Exemplo n.º 1
    def _tofileByBlocks(self, file, dims, indexlevel, blockingparameters):
        """Write the array to a file repeatedly in blocks

        This is done similarly to ufunc._doOverDimensions

        level = len(dims)
        if level == indexlevel:
            nregShapeIters, shape, leftover, leftoverShape, = blockingparameters
            currentIndex = 0
            tshape = shape[:]
            for i in xrange(nregShapeIters + leftover):
                if i==nregShapeIters:
                    tshape = leftoverShape
                tdims = dims + [currentIndex,]
                s = _bytes.copyToString( tshape, self._data,
                                         self._strides[-len(tshape):], self._itemsize)
                file.write( s )
                currentIndex += shape[0]
            # recurse
            for i in xrange(self._shape[level]):
                tdims = dims + [i]
                self._tofileByBlocks(file, tdims, indexlevel, blockingparameters)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def tostring(self):
        """Return a string with a binary copy of the array

        Copies are always contiguous, but no conversions are implied

        if self.rank == 0:
            self = self.view()
            self.shape = (1,)
        return _bytes.copyToString(self._shape, self._data, self._byteoffset,
                                 self._strides, self._itemsize)