Exemplo n.º 1
    def do_something(self):
        if 11 == self._request:
            self._device_id = self._device
        elif 10007 == self._request:
                body1 = self._body[self._client_header_length:]
                body_json = json.loads(body1)
                box_id = body_json["serialid"]
                re7 = requests.get("", params={'ip': self._ip})
                js7 = re7.json()
                ver_code = js7["result"]["vercode"]
                ret_val = {}
                ret_val["appServerUrl"] = ""
                ret_val["result"] = {"code": ver_code, "port": 3050}
                ret_val["status"] = 0
                body1 = json.dumps(ret_val)

                logging.debug(" ret json: %s   ret val %s: ", js7, ret_val)

                parts = unpack('6I', self._body[:self._client_header_length])
                parts = [ntohl(x) for x in parts]
                parts[4] = len(body1)
                info_header = pack("6I", htonl(parts[0]), htonl(parts[1]), htonl(parts[2]), htonl(parts[3]), htonl(parts[4]), htonl(parts[5]))

                packet_body = info_header + body1
                self._body = packet_body
                self._length = len(packet_body)
            except Exception, e:
Exemplo n.º 2
    def send_packet_back(self):
        from socket import htonl

        ip = htonl(unpack('I', socket.inet_aton(self._ip))[0])
        header = pack("2I32sdII", htonl(self._device_type),
                      htonl(self._device_id), self._md5, self._timestamp,
                      htonl(len(self._body)), ip)

        parts = unpack('6I', self._body[:self._client_header_length])
        body1 = self._body[self._client_header_length:]
        parts = [ntohl(x) for x in parts]
        parts[5] = self._device
        parts[4] = len(body1)
        send_header = pack("6I", htonl(parts[0]), htonl(parts[1]), htonl(parts[2]), htonl(parts[3]), htonl(parts[4]), htonl(parts[5]))
        msg = header + send_header + body1
        if parts[2] != 11: 
            logging.debug('send packet back: header(%d, %d, %s, %.4f, %d, %s)'
                          % (self._device_type, self._device_id, self._md5,
                             self._timestamp, len(self._body), self._ip))
            logging.debug('send body: header(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) body:%s'
                % (parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], parts[3], parts[4], parts[5],body1))
        self._stream.read_bytes(BUSINESS_HEADER_LENGTH, self.read_packet_header)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def fun90003(self):

        if self._device_type == self.type_map["app"]:
            """ app request res url. app to app"""
            self._device_type = self.type_map["app"]

            ret_dic = {}
            # try:
            #     re = requests.get("url", params="??")
            #     js = re.json()
            #     ret_dic["status"] = 0
            #     ret_dic["server"] = js["server"]
            #     ret_dic["infoserver"] = js["infoserver"]
            #     ret_dic["id"] = js["id"]
            # except Exception, e:
            #     ret_dic["status"] = 1
            #     ret_dic["error"] = e
            ret_dic['status'] = 0
            ret_dic['server'] = ""
            ret_dic['id'] = 1
            ret_dic['infoserver'] = ""
            js_dic = json.dumps(ret_dic)
            self._length = len(js_dic)
                body1 = self._body[self._client_header_length:]
                logging.debug("body1  %s" % body1)
                body_json = json.loads(body1)
                touid = body_json["touid"]
                logging.debug("touid %s " % touid)
                re3 = requests.get("", params={'vercode': touid})
                js3 = re3.json()
                self._device = js3["result"]["boxid"]
            except Exception, e:

            print 'header ', self._author, self._version, self._request, self._verify, self._length, self._device
            header = pack("6I", htonl(self._author), htonl(self._version), htonl(self._request),
                          htonl(self._verify), htonl(self._length), htonl(self._device))
            self._body = header + json.dumps(js_dic)
Exemplo n.º 4
        elif self._device_type == self.type_map["box"]:
            """ send apps. box to app  """
            self._device_type = self.type_map["app"]
            self._request = 90002

            body1 = self._body[self._client_header_length:]
            js = json.loads(body1)

            t_uid_s = [x for x in js["touids"]]
            for to_uid in t_uid_s:
                body_app = {"touid": to_uid, "message": js["message"], "type": js["type"]}
                body_js = json.dumps(body_app)
                self._length = len(body_js)

                header = pack("6I", htonl(self._author), htonl(self._version), htonl(self._request),
                              htonl(self._verify), htonl(self._length), htonl(self._device))
                self._body = header + body_js

                logging.debug('read body: header(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) body:%s'
                              % (self._author, self._version, self._request,
                                 self._verify, self._length, self._device, body_js))

    def fun90011(self):

    def fun90012(self):

    def fun90013(selfs):