Exemplo n.º 1
def _compare_eq_dict(left, right, verbose=0):
    explanation = []
    common = set(left).intersection(set(right))
    same = {k: left[k] for k in common if left[k] == right[k]}
    if same and verbose < 2:
        explanation += [u"Omitting %s identical items, use -vv to show" % len(same)]
    elif same:
        explanation += [u"Common items:"]
        explanation += pprint.pformat(same).splitlines()
    diff = {k for k in common if left[k] != right[k]}
    if diff:
        explanation += [u"Differing items:"]
        for k in diff:
            explanation += [saferepr({k: left[k]}) + " != " + saferepr({k: right[k]})]
    extra_left = set(left) - set(right)
    if extra_left:
        explanation.append(u"Left contains more items:")
            pprint.pformat({k: left[k] for k in extra_left}).splitlines()
    extra_right = set(right) - set(left)
    if extra_right:
        explanation.append(u"Right contains more items:")
            pprint.pformat({k: right[k] for k in extra_right}).splitlines()
    return explanation
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_real_func(obj):
    """ gets the real function object of the (possibly) wrapped object by
    functools.wraps or functools.partial.
    start_obj = obj
    for i in range(100):
        # __pytest_wrapped__ is set by @pytest.fixture when wrapping the fixture function
        # to trigger a warning if it gets called directly instead of by pytest: we don't
        # want to unwrap further than this otherwise we lose useful wrappings like @mock.patch (#3774)
        new_obj = getattr(obj, "__pytest_wrapped__", None)
        if isinstance(new_obj, _PytestWrapper):
            obj = new_obj.obj
        new_obj = getattr(obj, "__wrapped__", None)
        if new_obj is None:
        obj = new_obj
        raise ValueError(
            ("could not find real function of {start}\nstopped at {current}").format(
                start=saferepr(start_obj), current=saferepr(obj)
    if isinstance(obj, functools.partial):
        obj = obj.func
    return obj
Exemplo n.º 3
def _compare_eq_sequence(left, right, verbose=0):
    explanation = []
    len_left = len(left)
    len_right = len(right)
    for i in range(min(len_left, len_right)):
        if left[i] != right[i]:
            explanation += [u"At index %s diff: %r != %r" % (i, left[i], right[i])]
    len_diff = len_left - len_right

    if len_diff:
        if len_diff > 0:
            dir_with_more = "Left"
            extra = saferepr(left[len_right])
            len_diff = 0 - len_diff
            dir_with_more = "Right"
            extra = saferepr(right[len_left])

        if len_diff == 1:
            explanation += [u"%s contains one more item: %s" % (dir_with_more, extra)]
            explanation += [
                u"%s contains %d more items, first extra item: %s"
                % (dir_with_more, len_diff, extra)
    return explanation
Exemplo n.º 4
def _compare_eq_set(left, right, verbose=0):
    explanation = []
    diff_left = left - right
    diff_right = right - left
    if diff_left:
        explanation.append(u"Extra items in the left set:")
        for item in diff_left:
    if diff_right:
        explanation.append(u"Extra items in the right set:")
        for item in diff_right:
    return explanation
Exemplo n.º 5
def assertrepr_compare(config, op, left, right):
    """Return specialised explanations for some operators/operands"""
    width = 80 - 15 - len(op) - 2  # 15 chars indentation, 1 space around op
    left_repr = saferepr(left, maxsize=int(width // 2))
    right_repr = saferepr(right, maxsize=width - len(left_repr))

    summary = u"%s %s %s" % (ecu(left_repr), op, ecu(right_repr))

