Exemplo n.º 1
def load_showlist(favored = 0):
	if not os.path.exists(_database.DBFILE):
	elif not favored:
		refresh = False
		command = 'select distinct mode from shows order by mode'
		modes = _database.execute_command(command, fetchall = True)
		mode_list = [element[0] for element in modes]
		for network in get_networks():
			if _addoncompat.get_setting(network.SITE) == 'true' and network.SITE not in mode_list:
				refresh = True
		if refresh:
	command = 'select series_title, mode, submode, url, favor, hide from shows order by series_title'
	shows = _database.execute_command(command, fetchall = True) 
	for series_title, mode, sitemode, url, favor, hide in shows:
		if _addoncompat.get_setting(mode) == False:
		elif hide is 1:
		elif favored and not favor:
		add_show(series_title, mode, sitemode, url, favor = favor, hide = hide)	
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_show_data(series_title, mode = '', sitemode = '', url = ''):
	series_title = replace_signs(smart_unicode(series_title))
	if not os.path.exists(_database.DBFILE):
	showdata = get_serie(series_title, mode, sitemode, url, forceRefresh = False)
	return showdata
def load_showlist(favored = 0):
	if not os.path.exists(_database.DBFILE):
	elif not favored:
		refresh = False
		command = 'select distinct mode from shows order by mode'
		modes = _database.execute_command(command, fetchall = True)
		mode_list = [element[0] for element in modes]
		for network in get_networks():
			if _addoncompat.get_setting(network.SITE) == 'true' and network.SITE not in mode_list:
				refresh = True
		if refresh:
	command = 'select series_title, mode, submode, url, favor, hide from shows order by series_title'
	shows = _database.execute_command(command, fetchall = True) 
	for series_title, mode, sitemode, url, favor, hide in shows:
		if _addoncompat.get_setting(mode) != 'true':
		elif hide is 1:
		elif favored and not favor:
		add_show(series_title, mode, sitemode, url, favor = favor, hide = hide)	
def get_show_data(series_title, mode = '', sitemode = '', url = ''):
	series_title = replace_signs(smart_unicode(series_title))
	if not os.path.exists(_database.DBFILE):
	showdata = get_serie(series_title, mode, sitemode, url, forceRefresh = False)
	return showdata
Exemplo n.º 5
def load_showlist(favored = 0):
	if not os.path.exists(_database.DBFILE):
	elif not favored:
		refresh = False
		command = 'select distinct mode from shows order by mode'
		modes = _database.execute_command(command, fetchall = True)
		mode_list = [element[0] for element in modes]
		for network in get_networks():
			if _addoncompat.get_setting(network.SITE) == 'true' and network.SITE not in mode_list:
				refresh = True
		if refresh:
	command = "select * from shows  where url <> '' and hide <> 1 and favor = ? order by series_title"
	shows = _database.execute_command(command, fetchall = True, values = [favored]) 
	for show in shows:
		add_show( masterList = True, showdata = show)	
def load_showlist(favored = 0):
	if not os.path.exists(_database.DBFILE):
	elif not favored:
		refresh = False
		command = 'select distinct mode from shows order by mode'
		modes = _database.execute_command(command, fetchall = True)
		mode_list = [element[0] for element in modes]
		for network in get_networks():
			if _addoncompat.get_setting(network.SITE) == 'true' and network.SITE not in mode_list:
				refresh = True
		if refresh:
	command = "select * from shows  where url <> '' and hide <> 1 and favor = ? order by series_title"
	shows = _database.execute_command(command, fetchall = True, values = [favored]) 
	for show in shows:
		add_show( masterList = True, showdata = show)	
Exemplo n.º 7
def refresh_db():
	if not os.path.isfile(_database.DBFILE):
		print "Creating db"
	networks = get_networks()
	dialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
	dialog.create(smart_utf8(xbmcaddon.Addon(id = ADDONID).getLocalizedString(39016)))
	total_stations = len(networks)
	current = 0
	increment = 100.0 / total_stations
	all_shows = []
