Exemplo n.º 1
def process_file(_filename, _path, force, zone):
    This function just gets the data row by row and creates a list of arrays
    consistent for all different csv files that will comply with the common
    process_data function in commonlib
    :param _filename:
    :param _path:
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def initialize_series():
        return dict(WaterCold=[], Electricity=[])

    with open(path.join(_path, _filename), 'r') as f:
        rows = []
        prev_cons = 0
        x = 0
        for line in f:
            if x == 0:
                x += 1  # from first line we take only the consumption
                prev_cons = float(line.split("|")[2])
        usernames = {}
        meter_data = {}
        used_meters = []  # to create a new empty series for each new meter
        for row in rows:
            i = find_nth(row, "|", 3)
            line = row[0:i].split('|')
            meter_id = line[0]
            if meter_id not in used_meters:
                series = initialize_series()  # new meter! Init new series!
            _dt = line[1]
            cons = line[2]
            if not cons:
                cons = 0
            cons = float(cons)
            consumption = cons - prev_cons
            prev_cons = cons  # keep it to subtract it on next iteration
            consumption /= 1000
            _type = "WaterCold"
            dt = datetime.strptime(_dt, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
            #series[_type].append((dt, consumption))
                meter_data = dict of dicts of arrays
            try:  # find previously inserted value
                _dict = meter_data[meter_id]
                _dict[_type].append((dt, consumption))
                #print "append for %s value %s (%s)" % (_type, consumption, dt)
            except KeyError:  # add new meter data
                series[_type].append((dt, consumption))
                meter_data[meter_id] = series
                #print "create for %s value %s (%s)" % (_type, consumption, dt)
                # when we create a HH we need a new username
                usernames[meter_id] = meter_id
        z_names = [zone]
        process_data(meter_data, usernames, force, z_names, {})
Exemplo n.º 2
def process_file(_filename, _path, force):
    This function just gets the data row by row and creates a list of arrays
    consistent for all different csv files that will comply with the common
    process_data function in commonlib
    :param _filename:
    :param _path:
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def initialize_series():
        return dict(WaterCold=[], Electricity=[])

    ## "U" for universal-newline mode.
    with open(path.join(_path, _filename), 'rU') as f:
        usernames = {}
        data = csv.reader(f, encoding="utf-8")
        meter_data = {}
        used_meters = []  # to create a new empty series for each new meter
        x = 0
        for row in data:
            if x == 0:
                x += 1  # skip first row
            meter_id = row[0]
            if meter_id not in used_meters:
                series = initialize_series()  # new meter! Init new series!
            _dt = row[1]
            _tm = row[2]
            consumption = row[3]
            if not consumption:
                consumption = 0
            consumption = float(consumption)
            _type = "WaterCold"
            str_dt = "%s %s" % (_dt, _tm)
            dt = datetime.strptime(str_dt, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
                meter_data = dict of dicts of arrays
                _dict = meter_data[meter_id]
                _tuples = create_15_mins(dt, consumption)
                for t in _tuples:
            except KeyError:  # add new meter data
                _tuples = create_15_mins(dt, consumption)
                for t in _tuples:
                meter_data[meter_id] = series
                # when we create a HH we need a new username
                username = "******" + meter_id
                usernames[meter_id] = username
        z_names = ["UK water"]
        process_data(meter_data, usernames, force, z_names, {})
Exemplo n.º 3
def process_file(raw_data, _path, force, z_dict):
    This function just gets the data row by row and creates a list of arrays
    consistent for all different csv files that will comply with the common
    process_data function in commonlib
    :param _filename:
    :param _path:
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def initialize_series():
        return dict(WaterCold=[], Electricity=[])

    z_names = []
    usernames = {}
    meter_data = {}
    used_meters = []  # to create a new empty series for each new meter
    curr_data = {}  # to calculate and store periodic values from total
    for row in raw_data:
        meter_id = row[0]
        consumption = float(row[2])
        _dt = row[1]
        dt = datetime.strptime(_dt, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
            _dict = curr_data[meter_id]
            _dict[dt] = consumption
        except KeyError:
            _dict = {dt: consumption}
            curr_data[meter_id] = _dict
    # Now we will try and create period values by subtracting
    # the previous value for each consumption value and finally
    # from the last one the yesterday's total (old_cons).
    keys = curr_data.keys()
    for m_id in keys:
        values = curr_data[m_id].keys()
        timestamps = sorted(values)
        _dict = curr_data[m_id]
        for c in range(len(timestamps)-1, 0, -1):  # 0: stops at 1
            val1 = _dict[timestamps[c]]
            val2 = _dict[timestamps[c-1]]
            cons = val1 - val2
            _dict[timestamps[c]] = cons
        _dict[timestamps[0]] = 0  # first recorded consumption will be 0

    for meter_id in keys:
        if meter_id not in used_meters:
            series = initialize_series()  # new meter! Init new series!

