Exemplo n.º 1
def idwt2(coeffs, wavelet, mode='sym'):
    2D Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform. Reconstruct data from coefficients
    coeffs  - four 2D coefficients arrays arranged as follows:
                (horizontal details,
                vertical details,
                diagonal details)

    wavelet - wavelet to use (Wavelet object or name string)
    mode    - signal extension mode, see MODES
    if len(coeffs) != 2 or len(coeffs[1]) != 3:
        raise ValueError("Invalid coeffs param")
    # L -low-pass data, H - high-pass data
    LL, (LH, HL, HH) = coeffs

    (LL, LH, HL, HH) = (transpose(LL), transpose(LH), transpose(HL), transpose(HH))
    for arr in (LL, LH, HL, HH):
        if len(arr.shape) != 2:
            raise TypeError("All input coefficients arrays must be 2D")
    del arr
    if not isinstance(wavelet, Wavelet):
        wavelet = Wavelet(wavelet)

    mode = MODES.from_object(mode)
    # idwt columns
    L = []
    append_L = L.append
    for rowL, rowH in izip(LL, LH):
        append_L(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1))
    del LL, LH

    H = []
    append_H = H.append
    for rowL, rowH in izip(HL, HH):
        append_H(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1))
    del HL, HH

    L = transpose(L)
    H = transpose(H)

    # idwt rows
    data = []
    append_data = data.append
    for rowL, rowH in izip(L, H):
        append_data(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1))

    return array(data, default_dtype)
Exemplo n.º 2
def idwt2(coeffs, wavelet, mode='sym'):
    2D Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform. Reconstruct data from coefficients

    coeffs  - four 2D coefficients arrays arranged as follows (in the same way
              as dwt2 output -- see dwt2 description for details):

                (horizontal details,
                vertical details,
                diagonal details)

    wavelet - wavelet to use (Wavelet object or name string)
    mode    - signal extension mode, see MODES

    if len(coeffs) != 2 or len(coeffs[1]) != 3:
        raise ValueError("Invalid coeffs param")

    # L -low-pass data, H - high-pass data
    LL, (LH, HL, HH) = coeffs

    if not LL is None: LL = transpose(LL)
    if not LH is None: LH = transpose(LH)
    if not HL is None: HL = transpose(HL)
    if not HH is None: HH = transpose(HH)

    all_none = True
    for arr in (LL, LH, HL, HH):
        if arr is not None:
            all_none = False
            if len(arr.shape) != 2:
                raise TypeError("All input coefficients arrays must be 2D.")
    del arr
    if all_none:
        raise ValueError(
            "At least one input coefficients array must not be None.")

    if not isinstance(wavelet, Wavelet):
        wavelet = Wavelet(wavelet)

    mode = MODES.from_object(mode)

    # idwt columns
    L = []
    append_L = L.append
    if LL is None and LH is None:
        L = None
        if LL is None:
            LL = cycle([
            ])  # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array
        if LH is None:
            LH = cycle([
            ])  # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array
        for rowL, rowH in izip(LL, LH):
            append_L(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1))
    del LL, LH

    H = []
    append_H = H.append
    if HL is None and HH is None:
        H = None
        if HL is None:
            HL = cycle([
            ])  # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array
        if HH is None:
            HH = cycle([
            ])  # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array
        for rowL, rowH in izip(HL, HH):
            append_H(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1))
    del HL, HH

    if L is not None:
        L = transpose(L)
    if H is not None:
        H = transpose(H)

    # idwt rows
    data = []
    append_data = data.append
    if L is None:
        L = cycle(
            [None])  # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array
    if H is None:
        H = cycle(
            [None])  # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array
    for rowL, rowH in izip(L, H):
        append_data(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1))

    return array(data, default_dtype)
Exemplo n.º 3
def dwt2(data, wavelet, mode='sym'):
    2D Discrete Wavelet Transform.

    data    - 2D array with input data
    wavelet - wavelet to use (Wavelet object or name string)
    mode    - signal extension mode, see MODES

    Returns approximaion and three details 2D coefficients arrays.

