(img_[f, 0, :, :], 550, 50, pts)

        # Kernel #
        if ((USER.KER_Z > 1) and (USER.KER_T == 1)):
            VIS._VisImg(ker_[0, 0, :, :], 100, 50)
            VIS._VisImg(ker_[0, (USER.KER_Z) // 4, :, :], 100, 550)
            VIS._VisImg(ker_[0, (2 * USER.KER_Z) // 4, :, :], 550, 550)
            VIS._VisImg(ker_[0, (3 * USER.KER_Z) // 4, :, :], 1000, 550)
            VIS._VisImg(ker_[0, -1, :, :], 1000, 50)
        elif ((USER.KER_Z == 1) and (USER.KER_T > 1)):
            VIS._VisImg(ker_[0, 0, :, :], 100, 50)
            VIS._VisImg(ker_[(USER.KER_T) // 4, 0, :, :], 100, 550)
            VIS._VisImg(ker_[(2 * USER.KER_T) // 4, 0, :, :], 550, 550)
            VIS._VisImg(ker_[(3 * USER.KER_T) // 4, 0, :, :], 1000, 550)
            VIS._VisImg(ker_[-1, 0, :, :], 1000, 50)

        # Local Threshold #
        VIS._VisImg(eps_[f, 0, :, :], 1450, 50)
        VIS._VisImg(((img_ - eps_) * (img_ > eps_))[f, 0, :, :], 1450, 550,


    ## Output ##
    return img_, ker_, eps_