        timestamps = curr_data[meter_id].keys()
        timestamps = sorted(timestamps)
        for ts in timestamps:
            dt = ts
            consumption = curr_data[meter_id][dt]
            if not consumption:
                consumption = 0
            consumption = float(consumption) / 1000.0  # make it cubic metres
            _type = "WaterCold"
                meter_data = dict of dicts of arrays
                _dict = meter_data[meter_id]
                _tuples = create_15_mins(dt, consumption)
                for t in _tuples:
            except KeyError:  # add new meter data
                _tuples = create_15_mins(dt, consumption)
                for t in _tuples:
                meter_data[meter_id] = series
                # when we create a HH we need a new username
                username = "******" + meter_id
                usernames[meter_id] = username
        keys = z_dict.keys()
        for k in keys:
            z = z_dict[k]
            if z not in z_names:
    # print meter_data
    process_data(meter_data, usernames, force, z_names, z_dict)
Exemplo n.º 4
def process_file(_filename, _path, old_cons):
    This function just gets the data row by row and creates a list of arrays
    consistent for all different csv files that will comply with the common
    process_data function in commonlib
    :param _filename:
    :param _path:
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def initialize_series():
        return dict(WaterCold=[], Electricity=[])

    with open(path.join(_path, _filename), 'r') as f:
        usernames = {}
        data = csv.reader(f, encoding="utf-8")
        meter_data = {}
        fifteen_data = {}
        x = 0
        used_meters = []  # to create a new empty series for each new meter
        for row in data:
            if x == 0:
                x += 1  # skip first row
            meter_id = row[0]
            if meter_id == "8173467":
            if not meter_id:
                meter_id = row[1]
            if meter_id not in used_meters:
                series = initialize_series()  # new meter! Init new series!
            if meter_id:
                _date = row[3]
                    _time = row[4]
                except IndexError:
                    _time = "02:05 AM"
                consumption = row[2]
                if not consumption:
                    consumption = 0
                consumption = float(consumption)
                if consumption > 99999999:
                    continue  # probably false reading
                    cons = old_cons[meter_id]
                    consumption -= float(cons)
                    consumption *= 100.0  # to get litres
                    consumption /= 1000.0
                except (KeyError, ValueError) as e:
                    log.debug("UK: Consumption value for meter %s and date %s "
                              "not inserted because %s"
                              % (meter_id, _date, repr(e)))
                    consumption = 0
                _type = "WaterCold"
                _dt = "%s %s" % (_date, _time)
                    dt = datetime.strptime(_dt, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
                except ValueError:
                    # convert 12h to 24h time
                    dt = datetime.strptime(_dt, "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p")
                #series[_type].append((dt, consumption))
                    meter_data = dict of dicts of arrays
                    _dict = meter_data[meter_id]
                    _tuples = create_15_mins(dt, consumption)
                    for t in _tuples:
                except KeyError:  # add new meter data
                    _tuples = create_15_mins(dt, consumption)
                    for t in _tuples:
                    meter_data[meter_id] = series
                    # when we create a HH we need a new username
                    username = "******" + meter_id
                    usernames[meter_id] = username
        z_names = ["UK water"]
        process_data(meter_data, usernames, False, z_names, {})
Exemplo n.º 5
def process_file(data):
    This function just gets the data row by row and creates a list of arrays
    consistent for all different csv files that will comply with the common
    process_data function in commonlib
    :param _filename:
    :param _path:
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def initialize_series():
        return dict(WaterCold=[], Electricity=[])

    usernames = {}
    meter_data = {}
    used_meters = []  # to create a new empty series for each new meter
    for row in data:
        meter_id = row[0]
        if meter_id not in used_meters:
            series = initialize_series()  # new meter! Init new series!
        _dt = row[1]
            consumption = float(row[3])
            if consumption < 0:
        except ValueError:
        if 'Electricity' in meter_id:
            _type = "Electricity"
        elif 'Water' in meter_id:
            _type = "WaterCold"
            log.debug("Consumption type not found! Skipping this row!")
        dt = datetime.strptime(_dt, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
        dt_aware = make_aware(dt, timezone('UTC'))
        gr_tz = timezone("Europe/Athens")
        athens_dt = gr_tz.normalize(dt_aware.astimezone(gr_tz))
        dt = make_naive(athens_dt, gr_tz)  # athens time in naive format
        # series[_type].append((dt, consumption))
            meter_data = dict of dicts of arrays
        beg = meter_id.rfind("_") + 1
        end = meter_id.rfind("/")
        serial_no = meter_id[beg:end]
        """ because meter was swapped, the meter id was changed.
            we need to append new data to old meter id
        if serial_no == "005E4F":
            serial_no = "006047"
        try:  # find previously inserted value
            _dict = meter_data[serial_no]
            _dict[_type].append((dt, consumption))
            # print "append for %s value %s (%s)" % (_type, consumption, dt)
        except KeyError:  # add new meter data
            series[_type].append((dt, consumption))
            meter_data[serial_no] = series
            # print "create for %s value %s (%s)" % (_type, consumption, dt)
            # when we create a HH we need a new username
            username = serial_no
            usernames[serial_no] = "GR%s" % username
    z_names = ["Greece electric-water"]
    process_data(meter_data, usernames, True, z_names, {})
Exemplo n.º 6
def process_file(data, force):
    This function just gets the data row by row and creates a list of arrays
    consistent for all different csv files that will comply with the common
    process_data function in commonlib
    :param meter readings in list of lists:
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def initialize_series():
        return dict(WaterCold=[], Electricity=[])

