Exemplo n.º 1
def _get_penalty_data_part(self,x):
	from PyKEP import epoch, lambert_problem, DAY2SEC, fb_prop, propagate_lagrangian
	from math import pi, acos,cos,sin,sqrt
	from scipy.linalg import norm
	from copy import deepcopy
	from _mass_penalty import get_rp_ra_Trev
	import numpy as np
	This method returns the data needed to compute the score of a trajectory.
	Trajectory = [];
	#1 -  we 'decode' the chromosome recording the various times of flight (days) in the list T for convenience
	T = x[3::4]
	nlegs = len(x)/4
	seq = self.get_sequence()
	common_mu = seq[0].mu_central_body
	t0 = self.t0.mjd2000
	vinf_in = deepcopy(self.vinf_in)
	#2 - We compute the epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
	ep_list = list([None] * (nlegs+1))
	t_P = list([None] * (nlegs+1))
	r_P = list([None] * (nlegs+1))
	v_P = list([None] * (nlegs+1))
	DV  = list([None] * nlegs)
	for i,planet in enumerate(seq):
		ep_list[i] = t0+sum(T[:i])
		t_P[i] = epoch(t0+sum(T[:i]))
		r_P[i],v_P[i] = seq[i].eph(t_P[i])

	v_end_l = [a+b for a,b in zip(vinf_in, v_P[0])]
	#3 - And we proceed with each successive leg
	for i in xrange(nlegs):
		v_out = fb_prop(v_end_l,v_P[i],x[1+4*i]*seq[i].radius,x[4*i],seq[i].mu_self)
		#s/c propagation before the DSM
		r,v = propagate_lagrangian(r_P[i],v_out,x[4*i+2]*T[i]*DAY2SEC,common_mu)
		# append r, v, etc. to the Trajectory:
		Tr = [r_P[i-1], v_out, r, v, x[4*i+2]*T[i]*DAY2SEC];
		rPvec = np.asarray(r);
		vPvec = np.asarray(v);
		Tr = Tr + get_rp_ra_Trev(rPvec, vPvec);
		vinf = [];
		Tr = Tr + [vinf];
		#Lambert arc to reach Earth during (1-nu2)*T2 (second segment)
		dt = (1-x[4*i+2])*T[i]*DAY2SEC
		l = lambert_problem(r,r_P[i+1],dt,common_mu, False, False)
		v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
		v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]
		# append r, v, etc. to the Trajectory:
		Tr = [r, v_beg_l, r_P[i], v_end_l, (1-x[4*i+2])*T[i]*DAY2SEC];
		rPvec = np.asarray(r_P[i]);
		vPvec = np.asarray(v_end_l);
		Tr = Tr + get_rp_ra_Trev(rPvec, vPvec);
		vinf = vPvec - np.asarray(v_P[i]);
		Tr = Tr + [vinf];

        return Trajectory;
Exemplo n.º 2
def _get_penalty_data_part(self, x):
    from PyKEP import epoch, lambert_problem, DAY2SEC, fb_prop, propagate_lagrangian
    from math import pi, acos, cos, sin, sqrt
    from scipy.linalg import norm
    from copy import deepcopy
    from _mass_penalty import get_rp_ra_Trev
    import numpy as np
	This method returns the data needed to compute the score of a trajectory.

    Trajectory = []

    #1 -  we 'decode' the chromosome recording the various times of flight (days) in the list T for convenience
    T = x[3::4]
    nlegs = len(x) / 4
    seq = self.get_sequence()
    common_mu = seq[0].mu_central_body
    t0 = self.t0.mjd2000
    vinf_in = deepcopy(self.vinf_in)

    #2 - We compute the epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
    ep_list = list([None] * (nlegs + 1))
    t_P = list([None] * (nlegs + 1))
    r_P = list([None] * (nlegs + 1))
    v_P = list([None] * (nlegs + 1))
    DV = list([None] * nlegs)

    for i, planet in enumerate(seq):
        ep_list[i] = t0 + sum(T[:i])
        t_P[i] = epoch(t0 + sum(T[:i]))
        r_P[i], v_P[i] = seq[i].eph(t_P[i])

    v_end_l = [a + b for a, b in zip(vinf_in, v_P[0])]

    #3 - And we proceed with each successive leg
    for i in xrange(nlegs):
        v_out = fb_prop(v_end_l, v_P[i], x[1 + 4 * i] * seq[i].radius,
                        x[4 * i], seq[i].mu_self)
        #s/c propagation before the DSM
        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r_P[i], v_out,
                                    x[4 * i + 2] * T[i] * DAY2SEC, common_mu)