    verbose = config.getoption("verbose")
    explanation = None
        if op == "==":
            if istext(left) and istext(right):
                explanation = _diff_text(left, right, verbose)
                if issequence(left) and issequence(right):
                    explanation = _compare_eq_sequence(left, right, verbose)
                elif isset(left) and isset(right):
                    explanation = _compare_eq_set(left, right, verbose)
                elif isdict(left) and isdict(right):
                    explanation = _compare_eq_dict(left, right, verbose)
                elif type(left) == type(right) and (isdatacls(left) or isattrs(left)):
                    type_fn = (isdatacls, isattrs)
                    explanation = _compare_eq_cls(left, right, verbose, type_fn)
                elif verbose > 0:
                    explanation = _compare_eq_verbose(left, right)
                if isiterable(left) and isiterable(right):
                    expl = _compare_eq_iterable(left, right, verbose)
                    if explanation is not None:
                        explanation = expl
        elif op == "not in":
            if istext(left) and istext(right):
                explanation = _notin_text(left, right, verbose)
    except outcomes.Exit:
    except Exception:
        explanation = [
            u"(pytest_assertion plugin: representation of details failed.  "
            u"Probably an object has a faulty __repr__.)",

    if not explanation:
        return None

    return [summary] + explanation
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_maxsize_error_on_instance():
    class A:
        def __repr__():
            raise ValueError("...")

    s = saferepr(("*" * 50, A()), maxsize=25)
    assert len(s) == 25
    assert s[0] == "(" and s[-1] == ")"
Exemplo n.º 7
def _compare_eq_sequence(left, right, verbose=0):
    explanation = []
    for i in range(min(len(left), len(right))):
        if left[i] != right[i]:
            explanation += [u"At index %s diff: %r != %r" % (i, left[i], right[i])]
    if len(left) > len(right):
        explanation += [
            u"Left contains more items, first extra item: %s"
            % saferepr(left[len(right)])
    elif len(left) < len(right):
        explanation += [
            u"Right contains more items, first extra item: %s"
            % saferepr(right[len(left)])
    return explanation
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_maxsize_error_on_instance():
    class A:
        def __repr__(self):
            raise ValueError("...")

    s = saferepr(("*" * 50, A()), maxsize=25)
    assert len(s) == 25
    assert s[0] == "(" and s[-1] == ")"
Exemplo n.º 9
def _compare_eq_sequence(left, right, verbose=0):
    explanation = []
    for i in range(min(len(left), len(right))):
        if left[i] != right[i]:
            explanation += [u"At index %s diff: %r != %r" % (i, left[i], right[i])]
    if len(left) > len(right):
        explanation += [
            u"Left contains more items, first extra item: %s"
            % saferepr(left[len(right)])
    elif len(left) < len(right):
        explanation += [
            u"Right contains more items, first extra item: %s"
            % saferepr(right[len(left)])
    return explanation
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_buggy_builtin_repr():
    # Simulate a case where a repr for a builtin raises.
    # reprlib dispatches by type name, so use "int".

    class int:
        def __repr__(self):
            raise ValueError("Buggy repr!")

    assert "Buggy" in saferepr(int())
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_exceptions():
    class BrokenRepr:
        def __init__(self, ex):
            self.ex = ex

        def __repr__(self):
            raise self.ex

    class BrokenReprException(Exception):
        __str__ = None
        __repr__ = None

    assert "Exception" in saferepr(BrokenRepr(Exception("broken")))
    s = saferepr(BrokenReprException("really broken"))
    assert "TypeError" in s
    assert "TypeError" in saferepr(BrokenRepr("string"))

    s2 = saferepr(BrokenRepr(BrokenReprException("omg even worse")))
    assert "NameError" not in s2
    assert "unknown" in s2
Exemplo n.º 12
def _saferepr(obj: object) -> str:
    r"""Get a safe repr of an object for assertion error messages.

