Exemplo n.º 1
def main(p_choices, s_choices):
    problems = [PROBLEMS[i-1] for i in map(int, p_choices)]
    searches = [SEARCHES[i-1] for i in map(int, s_choices)]
    for pname, problem_fn in problems:
        for sname, search_fn, heuristic in searches:
            hstring = heuristic if not heuristic else " with {}".format(heuristic)
            print("\nSolving {} using {}{}...".format(pname, sname, hstring))
            problem_instance = problem_fn()
            heuristic_fn = None if not heuristic else getattr(problem_instance, heuristic)
            run_search(problem_instance, search_fn, heuristic_fn)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(p_choices, s_choices):
    problems = [PROBLEMS[i - 1] for i in map(int, p_choices)]
    searches = [SEARCHES[i - 1] for i in map(int, s_choices)]

    #columns=['Problem', 'Number', 'Search Method', 'Heuristic', \
    #        'Actions',  'Expansions', 'Goal Tests',  'New Nodes' \
    #        'Plan length', 'Time']
    #results = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)

    results = []

    for pname, problem_fn in problems:
        for sname, search_fn, heuristic in searches:
            hstring = heuristic if not heuristic else " with {}".format(
            print("\nSolving {} using {}{}...".format(pname, sname, hstring))

            problem_instance = problem_fn()
            heuristic_fn = None if not heuristic else getattr(
                problem_instance, heuristic)
            ip, plan_length, time = run_search(problem_instance, search_fn,

            results.append([pname, sname, hstring, ip, plan_length, time])

            with open("results.txt", "w") as f:
                for s in results:
                    f.write(str(s) + "\n")
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(p_choices, s_choices):
    problems = [PROBLEMS[i - 1] for i in map(int, p_choices)]
    searches = [SEARCHES[i - 1] for i in map(int, s_choices)]
    out_list = []

    for pname, problem_fn in problems:
        for sname, search_fn, heuristic in searches:
            hstring = heuristic if not heuristic else " with {}".format(
            print("\nSolving {} using {}{}...".format(pname, sname, hstring))

            problem_instance = problem_fn()
            heuristic_fn = None if not heuristic else getattr(
                problem_instance, heuristic)
            out = "{},{}{},{}".format(
                pname, sname, hstring,
                run_search(problem_instance, search_fn, heuristic_fn))

    import datetime
    curr_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H%M%S")
    with open("output_{}.csv".format(curr_time), "w") as f:
        for l in out_list:
        print("print output to output_{}.csv".format(curr_time))
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(p_choices, s_choices):
    problems = [PROBLEMS[i - 1] for i in map(int, p_choices)]
    searches = [SEARCHES[i - 1] for i in map(int, s_choices)]
    for pname, problem_fn in problems:
        for sname, search_fn, heuristic in searches:
            hstring = heuristic if not heuristic else " with {}".format(
            #print("\nSolving {} using {}{}...".format(pname, sname, hstring))

            problem_instance = problem_fn()
            heuristic_fn = None if not heuristic else getattr(
                problem_instance, heuristic)
            run_search(problem_instance, search_fn, heuristic_fn, pname, sname,
Exemplo n.º 5
        return have_relations + eaten_relations

    return HaveCakeProblem(get_init(), get_goal())

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = have_cake()
    print("**** Have Cake example problem setup ****")
    print("Fluents in this problem are:")
    for f in p.state_map:
        print('   {}'.format(f))

    print("Initial state for this problem is {}".format(p.initial))
    print("Actions for this domain are:")
    for a in p.actions_list:
        print('   {}{}'.format(a.name, a.args))
    print("Goal requirement for this problem are:")
    for g in p.goal:
        print('   {}'.format(g))
    print("*** Breadth First Search")
    run_search(p, breadth_first_search)
    print("*** Depth First Search")
    run_search(p, depth_first_graph_search)
    print("*** Uniform Cost Search")
    run_search(p, uniform_cost_search)
    print("*** Greedy Best First Graph Search - null heuristic")
    run_search(p, greedy_best_first_graph_search, parameter=lambda x: 0)
    print("*** A-star null heuristic")
    run_search(p, astar_search, lambda x: 0)