Exemplo n.º 1
def calc_enthalpy(point_dict):
    Calculate the enthalpy and total water mixing ratio
    for an air parcel, given a dictionary or parameters

    point_dict: dictionary
              dictionary with the following keys
          units: point letter, K  kg/kg kg/kg Pa 
    vals: named tuple
         tuple with dictionary values plus rt (kg/kg)  and enthalpy (J/kg)
    point_dict['rt'] = point_dict['rv'] + point_dict['rl']
    vals = make_tuple(point_dict)
    cp = c.cpd + vals.rt*c.cl
    point_dict['enthalpy'] =  cp*vals.temp + find_lv(vals.temp)*vals.rv
    vals = make_tuple(point_dict)
    return vals
Exemplo n.º 2
def find_derivs(var_vec, the_time, cloud_tup):
    calcuate derivatives of var_vec 


    var_vec: vector(float)
        vector of values to be integrated

    the_time: float

    cloud_tup: namedtuple
           tuple of necessary coefficients


    deriv_vec: vector(float)
         derivatives of each of var_vec
    # print('inside: ',var_vec)
    temp, press, height = var_vec[-3:]
    numrads = len(var_vec) - 3
    dry_radius = cloud_tup.dry_radius
    rho = press / (c.Rd * temp)
    # find the evironmental S by water balance
    S = Scalc(var_vec, cloud_tup)
    deriv_vec = np.zeros_like(var_vec)
    # dropgrow notes equaton 18 (W&H p. 170)
    for i in range(numrads):
        m = cloud_tup.masses[i]
        if var_vec[i] < dry_radius[i]:
            var_vec[i] = dry_radius[i]
        Seq = cloud_tup.koehler_fun(var_vec[i], m)
        rhovr = (Seq * find_esat(temp)) / (c.Rv * temp)
        rhovinf = S * find_esat(temp) / (c.Rv * temp)
        # day 25 drop_grow.pdf eqn. 18
        deriv_vec[i] = (c.D / (var_vec[i] * c.rhol)) * (rhovinf - rhovr)
    # moist adiabat day 25 equation 21a
    deriv_vec[-3] = find_lv(temp) / c.cpd * wlderiv(var_vec, deriv_vec, cloud_tup) - c.g0 / c.cpd * cloud_tup.wvel
    # hydrostatic balance  dp/dt = -rho g dz/dt
    deriv_vec[-2] = -1.0 * rho * c.g0 * cloud_tup.wvel
    # how far up have we traveled?
    deriv_vec[-1] = cloud_tup.wvel
    return deriv_vec
Exemplo n.º 3
def therm_calc(the_row):
    rT = cloud_vars['wt']
    S = the_row[-1]
    temp, press,height = the_row[-4:-1]
    esat = find_esat(temp)
    e = S*esat
    rv = c.eps*e/(press - e)  #Thompkins eqn 2.20
    Td = find_Td(rv,press)
    thetae = find_thetaet(Td,rT,temp,press)
    hm = c.cpd*temp + find_lv(temp)*rv + c.g0*height
    return (thetae, hm)