        # append r, v, etc. to the Trajectory:
        Tr = [r_P[i - 1], v_out, r, v, x[4 * i + 2] * T[i] * DAY2SEC]
        rPvec = np.asarray(r)
        vPvec = np.asarray(v)
        Tr = Tr + get_rp_ra_Trev(rPvec, vPvec)
        vinf = []
        Tr = Tr + [vinf]

        #Lambert arc to reach Earth during (1-nu2)*T2 (second segment)
        dt = (1 - x[4 * i + 2]) * T[i] * DAY2SEC
        l = lambert_problem(r, r_P[i + 1], dt, common_mu, False, False)
        v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
        v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]

        # append r, v, etc. to the Trajectory:
        Tr = [
            r, v_beg_l, r_P[i], v_end_l, (1 - x[4 * i + 2]) * T[i] * DAY2SEC
        rPvec = np.asarray(r_P[i])
        vPvec = np.asarray(v_end_l)
        Tr = Tr + get_rp_ra_Trev(rPvec, vPvec)
        vinf = vPvec - np.asarray(v_P[i])
        Tr = Tr + [vinf]

    return Trajectory
Exemplo n.º 3
def _get_penalty_data(self,x):
	""" getTrajectory takes a genome x, and returns a Trajectory variable that is a list of all r, v, and time of flights
		Trajectory = [[r0, v0_out, r1, v1_in, tof, rp, ra, Trev, vinf], [r1, v1_out, r2, v2_in, tof, rp, ra, Trev, vinf], [...]]
		tof in days
	from PyKEP import epoch, lambert_problem, propagate_lagrangian, fb_prop, DAY2SEC;
	from math import pi, acos, cos, sin;
	import numpy as np;
	from _mass_penalty import get_rp_ra_Trev
	Trajectory = [];
	#1 -  we 'decode' the chromosome recording the various times of flight (days) in the list T for convenience
	T = x[3::4]
	# reconstruct properties that are known in _mga_incipit:
	self.seq = self.get_sequence();
	self.__n_legs = len(self.seq);
	self.common_mu = self.seq[0].mu_central_body
	#2 - We compute the epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
	t_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs))
	r_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs))
	v_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs))
	DV  = list([None] * (self.__n_legs))
	for i,planet in enumerate(self.seq):
		t_P[i] = epoch(x[0]+sum(T[:i+1]))
		r_P[i],v_P[i] = self.seq[i].eph(t_P[i])

	#3 - We start with the first leg: a lambert arc
	theta = 2*pi*x[1]
	phi = acos(2*x[2]-1)-pi/2
	r = [cos(phi)*sin(theta), cos(phi)*cos(theta), sin(phi)] #phi close to zero is in the moon orbit plane injection
	r = [JR*1000*d for d in r]
	l = lambert_problem(r,r_P[0],T[0]*DAY2SEC,self.common_mu, False, False)

	#Lambert arc to reach seq[1]
	v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
	v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]
	Tr = [tuple(r), v_beg_l, r_P[0], v_end_l, T[0]*DAY2SEC];
	rPvec = np.asarray(r_P[0]);
	vPvec = np.asarray(v_end_l);
	Tr = Tr + get_rp_ra_Trev(rPvec, vPvec);
	vinf = vPvec - np.asarray(v_P[0]);
	Tr = Tr + [vinf];

	#First DSM occuring at the very beginning (will be cancelled by the optimizer)
	DV[0] = abs(np.linalg.norm(v_beg_l) - 3400)

	#4 - And we proceed with each successive leg
	for i in xrange(1,self.__n_legs):
		v_out = fb_prop(v_end_l,v_P[i-1],x[1+4*i]*self.seq[i-1].radius,x[4*i],self.seq[i-1].mu_self)
		#s/c propagation before the DSM
		r,v = propagate_lagrangian(r_P[i-1],v_out,x[4*i+2]*T[i]*DAY2SEC,self.common_mu)
		# append r, v, etc. to the Trajectory:
		Tr = [r_P[i-1], v_out, r, v, x[4*i+2]*T[i]*DAY2SEC];
		rPvec = np.asarray(r);
		vPvec = np.asarray(v);
		Tr = Tr + get_rp_ra_Trev(rPvec, vPvec);
		vinf = [];
		Tr = Tr + [vinf];
		#Lambert arc to reach Earth during (1-nu2)*T2 (second segment)
		dt = (1-x[4*i+2])*T[i]*DAY2SEC
		l = lambert_problem(r,r_P[i],dt,self.common_mu, False, False)
		v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
		v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]
		# append r, v, etc. to the Trajectory:
		Tr = [r, v_beg_l, r_P[i], v_end_l, (1-x[4*i+2])*T[i]*DAY2SEC];
		rPvec = np.asarray(r_P[i]);
		vPvec = np.asarray(v_end_l);
		Tr = Tr + get_rp_ra_Trev(rPvec, vPvec);
		vinf = vPvec - np.asarray(v_P[i]);
		Tr = Tr + [vinf];
		#DSM occuring at time nu2*T2
		DV[i] = np.linalg.norm([a-b for a,b in zip(v_beg_l,v)])
	return Trajectory;  		
Exemplo n.º 4
def _get_penalty_data(self, x):
    """ getTrajectory takes a genome x, and returns a Trajectory variable that is a list of all r, v, and time of flights
		Trajectory = [[r0, v0_out, r1, v1_in, tof, rp, ra, Trev, vinf], [r1, v1_out, r2, v2_in, tof, rp, ra, Trev, vinf], [...]]
		tof in days