    used_meters = []  # to create a new empty series for each new meter
    usernames = {}
    meter_data = {}
    for row in data:
        meter_id = row[0]
        if meter_id not in used_meters:
            series = initialize_series()  # new meter! Init new series!
        _dt = row[1]
            consumption = float(row[3])
            if consumption < 0:
        except ValueError:
        if 'Electricity' in meter_id:
            _type = "Electricity"
        elif 'Water' in meter_id:
            _type = "WaterCold"
            log.debug("Consumption type not found! Skipping this row!")
        dt = datetime.strptime(_dt, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
        dt_aware = make_aware(dt, timezone('UTC'))
        gr_tz = timezone("Europe/Athens")
        athens_dt = gr_tz.normalize(dt_aware.astimezone(gr_tz))
        dt = make_naive(athens_dt, gr_tz)  # athens time in naive format
        #series[_type].append((dt, consumption))
            meter_data = dict of dicts of arrays
        beg = meter_id.rfind("_") + 1
        end = meter_id.rfind("/")
        serial_no = meter_id[beg:end]
        # TODO! Find a better way to handle meter swaps
        """ because meter was swapped, the meter id was changed.
            we need to append new data to old meter id
        if serial_no == "005E4F":
            serial_no = "006047"
        try:  # find previously inserted value
            _dict = meter_data[serial_no]
            _dict[_type].append((dt, consumption))
            #print "append for %s value %s (%s)" % (_type, consumption, dt)
        except KeyError:  # add new meter data
            series[_type].append((dt, consumption))
            meter_data[serial_no] = series
            #print "create for %s value %s (%s)" % (_type, consumption, dt)
            # when we create a HH we need a new username
            username = serial_no
            usernames[serial_no] = "GR%s" % username
    z_names = ["Greece electric-water"]
    process_data(meter_data, usernames, force, z_names, {})
Exemplo n.º 7
def process_file(raw_data, _path, force, z_dict):
    This function just gets the data row by row and creates a list of arrays
    consistent for all different csv files that will comply with the common
    process_data function in commonlib
    :param _filename:
    :param _path:
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def initialize_series():
        return dict(WaterCold=[], Electricity=[])

    z_names = []
    usernames = {}
    meter_data = {}
    used_meters = []  # to create a new empty series for each new meter
    curr_data = {}  # to calculate and store periodic values from total
    for row in raw_data:
        meter_id = row[0]
        consumption = float(row[2])
        _dt = row[1]
        dt = datetime.strptime(_dt, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
            _dict = curr_data[meter_id]
            _dict[dt] = consumption
        except KeyError:
            _dict = {dt: consumption}
            curr_data[meter_id] = _dict
    # Now we will try and create period values by subtracting
    # the previous value for each consumption value and finally
    # from the last one the yesterday's total (old_cons).
    keys = curr_data.keys()
    for m_id in keys:
        values = curr_data[m_id].keys()
        timestamps = sorted(values)
        _dict = curr_data[m_id]
        for c in range(len(timestamps)-1, 0, -1):  # 0: stops at 1
            val1 = _dict[timestamps[c]]
            val2 = _dict[timestamps[c-1]]
            cons = val1 - val2
            _dict[timestamps[c]] = cons
        _dict[timestamps[0]] = 0  # first recorded consumption will be 0

    for meter_id in keys:
        if meter_id not in used_meters:
            series = initialize_series()  # new meter! Init new series!

        timestamps = curr_data[meter_id].keys()
        for ts in timestamps:
            dt = ts
            consumption = curr_data[meter_id][dt]
            if not consumption:
                consumption = 0
            consumption = float(consumption) / 1000.0  # make it cubic metres
            _type = "WaterCold"
                meter_data = dict of dicts of arrays
                _dict = meter_data[meter_id]
                _tuples = create_15_mins(dt, consumption)
                for t in _tuples:
            except KeyError:  # add new meter data
                _tuples = create_15_mins(dt, consumption)
                for t in _tuples:
                meter_data[meter_id] = series
                # when we create a HH we need a new username
                username = "******" + meter_id
                usernames[meter_id] = username
        keys = z_dict.keys()
        for k in keys:
            z = z_dict[k]
            if z not in z_names:
    process_data(meter_data, usernames, force, z_names, z_dict)