    The result form four 2D coefficients arrays organized in tuples:

                (horizontal details,
                vertical details,
                diagonal details)

    which sometimes is also interpreted as layed out in one 2D array
    of coefficients, where:

                                |       |       |
                                | A(LL) | H(LH) |
                                |       |       |
        (A, (H, V, D))  <--->   -----------------
                                |       |       |
                                | V(HL) | D(HH) |
                                |       |       |

    data = as_float_array(data)
    if len(data.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError("Expected 2D data array")

    if not isinstance(wavelet, Wavelet):
        wavelet = Wavelet(wavelet)

    mode = MODES.from_object(mode)

    # filter rows
    H, L = [], []
    append_L = L.append
    append_H = H.append
    for row in data:
        cA, cD = dwt(row, wavelet, mode)
    del data

    # filter columns
    H = transpose(H)
    L = transpose(L)

    LL, LH = [], []
    append_LL = LL.append
    append_LH = LH.append
    for row in L:
        cA, cD = dwt(array(row, default_dtype), wavelet, mode)
    del L

    HL, HH = [], []
    append_HL = HL.append
    append_HH = HH.append
    for row in H:
        cA, cD = dwt(array(row, default_dtype), wavelet, mode)
    del H

    # build result structure
    #     (approx.,        (horizontal,    vertical,       diagonal))
    ret = (transpose(LL), (transpose(LH), transpose(HL), transpose(HH)))

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
def idwt2(coeffs, wavelet, mode='sym'):
    2D Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform. Reconstruct data from coefficients

    coeffs  - four 2D coefficients arrays arranged as follows (in the same way
              as dwt2 output -- see dwt2 description for details):

                (horizontal details,
                vertical details,
                diagonal details)

    wavelet - wavelet to use (Wavelet object or name string)
    mode    - signal extension mode, see MODES

    if len(coeffs) != 2 or len(coeffs[1]) != 3:
        raise ValueError("Invalid coeffs param")

    # L -low-pass data, H - high-pass data
    LL, (LH, HL, HH) = coeffs

    if LL is not None:
        LL = transpose(LL)
    if LH is not None:
        LH = transpose(LH)
    if HL is not None:
        HL = transpose(HL)
    if HH is not None:
        HH = transpose(HH)

    all_none = True
    for arr in (LL, LH, HL, HH):
        if arr is not None:
            all_none = False
            if len(arr.shape) != 2:
                raise TypeError("All input coefficients arrays must be 2D.")
    del arr
    if all_none:
        raise ValueError(
            "At least one input coefficients array must not be None.")

    if not isinstance(wavelet, Wavelet):
        wavelet = Wavelet(wavelet)

    mode = MODES.from_object(mode)

    # idwt columns
    L = []
    if LL is None and LH is None:
        L = None
        if LL is None:
            # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array
            LL = cycle([None])
        if LH is None:
            # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array
            LH = cycle([None])
        for rowL, rowH in izip(LL, LH):
            L.append(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1))
    del LL, LH

    H = []
    if HL is None and HH is None:
        H = None
        if HL is None:
            # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array
            HL = cycle([None])
        if HH is None:
            # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array
            HH = cycle([None])
        for rowL, rowH in izip(HL, HH):
            H.append(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1))
    del HL, HH

    if L is not None:
        L = transpose(L)
    if H is not None:
        H = transpose(H)

    # idwt rows
    data = []
    if L is None:
        # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array
        L = cycle([None])
    if H is None:
        # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array
        H = cycle([None])
    for rowL, rowH in izip(L, H):
        data.append(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1))

    return array(data, default_dtype)
Exemplo n.º 5
def dwt2(data, wavelet, mode='sym'):
    2D Discrete Wavelet Transform.

    data    - 2D array with input data
    wavelet - wavelet to use (Wavelet object or name string)
    mode    - signal extension mode, see MODES

    Returns approximation and three details 2D coefficients arrays.

    The result form four 2D coefficients arrays organized in tuples:

                (horizontal details,
                vertical details,
                diagonal details)

    which sometimes is also interpreted as laid out in one 2D array
    of coefficients, where:

                                |       |       |
                                | A(LL) | H(LH) |
                                |       |       |
        (A, (H, V, D))  <--->   -----------------
                                |       |       |
                                | V(HL) | D(HH) |
                                |       |       |

    data = as_float_array(data)
    if len(data.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError("Expected 2D data array")

    if not isinstance(wavelet, Wavelet):
        wavelet = Wavelet(wavelet)

    mode = MODES.from_object(mode)

    # filter rows
    H, L = [], []
    for row in data:
        cA, cD = dwt(row, wavelet, mode)
    del data

    # filter columns
    H = transpose(H)
    L = transpose(L)

    LL, LH = [], []
    for row in L:
        cA, cD = dwt(array(row, default_dtype), wavelet, mode)
    del L

    HL, HH = [], []
    for row in H:
        cA, cD = dwt(array(row, default_dtype), wavelet, mode)
    del H

    # build result structure
    #     (approx.,        (horizontal,    vertical,       diagonal))
    ret = (transpose(LL), (transpose(LH), transpose(HL), transpose(HH)))

    return ret