	for network in networks:
		network_name = network.NAME
		if _addoncompat.get_setting(network.SITE) == 'true':
			percent = int(increment * current)
			dialog.update(percent, smart_utf8(xbmcaddon.Addon(id = ADDONID).getLocalizedString(39017)) + network.NAME, smart_utf8(xbmcaddon.Addon(id = ADDONID).getLocalizedString(39018)))
			showdata = network.masterlist()
			for show in showdata:
				series_title, mode, submode, url = show
				all_shows.append((smart_unicode(series_title.lower().strip()), smart_unicode(mode), smart_unicode(submode)))
			total_shows = len(showdata)
			current_show = 0
			for show in showdata:
				percent = int((increment * current) + (float(current_show) / total_shows) * increment)
				dialog.update(percent, smart_utf8(xbmcaddon.Addon(id = ADDONID).getLocalizedString(39017)) + network.NAME, smart_utf8(xbmcaddon.Addon(id = ADDONID).getLocalizedString(39005)) + show[0])
				get_serie(show[0], show[1], show[2], show[3], forceRefresh = False)
				current_show += 1
				if (dialog.iscanceled()):
					return False
		current += 1
	command = 'select tvdb_series_title , series_title, mode, submode, url from shows order by series_title'
	shows = _database.execute_command(command, fetchall = True) 
	for show in shows:
		tvdb_series_title, series_title, mode, submode, url = show
		if ((smart_unicode(series_title.lower().strip()),smart_unicode(mode), smart_unicode(submode)) not in all_shows and (smart_unicode(tvdb_series_title.lower().strip()),smart_unicode(mode), smart_unicode(submode)) not in all_shows):
			command = 'delete from shows where series_title = ? and mode = ? and submode = ? and url = ?;'
			values = (series_title, mode, submode, url)
			print "Deleting - " + series_title + " " + mode + " " + submode + " " + url
			_database.execute_command(command, values, fetchone = True, commit = True)
def refresh_db():
	if not os.path.isfile(_database.DBFILE):
		print "Creating db"
	networks = get_networks()
	dialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
	dialog.create(smart_utf8(xbmcaddon.Addon(id = ADDONID).getLocalizedString(39016)))
	total_stations = len(networks)
	current = 0
	increment = 100.0 / total_stations
	all_shows = []
	for network in networks:
		network_name = network.NAME
		if _addoncompat.get_setting(network.SITE) == 'true':
			percent = int(increment * current)
			dialog.update(percent, smart_utf8(xbmcaddon.Addon(id = ADDONID).getLocalizedString(39017)) + network.NAME, smart_utf8(xbmcaddon.Addon(id = ADDONID).getLocalizedString(39018)))
			showdata = network.masterlist()
			for show in showdata:
				series_title, mode, submode, url = show
				all_shows.append((smart_unicode(series_title.lower().strip()), smart_unicode(mode), smart_unicode(submode)))
			total_shows = len(showdata)
			current_show = 0
			for show in showdata:
				percent = int((increment * current) + (float(current_show) / total_shows) * increment)
				dialog.update(percent, smart_utf8(xbmcaddon.Addon(id = ADDONID).getLocalizedString(39017)) + network.NAME, smart_utf8(xbmcaddon.Addon(id = ADDONID).getLocalizedString(39005)) + show[0])
				get_serie(show[0], show[1], show[2], show[3], forceRefresh = False)
				current_show += 1
				if (dialog.iscanceled()):
					return False
		current += 1
	command = 'select tvdb_series_title , series_title, mode, submode, url from shows order by series_title'
	shows = _database.execute_command(command, fetchall = True) 
	for show in shows:
		tvdb_series_title, series_title, mode, submode, url = show
		if ((smart_unicode(series_title.lower().strip()),smart_unicode(mode), smart_unicode(submode)) not in all_shows and (smart_unicode(tvdb_series_title.lower().strip()),smart_unicode(mode), smart_unicode(submode)) not in all_shows):
			command = 'delete from shows where series_title = ? and mode = ? and submode = ? and url = ?;'
			values = (series_title, mode, submode, url)
			print "Deleting - " + series_title + " " + mode + " " + submode + " " + url
			_database.execute_command(command, values, fetchone = True, commit = True)