    from PyKEP import epoch, lambert_problem, propagate_lagrangian, fb_prop, DAY2SEC
    from math import pi, acos, cos, sin
    import numpy as np
    from _mass_penalty import get_rp_ra_Trev

    Trajectory = []

    #1 -  we 'decode' the chromosome recording the various times of flight (days) in the list T for convenience
    T = x[3::4]

    # reconstruct properties that are known in _mga_incipit:
    self.seq = self.get_sequence()
    self.__n_legs = len(self.seq)
    self.common_mu = self.seq[0].mu_central_body

    #2 - We compute the epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
    t_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs))
    r_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs))
    v_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs))
    DV = list([None] * (self.__n_legs))

    for i, planet in enumerate(self.seq):
        t_P[i] = epoch(x[0] + sum(T[:i + 1]))
        r_P[i], v_P[i] = self.seq[i].eph(t_P[i])

    #3 - We start with the first leg: a lambert arc
    theta = 2 * pi * x[1]
    phi = acos(2 * x[2] - 1) - pi / 2
    r = [cos(phi) * sin(theta),
         cos(phi) * cos(theta),
         sin(phi)]  #phi close to zero is in the moon orbit plane injection
    r = [JR * 1000 * d for d in r]

    l = lambert_problem(r, r_P[0], T[0] * DAY2SEC, self.common_mu, False,

    #Lambert arc to reach seq[1]
    v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
    v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]
    Tr = [tuple(r), v_beg_l, r_P[0], v_end_l, T[0] * DAY2SEC]
    rPvec = np.asarray(r_P[0])
    vPvec = np.asarray(v_end_l)
    Tr = Tr + get_rp_ra_Trev(rPvec, vPvec)
    vinf = vPvec - np.asarray(v_P[0])
    Tr = Tr + [vinf]

    #First DSM occuring at the very beginning (will be cancelled by the optimizer)
    DV[0] = abs(np.linalg.norm(v_beg_l) - 3400)

    #4 - And we proceed with each successive leg
    for i in xrange(1, self.__n_legs):
        v_out = fb_prop(v_end_l, v_P[i - 1],
                        x[1 + 4 * i] * self.seq[i - 1].radius, x[4 * i],
                        self.seq[i - 1].mu_self)
        #s/c propagation before the DSM
        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r_P[i - 1], v_out,
                                    x[4 * i + 2] * T[i] * DAY2SEC,
        # append r, v, etc. to the Trajectory:
        Tr = [r_P[i - 1], v_out, r, v, x[4 * i + 2] * T[i] * DAY2SEC]
        rPvec = np.asarray(r)
        vPvec = np.asarray(v)
        Tr = Tr + get_rp_ra_Trev(rPvec, vPvec)
        vinf = []
        Tr = Tr + [vinf]

        #Lambert arc to reach Earth during (1-nu2)*T2 (second segment)
        dt = (1 - x[4 * i + 2]) * T[i] * DAY2SEC
        l = lambert_problem(r, r_P[i], dt, self.common_mu, False, False)
        v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
        v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]
        # append r, v, etc. to the Trajectory:
        Tr = [
            r, v_beg_l, r_P[i], v_end_l, (1 - x[4 * i + 2]) * T[i] * DAY2SEC
        rPvec = np.asarray(r_P[i])
        vPvec = np.asarray(v_end_l)
        Tr = Tr + get_rp_ra_Trev(rPvec, vPvec)
        vinf = vPvec - np.asarray(v_P[i])
        Tr = Tr + [vinf]

        #DSM occuring at time nu2*T2
        DV[i] = np.linalg.norm([a - b for a, b in zip(v_beg_l, v)])
    return Trajectory