    The assertion formatting (util.format_explanation()) requires
    newlines to be escaped since they are a special character for it.
    Normally assertion.util.format_explanation() does this but for a
    custom repr it is possible to contain one of the special escape
    sequences, especially '\n{' and '\n}' are likely to be present in
    JSON reprs.
    return saferepr(obj).replace("\n", "\\n")
Exemplo n.º 13
def _compare_eq_dict(left: Mapping[Any, Any],
                     right: Mapping[Any, Any],
                     verbose: int = 0) -> List[str]:
    explanation: List[str] = []
    set_left = set(left)
    set_right = set(right)
    common = set_left.intersection(set_right)
    same = {k: left[k] for k in common if left[k] == right[k]}
    if same and verbose < 2:
        explanation += [
            "Omitting %s identical items, use -vv to show" % len(same)
    elif same:
        explanation += ["Common items:"]
        explanation += pprint.pformat(same).splitlines()
    diff = {k for k in common if left[k] != right[k]}
    if diff:
        explanation += ["Differing items:"]
        for k in diff:
            explanation += [
                saferepr({k: left[k]}) + " != " + saferepr({k: right[k]})
    extra_left = set_left - set_right
    len_extra_left = len(extra_left)
    if len_extra_left:
            "Left contains %d more item%s:" %
            (len_extra_left, "" if len_extra_left == 1 else "s"))
            pprint.pformat({k: left[k]
                            for k in extra_left}).splitlines())
    extra_right = set_right - set_left
    len_extra_right = len(extra_right)
    if len_extra_right:
            "Right contains %d more item%s:" %
            (len_extra_right, "" if len_extra_right == 1 else "s"))
            pprint.pformat({k: right[k]
                            for k in extra_right}).splitlines())
    return explanation
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_broken_getattribute():
    """saferepr() can create proper representations of classes with
    broken __getattribute__ (#7145)
    class SomeClass:
        def __getattribute__(self, attr):
            raise RuntimeError

        def __repr__(self):
            raise RuntimeError

    assert saferepr(SomeClass()).startswith(
        "<[RuntimeError() raised in repr()] SomeClass object at 0x")
Exemplo n.º 15
def assertrepr_compare(config, op: str, left: Any, right: Any) -> Optional[List[str]]:
    """Return specialised explanations for some operators/operands"""
    verbose = config.getoption("verbose")
    if verbose > 1:
        left_repr = safeformat(left)
        right_repr = safeformat(right)
        # XXX: "15 chars indentation" is wrong
        #      ("E       AssertionError: assert "); should use term width.
        maxsize = (
            80 - 15 - len(op) - 2
        ) // 2  # 15 chars indentation, 1 space around op
        left_repr = saferepr(left, maxsize=maxsize)
        right_repr = saferepr(right, maxsize=maxsize)

    summary = "{} {} {}".format(left_repr, op, right_repr)

    explanation = None
        if op == "==":
            explanation = _compare_eq_any(left, right, verbose)
        elif op == "not in":
            if istext(left) and istext(right):
                explanation = _notin_text(left, right, verbose)
    except outcomes.Exit:
    except Exception:
        explanation = [
            "(pytest_assertion plugin: representation of details failed: {}.".format(
            " Probably an object has a faulty __repr__.)",

    if not explanation:
        return None

    return [summary] + explanation
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_real_func(obj):
    """Get the real function object of the (possibly) wrapped object by
    functools.wraps or functools.partial."""
    start_obj = obj
    for i in range(100):
        # __pytest_wrapped__ is set by @pytest.fixture when wrapping the fixture function
        # to trigger a warning if it gets called directly instead of by pytest: we don't
        # want to unwrap further than this otherwise we lose useful wrappings like @mock.patch (#3774)
        new_obj = getattr(obj, "__pytest_wrapped__", None)
        if isinstance(new_obj, _PytestWrapper):
            obj = new_obj.obj
        new_obj = getattr(obj, "__wrapped__", None)
        if new_obj is None:
        obj = new_obj
        raise ValueError(
            ("could not find real function of {start}\nstopped at {current}"
             ).format(start=saferepr(start_obj), current=saferepr(obj)))
    if isinstance(obj, functools.partial):
        obj = obj.func
    return obj
Exemplo n.º 17
def _notin_text(term, text, verbose=0):
    index = text.find(term)
    head = text[:index]
    tail = text[index + len(term):]
    correct_text = head + tail
    diff = _diff_text(correct_text, text, verbose)
    newdiff = ["%s is contained here:" % saferepr(term, maxsize=42)]
    for line in diff:
        if line.startswith("Skipping"):
        if line.startswith("- "):
        if line.startswith("+ "):
            newdiff.append("  " + line[2:])
    return newdiff
Exemplo n.º 18
def _notin_text(term, text, verbose=0):
    index = text.find(term)
    head = text[:index]
    tail = text[index + len(term) :]
    correct_text = head + tail
    diff = _diff_text(correct_text, text, verbose)
    newdiff = [u"%s is contained here:" % saferepr(term, maxsize=42)]
    for line in diff:
        if line.startswith(u"Skipping"):
        if line.startswith(u"- "):
        if line.startswith(u"+ "):
            newdiff.append(u"  " + line[2:])
    return newdiff
Exemplo n.º 19
def _saferepr(obj):
    """Get a safe repr of an object for assertion error messages.

    The assertion formatting (util.format_explanation()) requires
    newlines to be escaped since they are a special character for it.
    Normally assertion.util.format_explanation() does this but for a
    custom repr it is possible to contain one of the special escape
    sequences, especially '\n{' and '\n}' are likely to be present in
    JSON reprs.

    r = saferepr(obj)
    # only occurs in python2.x, repr must return text in python3+
    if isinstance(r, bytes):
        # Represent unprintable bytes as `\x##`
        r = u"".join(u"\\x{:x}".format(ord(c)) if c not in
                     string.printable else c.decode() for c in r)
    return r.replace(u"\n", u"\\n")
Exemplo n.º 20
def _saferepr(obj):
    """Get a safe repr of an object for assertion error messages.

    The assertion formatting (util.format_explanation()) requires
    newlines to be escaped since they are a special character for it.
    Normally assertion.util.format_explanation() does this but for a
    custom repr it is possible to contain one of the special escape
    sequences, especially '\n{' and '\n}' are likely to be present in
    JSON reprs.

    r = saferepr(obj)
    # only occurs in python2.x, repr must return text in python3+
    if isinstance(r, bytes):
        # Represent unprintable bytes as `\x##`
        r = u"".join(
            u"\\x{:x}".format(ord(c)) if c not in string.printable else c.decode()
            for c in r
    return r.replace(u"\n", u"\\n")
Exemplo n.º 21
def _format_assertmsg(obj: object) -> str:
    r"""Format the custom assertion message given.

    For strings this simply replaces newlines with '\n~' so that
    util.format_explanation() will preserve them instead of escaping
    newlines.  For other objects saferepr() is used first.
    # reprlib appears to have a bug which means that if a string
    # contains a newline it gets escaped, however if an object has a
    # .__repr__() which contains newlines it does not get escaped.
    # However in either case we want to preserve the newline.
    replaces = [("\n", "\n~"), ("%", "%%")]
    if not isinstance(obj, str):
        obj = saferepr(obj)
        replaces.append(("\\n", "\n~"))

    for r1, r2 in replaces:
        obj = obj.replace(r1, r2)

    return obj
Exemplo n.º 22
    def from_current(cls, exprinfo=None):
        """returns an ExceptionInfo matching the current traceback

        .. warning::

            Experimental API

        :param exprinfo: a text string helping to determine if we should
                         strip ``AssertionError`` from the output, defaults
                         to the exception message/``__str__()``
        tup = sys.exc_info()
        _striptext = ""
        if exprinfo is None and isinstance(tup[1], AssertionError):
            exprinfo = getattr(tup[1], "msg", None)
            if exprinfo is None:
                exprinfo = saferepr(tup[1])
            if exprinfo and exprinfo.startswith(cls._assert_start_repr):
                _striptext = "AssertionError: "

        return cls(tup, _striptext)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def from_current(cls, exprinfo=None):
        """returns an ExceptionInfo matching the current traceback

        .. warning::

            Experimental API

        :param exprinfo: a text string helping to determine if we should
                         strip ``AssertionError`` from the output, defaults
                         to the exception message/``__str__()``
        tup = sys.exc_info()
        assert tup[0] is not None, "no current exception"
        _striptext = ""
        if exprinfo is None and isinstance(tup[1], AssertionError):
            exprinfo = getattr(tup[1], "msg", None)
            if exprinfo is None:
                exprinfo = saferepr(tup[1])
            if exprinfo and exprinfo.startswith(cls._assert_start_repr):
                _striptext = "AssertionError: "

        return cls(tup, _striptext)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def from_exc_info(
        exc_info: Tuple["Type[_E]", "_E", TracebackType],
        exprinfo: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> "ExceptionInfo[_E]":
        """Returns an ExceptionInfo for an existing exc_info tuple.

        .. warning::

            Experimental API

        :param exprinfo: a text string helping to determine if we should
                         strip ``AssertionError`` from the output, defaults
                         to the exception message/``__str__()``
        _striptext = ""
        if exprinfo is None and isinstance(exc_info[1], AssertionError):
            exprinfo = getattr(exc_info[1], "msg", None)
            if exprinfo is None:
                exprinfo = saferepr(exc_info[1])
            if exprinfo and exprinfo.startswith(cls._assert_start_repr):
                _striptext = "AssertionError: "

        return cls(exc_info, _striptext)
Exemplo n.º 25
def _format_assertmsg(obj):
    """Format the custom assertion message given.

    For strings this simply replaces newlines with '\n~' so that
    util.format_explanation() will preserve them instead of escaping
    newlines.  For other objects saferepr() is used first.

    # reprlib appears to have a bug which means that if a string
    # contains a newline it gets escaped, however if an object has a
    # .__repr__() which contains newlines it does not get escaped.
    # However in either case we want to preserve the newline.
    replaces = [(u"\n", u"\n~"), (u"%", u"%%")]
    if not isinstance(obj, six.string_types):
        obj = saferepr(obj)
        replaces.append((u"\\n", u"\n~"))

    if isinstance(obj, bytes):
        replaces = [(r1.encode(), r2.encode()) for r1, r2 in replaces]

    for r1, r2 in replaces:
        obj = obj.replace(r1, r2)

    return obj
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_no_maxsize():
    text = "x" * DEFAULT_REPR_MAX_SIZE * 10
    s = saferepr(text, maxsize=None)
    expected = repr(text)
    assert s == expected
Exemplo n.º 27
 def _saferepr(self, obj):
     return saferepr(obj)
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_unicode():
    val = "£€"
    reprval = "'£€'"
    assert saferepr(val) == reprval
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_repr_on_newstyle() -> None:
    class Function:
        def __repr__(self):
            return "<%s>" % (self.name)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

    assert saferepr(Function())
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_big_repr():
    from _pytest._io.saferepr import SafeRepr

    assert len(saferepr(
        range(1000))) <= len("[" + SafeRepr(0).maxlist * "1000" + "]")
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_big_repr():
    from _pytest._io.saferepr import SafeRepr

    assert len(saferepr(range(1000))) <= len("[" + SafeRepr().maxlist * "1000" + "]")
Exemplo n.º 32
 def repr(self, object: object) -> str:
     """Return a 'safe' (non-recursive, one-line) string repr for 'object'."""
     return saferepr(object)
Exemplo n.º 33
 def repr(self, object):
     """ return a 'safe' (non-recursive, one-line) string repr for 'object'
     return saferepr(object)
Exemplo n.º 34
def assertrepr_compare(config, op, left, right):
    """Return specialised explanations for some operators/operands"""
    width = 80 - 15 - len(op) - 2  # 15 chars indentation, 1 space around op
    left_repr = saferepr(left, maxsize=int(width // 2))
    right_repr = saferepr(right, maxsize=width - len(left_repr))

    summary = u"%s %s %s" % (ecu(left_repr), op, ecu(right_repr))

    def issequence(x):
        return isinstance(x, Sequence) and not isinstance(x, basestring)

    def istext(x):
        return isinstance(x, basestring)

    def isdict(x):
        return isinstance(x, dict)

    def isset(x):
        return isinstance(x, (set, frozenset))

    def isdatacls(obj):
        return getattr(obj, "__dataclass_fields__", None) is not None

    def isattrs(obj):
        return getattr(obj, "__attrs_attrs__", None) is not None

    def isiterable(obj):
            return not istext(obj)
        except TypeError:
            return False

    verbose = config.getoption("verbose")
    explanation = None
        if op == "==":
            if istext(left) and istext(right):
                explanation = _diff_text(left, right, verbose)
                if issequence(left) and issequence(right):
                    explanation = _compare_eq_sequence(left, right, verbose)
                elif isset(left) and isset(right):
                    explanation = _compare_eq_set(left, right, verbose)
                elif isdict(left) and isdict(right):
                    explanation = _compare_eq_dict(left, right, verbose)
                elif type(left) == type(right) and (isdatacls(left)
                                                    or isattrs(left)):
                    type_fn = (isdatacls, isattrs)
                    explanation = _compare_eq_cls(left, right, verbose,
                elif verbose:
                    explanation = _compare_eq_verbose(left, right)
                if isiterable(left) and isiterable(right):
                    expl = _compare_eq_iterable(left, right, verbose)
                    if explanation is not None:
                        explanation = expl
        elif op == "not in":
            if istext(left) and istext(right):
                explanation = _notin_text(left, right, verbose)
    except Exception:
        explanation = [
            u"(pytest_assertion plugin: representation of details failed.  "
            u"Probably an object has a faulty __repr__.)",

    if not explanation:
        return None

    return [summary] + explanation
Exemplo n.º 35
def getdecoded(out):
        return out.decode("utf-8")
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        return "INTERNAL not-utf8-decodeable, truncated string:\n{}".format(
Exemplo n.º 36
def test_maxsize():
    s = saferepr("x" * 50, maxsize=25)
    assert len(s) == 25
    expected = repr("x" * 10 + "..." + "x" * 10)
    assert s == expected
Exemplo n.º 37
def test_unicode():
    val = u"£€"
    reprval = u"'£€'"
    assert saferepr(val) == reprval
Exemplo n.º 38
def test_repr_on_newstyle():
    class Function(object):
        def __repr__(self):
            return "<%s>" % (self.name)

    assert saferepr(Function())
Exemplo n.º 39
def test_simple_repr():
    assert saferepr(1) == "1"
    assert saferepr(None) == "None"
Exemplo n.º 40
def test_maxsize():
    s = saferepr("x" * 50, maxsize=25)
    assert len(s) == 25
    expected = repr("x" * 10 + "..." + "x" * 10)
    assert s == expected
Exemplo n.º 41
def test_baseexception():
    """Test saferepr() with BaseExceptions, which includes pytest outcomes."""
    class RaisingOnStrRepr(BaseException):
        def __init__(self, exc_types):
            self.exc_types = exc_types

        def raise_exc(self, *args):
                self.exc_type = self.exc_types.pop(0)
            except IndexError:
            if hasattr(self.exc_type, "__call__"):
                raise self.exc_type(*args)
            raise self.exc_type

        def __str__(self):

        def __repr__(self):

    class BrokenObj:
        def __init__(self, exc):
            self.exc = exc

        def __repr__(self):
            raise self.exc

        __str__ = __repr__

    baseexc_str = BaseException("__str__")
    obj = BrokenObj(RaisingOnStrRepr([BaseException]))
    assert saferepr(obj) == (
        "<[unpresentable exception ({!r}) "
        "raised in repr()] BrokenObj object at 0x{:x}>".format(
            baseexc_str, id(obj)))
    obj = BrokenObj(RaisingOnStrRepr([RaisingOnStrRepr([BaseException])]))
    assert saferepr(obj) == (
        "<[{!r} raised in repr()] BrokenObj object at 0x{:x}>".format(
            baseexc_str, id(obj)))

    with pytest.raises(KeyboardInterrupt):

    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

    with pytest.raises(KeyboardInterrupt):

    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

    with pytest.raises(KeyboardInterrupt):

    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
        saferepr(BrokenObj(RaisingOnStrRepr([BaseException, SystemExit])))
Exemplo n.º 42
 def _saferepr(self, obj):
     return saferepr(obj)
Exemplo n.º 43
 def __repr__(self) -> str:
     if self._excinfo is None:
         return "<ExceptionInfo for raises contextmanager>"
     return "<{} {} tblen={}>".format(self.__class__.__name__,
Exemplo n.º 44
def test_simple_repr():
    assert saferepr(1) == "1"
    assert saferepr(None) == "None"
Exemplo n.º 45
def getdecoded(out):
        return out.decode("utf-8")
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        return "INTERNAL not-utf8-decodeable, truncated string:\n%s" % (saferepr(out),)
Exemplo n.º 46
 def repr_args(self, entry):
     if self.funcargs:
         args = []
         for argname, argvalue in entry.frame.getargs(var=True):
             args.append((argname, saferepr(argvalue)))
         return ReprFuncArgs(args)